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104 Cards in this Set

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ADJ. /万能的;通用的;多面手的/having many talents; capable of working in many fields. She was a versatile athlete, earning varsity let?ters in basketball, hockey, and track.
N. /顶点/summit. Let us drop a perpendicular line from the vertex of the triangle to the base.
N. /晕眩/severe dizziness. When you test potential air?plane pilots for susceptibility to spells of vertigo, be sure to hand out air-sickness bags.
N. /神韵;活力;热情/enthusiasm; liveliness. She approached her stud?ies with such verve that it was impossible for her to do poorly.
N. /遗迹;痕迹;残留物/trace; remains. We discovered vestiges of early Indian life in the cave. vestigial,ADJ.
N. /激怒;惹恼/annoy; distress. Please try not to vex your mother; she is doing the best she can.
ADJ. /能养活的;可行的/practical or workable; capable of maintaining life. That idea won't work. Let me see whether I can come up with a viable alternative.
ADJ. /代理的;代理人的/acting as a substitute; done by a deputy. Many people get a vicarious thrill at the movies by imagin?ing they are the characters on the screen.
N. /转运/change of fortune. Humbled by life's vicissi?tudes, the last emperor of China worked as a lowly gar?dener in the palace over which he had once ruled.
V. /竞争/contend; compete. Politicians vie with one another, competing for donations and votes.
N. /警惕/watchfulness. Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.
N. /小插图/picture; short literary sketch. The New Yorker published her latest vignette.
N. /活力/active strength. Although he was over seventy years old, Jack had the vigor of a man in his prime. vigor?OUS,ADJ.
V. /诽谤;辱骂/slander. Waging a highly negative campaign, the candidate attempted to vilify his opponent's reputation. vili?fication, N.
V. /辩护;维护/clear from blame; exonerate; justify or sup?port. The lawyer's goal was to vindicate her client and prove him innocent on all charges. The critics' extremely favorable reviews vindicate my opinion that The Madness of King George is a brilliant movie.
ADJ. /报复性的/out for revenge; malicious. I think it's unwor?thy of Martha to be so vindictive; she shouldn't stoop to such petty acts of revenge.
N. /蝰蛇/poisonous snake. The habitat of the horned viper, a particularly venomous snake, is in sandy regions like the Sahara or the Sinai peninsula.
ADJ. /男子的;男子气概的/manly. I do not accept the premise that a man proves he's virile by being belligerent.
ADJ. /有效的;实质的;虚的/in essence; for practical purposes. She is a vir?tual financial wizard when it comes to money matters.
N. /美德/goodness, moral excellence; good quality. Virtue carried to extremes can turn into vice: humility, for example, can degenerate into servility and spinelessness.
N. /艺术品鉴赏家/highly skilled artist. The child prodigy Yehudi Menuhin grew into a virtuoso whose violin performances thrilled millions. virtuosity, N.
ADJ. /剧毒的/extremely poisonous; hostile; bitter. Laid up with a virulent case of measles, Vera blamed her doctors because her recovery took so long. In fact, she became quite virulent on the subject of the quality of modern medical care.
N. /病毒/disease communicator. The doctors are looking for a specific medicine to control this virus.
ADJ. /内脏的/felt in one's inner organs. She disliked the vis?ceral sensations she had whenever she rode the roller coaster.
ADJ. /粘合的/adhesive; gluey. The trunk of the maple tree was viscid with sap.
ADJ. /粘的/sticky; gluey. Melted tar is a viscous sub?stance. Viscosity, N.
N. /老虎钳/tool for holding work in place. Before filing its edges, the locksmith took the blank key and fixed it firmly between the jaws of a vise.
ADJ. /幻想的/produced by imagination; fanciful; mystical. She was given to visionary schemes that never materialized. also N.
ADJ. /重要的;生命的;生机的/vibrant and lively; critical; living, breathing. The vital, highly energetic first aid instructor stressed that it was vital in examining accident victims to note their vital signs.
ADJ. /腐蚀的;硫酸的;讽刺的/corrosive; sarcastic. Such vitriolic criticism is uncalled for.
ADJ. /责骂的/abusive; scolding. He became more vitu?perative as he realized that we were not going to grant him his wish.
ADJ. /生动的/animated; lively. She had always been viva?cious and sparkling.
ADJ. /喊叫的;吵闹的/clamorous; noisy. The crowd grew vocifer?ous in its anger and threatened to take the law into its own hands.
N. /时尚/popular fashion. Jeans became the vogue on many college campuses.
ADJ. /挥发的;飞行的;可变的;爆炸的/changeable; explosive; evaporating rapidly. The political climate today is extremely volatile: No one can predict what the electorate will do next. Maria Callas's tem?per was extremely volatile: The only thing you could predict was that she was sure to blow up. Acetone is an extremely volatile liquid: It evaporates instantly.
