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377 Cards in this Set

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how is nervous system classified
1. physical location - peripheral vs. CNS
2. function - Autonomic vs Somatic
Define neurotransmitter function
transfer information from nerve terminals across the synaptic cleft and bind receptors
examples of ANS functions
visceral functions -
ex. CO, blood flow to vital organs, digestion
Examples of Somatic functions
movement, respiration, posture
2 major sections of ANS
sympathetic, parasympathetic
thoracolumbar - what does this refer to?
craniosacral - what does this refer to?
where do sympathetic efferent nerve fibers exit
through thoracic and lumbar spinal nerves
where do parasympathetic efferent nerve fibers exit
through cranial nerves and 3rd and 4th sacral spinal routes
define origination and connection of preganglionic neurons of the efferent ANS
originate in CNS and connect to ganglia in peripheral nervous system

act as relay stations to pass messages on to postganlionic nerves
define termination of postganglionic neurons of the efferent ANS
terminate on effector organs
describe afferent neurons
regulate the ANS system by sensing actions and providing feedback to the CNS

bring information from effector organ to CNS

CNS can then adjust its message to efferent nerves
acetylocholine - released from
cholinergic nerve fibers

- ALL preganglionic efferent ANS
- Parasym post gang efferent ANS
somatic nerve fibers to skeletal muscle
norepinephrine - released from
adrenergic nerve fibers
- most postgang sympathetic nerve fibers
ACh made from? where? how transported? where/how stored?
acetyl-CoA using choline O-acetyltranferase

made in nerve fiber mitrochondria

transported by choline transporters to nerve terminals

stored in packages of 'quanta' in vesicles located on surface of nerve terminal facing synapse
describe release of ACh
action potential reaches terminal

influx of Ca2+ into terminal

Ca2+ interacts with vesicles fusing membrane to terminal membrane

pore opens into synapse and hundreds of quanta are released into synaptic cleft

ACh binds here
present in synaptic cleft and breaks down any unused ACh into choline and acetate
Acetylcholinesterase AChE
Acetylocholinesterase breaks down what NE into what parts?
ACh ------> choline and acetate
adrenergic nerve fibers make up....
postganglionic neurons of symp nervous system
adrenergic nerve fibers release
name termination mech of adrenergic action
1. NE metabolized by catalytic enzymes
- monoamine oxidase (MAO)
2. Diffusion away from receptor site (then metabolized)
3. Reuptake into terminal by norepinephrine transporter (NET)
describe - receptor
structures made of protein that are designed to bind endogenous molecules
cholinergic recptors

named after? name types?
name after alkaloids that bind them

1. muscarinic receptors
2. nicotinic receptors
adrenergic receptors

based on? name types
based on agonist and antagonist selectivity

Alpha 1 and Alpha 2 adrenoceptors
Beta 1 and Beta 2 adrenoceptors
Dopamine receptors
parasympathetic system - sometime referred to as...
trophotropic - energy storing
sympathetic system - sometimes referred to as...
ergotrophic - energy expenditure
why is control of autonomic function important?

done by?
1. prevent system from overstimulation
2. maintain effector organ functions within a narrow window of tolerance

done by:
1. presynaptic regulation
2. postsynaptic regulation
3. other integrated systems
describe presynaptic regulation of ANS
1. alpha 2 receptors
2. Beta receptors
presynaptic regulation of ANS - describe alpha 2 receptor function

present on ?
activated by?
present of nonadrenergic nerve terminals

activated by binding of NE released from same nerves

- results in reduced NE release
responds to NE released from same neuron (usually inhibitory)
respond to neurotransmitters from other neurons
presynaptic regulation of ANS - describe beta receptor function

present on ?
present on some neurons

facilitate release of more NE
postsynaptic regulation
- name 2 mech
1. up/down regulation
2. action of one receptor is affected by action of other receptors
up and down regulate receptors - response to what?
to high or low activation from neurotransmitters
effector organs
- describe
1. multiple sites throughout body - sensitive to adrenergic or cholinergic action
2. actions of NE and ACh are oftentimes opposite to each other

blockade of either NE or ACh receptors also results in opposite action caused by actual neurotransmitter
effectors of ANS - EYE
name symp effects
iris radial muscle - contracts (dil pup) - Alpha 1

Iris cirular muscle - NO effect

Ciliary Muscle - Relaxes (better dist focus) - Beta
effectors of ANS - EYE
name parasymp effects
iris radial muscle - No effect

Iris cirular muscle - Contracts (controls lght entry - accomodation) - M3

Ciliary Muscle - Contracts (allows focus of near) - M3
effectors of ANS - HEART
name symp effects
Sinoatrial node - accelerates (inc HR, chronotropic) B1 B2

Ectropic pacemakers - accelerates (inc HR) - B1, B2

contractability - increases (inotropic) B1, B2
effectors of ANS - HEART
name parasymp effects
Sinoatrial node - Decelerates (dec HR) - M2

Ectropic pacemakers - NO effect

contractability - decreases M2
name symp effects
Blood vessels
- contract (vasocontrict incBP) - alpha
- relax (vasodil decBP) - beta

bronchiolar smooth muscle - relaxes beta 2
name parasymp effects
Blood vessels - NO effect

Bronchiolar smooth muscle - contracts - M3
effectors of ANS - GI tract
name symp effects
Smooth muscle - relax (slow activity) - alpha 2, B2

sphincters - contract (blocks passage)- alpha 1

secretion - NO effect
effectors of ANS - GI tract
name parasymp effects
Smooth muscle - contract (inc activity)- M3

sphincters - Relax (opens passage) - M3

secretion - increases - M3
effectors of ANS - Genitourinary Smooth muscle
name symp effects
Bladder wall - relaxes (prevents urination) - beta 2

sphincter - contracts (blocks release) - alpha 1

uterus - relaxes - Beta 2, contracts - alpha

penis - ejaculation - alpha
effectors of ANS - Genitourinary Smooth muscle
name parasymp effects
Bladder wall - contracts (facilitates urination) - M3

sphincter - relaxes (allows release) M3

uterus - contracts - M3

penis - erection- M3
effectors of ANS - metabolic functions
name symp effects
liver - gluconeogenisis - B2, alpha
- glycogenolysis - B2, apha

fat cells - lipolysis - B3

kidney - renin release - B1
effectors of ANS - metabolic functions
name parasymp effects
liver - No effects

fat cells - NOeffects

kidney - NO effects
Drug effects on neurtransmitters
1. synthesis
2. storage
3. release

Terminate action

alter neurotransmitter receptors
what is ACh made from
acetlyl-CoA and choline
name 2 key actions at muscarinic receptors
PARAsympathetic NS

1. nerves in parasympathetic NS release ACh that ACTIVATES muscarinic receptors on target organs (alters organ function by creating a positive stimulus)

2. ACh released from nerves of parasympathetic NS bind to receptors on nerve terminals to INHIBIT release of other neurotransmitters (also alters organ function by crating a neg stim)
do nicotinic or muscarinic receptors have inhibitory capabilities?
muscarinic only

