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29 Cards in this Set

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Vsevolod Meyerhold
Theater professional and director, activist in new Soviet Theater after revolution, disregarded traditional method acting and was major inspiration for Eisenstein
Aleksandr Blok
symbolist poet; symbolist poets try to invoke transcendental meaning through use of symbols; supported Russian revolution, poem “The Twelve” is taken as endorsement, Russian revolutionary identified with Christ
Anna Akhmatova
poet, wrote about Stalinist terror, was tolerated by state (unlike support for M.), “Requiem” is about purges, principle poet of purges, wrote about women’s issues as well, poet of private emotional experience and suffering (M. more public celebration of Soviet achievement)
Lev Kuleshov
organizer of film workshop in Moscow that E. joined; believed that theatre actors should be retrained for cinema, specifically in gesture and facial expression, pregenitor “film model school” approach to training film actors, first film theorist to systematically study audience responses to film sequences, “Kuleshov effect” is process by which same image can produce different impressions depending on what immediately follows it
proletariat and culture, agency in early Soviet Union which sought to bring new cultural forms to factory floor, most important as influence on Sergei Eisenstein (his first work was revolutionary play on factory floor), he absorbed values of Proletkul’t’s mission, to create new proletariat culture, especially through film (most accessible)
Aleksandr Kerensky
Prime Minister of Provisional Government until Lenin won power in the October Revolution
The Great Purges
Series of campaigns of repression under Stalin from 1936-38. Purged Party members as well as peasants and nonaffiliated persons. Time of paranoia, surveillance, imprisonments, and the killing of probably over a million people.
slang for inmate
Socialist Realism
Style of art, realistic, purpose was furtherance of goals of Communism. Typified by Simonov's "The Only Son."
samizdat and tamizdat
Underground copying and distribution of censored media in Soviet-bloc countries and importation of literature; risked great punishment
Collective farming in the Soviet Union, not the state-run cooperative farms
The Thaw
Khrushchev's policy of de-Stalinization in 1950s and 60s, repression and censorship partly reversed, millions released from Gulags, possible after death of Stalin, began irreversible transformation of Soviet nation and reforms
Alexandr Pushkin
considered founder of modern Russian literature, principle source of reference in Sideburns and The Mirror in their attempt to define “Russianness”, illustrates Russian logophilia (love of words and poetry)
The Komsomol
youth division of the Communist Party
Vladimir Maiakovskii
futurist poet; aesthetic priority was modern life, especially cities; wanted to develop new language of future; in particular, he introduced street slang of factory workers into poetry, an innovative addition of ordinary slang to poetry and high art; also brought poetry into theatre, wanted to eradicate distinction between genres, multimedia artistic experience; called “workers’ poet”, indifference to him declared a crime
focus on modernity and urban life; interested in organic sound values of individual words, created many new words, ignored traditional patterns of rhyme, Maiakovskii
Revolutionary spectacle
Intellectual Montage
in Eisenstein’s October, scene that discredits Orthodox church, depicts church objects in same light as Inuit masks and totems and Buddhist idols, cutting of film to prove a pointed thesis, argues for portrayal of all religion as superstition, unsophisticated
typecasting, used and preferred by Eisenstein, casting actors based on physical appearance alone, revolutionaries in October selected for healthful, wholesome faces while bourgeois often fat
Soviet campaign of repressions, from arrests to executions from 1929-32, targeted better-off peasants. Had goal of fighting counterrevolution and building socialism in countryside, accomplished along with collectivization.
Dmitrii Shostakovich
Soviet composer, was popular but was banned at times,
Andrei Vlasov
Soviet general who collaborated with Nazi Germany after attempting to lift the siege around Leningrad and being captured
The Siege of Leningrad
Unsuccessful attempt by Axis powers to capture Leningrad from 1941 to 1943. Key to Hitler's Operation Barbarossa.
Valery Gergiev
Composer and acclaimed conductor in contemporary Russia. His entanglement in the Georgia issue follows a long line of intertwinement of music and politics in Russia.
Village prose
Soviet literature movement that developed during the Thaw and focused on rural communities and idealized village life. Typified by Solzhenitsyn's Matryona's House.
summer house in country
Gorbachev in late 1980s
Informal social organizations
allowed only as a result of liberalizing policies of Gorbachev’s glasnost, had previously been subject to control of Party or Komsomol, depicted in Sideburns as an anxiety-producing development; many were actually foreign churches and environmental organizations
Four literary works
"Heart of a Dog" Bulgakov
"Matryona's House" Solzenitsyn
"The Only Son" Simonov
"The Gulag Archipelago" Solzenitsyn