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47 Cards in this Set

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What are the main energy stores in the body
glycogen & lipids
(protein only in malnutrition)
(Liver/Muscle) stores 8% of body weight in glycogen. Glycogen is available for use for the body

(muscle stores 2% muscle weight, for muscle use ONLY, bc muscle lacks G-6-Pase)
(Liver/Muscle) takes up glucose and stores it as glycogen under the influence of insulin

(insulin does NOT have an affect on muscle)
Although protein is NOT a primary fuel store, it can be oxidized to CO2 & converted to _____ or ______ for energy
glycogen or triacylglycerol (TAG)

(AAs--> glucose & fat)
_________ provides the most energy

How is it stored?

stored in non-aqueous adipocytes
Describe the 2nd law of thermodynamics
dE= dG = TdS

energy glucose = energy stored as glycogen + energy lost as heat

* chemical rxn results in loss of energy to drive metabolism

(1st law: energy in = energy out
Besides glycogen, glucose can also be converted to what 2 things?
pyruvate (--> lactate)
fat (via FA synthesis)
Fat can be converted to glucose

fat is either stored or oxidized (beta-ox) for energy
Beta-oxidation breaks down fat. ____ carbons are lost each cycle. Where do these carbons go?
2 carbons

go to TCA cycle, leave body as CO2
What are the 3 major organs that utilize glucose (from food)?

What is its fate in each?
Liver: glucose--> glycogen & FA

Muscle: glucose--> glycogen & AA

Adipocytes: glucose--> G-3-P
Effect of increased insulin & decreased glucagon on 3 major organs
Liver: glycogen breakdown inhibited, glucose uptake & storage as glycogen increased, glucose converted to FA & exported as TAGs & VLDLs

Muscle: increased glucose--> glycogen (glycogen synthase) & increased oxidation (via pyruvate dehydrogenase)

Adipose: glucose uptake (GLUT-4) & conversion to G-3-P, TAGs hydrolyzed to FA (via lipoprotein lipase (LPL)) & taken in, FA + G3P--> TAG & stored

*enzymes stimulated by insulin
*ANABOLIC effects
The ___________ has relatively constant uptake of glucose via insulin-independent GLUT-1

* individual neurons uptake via insulin-independent GLUT-3
How is fat taken into the body from food?
fat binds to chylomicron in intestine-->
chylomicron enter blood stream-->
chylomicron hydrolyzed to FA via LPL-->
FA is re-esterfied (combined w/ G3P) in adipocyte-->
stored as TAG
Insulin stimulates _____ & ______ leading to fat storage

Insulin inhibits ________ suppressing stored TAG hydrolysis (fat breakdown)
stimulates LPL (TAG hydrolysis, allows fat uptake) & GLUT-4 (allows glucose uptake)

inhibits hormone sensitive lipase (prevents breakdown of TAGs stored in adipocytes)
What 2 major organs utilize AAs (from food)?

what is its fate in each?
Muscle: branched AAs (Leu, Ile, Val)--> muscle protein

Liver: gluconeogenic AAs (Ala & Glu)--> glycogen
Epinephrine & Glucagon have an (anabolic/catabolic) effect on glycogen

glycogen-- (glycogenolysis)--> glucose

(via glycogen phosphorylase in muscle)
(via G6Pase in liver, only liver glucose goes to rest of body*)
What are the affects of Epi & GH on adipocytes?

activate hormone sensitive lipase (bc low insulin), allows TAG in adipocyte to be hydrolyzed-->
FA & glycerol released into blood--->
FA--beta-ox-->Acyl-CoA--TCA--> ATP/ energy
What are the final ATP yields from oxidative phosphorylation (TCA)
NADH--> 2.5 ATP
FADH2--> 1.5 ATP

(if not all pyruvate--> TCA, will become lactate)
In muscle, Epi & glucagon also promote ___________, producing ATP & lactate
In liver, Epi & glucagon also promote ______________ via glycerol (from adipocytes) & AAs
Type (I/IIb) muscle fiber:
Few fibers w/ moderate diameter
Low force w/ high excitability
Slow conduction w/ moderate contraction
Oxidative metabolism
Low fatigability
Type I

(Type IIb is opposite w/ glycolytic metabolism, Type IIa is in between the two)
What 2 things determine the force of muscle contraction?
1. number of motor units recruited
2. frequency of motor unit firing

*firing pattern of alpha motor neuron determines contractile & metabolic properties of muscles
(Endurance/Strength) training leads to greater ox capacity of muscle fibers, increased O2 delivery, capillary supply, & mitochondrial content, reduced fatigue, and small fiber diameter
Endurance training

(strength training leads to great force & contractile speed via increased amount of contractile protein)
*training type changes muscle composition*
3 muscle energy sources utilized during exercise

How long does each source last?
1. ATP & PCr- 20 sec or less

2. Muscle glycogen- 60-90 secs

3. Oxidation of glucose & FA- longer than 2 min
Describe how ATP & PCr are used as an energy source
PCr + ADP (stored) <----> ATP (usable energy)
via creatine kinase (both ways)

(when ATP is used for energy, ADP is produced. PCr (creatine phosphate) is stored in muscle)
As ATP & PCr are used up, what accumulates in the muscle sarcoplasm?