Nicotinic have NO inhibitory capabilities (only relay the efferent message sent form teh CNS)
Role of ACh at Nicotinic receptors in the somatic NS

where present?
binding of ACh causes?
prolonged binding causes?
present primarily at neuromuscular junction of skeletal muscle

binding of ACh (or agonist) causes depolarization of the membrane (creating a positive stimulus - skel muscl contraction)

prolonged binding causes postganglionic neuron to stop firing
- causes skel muscle to relax
- prevents further stimulation (muscl paralysis)
- creates NEGATIVE stimulus
define cholinomimetic agents
nonacetylcholine compounds that mimic actions oof acetylcholine

- as stimulents - direct agonist
---direct binding to ACh receptors

-as cholinesterase inhibitors - indirect agonist
---prevents breakdown of ACh
name examples of cholinergic compounds

alkaloids (derived from plants)
1. produce actions that mimic those seen when ACh binds to muscarinic receptors of teh parasympathetic nervous system


2. produce actions that mimic those seen when ACh binds to nicotinic receptors of autonomic ganglia and skeletal muscle receptors
name types of muscarinic receptors
and basic functions

where mostly found?
M1, 3, 5 - cellular excitation

M2, 4 - inhibit cellular excitability

mostly found on autonomic effector organs (heart, smooth muscle, brain, exocrine glands)
name types of nicotinic receptors

- where found?
Nm - located at neuromuscular junction

Nn - in any other locations (CNS, adrenal medulla, autonomic ganglia)
name direct acting cholinomimetics
1. esters of choline
- ex. acetylcholine
2. alkaloids
-ex. muscarine and nicotine
describe choline esters
quarternary ammoniums

insoluble in lipids

cannot pass BBB

ex. methacholine, acetylcholine, carbachol, bethanechol
describe charc of quarternary ammoniums
1. hydrophilic
- poorly penetrate CNS
2. hydrolyzed by acetylcholinesterase (AChE)
- vary in rate of hydrolysis - affect half life
3. variations in chem structure alter charc.
- potency (binding affinity)
- susceptibility to hydrolysis by AChE
describe cholinomimetic alkaloids
typically teriary amines

ex - muscarine, pilocarpine, nicotine
methacholine - what type
choline ester
- quarternary ammoniums
acetylcholine - what type
choline ester
- quarternary ammoniums
carbachol - what type
choline ester
- quarternary ammoniums
bethanechol - what type
choline ester
- quarternary ammoniums
muscarine - what type
cholinomimetic - tertiary amine
pilocarpine - what type
cholinomimetic - tertiary amine
nicotine - what type
cholinomimetic - tertiary amine
lobeline - what type
cholinomimetic - tertiary amine
characteristics of cholinomimetic alkaloids
- well absorbed after oral administration

lipid soluable - large volume of distribution
- cross BBB (musc only effects in super high doses)

not susceptible to acetylcholinesterase!!!
what type of Neurotransmitter is not susceptible to acetylcholinesterase
cholinomimetic alkaloids
mech of indirect acting cholinomimetics
inhibit AChE
name types of AChE inhibitors
1. simple alcohols - w/ quarternary ammonium
- ex. edrophonium

2. carbomate esters of alcohols w/ quarternary or teriary ammonium
- ex. neostigmine, physostigmine, pyridostigmine

3. organophosphates
- ex. echothiophate, isofluorophate
edrophonium - what type
AChE inhibitor
- simple alcohol w/quarternary ammonium
neostigmine - what type
AChE inhibitor
carbamate esters of alcohol w/ quarternary or teriary ammonium
AChE inhibitor
carbamate esters of alcohol w/ quarternary or teriary ammonium

overcome the anticholinergic action
AChE inhibitor
carbamate esters of alcohol w/ quarternary or teriary ammonium
binding difference between AChE inhibitors
1. simple alcohols bind weakly and reversibly to AChE
- shorter half life of <10 min

2. Carbamate esters bind reversibly but tighter to AChE
- prolongs half-life - 30 min to 6 hours

3. organophosphates covalently bond
- extremely stable (nearly irreversible)
- very long half life of hundreds of hours
what organ systems are similarly affected by direct and indirect cholimimetics
respiratory system
GI tract
GU tract
what organ systems see different responses to direct and indirect cholimimetics
CV system
secretory glands
peripheral NS
Neuromuscular junction
cholinomimetic effects on the eye

eye is sensitive to what types?
cause eye to?
sensitive to muscarinic agonists and AChE inhibitors

1. iris phrincter smooth muscle resulting in miosis
2. ciliary muscle resulting in accomodation
3. facilitate flow of aqueous humor out of anterior chamber
4. alter amount of foucs of light reaching retina
clinical use of cholinomimetics

muscarinic agonists and AChE inhibitors reduce intr-ocular pressure in narrow and wide angle glaucoma by allowing for the outflow of aqueous humor

reduce aqueous humor production - reduce pressure
allow for outflow
cholinomimetic - indirect

reduce aqueous humor production - reduce pressure
allow for outflow
cholinomimetic effects on respiratory system
1. cause contraction of smooth muscle in bronchial tree (restricts outflow)
2. stimulates secretions from tracheobronchial mucosa

ACh agonists aren't used much in respiratory medicine

Anticholinergics help increase airflow in pts with respiatory diseases like asthma
Cholinomimetic effects on GI tract
increase secretory and motor activity in teh gut

1. stimulates salivary and gastric glands, pancreas, and small intestine
2. increases peristalsis
3. relaxes most GI sphincters allowing GI contents to pass along tract
use of cholinomimetics in GI disorders
use agents to correct depressed smooth muscle activity and increase motility
- post-operative ileus (neostigmine)
- congenital megacolon
use of cholinomimetics in respiratory disorders
ACh agonists aren't used much in respiratory medicine

Anticholinergics help increase airflow in pts with respiatory diseases like asthma
cholinomimetic effects on GU tract
trigger voiding of bladder

- stimulate detrusor muscle (contraction) and relax the trigone and sphincter muscles of bladder
use of cholinomimetics in GU disorders
use agents to correct depressed smooth muscle activity

- treat urinary retention
- post-op, post partum, spinal cord injury, neurogenic bladder

ex. bethanecol, neostigmine
bethanecol - clinical use
urinary retention
urinary retention
increase gut motility
Myasthenia Gravis
reversal of neuromuscular paralysis (folwing surgery)
effects on cardiovascular system
(direct cholinomimetics)
two effects of muscarinic agonists
1. reduce peripheral vascular resistance
- vasodialation, dec BP
***dec BP can cause indirect reflex incr in HR***

2. decrease HR
- decrease rate of firing at sinoatrial node
- results in bradycardia
- reduces CO

use of cholinomimetics in CV disorders

arnet used much because better drugs and more predictable drug
effects on cardiovascular system
(indirect cholinomimetics)
increase cholinergic activity
1. sym and parasym nerves in heart
---neg chronotropic - bradycardia
---neg iontropic - drop in CO

2. observations result from greater impact of AChE inhibitors on parasym system

3. cholinergic receptors in cardiac and vascular smooth muscle

MODEST drop in BP
Cholinomimetic effects on misc secretory glands
ACh mediates
1. sweat glands - diaphoresis to help reg temp
2. lacrimal glands
3. nasopharyngeal glands

Cholinomimetics can trigger all these as well!

sweating, tearing, runny nose
effects on CNS (direct cholinomimetics)
nicotinic receptors:
1. induce tremor
2. stimulate emesis
3. stimulate respiratory center

muscarinic receptors:
1. induce tremor
2. cause hypothermia
3. interfere w/ nociception

