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20 Cards in this Set

  • Front
  • Back
What are muscles of the trunk and neck called?
axial muscles
What are the muscles that lie dorsal to the transverse processes of the vertebrae?
What is their primary action?
Epaxial muscles

extend the vertebral column
What are the muscles that lie ventral to the transverse processes of the vertebral column? (even those of the thoracic and abdominal walls)
Hypaxial muscles
What are the hypaxial neck muscles?
longus capitus and longus colli
What is the action and innervation of longus capitis? Where does it run from?
flex the atlanto-occipital joint and draw the neck downward

innervated by ventral branches of cervical spinal nerves

from transverse processes of C2-C6 to the basioccipital bone
What is the action and innervation of longus colli? How many parts are there?
draws the neck downward

innervated by ventral branches of cervical spinal nerves

4 parts- most cranial is on atlas
Muscles that increase the size of the thoracic cavity assist with? Move the ribs which way?
inspiration- ribs move cranially and outward
Muscles that decrease the size of the thoracic cavity assist with? Move ribs which way?
expiration-move ribs caudally and inward
Which muscle is located just dorsal to the brachial plexus? (has 2 parts)


draws ribs craniall-inspiration

innervates by ventral branches of cervical and thoracic spinal nerves
Which muscle of the thoracic wall is located dorsal to the scapula and inserts on ribs 2-10?

serratus dorsalis cranialis

lifts ribs for inspiration
innervated by intecostal nn.
Which muscle of the thoracic wall originates on the thoracolumbar fascia and inserts on last 3 ribs?

serratus dorsalis caudalis

draws last few ribs caudally for expiration

innervated by intercostal nn.
Which muscle of the thoracic wall originates on the 1st rib and inserts on ribs 2-4?

rectus thoracis

aid in inspiration

innervated by intercostal nn.
Which direction do the external intercostals run?


pull ribs cranial for inspiration
innervated by intercostal nn.
Which direction do the internal intercostals run?


retract the ribs for expiration
innervated by intercostal nn.
What are the muscles of the abdominal wall?
external abdominal oblique
internal abdominal oblique
transversus abdominis
rectus abdominis
Name muscles for inspiration
Serratus dorsalis cranialis
Rectus thoracis
External intercostals
Name muscles for expiration
Serratus dorsalis caudalis
Internal intercostals
Name the muscle that flexes the atlanto-occipital joint
longus capitis
Which muscles draw the neck downward?
longus capitis and longus colli
Which muscles arise from the thoracolumbar fascia?
serratus dorsalis cranialis and caudalis