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61 Cards in this Set

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Jacob & Hartshorne, 2006: 4 ethical concepts: persons, respect, integrity, caring
Keith Speigel & Koocher, 1985: ethical decision-making model.
CREEP (and I creep, yeaaaaaaaaaaah)
Jacob & Hartshorne, 2006: supervisor responsibilities: competency, respect for and understanding of individual and cultural differences, ethical sensitivity & decision making behavior, emotional awareness and personal functioning
BGR King, KT
Anxiety genetic theory citations: Bogels & Siqueland, 2006; Ginsberg et al., 1995; Rapee & Spence, 2004; King & Ollendick, 1997; Kendler et al., 1992; Thapar & McGuffin, 1995
WWHARPIPD? (What would Harpid do?)
McCullough, 1990: questions for treatment acceptability: will the intervention work? How long do we have to wait for results? What will happen if we don’t do the intervention? How will people be affected? Do we have the necessary resources? are the implementers competent? Will the intervention lead to permanent change? How disruptive is the intervention?
BFIJRD (Bravo Fox is just really dumb)
APA ethical principles (2002): beneficence and non-maleficence, fidelity (trust), integrity, justice (everyone deserves the same), respect for dignity of persons
Pfiffner & McBurnett, 2004: awareness of verbal and nonverbal social cues, focus on increasing skills and knowledge deficits, adaptive responding, geeneralization
Supervision skills. Katz (1955): technical, interpersonal, conceptual
Bluepring III; Ysseldyke et al., 2006 competencies: diversity, interpersonal communication & collaboration, professional, legal, ethical, moral responsibility, technological advances // data-based decision making, enhance cognitive/academic achievement for all students, enhance mental health for all students, systems-based service delivery
Fagan & Wise, 2000: roles of the school psychologist: assessment, research, teaching, intervention, consultation
SMSADM (so many suicide attempts depress me )
Illinois social-emotional learning standards; ISBE, 2005: 1. develop self-awareness and self-management skills to succeed in both the school and external environment 2. develop social awareness skills to enhance relationships 3. develop decision-making skills
Holloway, 1995: supervision tasks: professional role, emotional awareness, counseling skills, case conceptualization, self-awareness
Holloway, 1995: supervision functions: monitoring/evaluating, instructing/advising, modeling, consulting, and supporting/sharing
PLANZ, Dude.
6 tenants of IDEIA: parent/child participation, LRE, appropriate education for all, non-discriminatory evaluation, zero-reject (i.e., child find), procedural due process.
Informed consent is knowing, competent, and voluntary; Hatch Amendment of 1994
Salmon & Bryant (2002): ways to help a child resolve trauma: prevent forgetting, help child regulate emotions,
WED, mon
Haynes et al., 2003: goals of supervision. Protect welfare of client, encourage supervisee empowerment, promote supervisee growth and development, monitoring
Academic classroom interventions with support, as reported in DuPaul, 2007: self-regulated strategy for written expression (Reid & Lieneman, 2006), homework support (Power et al., 2001); computer assisted instruction for mathematics (Clarkfield & Stoner, 2005), directed note-taking (Evans et al., 1995), (youth) classwide peer tutoring (DuPaul et al., 1998)
Stimulant medication citations: Pelham et al., 2002; Pelham et al., 1998; Volpe et al., 2005; Whalen et al., 2002; Rapport et al., 2001; Thiruchelvam et al., 2001
Landau et al., 1998: peer coaching, impressions, classroom teachers (create an event to change perceptions)
It’s as EASY as PIE… and SGR to enhance.
Telzrow & Beebe, 2002: treatment integrity and fidelity: to enhance: ease of implementation, positive, matches the intervention context, perceived effectiveness. To enhance: scripts, guided practice/feedback, repeated treatment integrity checks
Hindshaw, 2006: Mediators of long-term ADHD outcomes: cognitive changes, attendance at treatment, relationship with therapist, dose received, changes in family discipline style.
Other mediators for ADHD:
Coping with Depression Course for Adolescents (Clarke et al., 1990): problem-solving, relaxation, cognitive strategies, behavior interventions, generalization, homework, affective education, booster sessions didn’t prevent reoccurrence but made it significantly less distressing
APCC, yeah you know me.
ACTION treatment (Stark & Kendall, 1996; Kendall et al., 2005) components: affective education, problem-solving, coping skills training, cognitive skills restructuring
Change, don’t FRET
ACTION treatment (Stark & Kendall, 1996; Kendall et al., 2005) coping skills: change your thoughts about the situation, do something fun, do something relaxing, do something to exert energy, or talk about it with someone
CBT components
SR + DT = 4eva! (Sarah Reck + Derrick Turnbow)
Self monitoring (DuPaul et al., 2002); response/cost (Carlson & Tamm, 2000); DRC (Pelham et al., 1998); time-out from positive reinforcement (DuPaul et al., 2002)
Webster-Stratton, 1992: Dinosaur Years. CBT intervention involving problem solving, anger management, and social skillz through use of homework, use of puppets, group discussions about short videotaped vignettes
Easy one… 5 ethical considerations for assessment according to Jacob & Hartshorne, 2006: fair, useful, comprehensive, multifaceted, and valid
DRs are PRICs
Fagan & Wise, 2000: doctoral level practitioners did more problem solving, research, direct intervention, and consultation
EIARSIET (ew, I am really slow in evaluating TBI)
Brown et al., 2001: consultation stages: entry into organization, initiation of consultation relationship, assessment, something, intervention selection, intervention
NCLB’s 4 pillars (NCLB’s got the FACs…): more freedom for districts and states (can use money where they need it), greater accountability, more choices for parents (if school isn’t performing), scientifically-based instructional strategies (proven educational methods)
WED, mon
Haynes et al., 2003: Supervision goals: protect the welfare of the client, empower the supervisee to be more independent, encourage the supervisee’s growth and development, monitor the supervisee’s actions
Haynes et al., 2003: multicultural competencies:
Lowe, 2005: outcomes of the futures conference were this: home-school collaboration, action research, technology, empirically based treatments.