---- note muscerine can't get into CNS, but muscerinic like drugs can
effects on CNS (inderect cholinomimetics)
1. low conc cause little effects
2. higher conc - convulsions, coma, respiratory arrect
use of cholinomimetics for CNS conditions
alzheimer's disease
- AD is related to def. of cholinergic neurons in CNS
- cannot be cured, but progression of cognitive dysfunction can be slowed with ***AChE inhibitors
ex - tacrine, donepezil, galantamine, rivastigmine

2. smoking cessation
- varenicline is a direct nicotinic agonist helpful for pts lookign to stop smoking
- reduce cravings and pleasurable effect of cigarets
cholinomimetic - AChE inhibitor

used in alzheimers

allow ACh to hang around longer
cholinomimetic - AChE inhibitor

used in alzheimers

allow ACh to hang around longer
cholinomimetic - AChE inhibitor

used in alzheimers

allow ACh to hang around longer
cholinomimetic - AChE inhibitor

used in alzheimers

allow ACh to hang around longer
direct nicotinic agonist - smoking cessation

reduce cravings, red pleasurable effects of ciggaretts
actions of cholinomimetics on
- peripheral nervous system
causes discharge of both sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems

- increase BP
- sympathetic tachycardia or vagal induced bradycardia
- parasympathetic effects on GI tract such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and urinary voiding
acetylcholine at neuromuscular junction
ACh is released from pre-synaptic neurons

ACh binds to nicotinic cholinergic receptors on muscle fiber

results in depolarization of muscle fiber that leads to contractoin of skeletal muscle
indirect cholinomimetic effects on neuromuscular junction
low doses: AChE inhibitors prolong effects of ACh
- increases strength of muscle contraction

Medium doses: may cause muscle to fibrilate making the muscles less effective

high doses: block muscle depolarization leading to paralysis
use of cholinomimetics in disorders at the neuromuscular junction
Myasthenia Gravis
- autoimmune process of antibodies targeting nicotinic receptors
- these antibodies block binding of AC to the receptors
- symptoms include ptosis, difficulty speaking and weakness
- AChE inhibitors are very effective (pyridostigmine adn neostigmine)

reversal of neuromuscular paralysis
- following surgery (neostigmine)
cholinomimetic use in the treatment of anticholinergic intoxication
1. excessive anticholinergic action can be lethal in children
- can cause arrythmias in adults
- atropine, tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs)

2. increasing amount of ACh at receptor sites can overcome the anticholinergic action
- AChE inhibitors (physostigmine)
AChE inhibitor

treatment for neuromuscular junction disorders
- myasthenia gravis (autoimmune)
toxicity of cholinomimetics

differ by?
mech of action?
differ by receptor site
- muscarinic vs nicotinic

mechanism of action:
- direct cholinomimetic vs AChE inhibitor
toxicity of direct muscarinic agonists

treat with?
1. nausea
2. vomiting
3. diarrhea
4. urinary urgency
5. salivation
6. sweating
7. cutaneous vasodilation
8. bronchial constriction

treat with Atropine, anticholinergic
what is used to treat toxicity of direct muscarinic agonist
atropine - describe
anticholinergic - muscarinic anticholinergic

aka - hyoscyamine
come from plant - Atropa belladonna

lots of synthesized forms

used to treat toxicity of direct muscarinic agonist

drugs with similar structures - produce similar effects
-- antihistamines, phenothiazine antipsychotics, tricyclic-antidepressants
- results in side effects from the intended benefits of these medications

used to dry upper and lower respiratory secretions prior to surgery or in mech vented pts

- reduce GI secretions - treating diarrhea (combined with diphenoxylate to mkae lomotil)
acute toxicity of direct nicotinic agonists

what level is toxic
acute nicotine toxicity
- fatal at doses >40mg (i drop of pure nicotine liquid)
- 2 cigarettes contain lethal dose (if eaten)
---ingestion by children = vomiting

large doses:
1. CNS stimulation (seizure coma death)
2. skeltal muscle dpolarization - blockade and respiratory paralysis
3. hypertension adn cardiac arrythmias

treatment is supportive care until drug is metabolized - few hours as long as brain damage or death has not occurred

NO real treatment
chronic nicotine toxicity
chronic use risk is unclear

very addictive
toxicity of cholinesterase inhibitors

related to?
used as?
pesticide exposure

organophosphates adn carbamates cholinesterase inhibitors

nerve agents

symptoms: show muscarinic excess (miosis, salivation, sweating, bronchial constriction, diaphragm paralysis, vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions)

1. monitor VS
2. decontaminate if possible (throw up)
3. antidote w/ parenteral atropine or pralidoxime (2-PAM)
----2-PAM reactivates inhibited AChE before the full covalent bind forms through aging

name two groups/types of cholinergic antagonists
1. muscarinic
- parasympatholytic or antimuscarinic
- block effects of parasympathetic autonomic discharge
- ex. atropine, scopolamine

2. nicotinic
- ganglionic blockers (ANS)
- neuromuscular blockers (NMJ)
- ex. tetraethylammonium, tubocurarine, succinylcholine
Neuromuscular blocker - NON DEPOLARIZING antagonist

nicotinic anticholinergic
ganglion blocker - nicotinic anticholinergic

nondepolarizing competitive antagonist

block all autonomic outflow

mixed sym and para effects

CNS - sedation, tremor, choreiform movements, mental aberrations

eye - cycloplegia, loss occommodation, mod dilation of pupil

CV system - tachycardia

GI tract - dec sec, dec motility

NOT a lot of therapeutic use - results difficult to predict
depolarizing Neuromuscular blocker

nicotinic anticholinergic - POLARIZING neuromuscular blocker - agonist

contracts then causes paralysis by preventing further depolarization
actions of atropine
reverisbly blocks muscarinic receptors
- prevents ACh from binding to those sites

blocks actions of exogenously administered cholinergics > endogenous acetylocholine

actions vary with tissue type

tissue most sensitive are salivary, bronchial, and sweat glands
tissues affected by atropine
1. eye
2. CV system
3. respiratory system
4. GI tract
5. GU tract
6. sweat glands
7. CNS
CNS effects of anticholinergics
Atropine minimal affect or use (due to hydrophylic)

scopolamine can produce drowsiness and amnesia

scopolamine toxicity can cause CNS excitement, agitation, hallucinations, and coma
- used for sea sickness or prevent motion system
- dry upper/lower respiratory secretions prior to surgery, or in mech vented pts

if toxic levels - cause CNS excitement, agitation, hallucinations, coma
antimuscarinics - therapeutic uses in CNS disorders
antimuscarinic agents may be used as adjuncts to treat tremor seen in parkison's disease
- ex. benztropine

scopolamine used to treat or prevent motion sickness
- injection, oral, transdermal patch
anticholinergic - antimuscarinic

used in treating tremor in parkinsons
effects of antimuscarinics on the eye
antimuscarinic drugs (atropine) block cholinergic stimulation of pupillary constrictor muscle
- mydriasis

prevents contraction of ciliary muscle, resulting in cycoplegia, which is loss of accommodation
- prevents focusing of the eye for near vision (blurred vision)

reduces lacrimal secretion (dry eyes)

