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30 Cards in this Set

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What is 3rd leading cause of death for 45-65 years of age?

unintentional injury

Which Evacuation is first?


3 cardinal rules of radiation protection

1. minimize the time of exposure from the source

2. maximize distance from the source

3. use appropriate shielding

Fall prevention in home

remove throw rugs, stairs must be well lighted and in good condition, remove clutter, install handrails, clean up spills promptly, raised toilet seat with bars

Negative Outcomes of Retraints

Skin breakdown/contractures/incontinence



Senses involved in Sensory Reception

5 senses

Kinesthesia - awareness of position of body

Visceral - Internal organs

Sterognosis - perceived solidity of object

Proprioception - input from sensory nerve. terminal in muscles and tendons, joins and vestibular apparatus


receiving input from the enviroment


conscious process of selecting, organizing, and interpreting data


reticular activating system - a network in brain that mediates arousal, selectively allows some nerve impulses to reach the cerebral cortex


a repeated stimuli no longer gets acted upon`

Sensory deprivation

decreased sensory input of input that is monotonous, unpatterned or meaningless (bedrest, isolation, impaired abilities, CNS Damage)

Sensory Overload

so much sensory stimuli that brain can not respond to or must ignore (hospitalization)

Sensory Defecit

impaired or abscent functioning in one or more of the senses (blindness, hearing impaired, paralysis)


suffocation (drowning, choking, blocking airway, gas poisoning)

Sentinel event

unexpected occurance involving death or serious physical or psychological injury or the risk of death or injury

Stages of Infection (4)

Incubation Period - Pathogen's invasion and appearance of symptoms

Prodromal stage - early, vague signs/symptoms (most infectious stage)

Full stage of illness - localized or systemic symptoms

Convalescent period - recovery period - signs/symptoms disappear


Disease state that results from the presence of pathogens (disease producing microorganisms) in or on the body

Body's Defense against infection

Intact Skin

Normal Flora

Inflammatory Response

Immune Response


foreign material that causes the problem


produced in response to antigen

Infection Cycle (6)

1. Infectious agent

2. reservoir

3. portal of exit

4. means of transmission

5. portal of entry

6. susceptible host

Factor Affecting risk for infection

Integrity of skin/mucous membranes

ph Levels of GI, GU, skin

Integrity and number of WBC

Age, sex, race, hereditary factors

Immunizations - natural or acquired

Level of fatigue, nutritional, preexisting illness, previous/current treatments, medications

Stress levels

Use of Invasive/indwelling devices

Dangerous practices


a condition free of microorganisms

practicing asepsis prevents the spread of infection

Medical Asepsis

clean technique, keeping area clean, cleaning bedside table, reduces number of pathogens, routine hand washing, non-sterile gloves

Surgical Asepsis

"sterile technique", keeping objects/areas free from microorganisms


destroys all pathogens except spores, can be used on skin and equipment


destroys all pathogens including spores

used on equipment that enters a sterile body part

Types of hand hygiene

plain soap and water, antiseptic handrubs, surgical hand asepsis

Why use alcohol based hand rub

decreases the incidence of dry skin from frequent washing, increased access, faster, increased compliance of staff leading to less nosocomial infection




Exogenous - acquired from other people

Endogenous - from microbial life in person

Iatrogenic - infection results from a treatment or diagnostic procedure