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126 Cards in this Set

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What is the sequelae of acute complete urethral obstruction
Acute renal failure
What is the sequelae of chronic partial urethral obstruction
Chronic renal failure
Define urethrotomy
Incise into urethra, usually done to remove calculi
what are the two sites for urethrotomy and when would they be indicated?
Prescrotal - used if the calculi is lodged at the cudal end of the penis. Perineal - used if calculi is lodged at brim of pelvis.
Define urethrostomy
This is used to create a permanent opening in a new location.
when would you perform a urethrostomy?
When there is a recurrent urthral obstruction that can not be fixed medically
what is the preferred location for a urethrostomy in the dog?
Scrotal approach
What is the preferred approach in a cat when doing a urethrostomy?
Perineal Urethrostomy
In a perineal urethrostomy, what part of the urethra is being opened and sutured to the skin?
The pelvic portion
Why do we use metzenbaums scissors for the deep dissection around the scrotum amd prepuce?
To avoid damage to the pudendal nerve
what 2 muscles should you isolate and transect at their insertions on the ischium?
Ischiocavernosus and ischiourethralis muscles
After a perineal urethrostomy, the animal is incontient, what nerve have you damaged?
Pudendal nerve
What is the landmark in cats that denotes the most cranial aspect to disect during a perineal urethrostomy?
Bulbourethral glands
Why do we remove sutures at 7 days post op with perineal urethrotomies?
After 7 days you can see a suture abcess
With which procedure does an animl urinate out of its abdomen?
Antepubic urethrostomy
what breed of dog is predisposed to having a prolapsed urethra?
Why do we remove sutures at 7 days post op with perineal urethrotomies?
After 7 days you can see a suture abcess
With which procedure does an animl urinate out of its abdomen?
Antepubic urethrostomy
what breed of dog is predisposed to having a prolapsed urethra?
What is the number 1 reason for bladder surgery?
Cystic calculi
In which animals is a patent ductus urachus most common?
Horses and Cows
Where do we insice when fixing a patent urachus?
We cut at the level of the detrusor muscle
What is a vesicourachal diverticulum
It is the persistence of a part of the urachus at the apex of the bladder
How do we trat a vesicourachal diverticulum
Partial cystectomy (diverticulectomy)
If you take a sample of blood and a sample of perionteal fluid and urea is equal in both asmples, what do you have?
Uroabdomen - urea molecule equilibrates quickly.
If you take a sample of blood, and a sample of peritoneal fluid and creatnine is higher in the fluid then the blood what do you have?
Uroabdomen - Creatnine molecule is generally too large to cross membranes and will become sequestered in the urine/fluid in belly and not cross back over into the blood stream
Do do a cystogram on a patient, what must you correct before the test?
hypovolemia - the patient must be normo-volemic before cystogram or IVP
If a urinary bladder has ruptured more then 24 hours in the past, what should be done to correct the severe uremia?
Peritoneal dialysis
What are 2 pros and 2 cons to doing laser lithotripsy?
Pros - Minimally invasive and hospital time is shorter

Cons - Longer anesthesia time/cost and the procedure time is longer
When attempting a cystotomy, where do we cut?
We incise on the ventral aspect in an avascular area as to avoid the trigone.
What must be preserved when performing surgery on the bladder?
The lateral ligaments that contain the ureters
What are 3 different suture patterns we use to close the bladder?
Cushing follwed by a lembert, simple continous, simple interrupted
What is the most common and also most malignant cancer of the bladder?
Transitional cell carcinoma
What benign growth may mimic neoplasia in the bladder of dogs?
Inflammatory polyps (polypoid cystitis) - this can be involved with chronic cystitis
what breed of dog is predisposed to bladder cancer?
When doing a celiotomy, what suture sizes should you use to close the abdomen?
<5kg use 3-0
5-10 use 2-0
10-30 use 0
moe then 30 use 1
a scrotal hernia is what kind of inguinal hernia?
what structures do we need to be careful of during scrotal hernia repair
Pudendal Artery and Vein as well as Genitofemoral Nerve
When does an insicional hernia occur?