antimuscarinics can dangerously worsen narrow angle glaucoma due to lack of outflow of aqueous humor
therapeurtic uses in eye disorders
mydriasis and cycloplegia - both useful to ophthamologists to view retina

gtts or ointment

other drugs usually used first line
effects of antimuscarinics on CV system
low doses: (0.5 fm) of atropine block M1 receptors only
- observe bradycardia
- ACh still binding to M3 receptors on sinus node - dec HR

mod to high doses: (1-5 mg): block M2 in SA and AV nodes -
- tachycardia, blockade of vagal slowing
- ( inhibiting brakes on HR)

toxic doses: (>10mg) - intraventricular conduction block (death - severe bradychardia)
- inhibits elecrical pulse generation in pacemaker nodes

little effect on BP due to minimal innervation from parasympathetic system
antimuscarinics - therapeutic uses in CV disorders
in unwanted bradycardia and impaired cardiac output (abnormally depressed function)

moderate doses: atropine or other - may correct this by blocking M2 receptors
- triggers increased HR and CO

could SAVE pts life
effects of anticholinergics on respiratory system
bronchodilation and reduce/dry up secretions

good good good
antimuscarinics - therapeutic uses in respiratory disorders
ipratropium or tiotropium
-used in inhaler or nebulizer
- asthma, COPD - bronchodialation

atropine, scopolamine - dry upper and lower respiratory secretions prior to surgery or in mech vented pts
anticholinergic - use in asthma, COPD
anticholinergic - use in asthma, COPD
effects of antimuscarinics on GI tract
slow activity, emptying time, reduce secretions

reduce salivary secretion
- xerostomia
atropine used for GI disorders
atropine combined with diphenoxylate to make lomotil

treat diarrhea - esp when irinotecan (chemo drug) is cause
how do antimuscarinics affect stomach acid
DO NOT AFFECT acid secretion in dtomach
effects of antimuscarinics on GU tract
relaxation of smooth muscle in ureter and bladder wall (detrusor muscle)
- reduces vomiting

worsen urinary retention (MEN _ BPH)
antimuscarinics - therapeutic uses in urinary disorders
useful to treat overactive bladder or urinary tract spasm associated w/imflammation, surgery, neurologic cond

- selective M3 - rec antagonist
- provides targetd relief for bladder spasm

other anticholinergics:
1. trospium
2. darifenacin
3. solifenacin
4. tolterodine
selective M3 receptor antagonist

provides targeted relief for bladder spasms

provides targeted relief for bladder spasms

provides targeted relief for bladder spasms

provides targeted relief for bladder spasms

provides targeted relief for bladder spasms
therapy for muscarininc toxicity
usually pesticide exposure - organophosphates

atropine - CNS PNS symptoms
- doses may need to be repeated overal several days - for agents like parathion and nerve gas

use in addition to 2-PAM - recycles AChE
- reduces ACh to reduce cholinergic activity
treatment of mushroom poisoning

mushrooms contain:?
two types of poisoning?
mushrooms contain natural cholinergic agents

two types of poisoning:
1. rapid onset
- within 15-30 min after ingestion
- treat with atropine
2. delayed onset
- 6-12 hrs after ingestion
- muscarinic side effects as well as renal and hepatic toxicity
- ATROPINE ineffective - use supportive care
effects of anticholinergics on sweat glands
treats hyperhidrosis
- not always effective - different types of sweat glands


- works for hyperhidrosis
anticholinergic adverse effects
dry mouth (dry as a bone)
mydriasis (blind as a bat)
hot, flushed skin (red as a beet)
agitation (mad as a hatter)

urinary retention (can't pee)
visual changes (can't see)
constipation (can't sh*t)
when are anticholinergics contraindicated?
glaucoma (esp narrow ang)
men wit BPH
Gastric ulcers (may have issues due to slow gastric emptying)
presynaptic inhibition of cholinergic action
toxins from clostridium botulinum

target presynatpic proteins that block release of ACh

- paralysis of sk muscle
- dec activity at parasympathetic and sym synapses
- inhibition lasts several weeks to months

treat blepharospasm, focal muscle spasms, hperhirosis of palms and axillae, rid wrinkles

onabotulinum toxin
abobotulinum toxin
rimabotulinum toxin
onabotulinum toxin
toxins from clostridium botulinum

target presynatpic proteins that block release of ACh

- paralysis of sk muscle
- dec activity at parasympathetic and sym synapses
- inhibition lasts several weeks to months

treat blepharospasm, focal muscle spasms, hperhirosis of palms and axillae, rid wrinkles
abobotulinum toxin
toxins from clostridium botulinum

target presynatpic proteins that block release of ACh

- paralysis of sk muscle
- dec activity at parasympathetic and sym synapses
- inhibition lasts several weeks to months

treat blepharospasm, focal muscle spasms, hperhirosis of palms and axillae, rid wrinkles
rimabotulinum toxin
toxins from clostridium botulinum

target presynatpic proteins that block release of ACh

- paralysis of sk muscle
- dec activity at parasympathetic and sym synapses
- inhibition lasts several weeks to months

treat blepharospasm, focal muscle spasms, hperhirosis of palms and axillae, rid wrinkles
ganglionic blocking agents

block what?
block ACh (and agonists) at nicotinic receptors of parasympathetic and sym ganglia

AKA - nondepolarizing competitive antagonists

block ALL autonomic outflow

tetraethylammonium (TEA)
hexamethonium (C6)
hexamethonium (C6)



where do they affect
name two groups
block neuromuscular transmission betwen motor end plate and nicotinic receptors on skeletal muscle

two groups -
1. nondepolorizing (antagonists)
2. depolarizing (agonists)
nondepolarizing meurmuscular blockers
block ACh from binding to rec recp.
bind in competitive fashion

prevent dpolarization of muscle fibers - inhibit contraction

results - paralyzed muscle

effect can be terminated with AChE inhibitors (neostigmine) to increase ACh 0 overcome competition for blockaded receptors
uses of nondepolarizing neurmuscular blockers
used in surgery as adjucts to anesthesia to produce muscle paralysis (relaxation)

drugs differ - half-life, means of elim
- tubocurarine
- mivacurium
- atracurium
- doxacurium
- pancuronium
- cisatracurium
- vecurolum
- rocuronium
- tubocurarine
nondepolarizing neurmuscular blockers

used in surgery as adjucts to anesthesia to produce muscle paralysis (relaxation)
- mivacurium
nondepolarizing neurmuscular blockers

used in surgery as adjucts to anesthesia to produce muscle paralysis (relaxation)
nondepolarizing neurmuscular blockers

used in surgery as adjucts to anesthesia to produce muscle paralysis (relaxation)
nondepolarizing neurmuscular blockers

used in surgery as adjucts to anesthesia to produce muscle paralysis (relaxation)
- pancuronium
nondepolarizing neurmuscular blockers

used in surgery as adjucts to anesthesia to produce muscle paralysis (relaxation)
- cisatracurium
nondepolarizing neurmuscular blockers

used in surgery as adjucts to anesthesia to produce muscle paralysis (relaxation)
- vecurolum
nondepolarizing neurmuscular blockers

used in surgery as adjucts to anesthesia to produce muscle paralysis (relaxation)
- rocuronium
nondepolarizing neurmuscular blockers

