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87 Cards in this Set

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10 Primary XML Design Goals
1. Usable over Internet
2. Support numerous applications
3. Compatible with SGML
4. Easy to Write programs
5. Small optional features
6. Clear and Understood easily
7. Prepared Quickly
8. Exact and Concise
9. Easy to create
10. XML document size small is minimal importance
XML stands for? What is it designed for?
extensible Mark-up language. Designed to overcome HTML limitation
Why is XML important?
1. Open and flexible standard for publishing and exchanging information.

2. Easy to learn and understood
XML stands for? What is it designed for?
extensible Mark-up language. Designed to overcome HTML limitation
What are the uses of XML Documents?
1. They don't do anything
2. Store any kind of information
3. Text only
4. It's description, content is not embedded in XML file
5. Has tags to describe information
6. Rules for people to create markup language
How does Publishing use XML?
1. Describe layout and style info

2. One style sheet for multiple XML docs

3. Multiple styles sheets for on XML doc
Why is XML Important?
1. Automation

2. Exchange

3. Documents
What are the XML tree structures?
Root, Branches, and Leaves
What are the three basic components of XML file?
1. Processing Instruction

2. User defined Tags

3. Document Type Definitions (DTD)
What is XML Processing instruction?
It is an XML Declaration.

Specifies file type, version, and encoding.
What is the hierarchy of User Defined Tags?
1. Root Element
2. Parent
3. Child
4. Siblings
What is the coding of framework for User Defined Tags?
<child1>... </child1>
What are elements?
1. The text between data being described

2. Can contain other elements, data, or remain empty

<name> ......... </name>
How should elements be named?
1. Letters, numbers, characters only
2. Start with letters only except for letters X, M , and L (in any combo)

3. Without spaces
What are attributes?
Elements may have attributes.

Option to include further info within tag. Should not be part of the data itself
How should attributes be defined if the file is named "demo.gif"?
<file type ="gif">demo.gif</file>
What are some general rules regarding Attributes?
1. Must be quotes
2. Contain one value.
3. No tree structures
4. Multiple attribute can be hard to read.
How should Data about data (metadata) should be stored?
As attributes not as actual data/
What are some general rules regarding XML syntax?
Must have an opening and a closing
Ie. <tag> ... </tag>
All documents need to have root element
Elements must be properly nested.
What is the syntax for >?
What is the syntax for &?
What is the syntax for "?
What is the syntax for '?
How do you create a syntax to insert comments?
<! -- Comment -->
What does "well formed" mean in XML terms?
no errors in syntax, all rules of writing XML codes are followed.
Wat does "Valid" XML documents means?
XML documents are matched with their DTDS and the tree structure of the tree follow what was set out by the DTD.
What are the substandards that make using XML successful?
Document Type Definitions (DTD)
XML Schema
Document Object Model (DOM)
Extensibe Style Language (XSL)
What is a Document Object Model (DOM)?
It's a standard way to access and manipulate XML document (get, change, add, delete element)
Is DOM Language dependent or independent API?
Independent API
What is the purpose of DOM?
It's written for a variety of programming language including java or javascript.

Display dynamic XML Content

See nodes in hierarchical tree structure.
What's the hierarchy of the DOM structure?
XML Declaration
What are nodes?
Document, Document type, element tribute, text, processing instruction, comment are all individual nodes.
What do DTDs do?
Defines structure and names of element.

Defines required and optional elements

Defines allowable data types
Where is internal DTD located?
Within XML document itself.
Where is external DTD located?
Accessible location on a server.
How do use Internal DTD?
Use the DOCTYPE tag and declare the elements and attribute inside

Root is the root element in XML document

<!DOCTYPE root
What are the two ways of declaring an external DTD?
Public and System
Where are DOCTYPE tag located in external DTD syntax?
DOCTYPE declaration goes between XML declaration and root element.
How does SYSTEM identifier syntax look like?

What is URI stand for?
<!DOCTYPE root SYSTEM "rules.dtd">

DTD is located using Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)
How does PUBLIC identifier syntax look like?
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-Location" "Backup location"

DTD may be kept in multiple locations, and identified by unique name followed by backup URI location
Difference between XML and HTML?
XML focus on transporting and storing data

HTML design display data and focus on how data looks.
<note date=12/11/2007>

What is wrong with this?
<note date="12/11/2007">

The date has to be quoted!
<p>This is a paragraph
<p>This is another paragraph

What is wrong with this syntax?
<p>This is a paragraph</p>
<p>This is another paragraph</p>

Needs closing tags

What is wrong with this syntax?