Up to 7 days post surgery
What is our number one worry with perineal hernias?
Retroflexion of the bladder
What muscle is usually associated with perineal hernias?
Levator ani, and secondarily coccegeus
What is the procedure for doing a sterile abdominal lavage?
22ml/kg sterile saline into abdo. Leave in for 30 mins and then use passive drainage to get it out
Concerning diagnositcs with a peritoneal lavage, what is the cut off for WBC's that tells us that the dog has peritonitis
more then 2000 WBC per cc
The kiwi sign in radiography is indicitive of what disease?
Biliary mucoceles
Define episioplasty
Approach taken to fix perivalvular dermatitis
Define episiotomy
Approach taken for vaginal surgery
Spica splint
Applied over shoulder or hip
Velpeau splint
Applied on the flexed forelimb to support should luxation or scapular fracture.
Ehmer splint
Used as a non-wt bearing splint for the hind limb. Used when there is a coxofemoral luxation or a fracture
Which lung lobe is generaelly the one that is involed in a lobe torsion?
Right middle lobe
What stone is most commonly associated with blockages?
What diameter of the medullar cavity should an IM pin fill?
If you see a puppy that has fallen, what kind of fx do you expect
Salter Harris 4
Monteggia fracture
Fracture of the proximal ulna, combined with the cranial dislocation of the radial head.
Varus is a deviation in what direction?
Varus is a deviation in what direction?
Valgus is a deviation in what direction?
Classifications of patellar luxations
1 - in
2 - more in then out
3 - more out then in
4 - out, and theres nothing we can do about it
Valgus is a deviation in what direction?
What tests do we use when testing for a torn cranial cruciate ligament
a positive drawer test or a positive tibial compression test
Classifications of patellar luxations
1 - in
2 - more in then out
3 - more out then in
4 - out, and theres nothing we can do about it
What tests do we use when testing for a torn cranial cruciate ligament
a positive drawer test or a positive tibial compression test
What is a "creeping substitution" reffering to?
A cortical bone graft
What is the difference between radiosurgery and electrosurgery?
With radiosurgery, the electrode stays cool and only heats tissue. With electrosurgery, they entire piece heats up and can cause collateral damage.
What is electrofulgarating?
Painting the surface with current
power density
How much electricity we re delivering - high density will cut well, where a low power density wil coagulate
What are the 3 modes of delivery for laser surgery
Contunuous, pulse/chopped, super pulse
Concerning photodynamic therapy, what is the maximum depth we can treat?
What bone in the pelvis is primarily involved with load transmission
When would we surgically manage a fracture in the ischium?
If it is at the ischial tuberosity or it is hitting the sciatic nerve
What are we referring to when we talk about the rule of 15's?
We don't want inta-abdominal pressure higher then 15mmHg and we don't tilt the table more then 15 degrees
What are we referring to when we talk about the rule of 15's?
We don't want inta-abdominal pressure higher then 15mmHg and we don't tilt the table more then 15 degrees
When tilting a table, if you tilt the head down, what is the "official term"
When tilting a table, if you tilt the head down, what is the "official term"
When removing nuclus pulposus material, what kind of surgery do we do, and where is it removed from?
We do a ventral fenestration and it removes the material from the intervetebral spaces (not spinal canal or foramina
When removing nuclus pulposus material, what kind of surgery do we do, and where is it removed from?
We do a ventral fenestration and it removes the material from the intervetebral spaces (not spinal canal or foramina
What is the preferred site for a urethrostomy in the male dog?
Scrotal approach - castrate and redirect urethra though the empty sac
What elective procedure, may make treatment of diabetics or epileptics easier?
The urethral orifice opens ventral and caudal to it's normal position. Treat by excising the penis and prepuce
Can't extrude the penis from the sheath - shorten prepuce
Inability to retract penis into sheath - tx medically first by attempting to retract the penis, if surgical - preputiotomy and a partial penile amputation
The urethral orifice opens ventral and caudal to it's normal position. Treat by excising the penis and prepuce
Why do we suture the tunica albugenia in a penile lacteration?
