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23 Cards in this Set

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difference between se and conozco

se = fact; conozco = familiar

es vs esta

I was sick

How is your apartment

use esta when it is at this moment or when north south east or west or when it is not permanent or when it is a condition.

Estuve enfermo

Cómo está tu apartamento

about 20 minu

unos viente minutos

never vs nothing vs no one

nunca / nada / nader

small / few

pequno / poco

places vs things vs buildings

lugares / cosas / edificious

tomorrow, yesterday, next week

manana, ayer, la proxima semana

often, normally, sometimes, always, never, recently, frequently

a menudo/seguido, normalmente, a veces, siempre, nunca, Recientemente, Frecuentemente

difference between bien and buena

use bien after a verb; use buena to describe an object or person

carro vs car

caro = expensive; carro = car

pero vs perro

pero = but, perro = dog

A vs de

A: to, at, from, by, on, for, upon

de: of, about,

Fue a dormir.

Llegó a la ciudad.

Los padres de Sara

Él es de argentina

Un libro de español

un pedazo de manzana

dont say 'en sabado'

say el sabado

to move; mover vs mudar

I am going to move

I move my car

voy a mudar

voy a mover mi carro

I am going to go to virginia

Voy A ir A virginia

WHenever you have a person after the verb,

need an 'a'

Visito a mi abuela

i require, i remember

requiero, Recuerdo

en vs A

en: on, in at
A: to

We need a person that has much experience

Necesitamos una persona que TENGA mucha experiencia.

tomar, tocar

to take, to touch

Do you like your sister

te cae bien tu hermana

(do not use 'te gusta...)

Every day I eat an apple

todas las mañanas me como una manzana

when your saying something specific that you eat, use me comi

difference between to ask and to ask for

I can ask for more money

yo puedo pedir más dinero

preguntar is to ask