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18 Cards in this Set

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Alexander Nevsky
1. Prince of Novgorod (1236–52) and Kiev (1246–52) and grand prince of Vladimir (1252–63).

He fought off invading Swedes in 1240 at the Neva River (resulting in the epithet Nevsky).
-He collaborated with the Golden Horde in imposing Mongol rule on Russia, and the Great Khan made him grand prince of Vladimir
- canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church
Boris Godunov
2. born c. 1551
died April 23, 1605, Moscow, Russia

Tsar of Russia (1598–1605).
-When Fyodor died without heirs in 1598, an assembly of clergy and gentry elected Godunov tsar
- his death is the beginning of the Time of Troubles
Ivan III the Great
3. grand prince of Moscow (1462–1505), who subdued most of the Great Russian lands by conquest or by the voluntary allegiance of princes, rewon parts of Ukraine from Poland–Lithuania, and repudiated the old subservience to the Mongol-derived Tatars.
Ivan IV the Terrible
4. grand prince of Moscow (1533–84) and the first to be proclaimed tsar of Russia (from 1547). His reign saw the completion of the construction of a centrally administered Russian state and the creation of an empire that included non-Slav states. Ivan engaged in prolonged and largely unsuccessful wars against Sweden and Poland
- came to the throne at 3
1. Christianization 988 A.D.
The Choice: Orthodox or Catholic
The Choice: Consequences
• Power
• Theology: “Adoration” vs.
“Theological Construction”
• Art: Rules vs. Experimentation
• Absence of Rationalism
• Absence of Reformation
• Confrontation and Inwardness
• A Non-Western Polity
Time of Troubles
2. (1606–13)

Period of political crisis in Russia.

After the death of Fyodor I and the end of the Rurik dynasty (1598), the boyars opposed the rule of Boris Godunov and after his death placed the nobleman Vasily Shuysky (1552–1612) on the throne in 1606.
-Shuysky's rule was weakened by revolts, challenges by the second False Dmitry, and the invasion of Russia by the Polish king Sigismund III Vasa in 1609–10
-Russians finally rallied against the Polish invaders and succeeded in ousting them from their control of Moscow in 1612. A new representative assembly met in 1613 and elected Michael Romanov as tsar, commencing the 300-year reign of the Romanov dynasty.
Orthodox Church
2. Oprichnina covered almost one-third of all Russian lands
-private court or household created by Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible (1565) that administered those Russian lands (also known as oprichnina) that had been separated from the rest of Muscovy and placed under the tsar's direct control.
Patriarchate (1589)
3.Russian Svyatoy Iov first Russian Orthodox patriarch of Moscow (1589–1605).
- Saint Job
Golden Horde
3. Russian designation for the western part of the Mongol empire.
-Batu, a grandson of Genghis Khan, who expanded the domain of the Golden Horde in a series of brilliant campaigns that included the sacking and burning of Kiev in 1240. At its peak, its territory included most of European Russia
Kiev Rus
5. First eastern Slavic state.

It was founded by the Viking Oleg, ruler of Novgorod from c. 879, who seized Smolensk and Kiev (882), which became the capital of Kievan Rus.
- Kievan Rus peaked in the 10th and 11th centuries under Vladimir I and Yaroslav, becoming eastern Europe's chief political and cultural centre.
- At Yaroslav's death in 1054, his sons divided the empire into warring factions
• Nomadic Incursions
• Harsh Climate
• Weak Resources

• Expansion

• Imperative of Defence
• Eastward Expansion
• A Mobilizing State
• Local Power Weak
6. Beginning in the 1230s, the Tatars conquered most of the Russian lands, thus destroying the hegemony of Kiev and initiating a period in which political and cultural power was dispersed among numerous principalities. Eventually the grand princes of Moscow succeeded in defeating the Tatars (1480) and subduing the principalities.
7. city and administrative centre of Novgorod oblast (region), northwestern Russia, on the Volkhov River just below its outflow from Lake Ilmen. Novgorod is one of the oldest Russian cities, first mentioned in chronicles of 859. In 882 Oleg, prince of Novgorod, captured Kiev and moved his capital there. In 989, under Vladimir, Novgorod's inhabitants were forcibly baptized.
8. Ivan the Great distributed Novgorod land (given specifically to enable service)
- heredity to pass on
- designed as an income base
Tatar Yoke
9. Steppe Politics: An Eastward Orientation
• Consolidation of Orthodoxy
• Migration to the North: Kiev to Vladimir
• Exhaustion of country through tribute-paying