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10 Cards in this Set

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Expressing necessity and obligation of an ACTION (short-form adjectives in predicate position sentence structures)
1. Subject in Nominative + Должен/должна/должны (agrees with subject) + Infinitive (necessity, obligation, expectation)
2. Subject in Nominative + Обязан/обязана/обязаны (agrees with subject) + Infinitive (obligation/responsibility)
3. Subject in Nominative + Вынужден/вынуждна/вынуждны (agrees with subject) + Infinitive (someone was forced to do something)
Expressing necessity and obligation of an ACTION
(verbs in impersonal sentence structures)
1. Dative + Следовать + Infinitive (desirable to perform action – recommendations)
2. Dative + Приходиться/прийтись + Infinitive (action is undesirable but unavoidable)
3. Dative + Предстоять + Infinitive (inevitable action to be performed in the future)
4. Dative + Стоить + Infinitive (performing the action is worthwhile)
Expressing necessity of an OBJECT (short-form adjectives in impersonal sentence structures)
1. Dative (the person who needs the thing) + Нужен/нужна/нужны (agrees with the subject, the thing needed) + Nominative (the thing needed)
2. Dative (the person who needs the thing) + Необходим/необходима/необходимы (agrees with the subject, the thing needed) + Nominative (the thing needed) --> Stronger than Нужен
Expressing necessity of an OBJECT (verbs in impersonal sentence structures)
1. Dative (the person who needs the thing) + понадобиться [singular or plural depending on the thing needed) + Nominative (the thing needed)
Expressing permission and possibility/ability with a verb
Мочь/смочь + Infinitive
Expressing permission and possibility with an adjective
(не)возможный (behaves like нужный)
Expressing possibility/ability with a verb
Удаваться/удаться + Infinitive
Rules for formation of the imperative
1. Take the third-person plural of the verb and drop the last two letters
2. If the remaining form ends in a vowel, add -й.
3. If the remaining forms ends in two consonants, add -и.
4. If the remaining form ends in a single consonant, check the location of the stress. If the word is end stressed or has a shifting stress pattern, add -и. If the word is stem stressed, add -ь.
Exceptions to imperative rules
1. Давать – Давай
2. Вставать – Вставай
3. Уставать – Уставай
4. Дать – Дай
5. Поехать – Поезжай
Form into the imperative:
1. Решать
2. Петь
3. Объяснять
4. Стоять
5. Уметь
6. Ездить
7. Взять
8. Купить
9. Писать
10. Готовить
1. Решай
2. Пой
3. Объясняй
4. Стой
5. Умей
6. Езди
7. Возьми
8. Купи
9. Пиши
10. Готовь