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70 Cards in this Set

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Whatis a report in SF?

Lists or summariesthat allow you to aggregate and analyze your data in different ways.

Exampleof a report:

alist of contact names and addresses for a mailshot or opp's summarized by stagein your sales pipeline

What2 types of reports are there?

Standard and custom.

Whatare standards reports?

Ready-madereports build into SF to get you started. They are stored in built in standard folders.

Canyou customize a standard report?

Yes,you can customize them to display the data you need and save them as new customreports.

Canyou delete or overwrite standard reports?


Whatare custom reports?

Reportsyou create from scratch or by modifying a standard report.

Wheredo I save my custom reports?

Ina custom folder or a personal folder or the unfiled public reports folder.

Canyou delete or overwrite custom reports?


Whocan run reports?

Users with 'RunReports' permission/ Users must have access to report folder/Folders can bepublic, private or accessible to select users/Admins can set folder access orcreate new folders

Whatdata is visible on a report?

Datafrom standard and custom objects/records and fields normally visible to userrunning report

Howcurrent is the data on a report?

Newobjects and fields are immediately available for reporting/report always run inreal time/Saving a report saves the parameters, not the data

WhereCan users access reports?

TheReports Tab/An objects home page/custom links on the sidebar/From a report'sURL/Within a scheduled email

Whatcan I do from the reports tab?

View,search, run, create and edit standard and custom reports and dashboards

Whatis the default of the reports tab?

Todisplay your most recently viewed reports and dashboards from all folders. This can be changed by altering the filtersto show all items, or just those that you follow or create, or even justreports or just dashboards.

Whatdoes the folders pane display?

Allthe reports and dashboard folders you have access too. You can search/view/edit/or create foldershere

Whatis the little green '+' button in the action columns?

Thefollow/unfollow button, for example you can follow/unfollow a report ordashboard using this button

Howdo you create a custom view for a tab?

Clickand drag a column's right margin to re size it and drag a column to a desiredposition to reorder it. To sort use thesort ascending/descending options. Toshow or hide columns and custom go to the options and then columns anddeselect/select the column option you wish to view. *You cannot deselect the Action and Namecolumns but you can re-order them:100

WhenI'm creating a new folder what is required?

Afolder label, Folder unique name (this is for you) and the level of accessusers will have to it

Whatkind of access can one have to a folder?

Read/Writeor Read only

Whatis the enhanced folder sharing model?

Amodel allowing more control over which sets of different users can access thereports in a folders and what they can do with them.

Whattypes of different users can access a folder based on the enhanced foldersharing model?

Viewers- can see but can't edit/ Editors - can see and modify or move them/ Managers -same rights as Editors but can control the access others users have to a folder

Howdo I enable enhanced folder sharing?

It'senabled by default for new org's but it can be enabled through setup

CanEnhanced folder change my access?

Yes,keep in mind that enabling enhanced folder sharing may change the existingaccess that some use based on user permissions

Whenyou are asked to generate a report what is the best practice?

Lookthrough the relevant standard reports for one that meets yourrequirements. Once you've found onemodify it to meet your needs and save it as a new custom report for future use.

Whatare the different types of report formats?

Tabular/Summary/ matrix/ Joined

DescribeTabular report:

Asimple list of records with no subtotals/ Used for mailing lists and activityreports (looks like a normal spreadsheet)/Does not summarize your data ordisplay subtotals

DescribeSummary Report:

Recordssorted into groups with subtotals/ groups can be sorted/ Ex: Opp's by Owner/The Sorted By option can be used to sort the groupings

Howcan sorting be done in a Summary Report?

byGrouped By field, any summarized field or custom summary formula in the summaryrow, or the record count.

DescribeMatrix Report:

Datasummarized in a grid/used to compare related totals or totals for 2 or morelevels of grouping in a report/ex: Account Annual Revenue by Owner and type

DescribeJoined Report:

Blocksof related information in a single report/Ex: Opportunity and cases foraccounts

Inwhat types of reports can you freeze the headers at the top or the left ?