N. /意志/act of making a conscious choice. She selected this dress of her own volition.
ADJ. /口齿伶俐的;爱说话的/fluent; glib; talkative. The excessively voluble speaker suffers from logorrhea: he runs off at the mouth a lot!
ADJ. /庞大的/bulky; large. A caftan is a voluminous garment; most people wearing one look as if they're draped in a small tent.
ADJ. /令人满足的/gratifying the senses. The nobility during the Renaissance led voluptuous lives.
ADJ. /贪婪的;狼吞虎咽的/ravenous. The wolf is a voracious animal, its hunger never satisfied.
N. /漩涡;漩涡中心;(争斗、讨论的)中心/whirlwind; whirlpool; center of turbulence; predicament into which one is inexorably plunged. Sucked into the vortex of the tornado, Dorothy and Toto were car?ried from Kansas to Oz.
V. /允许;赐予/grant; choose to give in reply; permit. Occa?sionally the rock star would drift out onto the balcony and vouchsafe the crowd below a glimpse of her cele?brated features. The professor vouchsafed not a word to the students' questions about what would be covered on the test.
N. /偷窥者/Peeping Tom. Nancy called her brother a voyeur when she caught him aiming his binoculars at an upstairs window of the house of the newlyweds next door.
ADJ. /易受攻击的/susceptible to wounds. His opponents could not harm Achilles, who was vulnerable only in his heel.
V. /闲聊;胡扯/speak equivocally about an issue. When asked directly about the governor's involvement in the savings and loan scandal, the press secretary waffled, talking all around the issue.
V. /飘荡;信号/moved gently by wind or waves. Daydreaming, he gazed at the leaves that wafted past his window.
ADJ. /滑稽的;爱开玩笑的/mischievous; humorous; tricky. He was a prankster who, unfortunately, often overlooked the damage he could cause with his waggish tricks. wag, N.
N. /流浪儿童;流浪者/homeless child or animal. Although he already had eight cats, he could not resist adopting yet another feline waif.
V. /暂时放弃;屈从/give up temporarily; yield. I will waive my rights in this matter in order to expedite our reaching a proper decision.
N. /尾迹;痕迹/trail of ship or other object through water; path of something that has gone before. The wake of the swan glid?ing through the water glistened in the moonlight. Reporters and photographers converged on South Carolina in the wake of the hurricane that devastated much of the eastern seaboard.
V. /打滚;沉湎;堕落/roll in; indulge in; become helpless. The hip?popotamus loves to wallow in the mud.
ADJ. /苍白的/having a pale or sickly color; pallid. Suckling asked, "Why so pale and wan, fond lover?"
V. /减少;变弱/decrease in size or strength; draw gradually to an end. When lit, does a wax candle wane?
ADJ. /荒唐的;挥霍的;放荡的;不受限制的/unrestrained; willfully malicious; unchaste. Pointing to the stack of bills, Sheldon criticized Sarah for her wanton expenditures. In response, Sarah accused Shel?don of making an unfounded, wanton attack.
V. /颤声轻唱;鸟鸣/sing; babble. Every morning the birds warbled outside her window. also N.
V. /授权;证明;批准/justify; authorize. Before the judge issues the injunction, you must convince her this action is warranted.
N. /担保;保证/guarantee; assurance by seller. The pur?chaser of this automobile is protected by the manufac?turer's warranty that the company will replace any defective part for five years or 50,000 miles.
ADJ. /机警的;小心的/very cautious. The spies grew wary as they approached the sentry.
N. /废物;饭桶;放荡的人/profligate. His neighbors denounced him as a wastrelwho had dissipated his inheritance.
N. /分水岭/crucial dividing point. The invention of the personal computer proved a historic watershed, for it opened the way to today's Information Age.
V. /增长/increase; grow. With proper handling, his fortunes waxed and he became rich.
V. /埋伏;伏击;抢劫/ambush; lie in wait. They agreed to waylay their victim as he passed through the dark alley going home.
V. /断奶;丢弃/accustom a baby to not nurse; give up a cher?ished activity. He decided he would wean himself away from eating junk food and stick to fruits and vegetables.
V. /侵蚀;风化/endure the effects of weather or other forces. He weathered the changes in his personal life with difficulty, as he had no one in whom to confide.
N. /翻滚;挣扎;骚乱;搅乱/turmoil; bewildering jumble. The existing welter of overlapping federal and state programs cries out for immediate reform.
V. /哄骗;诱骗/cajole; coax; deceive by flattery. She knows she can wheedle almost anything she wants from her father.
N. /幼兽/young wolf, dog, tiger, etc. This collie whelp won't do for breeding, but he'd make a fine pet.
V. /锐化;刺激/sharpen; stimulate. The odors from the kitchen are whetting my appetite; I will be ravenous by the time the meal is served.
