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52 Cards in this Set

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When is synchronized cardioversion a standing order?

- Unconscious SVT
- Unstable/Unconscious VT
- Unconscious A-Fib/A-Flutter with HR > or equal to 180
When is CPAP a standing order?
- Age > or equal to 15 years
- Respiratory distress; CHF, COPD, asthma, pneumonia or drowning
- Moderate to severe respiratory distress, retractions or accessory muscle use AND
- RR > or equal to 25/min OR SpO2 <94%
When is defibrillation a standing order?
- Pulseless VF/VT
- Repeat PRN
When is external cardiac pacing a standing order?
- Narrow complex bradycardia with a pulse, refractory to 1mg of Atropine
- Wide complex bradycardia
When is IO Infusion standing order?
For fluid/medication administration in an acute status patient when needed for definitive therapy and unable to establish venous access
When is intubation standing order?
Apnea or ineffective respirations for unconscious patient or decreasing LOC
List the (14) ALS Standing Order skills.
- Cardioversion (Synchronized)
- External Cardiac Pacing
- Defibrillation
- Glucose Monitoring
- Indwelling Devices Access
- Intubation
- Intraosseous Infusion
- Magil Forceps
- Naso/Orogastric Tube Insertion
- Needle Thoracostomy
- Realignment of Fracture
- Tourniquet
- Valsalva Maneuver
When is needle thoracostomy standing order?
Severe respiratory distress with unilateral breath sounds and systolic BP <90 in intubated or postive pressure patients
Abdominal Discomfort S-120
- Monitor EKG
- IV/IO SO adjust prn
- Treat pain per protocol
- 500 ml fluid bolus IV/IO for suspected volume depletion SO to sytolic BP of 80

For nausea and/or vomiting
- Zofran 4mg IV/IM/ODT SO, MR x 1 q10" SO
Abdominal Discomfort S-120
For suspected intra-abdominal catastrophe or AAA transport to facility with surgical resources immediately available and titrate fluid to systolic BP of _____.
Allergic Reaction/Anaphylaxis S-122

Define a mild allergic reaction
Rash and uticaria
Allergic Reaction/Anaphylaxis S-122

Mild allergic reaction Rx
- Benadryl 50mg SIVP/IM SO
Allergic Reaction/Anaphylaxis S-122

Define an acute allergic reaction
Facial/cervical angioedema, bronchospasm or wheezing
Allergic Reaction/Anaphylaxis S-122

Acute allergic reaction Rx
* Epi first *
- Epinephrine 1:1000 0.3mg IM SO. MR x2 q10" SO
- Benadryl 50mg IM/SIVP SO
- Albuterol 6ml 0.083% via neb SO. MR SO
- Atrovent 2.5ml 0.02% via neb added to the first dose of Alubterol SO
Allergic Reaction/Anaphylaxis S-122

Define anaphylaxis
shock or cyanosis
Allergic Reaction/Anaphylaxis S-122

Anaphylaxis Rx
- Epinephrine 1:1000 0.3mg IM SO. MR q10" x2 SO.
- 500 ml fluid bolus IV/IO for systolic BP < 90 SO. MR to maintain systolic BP of > or equal to 90 systolic SO
- Benadryl 50mg IM/SIVP SO
- Albuterol 6ml 0.083% via neb SO. MR SO
- Atrovent 2.5ml 0.02% via neb added to the first dose of Alubterol SO
- Epinephrine 1:10000 0.1mg IV/IO BHO. MR x2 q3-5" BHO
- Dopamine 400mg/250ml @ 10-40mcg/kg/min IV/IO drip; titrate systolic BP > or equal to 90 BHO
Altered Neurologic Function S-123

For suspected stroke with major deficit with onset of symptoms known to be _____ in duration, expedite transport.
< 4 hours
Altered Neurologic Function S-123

Only use supplemental O2 for O2 saturation _____.
Altered Neurologic Function S-123

True or False. In symptomatic ?opioids OD (excluding opioid dependent pain management patients) administer Narcan IV prior to IN/IM dose.
False. Administer Narcan IN/IM prior to IV dose.
Altered Neurologic Function S-123