Tabular(only headers freeze), Matrix and Joined

Inwhat types of reports can you freeze the Grouped By information from thesummary row?

Summaryand Matrix

Inwhat type of report can you freeze the summarized values from the summary row?


Ifyou change something in the report what you have to do next to view yourchanges?

Selectrun report

Whatdo you use in a report to specificthe date range of the data?


Whatcan be modified using the Report Options at the top of the reports a summaryreport?

Timeframe and how the records are grouped

Whendo you create a new custom report from scratch (using the report builder)?

Youcan't find a suitable standard report to modify, or you need to report oncustom objects

Whatis the report builder?

Adrag and drop interface in which you can customize existing reports or createnew ones from scratch.

Whatare the 3 panes of the report builder?

Fieldspane/ Preview pane/ Filters pane

Describethe fields pane:

Itis where a list of available fields is located which you can drag and drop intothe preview pane to create columns.

Describethe filters pane:

itis where you change standard filters and add new custom ones

Describethe preview pane:

displaysthe effects of these changes as you go, on a set of up to 50 live records.

Whocan use the report builder?

Sysadmin and those with permissions to 'Report Builder'

Sequencethat you should use when utilizing report builder:

Selecta report type/Settingthe scope/Selectthe reports columns/Selectthe report format/SelectGroupings/Summarizingnumerical data/Addingcustom filters

Selecta report type:

selectthe which object or related objects you want to report on by selecting acategory or selecting your required report type from the list available

Settingthe scope:

Selectwhich records to use and the report time frame

Selectthe reports columns:

Selectwhich fields you want to appear in the columns report by double clicking yourrequired fields or dragging them into the preview pane or by dragging theunwanted column headings into the Fields pane or by dragging and droppingcolumn headings to rearrange them

Selectthe report format:

Selecthow you want your data organized in your report as a tabular/summary/matrix orjoined


Selectthe fields by which you want to group your data in a summary or matrixreport. Drag fields into the groupingdrop zone, or group them from the column menus

Summarizingnumerical data:

Selectwhich numerical fields you want to summarize. In a tabular report these summaries appear as grand totals and insummary, matrix and joined these summaries appear as subtotals and grandtotals.

Addingcustom filters:

Addcustom filters to limit the data to what you are interested in

Whywon't standard filters in a report builder always let you filter the report forthe time frame you want?

Standardfilters always use the equals operator

Whatcan I replace the standard the filter time frame with?

Acustom filter using the same date and time field and a special date value, andfor extra flexibility you can use variables in the special date values fordays, quarters and years

Howdo the standard summaries let you summarize data in different ways?

Sum,calculate, average, and display the largest and smallest values.

Whatdo custom summary formulas allow you to do?

Createadditional summaries using your own formulas

Howmany custom summary formulas can you have on one report?

Upto 5

Cana summary formula reference other summary formula's?

nobut it can reference formula fields in the records that you are reportingon

Wheredo summary formulas appear?

Onthe summary rows for each grouping your report

Dothey apply to the individual detail or record rows?


Whenentering a custom formula, where can you find all of numeric and checkboxfields available to us from the records on the report?

SummaryCustom Fields

Howdo you check syntax of a formula?

Usethe check sytax button

Ifyou program a report to run automatically how will users receive that report?

InHTML format and at the frequency you specify

Whatis a running user?

Auser who's email will be visible to recipients on an auto generated email andmust have access to the report you're sending out (so should all of the emailrecipients)

Whatis the preferred start time?

Thetime you want the report to run, however the report will actually run within 30min of this time

Wheredo I go to schedule a report to run automatically?

The run report drop down button

Inaddition to email, how else can I export a report?

Witha printer friendly version or an excel

Describethe printable view:

selectprint view and an .xls version will be created with all the reports filters,formatting, groupings and subtotals.

Describeexport details:

selectexport details to create an .xls or csv however this export will not retain thereports formatting, grouping or subtotals.

What can I use export details to do to records?

Youcan use this to export records for mass updating or for migrating into anotherapplication. The export detail adds a 5row footer to the bottom of the file containing metadata like report name, usergenerating the report, date and time and company name