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96 Cards in this Set

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True/False: Humerus should be superimposed over the scapula
Routine positions for the Humerus are:
AP and Lateral
Trauma positions for the Humerus are:
Lateral for distal Humerus, Transthoracic lateral for proximal Humerus, Y-view for proximal Humerus
Criteria for good AP Humerus
entire Humerus, Greater tubercle in profile, epicondyles in profile, exposure factors.
Criteria for good Lateral Humerus
entire Humerus, Lesser tubercle in profile, epicondyles are superimposed, exp. factors.
Where is the Coranoid Process?
The proximal end of the Ulna, articulates with the Trochlea of the Humerus
Where is the Coracoid Process?
Superior border of Scapula and inferior to the Distal end of the Clavicle
What carpal bone articulates with the radius?
What carpal bone articulates with the radius and the capitate?
Which carpal bone is proximal to the first metacarpal (thumb)?
Which carpal bone is proximal to the 2nd metacarpal?
Which carpal bone is proximal to the 3rd metacarpal?
Which carpal bone is proximal to the 4th and 5th metacarpal?
The metacarpals are concave on the anterior and convex on the posterior.
The wrist joint is an ellipsoidal joint which is the most freely moveable of synovial joints.
What is the joint called where the radius articulates with the scaphoid and the lunate?
radiocarpal joint
What is the average range of kV for the fingers hand and wrist?
50-65 kV
Where do you center for a PA hand and an oblique hand?
3rd MCP
Where do you center for a lateral of the hand?
2nd MCP
What is another name for the Norgaard Method and what is it used to diagnose?
Ball Catcher's Position - diagnoses rheumatoid arthritis
Where do you center for a PA and oblique wrist?
mid carpal area
WHere do you center for a lateral wrist?
Perpendicular to wrist joint
How much of a CR angle is used for the Stecher Method (Scaphoid)?
20 degrees up hand centered over the scaphoid
Where do you ceneter on the thumb?
At 1st MCP joint
What position is used for an oblique of the thumb?
PA hand
WHat needs to be demonstrated on an exam of the thumb?
Entire thumb including the 1st MCP
Where do you center for the 2nd-5th digits?
PIP joint
The radial head is proximal/near the elbow on the lateral or thumb side.
The ulnar head is distal/near the wrist on the medial side.
When does the radius cross over the ulna?
during pronation
When do the radius and ulna show no superimposition?
external rotation (oblique with lateral rotation)
What does a true lateral of the forearm show?
THe proximal head and neck of the radius, the radial tuberosity, and the trochlear notch.
Does the forearm need to show both joints?
What exam shows the coronoid process free of superimposition?
AP oblique (medial rotation)
Acute flexion is also called?
Jones method
Why are the fingers parallel to the IR and not bent in a hand exam?
to show joint spaces
What should you do with the fingers in a wrist projection?
curl them, to move the carpals closer to the IR
What is the name of the furthest lateral carpal on the proximal row?
Name the carpals in order, proximal row first.
Schaphoid, Lunate, Triquetrium, Pisiform, Trapezium, Trapazoid, Capitate, Hamate
Ok Hotshot, what are the OLD names the carpals in order ?
Navicular, Semilunar, Triangular, Pisiform, Greater Multiangular, Lesser Multiangular, Os magnum, Unciform
In the anatomical position, what is it called when the hand is moved medially, but the arm is kept straight?
Ulnar deviation
R______ A_______ is a common pathology that hand and wrist exams are ordered for.
Rhumatoid Artharitis
How many bones are in the hand?
How many bones in the Phalanges?
How many carpals?
What kind of joint is the 1st MCP?
Sellar (saddle)
What kind of joint is the DIP?
Ginglymus (hinge)
What kind of joint are the intercarpals?
Plane (Gliding)
What kind of joint is the Wrist (carpal to ulna and radius)?
Ellipsoid (condyloid)
What ind of joint is the proximal and distal radioulnar joints?
Trochoid (pivot)
What kinda of joint is the elbow?