N. /一吹;一喷/puff or gust (of air, scent, etc.); hint. The slightest whiff of Old Spice cologne brought memories of George to her mind.
ADJ. /无常的;古怪的/capricious; fanciful. In Mrs. Doubtfire, the hero is a playful, whimsical man who takes a notion to dress up as a woman so that he can look after his children, who are in the custody of his ex-wife. whimsy, N.
V. /马嘶/neigh like a horse. When he laughed through his nose, it sounded as if he whinnied.
V. /切;削;损害/pare; cut off bits. As a present for Aunt Polly, Tom whittled some clothespins out of a chunk of wood.
ADJ. /顽固的;故意的/intentional; headstrong. Donald had planned to kill his wife for months; clearly, her death was a case of deliberate, willful murder, not a crime of passion committed by a hasty, willful youth unable to foresee the conse?quences of his deeds.
ADJ. /狡猾的/cunning; artful. She is as wily as a fox in avoiding trouble.
V. /退缩/shrink back; flinch. The screech of the chalk on the blackboard made her wince.
N. /横财/unexpected lucky event. This huge tax refund is quite a windfall.
V. /扬谷;分出好坏/sift; separate good parts from bad. This test will winnow out the students who study from those who don't bother.
ADJ. /迷人的/agreeable; gracious; engaging. By her win?some manner, she made herself liked by everyone who met her.
ADJ. /纤细的;脆弱的/thin; slight; barely discernible. Worried about preserving his few wispy tufts of hair, Walter carefully mas?saged his scalp and applied hair restorer every night.
ADJ. /渴望的/vaguely longing; sadly thoughtful. With a last wistful glance at the happy couples dancing in the hall, Sue headed back to her room to study for her exam.
ADJ. /内向的;孤僻的/introverted; remote. Rebuffed by his col?leagues, the initially outgoing young researcher became increasingly withdrawn.
V. /凋谢;枯萎/shrivel; decay. Cut flowers are beautiful for a day, but all too soon they wither.
V. /拒给;保留/refuse to give; hold back. The tenants decided to withhold a portion of the rent until the landlord kept his promise to renovate the building.
V. /抵抗;经受住/stand up against; successfully resist. If you can withstand all the peer pressure in high school to cut classes and goof off, you should survive college just fine.
ADJ. /无知的;轻率的/foolish; idiotic. If Beavis is a half-wit, then Butthead is totally witless.
N. /俏皮话/witty saying; wisecrack. I don't mean any criti?cism, but that last witticism totally hurt my feelings.
N. /巫术,魔术/sorcery; magic. Merlin the Magician amazed the knights with his wizardry.
N. /悲哀的/deep, inconsolable grief; affliction; suffering. Pale and wan with grief, Wanda was bowed down beneath the burden of her woes.
ADJ. /世俗的/engrossed in matters of this earth; not spiri?tual. You must leave your worldly goods behind you when you go to meet your Maker.
N. /恼火;愤怒/anger; fury. She turned to him, full of wrath, and said, "What makes you think I'll accept lower pay for this job than you get?"
V. /扭曲;扭伤;曲解;折磨;拉/pull; strain; twist. She wrenched free of her attacker and landed a powerful kick to his kneecap.
V. /翻腾/twist in coils; contort in pain. In Dances with Snakes, the snake dancer wriggled sinuously as her boa constrictor writhed around her torso.
ADJ. /歪曲的;扭曲的/twisted; with a humorous twist. We enjoy Dorothy Parker's verse for its wrywit.
N. /惧外的/fear or hatred of foreigners. When the refugee arrived in America, he was unprepared for the xenophobia he found there.
N. /渴望;瘾/longing; urge. She had a yen to get away and live on her own for a while.
V. /屈服;放弃/give in; surrender. The wounded knight refused to yield to his foe.
N. /产出;(投资的)回报/amount produced; crop; income on investment. An experienced farmer can estimate the annual yield of his acres with surprising accuracy. alsoV.
V. /结合;连接/join together, unite. I don't wish to be yoked to him in marriage, as if we were cattle pulling a plow. also N.
N. /往昔/time past. He dreamed of the elegant homes of yore, but gave no thought to their inelegant plumbing.
ADJ. /滑稽的;疯狂的/crazy; comic. I can watch the Marx brothers' zany antics for hours.
N. /热心;热诚/eager enthusiasm. Katya's zeal was contagious; soon all her fellow students were busily making posters, inspired by her ardent enthusiasm for the cause. zealous,ADJ.
N. /狂热者/fanatic; person who shows excessive zeal. Though Glenn was devout, he was no zealot, he never tried to force his beliefs on his friends.
N. /顶点/point directly overhead in the sky; summit. When the sun was at its zenith, the glare was not as strong as at sunrise and sunset.
N. /和风;徐风/gentle breeze; west wind. When these zephyrs blow, it is good to be in an open boat under a full sail.