used in surgery as adjucts to anesthesia to produce muscle paralysis (relaxation)
depolarizing neuromuscular blockers

binds to nicotinic receptors on skel muscle and acts like ACh
- constant stim of receptor
- initially causes depolarization of muscle by binding
- then prevents further impulses
- causes resistance to further depolarization and paralysis results
name types of receptors that bind acetylcholine
where are cholinergic receptors found int eh ANS?
gang - both sym/para
para - effector

plus - muscles
what type of neurons release norephinephrine

effector sym (post gang)
muscarinic agonist causes what effects on eye
accommadation, facilitate draining of aqueous humor, miosis
muscarinic agonist causes what effects on respiratory system
restriction, mucus prod
muscarinic agonist causes what effects on cardiovascular system
dec HR, dec squeeze

not too much effect on BB - may be slight dec
muscarinic agonist causes what effects on Gu system
voiding, relax sphincter, contracts muscle
muscarinic agonist causes what effects on GI tract
speed up, increase secretions
what effect would a muscarinic agonist have on sympathetic portion of the autonomic nervous system
what is the name of the enzyme that metabolizes acetylcholine
why do organophosphates inhibit acetylcholinesterase for so long compared to other types of aceylcholinesterase inhibitors
covalent bonds
what effect does nicotine have inn toxic conc in humans

acute nicotine toxicity
- fatal at doses >40mg (i drop of pure nicotine liquid)
- 2 cigarettes contain lethal dose (if eaten)
---ingestion by children = vomiting

large doses:
1. CNS stimulation (seizure coma death)
2. skeltal muscle dpolarization - blockade and respiratory paralysis
3. hypertension adn cardiac arrythmias

treatment is supportive care until drug is metabolized - few hours as long as brain damage or death has not occurred

NO real treatment
what effects do anticholinergic agents have on the eye?
what effects do anticholinergic agents have on the respiratory tract
open, dec secretion
what effects do anticholinergic agents have on the GI tract
slow down , dec mot, dec secretions
what effects do anticholinergic agents have on the GU tract
what effects do anticholinergic agents have on the CV system
low - bradycardia (atropine blocks M1 only)
- occurs because M3 still have ACh

mod to high: tachycardia - blockade of vagal slowing

very high - death - stop pulse
what types of patients might use an anticholinergic agent be contraindicated
BPH, ulcers, glaucoma
explain mech of action of a ganglionic blocking agent
block both sides(para/sym) - at ganglion

no clinical applicatoins
what is difference between a nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocker and a depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agent/
nondepolarizing - antagonist

polarizing - agonist (super agonist)
classify the following as either a nondepolarizing neruomuscular blocker or depolarizing neurmuscular blocker
1. Tubocurarine
2. atracurium
3. succinylcholine
4. rocuronium
5. doxacurium
6. vecuronium
1. Tubocurarine - NON DEPOL - antagonists
2. atracurium - NON DEPOL - antagonists
3. succinylcholine - DEPOL - agonist
4. rocuronium- NON DEPOL - antagonists
5. doxacurium- NON DEPOL - antagonists
6. vecuronium - NON DEPOL - antagonists
when would someone use a neuromuscular blocking agent
ICU - to keep still
provide some theurapeutic uses of anticholinergics
urinary tract spasm associated with inflammation, surgery, neurologic cond
- oxybutinin (selective M3 antagonist)
- Tropsium, darifenacin, solifenacin, tolterodine

used to treat rapid onset mushroom poisoning - atropine

used to treat blepharospasm - clostridum botulinum toxins

sweat glands overactive - glycopyrrolate
general term for neurotransmitters/hormones in sympathetic nervous NS
name major catecholamines
1. dopamine
2. norepinephrine
3. epinephrine
name 4 basic catagories of adrenergic receptors
alpha1 (A1A, A1B, A1D)
alpha2 (A2A, A2B, A2C)
beta type (B1, B2, B3)
dopamine (D1, D2, D3, D4, D5)

all of g-protein coupled
Alpha 1 receptors
coupled to what?
what happens?
coupled with Gq proteins to phospholipase C

- when activated, results ACTIVATION of protein kinases - activate other enzymes that result in physiologic actions
Alpha 2 receptors
coupled to what?
what happens?
coupled with Gi proteins to adenylyl cyclase

- when activated, results in INHIBITORY activity that dec cAMP - reduces transduction of activting types of enzymatic messages
beta receptors
coupled to?
what happens?
coupled to Gs proteins to adenyly cyclase (some to Gq)
inc conversion of ATP to cAMP

activates multiple kinases that activate additional enzymes leading to physiologic actions
dopamine receptors
couple to what?
what happens
D1 receptors STIMULATE adenylyl cyclase (inc cAMP)
D2 receptors INHIBIT adenylyl cyclase (dec cAMP)
what are the factors that alter the degree to which any adrenergic receptors respond to a stimulus
1. selectivity
2. regulation
3. polymorphisms
4. catecholamine metabolism
describe receptor selectivity

low doses vs high doses?
allows sympathomimetic drugs to bind to one subgroup of receptors without binding to others

degree of binding is drug conc dependent
-low doses - selective binding
- high doses - nonselective binding
describe receptor regulation

- give example
receptor response up or down over time
- ex desensitization
desensitizatoin - describe, aka
aka - tolerance, refractoriness, tachyphylaxis

occurs after long term exposure to catecholamines or drugs

results in dec responsiveness of that cell/tissue to additional stimulation
mech of desensitization
1. altered transcription or translation of DNA and/or RNA
2. modifications of receptors
- by interactions with enzymes or other proteins
3. long term exposure to an agonist
4. interactions or messages from other receptors
using desensitization for therapeutic benefit
- sometimes desensitization of receptors is the desired effect of a drug
- results in an inc response followed by the desired dec physiologic action

****takes time to get to dec.
describe receptor polymorphisms
varying amino acid sequences in different people

- can alter receptor response - inc/dec risk to develop certain dz
-alter degree of susceptibility to desensitization
- alter degree or responsiveness to drugs
termination of neurotransmitter action
1. norepinephrine transmporter (NET)
2. movement of NE out of synaptic cleft and into the bloodstream
3. metabolism by catecholamine-O-methyltransferase (COMT)
4. metabolism by monoamine oxidase
Norephinephrine Transporter (NET)
most common
- removes up to 90% of released NE

acts as a pre-synaptic pump to move nE out of synapse and back into the neuron
- NE can now be recycled or metabolized by monoamine oxidase
NET as a therapeutic target
some drugs can bind and inhibit NET action
- atomozetine (ADHD), cocaine

NET inhib allows NE to stay around longer
- stim of adrenergic receptors

other drugs can reverse NET action and release NE that was originally taken up
Catechol-O-Methyl Transferase (COMT)
- metabolizes all catacholamines
- assists in terminating actions of NE, E, DA