Ginglymus (hinge)
kV AP hand?
kV Lateral hand?
kV Oblique hand
kV wrist and trauma wrist?
55-65 and 50-70
Define Subluxion
partial dislocation
Define Sprain
rupture or tearing of ligaments
Define Contusion
bruise without fracture
Define Greenstick
incomplete fracture
fx means?
Baseball mallet fx is?
fx of distal phalynx
Boxer's fx is?
broken knuckle
Name the fat pads of the elbow
anterior fat pad, posterior fat pad, supinator fat stripe.
To obtain a lateral forearm:
Thumb side must be up & forearm & humerus must be in the same plane
To clearly see the olecranon process in profile, which position should be used? rotation
AP Oblique w/medial
For some soft tissue injuries the lateral elbow is only flexed:
30-35 degrees
The proximal radioulnar joint is considered a:
pivot joint and is diarthrodial
For a lateral view of the elbow to be accurate, what should be superimposed?
epicondyles of the humerus
For a trauma elbow, how many AP projections should be taken
Which projection of the elbow superimposes the forearm and the humerus? flexion
AP projection;acute
Are both joints usually visualized when taking a forearm on an 11 x 14?
Which ligament of the wrist extends from the styloid process of the radius to the lateral aspect of the scaphoid & trapezium bones? collateral ligament
The two important fat stripes around the wrist joint are:
scaphoid fat stripe & pronator fat stripe
Pathology revealed in a AP forearm?
Fractures, dislocations,and pathologic processes such as osteomyelitis or arthritis.
Describe Positioning for an AP forearm
Entire limb in the same planeShoulder at table levelAlign and centre forearm to long axis of IRSupinate hand (2nd to 5th metacarpal heads against IR)Elbow fully extendedCheck the humeral epicondyles are equidistant from the IR
A forearm film is hung from which end?
from the fingers...or wrist end.
A shoulder is hung from which end?
from the shoulder.
Rotation of the forearm is shown by ?
separation of ulna and radius(lat. rot.) or MORE THAN SLIGHT superimposition (med. rot.) or pronation- if radius is rotated across ulna (hand not supinated)
Name wrist fat pads?
scaphoid fat stripe and pronator fat stripe
Name Elbow fat pads?
Anterior fat pad, posterior fat pad, supinator fat stripe.
Define Bursitis
Inflammation of the bursae (fluid filled sacs that enclose joints)
Define Osteroarthritis
degenerative joint disease
Define Osteoporosis
reduction in quantity of bone or atrophy of skeletal tissue
Define Rheumatoid Arthritis
systemic chronic inflammation of connective tissue.
Detect rotation on AP thumb or fingers by?
should be symmetric concave sides of phalanges and equal soft tissue.
Detect rotation of AP hand.
should be symmetric concavity of sides of metacarpals and phalanges 2 thru 5.
Detect rotation of Oblique hand
true 45degree oblique will have some overlap of 3rd, 4th, and 5th metacarpal head only.
Detect rotation for lateral hand
radius and ulna should be superimposed. metacarpals should also be superimposed.
Detect rotation AP wrist
should be equal concavity of proximal metacarpals and near equal distance between proximal carpals.
Detect rotation of Lateral wrist
true lateral ulnar head will be superimposed over distal radius 2-5 metacarpals aligned and superimposed.
Detect rotation for AP Forearm
should be humeral epicondyles in profile. radial head, neck, and tuberosity slightly superimposed by ulna.
Detect rotation for Lateral Forearm
head of ulna and radius SHOULD be superimposed and humeral epicondyles should be superimposed.
the wrist joint is also called the
radiocarpal joint
ellipsoidal joints move in how many directions
cast conversions
fiberglass-^25-30%ma or kV^3-4, sm to dry- ^mas 50-60% or kV^5-7, heavy or wet- ^mas 100% or kV ^8-10
CR for carpal canal-tangential inferiorsuperior projection for carpal tunnel syndrome inch distal to base of third metacarpal
25-30 deg 1