To control the bleeding of the cavernosus muscle
Can't extrude the penis from the sheath - shorten prepuce
Inability to retract penis into sheath - tx medically first by attempting to retract the penis, if surgical - preputiotomy and a partial penile amputation
How do we perform a partial penil amputation
Transect os penic, and then transect urethra 1-2 cm cranial to that point. Suture urethra to tunica albugenia and cut back prepuce
Why do we suture the tunica albugenia in a penile lacteration?
To control the bleeding of the cavernosus muscle
How do we perform a partial penile amputation
Transect os penic, and then transect urethra 1-2 cm cranial to that point. Suture urethra to tunica albugenia and cut back prepuce
Who gets BPH?
Intact older males
What is the most common complaint with BPH
What is the top tumor type in prostates
Who do we see prostatic neoplasm in?
Both intact and castrated male dogs
When doing prostate sx, what should you evaluate for beforehand
sepsis - prostatic abcesses are associated with this
What surgical procedure is done with all surgical management of prostatic disease?
When is marsupialization indicated in prostate sx
When there is a unilocular, cyst or abscess
How are multilocular prostatic cysts treated?
Via penrose drains, whites technique, or subtotal prostatectomy
What is white's technique?
Omental drainage of a multilocular prostatic cyst
What are the advantages of doing a subtotal prostatectomy?
It has a lower recurrence of abscess and UTI's. Also, there is less chance of incontience as opposed to total prostatectomy
When do we do a total prostatectomy?
When abscesses or cysts have been refractive to other treatment. Use PPA to counteract incontience
What is the most common type of mammary tumor?
Benign fibroadenoma
Where do mammary tumors usually occur in dogs?
At the level of the 4th or 5th gland
If spayed early, (before first estrus) what is the reisk of a dog getting mammary tumors?
Less then .5%
If spayed after the first, but before the second estrus, what is the risk of a dog getting mammary tumors
About 25%
What is the rsk in cats, for a non spayed female to get mammary tumors?
7X's higher then spayed queens
In cats, what is the most common tumor type for mammary neoplasia
If lesions involve more then 50% of the kidney, what procedure is done?
What is the TOC in an intrmural ureter>
How do we treat a vesiculoruachal diverticulum
Partial cystectomy (aka diverticulectomy)
What do we expect with urea and creatnine in regards to bladder rupture
We expect the urea to be even in the peritoneal fluid as well as the serum. With creatnine we expect it to be higher in the peritoneal fluid
What is the most common indication for cystotomy in cats and dogs
Aside from cystostomy, what can we do surgically for calculi?
Laser lithotripsy
When cutting into the bladder, where do we cut to avoid the vascular area?
ventral surface
What ligaments do we preserve in bladder surgery and why?
The lateral ligaments, because that is where the ureters live
For urethrostomy, in dogs what is the surgical apporach we use?
In cats, for urethrostomy, what is the surgical approach we use?
What surgery is common in cats with nasal SCC
Nasal planum resection
When entering the thoracic trachea, where do we approach from?
The third intercostal space
What is the technique we normally use to surgically treat tracheal collapse?
Extraluminal stents
When do we use intraluminal stents in tracheal surgery
When doing a salvage procedure
Which type of prosthesis is preferred when using stents for the trachea?
Total ring prosthesis over using spiral, as spiral causes more damage and potential necrosis
What is the most common approach to surgical treatment in the thorax
Left 4th intercostal space
When would a median sternotomy be indicated?
To access the entire lung field for exploratory, a partial pericardectomy, or for aortic valve replacement
Spontaneous pneumothorax is attributed to blebs on the lung. With what disease is this thought to be associated with?
What are the 3 things that lung lobe torsion are associated with (sequelea)
venous congestion, consolidation, and pleural effusion
Which lung lobe is associated with lung lobe torsion in pugs
Left cranial lung lobe
What lung lobe is associated with torsion in all dogs besides pugs
Right middle lung lobe