Drugs can inhibit COMT and allow for prolonged action of catacholamines
- ex. entacopone
- Parkinson's disease inhibit metabolism of levodopa
- atomozetine (ADHD), cocaine
bind and inhibit NET action
ex. entacopone
- used in Parkinson's disease to inhibit metabolism of levodopa
monoamine oxidase
what do?
how many forms? name
metabolizes endogenous monoamines
- NE, E, DA, serotonin

two forms (A and B)
drugs that mimic actions of NE,E,DA

direct agonists
- bind to receptors- result in activation

indirect agonists
- cause release of stored catacholomines
- inhibit reuptake of already released catacholamines
direct agonists - sympathomimetics
structure allows for binding to adrenergic receptors resulting in activation
indirect agonists - sympathomimetics
2 mech
1. cause release of stored catecholamines
2. inhibit reuptake of catacholamines already released
describe benzene ring substitutions in sympathomimetic drugs
1. add OH group to C3 and C4
- max alpha and beta activity
- creates catacholamine cmpnds - susceptible to COMT

2. adding -OH to C3 OR C4
- reduce adrenergic potency
- inc drug duration - less susceptible to COMT

3. absence of -OH group on benzine ring
- hydrophobic
- entry into CNS
describe amino group substitutions sympathomimetic drugs
increase size of alkyl substitutions on the amino group
- increase Beta activity
- larger the group, lower the alpha infinity

isopropyl group on amino nitrogen
- inc Beta activity even more
describe alpha carbon substitutions in sympathomimetic drugs
- block oxidation by monoamine oxidase (MAO)
- prolonged duration

adding CH3
- increase ability to act as indirect sympathomimetic as well as direct agontists
describe beta carbon substitutions in sympathomimetic drugs
less significant impact on activity

add -OH group enables direct agonist activity
- but not necessary
what is major target of sympathomimetics
outcome of giving a drug is dependent upon ....what?
1. selectivity for alpha/beta receptors
2. pharmacologic action at receptors (ag/atag)
3. action of body's compensatory mech (desensitization)
key sympathomimetic effects in cardiovascular system include... (4)
1. HR
2. CO
3. peripheral vascular resistance (BP)
4. venous return
where are Alpha 1 receptors present in cardiovascular system?
vascular bed
activation by an alpha 1 agonist in cardiovascular system results in ....what?
arterial and venous vasoconstriction
- inc BP
reflex slowing of HR...should dec CO ...but
venous return inc, inc stroke volume, maintain CO

alpha 1 agonist

maintain BP in pt with poor organ perfusion (vascular shock)

treat stuffy nose
- constricts blood vessels in nasal passage
where are alpha 2 receptors in cardiovascular system?
vascular beds and CNS
activation by an alpha 2 agonist in cardiovascular system results in ....what?
activation of peripheral receptors - vasoconstriction
----only locally, IV push, very high oral doses

systemic admin results in activation of central alpha 2 receptors - inhibits sympathetic vascular tone
----dec sympathetic activity
---- dec BP
dec in sympathetic activity ----aka
what do B1 receptors in heart do?
inc contractility
inc HR
inc CO
what do B2 receptors in vasculature do?
dec peripheral resistance (vasodilation)
dec BP
stim of D1 receptors cause what in cardiovascular system
vasodilation in renal, splanchnic, coronary, cerebral
stimulation of alpha, beta receptors by dopamine
- describe affects
low dose - activates B2 - vasodilation, dec BP

med dose - activates B1 - inc contractility, HR, CO

high dose - activates A1 - vasoconstriction
effects of sympathomimetics on LUNGS
B2 receptors - brochodilation

no alpha, no B1
effects of sympathomimetics on EYE
alpha receptors in radial muscle
- mydriasis
- inc outflow of aqueous humor and can reduce intraocular pressure in glaucoma
effects of sympathomimetics on Genitournary
alpha receptors in bladder, urethral sphincter, prostate

promote urine retention, mediate ejaculation
contracts uterus
effects of sympathomimetics on Salivary glands
beta receptors - increase salilvation
effects of sympathomimetics on apocrine sweat glands
increase production in response to stress (NOT TEMP)
effects of sympathomimetics on Metabolism
inc glycogenolysis in liver (beta receptors)
---inc serum glucose

lipolysis: Beta inc alpha 2 dec
insulin: Beta 2 inc (islet cells) alpha 2 dec
K+ uptake: Beta 2 inc (can cause hypokalemia)
renin: Beta 1 inc alpha 2 dec
(mediates renal perfusion)
parathyroid - mediated by what ANS
adrenergic receptors
calcitonin - mediated by what part of ANS
adrenergic receptors
thyroxine - mediated by what part of ANS
adrenergic receptors
gastrin - mediated by what part of ANs
adrenergic receptors
epinephrine - aka
describe where acts
what effects?
agonsits at alpha and beta

potent vasoconstrictor , cardiac stimulant
--- inc systolic BP (alpha 1)
--- inc HR, CO (Beta 1)

vasodilation (Beta 2)
----skeletal muscle blood vessels during exercise
--- drop diastolic BP
Norepinephrine - aka

where acts?
what effects?
aka - noradrenaline, levophed

A1,A2, B1 - minimal B2

potent vasoconstrictor, cardiac stim
----inc systolic and diastolic BP (A1 recept)
----inc HR and CO (B1 rec)
dopamine - action in CNS?
significant actions in CNS
- contributes to development of addiction based on reward stimuli

- deficiency - parkinsons (entacapone)
direct A1 agonist

not inactivated by COMT which prolongs duration of action

direct A1 agonist

Treat orthostatic hypotension
what is used to treat orthostatic hypotension
Midodrine - direct A1 agonist
Direct A2 agonist

Direct A2 agonist

Direct A2 agonist

Direct A2 agonist

Direct A2 agonist

acts in CNS - sedation of patients in ICU setting
Direct A1 and A2 agonist

A1 - vasoconstriction - DECONGESTANT

A2 - decrease BP
Nonselective B agonist

B2 - vasodilation - Dec BP, mean arterial pressure

B1 - Pos chronotropic and inotropic on heart
---inc. HR, CO
Beta selective agonists - effects on heart
Inc. CO without a reflexive increase in HR
B1 selective agonist
- racemic mixture of 2 isomers (diff activity)

+ isomer: potent B1 action, A1 antagonism
---allows for an increase in CO without increasing BP

-isomer - gives potent A1 action, inc BP

pos inotropic action, little BP change
B2 selective agonists - therapeutic uses
provide bronchodilation - tx asthma, COPD
B2 selective agonist

tx asthma COPD
B2 selective agonist

tx asthma COPD
relax uterine smooth muscle during labor
B2 selective agonist

tx asthma COPD
B2 selective agonist

tx asthma COPD
B2 selective agonist

tx asthma COPD
B2 selective agonist

tx asthma COPD
B2 selective agonist

relax uterine smooth muscle during labor
Mixed A and B sympathomimetics - effects?
provide A and B effects
- vasocontriction, decongestion, bronchodilation, CNS effects: appetite supp, stimulation

potency varies from drug to drug
Mixed acting sympathomimetic

from plant
- bronchodilation in asthma (better drugs out there)
Mixed acting sympathomimetic
two mech of indirect acting sympathomimetics
1. displace stored catecholamines
2. inhibit reuptake of released neurotransmitter by interfering with NET
indirect acting sympathomimetics

causes release of stored NA and DE

CNS stimulant - inc mood, alertness, dec appetite
indirect acting sympathomimetics

catecholamine reuptake inhibitor
indirect acting sympathomimetics

similar to amphetamine

made from pseudoephedrine
potent CNS actions
indirect acting sympathomimetics

similar to amphetamine
indirect acting sympathomimetics
amphetamine derivative

- reduces uptake of NE, function in the brain
indirect sympathomimetic

inhibits NE, DA transporters in CNS

inc wakefulness in pts, narcolepsy, obstructive sleep apnea, shift work disorder
indirect sympathomimetic