Symptomatic ?opioids OD with respiratory rate <12 rx
* Narcan IN/IM prior to IV *
- Narcan 2mg IN/IM/IV SO titrate IV dose to effect MR SO
- If patient refuses transport give additional Narcan 2mg IM SO
Altered Neurologic Function S-123

Describe the dilution and dose of IV Narcan
Dilute 2mg/2cc dose of Narcan with an additional 8cc of NS. New dilution is 2mg/10cc. Administer .5cc and titrate to effect.
Altered Neurologic Function S-123

Hypoglycemia Rx
- D50 25Gm IV/IO SO if BS <60
- If patient remains symptomatic and BS remains <60 MR SO

If no IV:
- Glucagon 1ml IM SO if BS <60
Altered Neurologic Function S-123

Types of seizures treated SO
A. Ongoing generalized seizure lasting > or equal to 5" (includes seizure time prior to arrival of prehospital provider
B. Focal seizure with respiratory compromise
C. Recurrent seizure without lucid interval
D. Eclamptic seizure of any duration
Altered Neurologic Function S-123

Seizure rx
- Versed 0.1mg/kg SIVP (1mg/min)/IO to max dose 5mg SO (d/c if seizure stops). MR x1 SO

If no IV/IO:
- Versed 0.2mg/kg IM to max dose of 10mg SO MR x1 SO
- Versed 0.2mg/kg IN to max dose of 5mg SO MR x1 SO
Burns S-124

For patients with > or equal to _____ 2nd degree burns or > or equal to _____ 3rd degree burns Rx with the following:
For patients > or equal to 15yo
- 20%, 5%
- 500ml fluid bolus IV/IO, then TKO SO
Burns S-124

In the presence of respiratory with bronchospasm rx
Albuterol 6ml 0.083% via nebulizer SO MR SO
Burns S-124

Thermal burns of <10% BSA rx
Stop burning with non-chilled water or saline
Burns S-124

Thermal burns of > or equal to 10% BSA Rx
- Cover with dry dressings and keep warm
- Do not allow patient to become hypothermic
Burns S-124

BSA Percentages - Adult
- Head 9%
- Arms 9% each
- Chest and Back 18% each
- Legs 18% each
- Groin 1%
Burns S-124

BSA Percentages - Peds
- Head 18%
- Chest / Back 18% each
- Arms 9% each
- Legs 14% each
- Groin 1%
Burns S-124

Burn Center Criteria
- > or equal to 20% 2nd or > or equal to 5% 3rd degree of BSA
- suspected respiratory involvement or significant smoke inhalation in a confined space
- significant injury of the face, hands, feet or perineum or circumferential
- significant electrical injury due to high voltage (> 110v)
Discomfort/Pain of Suspected Cardiac Origin S-126

If systolic BP > or equal to 100 rx
- NTG 0.4mg SL SO. MR q3-5" SO
- NTG ointment 1" SO
- MS 2-4mg IV SO. MR to max of 10mg SO. MR to max of 20mg BHO.
Discomfort/Pain of Suspected Cardiac Origin S-126

If systolic BP <100 Rx
- NTG 0.4mg SL BHO. MR BHPO.
- MS 2-4mg IV BHO. MR to max of 20mg BHO.
Discomfort/Pain of Suspected Cardiac Origin S-126

With associated shock Rx
- 250cc fluid bolus with clear lungs SO. MR to maintain systolic BP > or equal to 90 SO

If BP refractory to fluid boluses:
- Dopamine 400mg/250ml @ 10-40mcg/kg/min IV/IO drip titrated to systolic BP > or equal to 90 BHO
Discomfort/Pain of Suspected Cardiac Origin S-126

True or False. Give patient additional ASA regardless of prior doses.
Discomfort/Pain of Suspected Cardiac Origin S-126

If any patient has taken an erectile dysfunction medication such as Viagra, Cialis or Levitra within _____ hours, NTG is contraindicated.
Discomfort/Pain of Suspected Cardiac Origin S-126