It needs to be case sensitive.
<b><i>This text is bold and italic</b></i>

What is wrong with this syntax?
<b><i>This text is bold and italic</i></b>

It needs to be properly nested. Closing syntax are not in proper place.
<message>if salary < 1000 then</message>

What is wrong with this syntax?
<message>if salary &lt; 1000 then</message>

Needs the correct entity reference.
<person sex="female">

Is female Element or Attribute?

Element or Attribute>
What is the purpose of DTD?
To define the structure of an XML document with a list of legal element.
What are XML Schemas?
XML-based alternative to DTD
When do you use prefix?
When there's naming conflicts
What is URI?
Uniform Resource Identifier is a string of characters which identify an internet resource.

xmlns attribute must be before the element
What's the xml Namespace syntax?
What is the syntax for CDATA?

What does CDATA do?
"![CDATA[ <&]]>

All the illegal character like < and &, will not cause error action script once it is defined as CDATA.
<!ELEMENT address (phone+)>

What does the + mean?
minimum of once
<!ELEMENT address (phone*)>
0 or more
What are
- Elements?

- Attributes?



Elements are main building blocks, the opening and closing tags.

<element> ...</element>

Attributes are extra information about element

<element ="attributes.gif" />

Entities are used when document is parsed by XML

&lt; = <
&gt; = >
%amo; = &
&quot; = "

PCDATA is parsed character data. You must use entity reference to replace parsed characters.

CDATA means character data. These inside the text does not need to be treated with entity references.

What is this syntax?
Element with Any content
<!ELEMENT note (to,from,heading,body)>

What is this syntax?
Element with children
(children must be in the same sequence as document)

What is this syntax?
Element with Character Data

What is this syntax?
Empty elements
<!ELEMENT note (message)>

What does this syntax mean?
Declaring a minimum of once occurrence of an element
<!ELEMENT note (message*)>

What does this syntax mean?
Declaring zero or more occurrence of element
<!ELEMENT note (to,from,header,(message|body))>

What does this syntax mean?
Declaring either/or content
What is the syntax for declaring Attributes?
<!ATTLIST element-name attribute-name attribute-type "default-value">
What does XML do?
- define element and attribute as it appears in document
- know which elements are child element and what the order is
- if the element is empty or include text
- define default and fixed elements and attributes
How do you declare schemas?
<xs: attribute name="name" type="type" default="default" fixed="fixed" />
What are the two types of data that schemas support?
Built-in and User-derived
What are the two types of built in data?
Primitive and Dervied
What is the Russian Doll Design?

What is the Flat Catalog Design?
Russian Doll" laid out like XML document

Flat Catalog: All elements and attributes are declared in the beginning.
What is XSLT?

What does it do?

How is it saved?
Extensible stylesheet Language transition.

Change XML document into other formats.

Saved as .xsl format
How do you declare schemas?
<xs: attribute name="name" type="type" default="default" fixed="fixed" />
What are the two types of data that schemas support?
Built-in and User-derived
What are the two types of built in data?
Primitive and Derived
What is the Russian Doll Design?

What is the Flat Catalog Design?
Russian Doll" laid out like XML document

Flat Catalog: All elements and attributes are declared in the beginning.
What is XSLT?

What does it do?

How is it saved?
Extensible stylesheet Language transition.

Change XML document into other formats.

Written as XML and saved as .xsl format
What are the three DTD associated with XHTML
Transitional, Frameset, Strict
When do you use Transitional DTD?
Older documents
When do you use Frameset DTD?
Documents containing frames
When do you use Strict DTD?
Document that need to be strictly conformed
What are the three DTD associated with XHTML
Transitional, Frameset, Strict
When do you use Transitional DTD?
Older documents
When do you use Frameset DTD?
Documents containing frames
When do you use Strict DTD?
Document that need to be strictly conformed
What's the difference between simple and complex elements?
Simple contains character data and no attributes

Complex have attribute or are parents to one ore more childen
<xs:element name="name" type="type />

What is this syntax?
schema with simple element
<xs:element name="name">

What is this syntax?
schema with complex element