What does this accumulation lead to?
P, ADP, lactate, & H+

impairs Ca pump at SR, reducing electrochemical gradient & impairing Ca release from SR (for contraction)
Lactate is produces from incomplete breakdown of glucose (too much pyruvate). How does lactate lead to muscle fatigue?
protons (low pH) produced w/ lactate restrict muscle performance by inhibiting;
myosin ATPase (reducing contraction velocity)
binding of Ca to troponin c (limiting cross-bridge)
Na-K pump (limiting depolarization)
PFK (limiting glycolysis)
During the first 2 seconds of exercise all the _____ already present in the muscle is used. What type of energy use is this?

From 2-20 secs remaining _____ & _____ are used.

This is also ______________

From 20-120 secs ______________, in addition to ATP & PC are used.

This is both anaerobic & ___________ energy use
muscle glycogen

From 120-240 secs __________ & muscle glycogen are used to supply energy

This is both anaerobic & ___________
lactic acid

From 240 secs on, ______ & muscle glycogen are used to supply energy

At this point energy use is _________ only

Give the progressive order for threshold reaching :
lactic acid system
aerobic system
ATP store
ATP-PC system
ATP stored--> (2 sec)
ATP-PC system--> (10 sec)
Lactic acid system--> (1 min)
Aerobic system

* all begin to be used at onset of energy, but are exhausted at diff thresholds
The anaerobic glycolytic system is dependent on O2 delivery & glycolytic reliance (glucose breakdown)

What is its limitation?
lactate threshold
The aerobic system is dependent on glycogen/fat/protein & O2 (oxidative metabolism)

What is its limitation?
glycogen depletion (hitting the wall)

(*no lactate accumulation in aerobic system)
After the first few minutes, VO2 remains at a steady state (50-75% max) in (anaerobic/aerobic) system
After exercise has ended, HR & Ventilation remain elevated, but _____ falls rapidly. What does this lead to?

leads to "oxygen debt" in muscles
= excess post-exercise O2 consumption--> lactate production (anaerobic metabolism)

(will eventually refuel muscle O2, lactic acid will be present in muscle)
In addition to lactic acid fatigue, muscle fatigue can also occur from CNS. Describe CNS fatigue.
altered input from muscle sensory fibers-->
reduced excitatory input to motor control centers & spinal cord-->
altered excitability of alpha & gamma motor neurons
High frequency fatigue occurs in type (I/II) muscle

How does this fatigue occur?
type II

AP moves Na in & K out (too fast)-->
Na-K ATPase cannot restore potential-->
Potential becomes more + -->
inactivates voltage gated Na channels-->
impaired excitability w/o Na = fatigue
Low frequency fatigue occurs in type (I/II) muscle

How does this fatigue occur?
type I

Decreased Ca release from SR-->
Ca cannot saturate Troponin C-->
Troponin C prevents myosin & actin binding-->
prevents cross-bridge AP tetanus = fatigue
How does aerobic training lead to prolonged glycogen depletion?
increases mitochondria, oxidative enxymes, capillary density
= more O2 & better FA oxidation (in mito) to produce ATP
(utilize stored glycogen after FA, prolong depletion)
Endurance training results in decreased sensitivity to ________ during exercise

This decreases __________ (enzymes) & favors _____ use for energy

decreases glycolysis (decrease rate-limiting enzymes) & favors FA use (increases mitochondrial enzymes)
The most efficient diet after 2 hr workout is _____________

This diet prior to workout also allows a longer duration before exhaustion
high carb
Early strength gain in resistance training is due to (muscle/neural) factors

Describe how

more fibers are coordinated to motor units & cross bridges are synchronized
Later strength gain in resistance training is due to (muscle/neural) factors

Describe how

increased fiber size/muscle mass, increased anaerobic capacity, glycolytic enzymes, & phosphagens (to make PCr)
*remember strength training favors anerobic/glycolysis for energy
Fiber (hypertrophy/hyperplasia) is the major mechanism for strength increase

Explain the diff btwn the two

hyperplasia= new fibers made (DOESNT occur)
hypertrophy= enlargement of fibers
What causes Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS)?

What does DOMS lead to?
out of shape
sacrolemmal or structural damage
metabolite accumulation

leads to:
resistance to future damage/soreness