List additional HTN medications that NTG is also contraindicated for
- Revatio
- Flolan
- Veletri
Define the "Unstable" criteria:
Chest pain, dyspnea or altered LOC
AND BP <90
Dysrhythmias S-127
Unstable Bradycardia with a Pulse
Narrow Complex Bradycardia initial Rx
- Monitor EKG
- 250 cc fluid bolus IV/IO with clear lungs SO. MR to maintain BP > or equal to 90 SO
- Atropine 0.5mg IV/IO for pulse <60 SO. MR q3-5" to max 3mg SO
Dysrhythmias S-127
Unstable Bradycardia with a Pulse
Narrow Complex Bradycardia Rx if rhythm is refractory to a minimum of Atropine 1mg
External cardiac pacing SO
Dysrhythmias S-127
Unstable Bradycardia with a Pulse
Narrow Complex Bradycardia Rx after capture occurs and BP is > or equal to 100
Consider Morphine 2-10mg IV/IO prn SO
Dysrhythmias S-127
Unstable Bradycardia with a Pulse
Narrow Complex Bradycardia Rx for discomfort related to pacing not relieved with Morphine and BP > or equal to 100
Consider Versed 1-5mg SIVP/IO SO
Dysrhythmias S-127
Unstable Bradycardia with a Pulse
External pacing on standing orders should begin with rate set at _____ although some machines are set for other acceptable rates.
Dysrhythmias S-127
Unstable Bradycardia with a Pulse
Energy output for pacing should be dialed up until capture occurs, usually between _____ and _____ mA. The mA should then be increased a small amount, usually about _____.
- 50
- 100
- 20%
Dysrhythmias S-127
Unstable Bradycardia with Pulse
After max Atropine or initiation pacing consider the following to maintain BP of >90
Dopamine 400mg/250ml at 10-40mcg/kg/min IV/IO drip BHO
Dysrhythmias S-127
Unstable Bradycardia with a Pulse
Wide Complex Bradycardia initial Rx
- Monitor EKG
- 250ml fluid bolus IV/IO with clear lungs SO. MR to maintain BP > or equal to 90 SO
- External cardiac pacemaker SO
Dysrhythmias S-127
Initial Rx
- Monitor EKG
- 250ml fluid bolus IV/IO with clear lungs SO. MR to maintain BP > or equal to 90 SO
- Adenosine 6mg IV/IO, followed with 20ml NS IV/IO SO (patients with history of bronchospasm or COPD BHO)
- Adenosine 12mg IV/IO followed with 20ml NS IV/IO SO. If no sustained rhythm change, MR x1 in 1-2" SO
Dysrhythmias S-127
If a CONSCIOUS patient is unstable with severe symptoms or rhythm is refractory to treatment:
- Versed 1-5mg SIVP/IO prn pre-cardioversion BHO (if age > or equal to 60 consider lower dose with attention to age and hydration status
- Synchronized cardioversion at manufacturer's recommended energy dose BHO. MR BHO (50, 75, 100 and 200)
Dysrhythmias S-127
Unconscious Rx
Synchronized cardioversion at manufacturer's recommended energy dose SO. MR x 3 SO. MR BHO.
Dysrhythmias S-127
Unstable A-Fib / A-Flutter
Initial Rx
- Monitor EKG
- 250ml fluid bolus IV/IO with clear lungs SO. MR to maintain BP > or equal to 90 SO
Dysrhythmias S-127
Unstable A-Fib / A-Flutter
The Rx in the presence of a ventricular response with heart rate > or equal to 180 in a CONSCIOUS patient
- Versed 1-5mg IV/IO prn pre-cardioversion BHPO
- Synchronized cardioversion at manufacturer's recommended energy dose BHPO
Dysrhythmias S-127
Unstable A-Fib / A-Flutter
The Rx in the presence of a ventricular response with heart rate > or equal to 180 in an UNCONSCIOUS patient
- Synchronized cardioversion at manufacturer's recommended energy dose SO. MR x3 SO. MR BHO.