R-enantiomer or modafinil
- similar actions to modafinil
Tyramine products
- how work?
causes release of stored catecholamines
- similar actions to NE (A1, A2, B1)

metabolized by MAO
- so careful with pts taking MAO inhibitors
- dangerous HTN
selective inhibitor of NE reuptake with mostly CNS effects
- may cause inc BP
Serotonin and NE reuptake inhibitor
- appetite suppressant
serotonin and NE reuptake inhibitor
- antidepressent
inhibits peripheral reuptake of NE by NET

- enters CNS and produces amphetamine-like actions, more intense

- inhibition of DA reuptake in pleasure center of brain
- very rapid addiction
Sympathomimetic - therapeutic application
Cardiovascular - Hypotension
inc BP, CO

used to maintain perfusion of vital organs

A1 agonists to raise BP
- NE, phenylephrine

inotropic agents in shock syndromes inc CO
- Dopamine, dobutamine
Sympathomimetic - therapeutic application
Cardiovascular - Hypertension
Central acting A2 agonist - dec HTN
- Clonidine

oral tablets, topical patch
Sympathomimetic - therapeutic application
Cardiovascular - Orthostatic Hypotension
normla sympathetic reflex action (inc HR, peripheral vasoconstriction) revents this
- can be inhibited by antihypertensives

TX with A1 agonist - midodrine
Sympathomimetic - therapeutic application
Cardiovascular - emergency
used in complete heart block or cardiac arrest

Epinephrine - part of resuscitation measures
- redistributes blood flow from less important areas to more important areas
--------A1, B2
Sympathomimetic - therapeutic application
sugical applications
A1 activity
reduce blood loss at site of sugical manipulations
- Epinephrine or cocaine

slow diffusion of anesthetics away from site of admin
- Epi, NE, phenylephrine
Sympathomimetic - therapeutic application
Sinus Decongestant
A1 agonist
decrease nasal stuffiness
- nasal sprays to cause vasoconstriction
----phenylephrine, oxymetazoline

REBOUND effect (3day limit) - ischemic changes followed by hyperemia when agents discontinued (changed receptors)
Sympathomimetic - therapeutic application
pulmonary uses
B2 selective agents

improve pulmonary air flow

asthma , COPD

Sympathomimetic - therapeutic application
Anaphylactic reactions
reverse vascular complications of immune hypersensitivity

epinephrine activates A1, B1, B2 receptors to reverse all symptoms

used in comb w/ steroid (pregnesone) or antihistamine (benedryl)
Sympathomimetic - therapeutic application
ophthalmic applications
mydriasis - eye exams

decongestion - reduce eye redness w/ allergies (A1 agonist)

red intraocular pressure (A2 agonist)
- apraclonidine, brimonidine
Sympathomimetic - therapeutic application
Genitourinary applications
B2 selective - relax uterus in premature labor

Sympathomimetic - therapeutic application
CNS applications
tx narcolepsy - increase alertness, defer sleep
- amphetamine, modafinil

appetite suppression

ADHD - improve attention, reduce hperkinetic behavior, elim behav barriers to learning
- Methylphenidate,
- Dextroamphetamine/amphetamine
- Lisdexamfetamine
Sympathomimetic - therapeutic application
ICU sedation
improve pt comfort in ICU
Pts under severe physiologic stress (mech vent, post-operative) - need sedation

A2 agonist w/ other drugs
- helps lower req of other drugs
- dexmedetomidine
adrenergic actions - cardiovascular
A1 - vasoconstriction
B1 - increase HR, CO
B2 - vasodilation
A2 - central vasodilation
adrenergic actions - respiratory
A1 - decongestion
B2 - bronchodilation
adrenergic actions - ophthalmic
A1 - mydriasis, dec redness
A2 - dec intraocular pressure
adrenergic actions - genitourinary
B2 - delay fetal delivery
adrenergic actions - Secretory glands
B increase appocrine sweat glands adn salivary glands
adrenergic actions - metabolism
B - inc glycogenolysis and lipolysis
A2 - dec lipolysis
B2 - inc insulin release
A2 - dec insulin release
adrenergic actions - CNS
feelings - wakefulness, nervousness, anorexia, euphoria
reversible antagonists vs irreversible antagonists
reversible - compete with agonists, endogenous catecholamines
- block receptors, conc dependent
- duration based on affinity, half life

irreversible - covalent bonds
- duration dependent on synthesis of new receptors (may take several days)
how do Alpha antagonists work w/ the cardiovascular system
block A1 mediated vasoconstriction
---lead to vasodilation
--- dec peripheral vascular resistance and dec BP

may cause othostatic hypotension and reflex tachycardia
effects of A1 antagonists
tachycardia (reflex)
sinus congestion
facilitates urination
irreversible A1 (>A2) antagonist

1. blockade of vasoconstriction - causes vasodilation
2. blocks presynatpic A2 - blocks reuptake of NE (not very potent)

Used to Tx excessive catecholamine release (pheochromocytoma - adrenal medulla tumor)
reversible A1 and presynaptic A2 antagonists

A1 blockade: dec peripheral vascular resistance (D BP)

A2 blockade: inc cardiac stim (inc HR, cardiac workload0
= potential for arrhythmias
---due to enhanced NE activity from blocking NE reuptake

managment of pheochromocytoma
A1 antagonist

HTN Tx drug
A1 antagonist

HTN Tx drug
A1 antagonist

HTN Tx drug
A1 antagonist

HTN Tx drug
highly A1 selective

relaxation of arterial venous smooth muscle
relax smooth muscle in prostate
------ TX BPH------
name several drugs that have A1 antagonism side effect and what these lead to
lead to hypotension

Haloperidol (antipsychotic)
Chlorpromazine (antipsychotic)
Trazodone (sleep aid, antidepressent)
Erotamine and dihydroergotamine (migraine HA)
describe B receptor antagonists
bind reversibly

most are pure antagonists, some have partial B agonist activity
(low conc of endogenous catecholamines)

drugs are selective for B1 or B2 - dec at high doses

some have local anesthetic properties
describe B - antagonists in cardiovascular system
beta blockers
- first line in:
1. CHF
2. Angina
3. MI

- reduce cardiac workload (neg inotropic, neg chronotropic)
- slow AV node conduction - dec HR
- suppresses renin release
- reduce peripheral vascular resistance and BP

DEC heart workload

- also used to control BP -debatable!
B-blockers and blood pressure
block peripheral B2 receptors
- but instead of vasocontriction (inhib vasodilation)
vasodilation occurs over time - think due to receptor changes

effect enhanced with agents that block both A and B receptors (labetolol) - block vasoconstriction
B-blockers in angina
help pts by improving oxygen supply and demand
- block adrenergic effects that would occur under sym conditions
- reduction in cardiac workload - reduces demand for O2
- improves exercise tolerance
b-blockers contraindicated in which pts
pts with asthma and COPD

No pure selective B1 blockers - B blockers could worsen cond of asthma/COPD - dirty actions

