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29 Cards in this Set

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1.Describe the pelvic fascia and its subdivisions.
-continuous w/ endoabdominal fascia (CT btwn parietal peritoneum & pelvic muscles)
1. parietal pelvic fascia-
lines walls & floor of pelvis
named according to muscle covered
forms tendinous arch of pelvic fascia (from pubis to sacrum, along pelvis from, on both sides of viscera)

2. visceral pelvic fascia-
covers & supports pelvic viscera
2. Define pelvic ligaments
-condensed fibrous regions of parietal pelvic fascia
-supports pelvic viscera
2. Identify the pelvic ligaments in the female pelvis.
-pubocervical ligament (cervix to ant. pelvic wall)
-transverse cervical/cardinal/lateral cervical/Mackenrodt ligament (cervix to lat. pelvic wall)
-uterosacral ligament (cervix to post. pelvic wall)
3.Describe the disposition of the parietal peritoneum of the pelvis
-continuous w/ parietal peritoneum of abdomen
-drapes over pelvic organs at midline, forming pouches, folds, & ligaments
3.Describe the formation of the peritoneal spaces/recesses (pouches).
-spaces between adjacent organs created by peritoneum draping over contours of organs
-infection & fluids may accumulated in these spaces (in the lowest one)
What pouch is the lowest portion of the abdominopelvic cavity in the supine position?
Rectouterine pouch (of Douglas)
3.Describe the formation of the pelvic folds and ligaments.
-folds of peritoneum formed between pelvic organs & walls
-includes broad ligament (created as peritoneum covers uterus & fallopian tubes) & suspensory ligament of the ovary (contains ovarian arteries) (female)
4. Describe the arteries of the pelvis
-internal iliac arteries
(from common iliac a.)
*most important blood supply of pelvis

-superior rectal artery
(continuation of inf. mesenteric a.)

-median sacral artery
(from aorta @ L4 (bifurcation into common iliacs))

-ovarian/testicular artery
(from aorta @ L1)
Describe Posterior Divisions of the Internal iliac artery
-iliolumbar artery
passes sup. across pelvic inlet

-lateral sacral artery
ant. to sacral plexus

-superior gluteal artery
exits pelvis through greater sciatic foramen, sup. to piriformis m, btwn lumbosacral trunk & S1
Describe Anterior Divisions of the Internal iliac artery
-obturator artery
(exits pelvis through obturator foramen, into obturator canal, supplies thigh adductors)

-umbilical artery
gives rise to sup. vesical arteries proximally, supplying upper urinary bladder & branching into artery to ductus deferens (males only), distal portion obliterated as medial umbilical ligament

-uterine artery
(females only) crosses ureter* ant., anastomoses w/ vaginal & ovarian arteries

-vaginal artery
(females only, same as inf. vesical in males) supplies vagina & base of bladder

-inf. vesical artery
(males only) supplies prostate, seminal vesicles, & base of bladder

-middle rectal artery
supplies lower rectum

-int. pudendal artery
passes through greater sciatic foramen w/ pudendal nerve

-inf. gluteal artery
below piriformis btwn S1 & 2 or 2 & 3
4. Describe the veins of the pelvis
-veins accompany arteries of same name
-internal iliac vein is main drainage--> joins external iliac vein-->forming common iliac vein-->2 common iliacs form IVC @ L5
4. Describe the lymphatic supply of the pelvis
nodes are arranged along main vessels & drain into:
-external & internal iliac nodes
-common iliac nodes

*most drains into internal iliac nodes
*lymph drainage is same as blood supply
Which pelvic ligament provides the main passive support of the uterus?
Transverse cervical ligament
(cardinal/lateral cervical/Mackenrodt ligament)
In males, the puboprostatic ligaments support the urinary bladder. What ligaments serve this function in females?
pubovesical ligaments
W/i the upper part of the transverse cervical ligament, the _________ artery passes toward the cervix above the ureter.
uterine artery

*at risk during hysterectomy
Name the pelvic pouches in males & females
rectovesical pouch (btwn rectum & bladder)

vesicouterine pouch (btwn bladder & uterus)
rectouterine pouch (btwn rectum & uterus)
The ___________ artery is at risk from injury during repair of a femoral hernia as it crosses the femoral ring, superior to the femoral canal
obturator artery
The obturator artery may be aberrant or replaced, or joined by an accessory, both of which are usually branches from what artery?
inferior epigastric artery
Pelvic veins form communicating plexuses of veins around pelvic organs, which are mainly drained by the internal iliac veins. Some veins also drain through what vein & plexus?
inferior mesenteric vein & vertebral venous plexus

*vertebral venous plexus provides pathway for pelvic cancer to metastasize to spinal cord & brain
4. Describe the sympathetic nerves of the pelvis
sympathetic nerves:
-lumbar splanchnic nerves
(carry preganglionic fibers to inf mesenteric & sup hypogastric plexus)
-sacral splanchnic nerves
(carry postganglionic fibers to inf hypogastric plexus)

-supply pelvic organs, blood vessels, sphincters
-ganglia connect to sacral spinal nerves by gray rami communicantes
4. Describe the parasympathetic nerves of the pelvis
Pelvic splanchnic nerves (S2-4):
-arise from cell bodies in spinal cord corresponding w/ IMLCC @ higher levels
-exit anterior rami of S2-4
-convey preganglionic parasympathetic fibers to inf. hypogastric plexus
-synapse w/ ganglia in plexus or wall of viscera
The pelvic pain line signifies the point where pain conduction above & below differs in course. Where is this line?
line corresponds to inferior limit of the peritoneum
What is the pathway for GVA fibers to conduct pain from the pelvic viscera above & below the pelvic pain line?
above- travel w/ abdominopelvic splanchnic nerves (sympathetic) to DRG of T10-L2

below- travel w/ pelvic splanchnic nerves (parasympathetic) to DRG of S2-S4
Abdominal & Pelvic Nerve Plexuses contain sympathetic fibers only

contain BOTH sympathetic & parasympathetic fibers!!!!!
The superior & inferior hypogastric plexus are connected by __________________ nerves
R & L hypogastric nerves
Terminal branches of the (inferior/superior) hypogastric plexus penetrate the pelvic floor to innervate the erectile tissues of the penic & clitoris in the perineum as ____________ nerves
inferior hypogastric plexus

cavernous nerves
What nerve mainly supplies the perineum?
pudendal nerve (S2-4)

What 2 nerve plexuses provide somatic nerve supply pelvic muscles & viscera, perineum, & lower limbs?
sacral & coccygeal nerve plexus

* on ant. surface of piriformis, leaves pelvis through greater sciatic foramen
What nerves from the anterior rami of S2-S4 connect w/ the inferior hypogastric plexus?
Pelvic splanchnic nerves

*gray rami communicantes connect w/ ant rami carrying postganglionic sympathetic fibers to limbs