Sugai & Horner, 1999: behavior change should be durable, relevant, comprehensive, & socially significant
Lopez, 2000: steps to becoming more culturally competent. 1. awareness of own culture, 2. knowledge of other cultures, 3. utilize attained knowledge, 4. employ problem-models related to multicultural issues
WEPT, /
Nova model; Poland and colleagues, i.e., Poland et al., 2002: 1. where were you when the crisis occurred? 2. what was everyone’s sensory perceptions when the event occurred? 3. what were everyone’s thoughts when it occurred? 4. What are people worried about in the future? 5. What has helped people deal with similar things in the past?
Novins et al., 1997: DSM cultural considerations.
Protective factors—general: supportive family environment (Kliewe & Lewis, 1995), parents who are warm & supportive (Hetherington & Stanley-Hagan, 1999), & support system (i.e. friendships; Alvord & Grados, 2005).
Klein et al 2005: areas to focus on when assessing for depression. Psychosocial functioning, life stress, & family history of psychopathology
This is for IPT-A, which is Mufson et al., 1993; downward extension of the adult version. Assumes that depression is caused by a number of factors (bio, genetic, social) but that it is triggered by something in one of the domains. The domains are: single-parent families, grief, role transition, interpersonal deficits, interpersonal disputes. In therapy, we want to use the FIRM steps: we want to identify the problem area, relate depressive symptoms to the problem area, focus on current relationships, and help client manage the context of his or her depression.
The PSC bites-R
Mediators of depression: psychosocial and social capital mediate transactional influences between maternal & child depression (Elgar et al., 2004); disturbed cognitive processes mediate the relationship between stressful life events and depressive symptoms (Cole & Turner, 1993); biological (i.e., in utero) mechanisms mediate the relationship between maternal & child depression (Elgar et al., 2004); perceived rejection mediates the relationship between peer rejection and self-reported depression (Panak & Garber, 1992)
Central tenants of IDEA: IDEA Partnership, 2007: progress monitoring, early interventions, universal screenings, problem-solving, data-based decision making, accountability, tiered interventions, evidence-based interventions
PPPs by Prus et al., 1995
Pros of credentialing: protects the profession, protects welfare of clients with whom the school psychologist will work, makes sure professionals are prepared.
Moderators for depression: age (prior to age 14, rates are similar, but between 14 and 17, girls have a greater increase of diagnosis); sex (generally more effective for females; Weisz et al., 1995), SES (high SES could act as a moderating variable, allowing more access to resources, which then could act as a mediating variable with regard to long-term outcome).
Gee, these kids with anxiety disorders sure are SOAPI…
Protective factors by Donovan & Spence, 2000: risk factors are: stressful, negative traumatic life events, overprotective/critical parenting, anxious-resistant attachment, parental anxiety, behavioral inhibition (last one is Kagan & Snidman, 1991)
Beck et al.’s 1985 cognitive behavioral model of anxiety: Physiological arousal (link as a cue to start using coping statements), internal fearful dialogue that maintains anxiety, negative reinforcement is how anxiety is maintained, (negative thinking styles lead to fear development and maintenance of fear/anxiety by response to one’s environment; disturbed/deficient thoughts.
To incorporate developmental theory into anxiety assessment: SANCS: stability and change in behavior, age differences in patterns of behaviors/symptoms, normative guidelines, attention to cognitive & social-emotional processes in selection of assessment measures
Ways to do a non-biased assessment (Ortiz, 2002): H: developmental, family, school history; interpret findings in light of the child’s background; be knowledgeable about kid’s culture; observe the child in classroom ad other settings appropriate to problem; use a variety of formal and informal assessment measures; consider influence of culture ad degree of acculturation when selecting assessment strategies; maintain rapport in a culturally sensitive manner.
Kazdin & Wassel, 1999: treatment barriers: obstacles to session attendance; perceived ineffectiveness of treatment; low teacher morale; ineffective relationship with therapist; confusion about treatment goals. Perception of fewer barriers attenuated risk!!
I love Twix in the afternoon.
Your meta-acronym for supervision: t=TICK w= wed, mon, c= creep; s= said. TICK: Katz, 1955. the three cardinal skills of supervision are: technical, interpersonal and conceptual. WED, MON= Haynes et al., 2003: goals of supervision are to protect the welfare of the client, empower the supervisee, promote the growth and development of the supervisee; and monitor the supervisee. CREEP goals of supervision according to Jacob & Hartshorne, 2006: promote competency, respect for individual and cultural differences, ethical decision making behavior, emotional awareness and professional functioning. SAID = multicultural competencies according to Haynes et al., 2003: model cultural sensitivity, demonstrate and promote cultural awareness, use interventions that model these, and explore racial dynamics in supervision.