HOWEVER - some pts just fine - best with informed consent
B blocker -ophthalmic effects
tx open angle glaucoma
- also cholinergic agents, A2 agonists (increase flow), prostaglandin analogs, diuretics

B-blockers common - gives as gtts
- reduce prod of aqueous humor

betaxolol, timolol, carteolol
beta blocker
gtts - reduce prod of aqueous humor
tx open angle glaucoma
beta blocker
gtts - reduce prod of aqueous humor
tx open angle glaucoma
beta blocker
gtts - reduce prod of aqueous humor
tx open angle glaucoma
unexpected effects of beta blockers
block glucose mobilization
worsen high cholesterol
intrinsic sympathomimetic activity (act as agonists)
local anesthetic activity
metabolic effects of B blockers
block glucose mobilization
- reduce energy availability
- inhibit sympatetic stim of lipolysis
- partial inhibition of glycogenolysis
-----could block the body's ability to make glucose available when needed

USE WITH CAUTION in PTS at risk of complicatoins associated with HYPOGLYCEMIA
- insulin dependent diabetics
in what patients are beta blockers contraindicated
insulin dependent diabetics - can complicate hypoglycemia
cholesterol issues with B blockers
alter levels of some types of stored cholesterol and inc cardiovascular risk and CAD
- inc VLDL
- dec HDL

- occurs with both selective and nonselective B blockers

may be less with partial agonists like labetolol
Intrinsic sympathomimetic activity
B blocker has partial B agonist activity
- based on structure

dec likelihood of neg features of B blocker (bronchoconstriction, bradycarida)

reduce therapeutic effects of B blockers, especially cardioprotective benefits
(labetolol, pindolol, Acebutolol)
Beta Blocker with Intrinsic Sympathomimetic Activity
Beta Blocker with Intrinsic Sympathomimetic Activity

treat HTN w pts w/ compelling indications
Beta Blocker with Intrinsic Sympathomimetic Activity
Local Anesthetic Action of B blockers

describe, AKA
aka - membrane stabilization

results from blockade of sodium channels in axons of nerves (similar to lidocaine)

prevents electrolytic excitation of the nerves - preventing depolarization and subsequent transfer of sensation information

ex. acebutolol

typically not used since better agents available
uses of B blockers
ischemic heart disease
heart failure
migraine headaches
perf anxiety
B blockers and hypertension

describe, give ex
considered 1st line for pts with compelling indications
(heart failure, post-MI, diabetes)

not 1st line - in pts without compelling indications

atenolol - most common
metoprolol - most common
b blocker
tx hypertension in pts with compelling indications
b blocker
tx hypertension in pts with compelling indications

heart failure
b blocker
tx hypertension in pts with compelling indications
hepatic Dz
B blockers - ischemic heart disease

give examples
occurs when cholesterol plaques line cardiac arteries, dec blood flow, oxygen delivery
- leads to angina, poor exercise tolerance

B blockers dec cardiac workload (slow HR, dec strength of heart squeeze)

results in less demand for oxygen - so limited supply meets less demand

1st line for pts at risk or after MI or angina, left ventricular dysfunction

ex. propranolol, metoprolol
B blocker - IHD


migraine HA

Hepatic dz
B blocker - IHD


heart failure

HTN in pts w/ compelling indications

Migrain HA
B blockers -arrhythmias
suppress supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias
- extend the resting periord of AV nodal cells
- slows ventricular response to electrical stimulation

tx - atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter
tx - life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias

ex. metoprolol, sotalol
B blocker

suppress supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias
- extend the resting periord of AV nodal cells
- slows ventricular response to electrical stimulation

tx - atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter
tx - life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias
B blockers and heart failure
chrinic heart failure (not acute)

ex. metoprolol, bisoprolol, carvedilol
chronic heart failure (not acute)
B blocker in glaucoma
reduce interocular pressure
- dec prod of aqueous humor


can slow heart rate
B blocker - tx glaucoma
B Blocker in hyperthyroidism
hyperthyroidism - can lead to excessive catecholamine action (ex. tachycardia)

B blockers
- dec symptoms - block adrenergic rec
- dec conversion of thyroxine (T4) to T3

exp useful in thyroid storm (when first diagnosed)

ex. propranolol
B blocker use for migraine headaches
metoprolol, propranolol

reduce freq and intensity

better drugs exist (triptan class)
B blocker - perf anxiety
eliminate many symptoms induced by stress, anxiety

slow heart rate
reduce palmar sweating
B blocker in hepatic disease
reduce elevated BP (LV dz - portal vein hypertension)

ex. nadolol
what unwanted side effects can occur with B blockers
1. bradycardia
2. worsening of asthma
3. may worsen CO in pts w/ heart failure
4. exacerbation of hypoglycemia in DM

others minor:
mild sedation
vivid dreams
what are key neurotransmitters/hormones of the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system?
ACh - nic/musc rec (pregang sym/para), post gang (para) - sk muscle junction

NE, E, DA - adrenergic post gang
name the types of receptors that bind acetylcholine and where they are located?
Nic, Musc , MS junctions
muscarinic agonist causes what effects on the eye?
muscarinic agonist causes what effects on the respiratory system?
muscarinic agonist causes what effects on the cardiovascular system?
dec HR - may dec BP
muscarinic agonist causes what effects on the Genitourinary system
empty bladder
muscarinic agonist causes what effects on the gastrointestingal tract
inc secretion, inc motility
name types of adrenergic receptors
A1, A2, B1, B2, D
what effect would a muscarinic agonist have on the sympathetic portion of hte autonomic nervous system?
what is the name of the enzyme that metabolizes acetylcholine
What are the names of 2 enzymes that metabolize norepinephrine, epi, DA
Monamine oxidase (MAO)

what is NET and what does it do?
takes back in and reuses
what effect occurs when the following receptors are stimulated by an agonist in the cardiovascular system?

what med cond these agents be used?

A1, A2, B1, B2
A1 - vasocontriction (non in heart) - inc BP

A2 - vasoconstriction (locally)
A2 - vasodilation (brain)

B1 - inc HR, inc contractility (heart - not in vasculature)

B2 - vasodilation (vasculature) - Dec BP
what effects do anticholinergic agents have on teh eye?
what effects do anticholinergic agents have on the respiratory tract?
what effects do anticholinergic agents have on the gastrointestinal tract?
dec motility, dec secretion
what effects do anticholinergic agents have on the genitourinary tract?
retention of urine
what actions occur with use of adrenergic antagonists in cardio system?
dec HR
Dec BP (vasodilation)_
Dec contractibility
what actions occur with use of adrenergic antagonists in pulmonary system
what actions occur with use of adrenergic antagonists in ocular?
dec interocular pres - constriction
what actions occur with use of adrenergic antagonists - glucose
prevent lipolysis, glycolysis
what actions occur with use of adrenergic antagonists - lipids
inc VLDL, dec HDL
explain the mechanism of action of a ganglionic blocking agent?
block nic receptors - both P/S system

block all autonomic outflow
What is ISA? How does it change the effect of a beta blocker
intrinsic sympathetic activity

acts as an agonist instead of an antagonist
what are some limitations of B blocker use
- worsen sysm in asthma /COPD
- bradycardia
- blocks mech of body to compensate for hypoglycemia
-worsen cond w high cholesterol - but usually pts already on chol medications