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34 Cards in this Set

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The diencephalon is derived from the ___________
The _____________ divides the diencephalon to form the dorsal thalamus (alar &roof plates) and basal plate derived hypothalamus.
sulcus limitans

(^derivative of hypothalamic sulcus)
sulcus limitans

(^derivative of hypothalamic sulcus)
caudal roof plate of the thalamus develops the
epiphysis forms the
pineal gland
what makes up the epithamlamus
pineal gland 
haenular nuclei 
stria medullaris
pineal gland
haenular nuclei
stria medullaris
choroid plexus develops from the _____ along with other specialized ependymal areas, cirnumventricular organs
roof plate
subthalamic nucleus and zona incerta develop in the posterior diencephalon and are the ?
What else develops from the diencephalon?
The neurohypophysis or posterior lobe of the pituitary and the infundibulum
what are the divisions of the adult diencephalon
dorsal thalamus (thalamus)
the 2 lobes of the thalamus are separated by the
3rd ventricle
all sensory information which reaches cerebral cortex except_____ will be processed through the thalamus
the white matter covering the dorsal thalamus
statum zonale (red)
statum zonale (red)
covers the lateral thalamus under the reticular nucleus
external medullary lamina (green)
external medullary lamina (green)
The _________________________ divides the thalamus into primary anterior, medial, lateral and intralaminar groups.
internal medullary lamina (purple)

(These primary groups are further divided into dorsal ventral and posterior areas)
internal medullary lamina (purple)

(These primary groups are further divided into dorsal ventral and posterior areas)
anterior nuclear group borders the
(ant group= green)

lateral ventricle and at the front of the thalamus
(ant group= green)

lateral ventricle and at the front of the thalamus
what is part of the dorsal tier of the lateral groups
lateral dorsal (green)
lateral posterior (red)
pulvinar (purple)
lateral dorsal (green)
lateral posterior (red)
pulvinar (purple)
what is part of the ventral tier of the lateral groups
ventral anterior (purple)
ventral lateral (green)
ventral posterior (red)
ventral anterior (purple)
ventral lateral (green)
ventral posterior (red)
what nuclei are part of the medial group
dorsomedial nucleus (upper) and a smaller ventromedial nucleus (lower)
dorsomedial nucleus (upper) and a smaller ventromedial nucleus (lower)
intralaminar nuclei include
centromendian (red) and parafascicular (green) nuclei 
(surrounded by the internal medullary lamina)
centromendian (red) and parafascicular (green) nuclei
(surrounded by the internal medullary lamina)
metathalamus includes the
medial (yellow) and lateral (red) genculate bodies
medial (yellow) and lateral (red) genculate bodies
medial geniculate is part of the ______ system
The __________ is a thin sheet of neurons beyond the external medullary lamina adjacent to the internal capsule.
reticular nucleus
reticular nucleus
lateral geniculate is part of the ______ system
what primary nucleus of the subthalmus is part of basal ganglia connections and involved in large motor movements?
subthalmic nucleus (red)
subthalmic nucleus (red)
The other primary subthalmic nuclei, the zona incerta (green) is an extension of the
The other primary subthalmic nuclei, the zona incerta (green) is an extension of the
reticular formation
subthalamus area contains basal ganglia projections in the
prerubral fields of Forel (red)
prerubral fields of Forel (red)
Epithalamus contains the
pineal gland, habenular nuclei and the stria medullaris thalami
pineal gland, habenular nuclei and the stria medullaris thalami
Pineal Gland is associated with
circadian rhythms

*AND recieves indirect light info
circadian rhythms

*AND recieves indirect light info
Pinealocytes synthesize

(melatonin varies w/ circadian rhythms)
habencular nuclei receive basal ganglia information through the

Where do they project to?
stria medullaris

interpedunclear nucleus of the midbrain
What do the habenular nuclei modulate?
appear to modulate emotional related facial expressions (mimetic expression) among other possible functions.
what is the arteriole supply to the hypothalamus and subthalamus
circle of willis with perforating branches
Most of the thalamus gets its arterole supply from
posterior cerebral arteries
Which areas of the thalamus do the thalamoperforating and thalamogeniculate branches of the posterior cerebral arteries supply?
thalamoperforating- supplies the dorsomedial thalamus

thalamogeniculate- supplies the ventrolateral thalamus
thalamoperforating- supplies the dorsomedial thalamus

thalamogeniculate- supplies the ventrolateral thalamus