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138 Cards in this Set

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Who discovered x-rays?
Wilhelm Roentgen
Who discovered radioactivity?
Henri Becquerel
In what year did Roentgen discover x-rays?
In what year did Becquerel discover radioactivity?
What are electric sparks given off by a Crookes tube?
cathode rays
What were the screens with which Roentgen was working made of?
barium platinocyanide
What are wavelike fluctuations of electric and magnetic fields set up in space by oscillating electrons?
electromagnetic radiation
What is the distance between two successive crests or valleys on a sine wave?
What is the number of crests or cycles per second?
What is the name of a frequency of one cycle per second?
What is the formula that expresses the inversely proportional relationship between frequency and wavelength?
speed of light = frequency x wavelength
The relationship between frequency and wavelength is _________ proportional.
As the _________ increases, the wavelength decreases.
As the frequency increases, the __________ decreases.
As the frequency _________ the wavelength _________.
increases / decreases
What is considered to have the highest energy in the electromagnetic spectrum?
Cosmic rays
What is considered to have the lowest energy in the electromagnetic spectrum?
In the electromagnetic spectrum, what has an energy that is higher than gamma rays but lower than cosmic rays?
therapy x-rays
In the electromagnetic spectrum, what has an energy that is higher than diagnostic x-rays but lower than therapy x-rays?
gamma rays
In the electromagnetic spectrum, what has an energy that is higher than ultraviolet light but lower than gamma rays?
diagnostic x-rays
In the electromagnetic spectrum, what has an energy that is higher than visible light but lower than diagnostic x-rays?
ultraviolet light
In the electromagnetic spectrum, what has an energy that is higher than infrared but lower than ultraviolet light?
visible light
In the electromagnetic spectrum, what has an energy that is higher than radar but lower than visible light?
In the electromagnetic spectrum, what has an energy that is higher than television but lower than infrared?
In the electromagnetic spectrum, what has an energy that is higher than radio but lower than radar?
Electromagnetic radiations are said to have a _________ nature.
Electromagnetic radiations are called _______ or quantum.
Photons are classified by their ______ rather than their wavelength.
In their behavior, to what are gamma rays identical?
x rays
What is the kinetic energy of a stream of fast moving electrons change into when interacting with the atoms of an x-ray tube target?
x-rays and heat
What controls the amount of electrons being boiled off?
Invented in 1913, this x-ray tube was the first hot cathode diode tube?
Coolidge tube
What is the process of boiling off electrons from a filament?
thermionic emission
What is the name of the electron cloud that forms around the cathode?
space charge
What is the name of electrons that are liberated from the cathode?
What is the name of x-rays that exit through the window of the x-ray tube?
useful beam
What is the name of x-rays that leave the x-ray tube housing?
leakage radiation
What is the name of the place on the anode face where the electron stream is focused?
focal spot
What is the negatively charged object that surrounds the filament?
focusing cup
What percentage of the electrons kinetic energy is converted to heat?
What percentage of the electrons kinetic energy is converted to x-rays?
What type of x-rays does Brems radiation produce?
heterogeneous or polyenergetic
What determines the efficiency of x-ray production?
the atomic number of the target
What are the two most common materials used for x-ray targets?
Rhenium (75) and Tungsten (74)
What are wavelike fluctuations of electric and magnetic fields set up in space by oscillating electrons?
electromagnetic radiation
What is the symbol for wavelength in m?
lambda (λ)
What is the speed of light?
3 x 10^8 meters, 3 x 10^10 cm, or 186,000 miles per s in a vacuum
Translate the following formula: c=fλ
the speed with which a wave travels is equal to the frequency multiplied by the wavelength
In the formula c=fλ, what does the ‘c’ represent?
speed of x-rays or light in a vacuum or air
In the formula c=fλ, what does the ‘f’ represent?
frequency in hertz or HZ (cycles/s)
In the formula c=fλ, what does the ‘λ’ represent?
wavelength in m (meters
What is the speed of all electromagnetic waves?
Are the wavelengths of x-rays long or short?
extremely short
Is it preferable to designate x and gamma rays according to their photon energy or their wavelength?
photon energy
How is air removed from the glass and metal parts of an x-ray tube?
Which unit expresses an amount of charge released per unit mass of air specifically?
Does x ray exposure refer to quantity or quality?
In x ray production, why is most of the electrons energy degraded to heat?
because of collision with out shell electrons of the tungsten atoms
What is the equation that states the efficiency of x ray production?
% efficiency = K x Z x kVp
In the equation % efficiency = K x Z x kVp, what does the ‘K’ represent?
a constant of 1 x 10^-4
What are the two ways in which x rays behave?
as waves and particles
Are x rays electrically positive, negative or neutral?
Can x rays be deflected by electric or magnetic fields? Why or why not?
no, because they are electrically neutral
What are the two most important characteristics of metals used for x ray tube targets?
high melting point and high atomic number
What accounts for 90% of emitted x rays when 80-100 kV is applied?
What accounts for 10% of emitted x rays when 80-100 kV is applied?
characteristic radiation
What are the two processes by which x rays are produced?
Brems and characteristic radiation
What is the name of the x rays that leave the window of the x ray tube?
useful beam
What is the name of an x ray tube’s negative electrode?
What is the name of an x ray tube’s positive electrode?
What does it mean to have a wide span of energies and wavelengths?
How do x rays travel ordinarily?
in straight lines
At what speed do x rays travel?
the speed of light
How do x rays indirectly ionize gas?
in their ability to remove orbital electrons from atoms
Can x rays be focused by a lens?
What do x rays cause in certain crystals making possible their use in radiographic intensifying screens and other modalities?
What types of images are the affect of x rays on photographic film?
What are the two properties with which x rays can be described?
intensity and quality
What is the international unit of exposure based on ionization in air?
What describes the percentage of kinetic energy of the electrons that is converted to x rays?
efficiency of radiation production
What factor(s) is (are) directly proportional to the efficiency of radiation production?
atomic number of the target and the applied kilovolt potential
In which units the energy of monoenergetic radiation expressed?
electron volts (eV)
What is the name of a recorded image produced by x rays on photographic film?
What are rays of high energy (photons) having no mass?
x rays
What is the top of a wave called?
What is the speed of light?
186,000 mi./sec. or 3 x 10^10 cm./sec.
What is the distance between two crests?
How do electromagnetic waves travel?
in straight lines
What is the number of crests passing a fixed point per second?
What is wavelength of an average diagnostic x ray in Angstroms?
What is produced when fast-moving electrons are slowed or stopped suddenly?
x rays
What is the source of electrons in an x ray tube?
What are the two components on the negative side of an x ray tube?
tungsten filament and focusing cup
What is also term for ‘useful beam’?
primary beam
What is the flow of electrons through a conductor?
What is the unit that measures current?
amps or amperes
What is another word for ‘voltage’?
potential difference
What is a measurement of the force which drives electric current through a conductor?
voltage / potential difference / electromagnetic force
What is the space between a cathode and anode?
tube gap
What drives electrons across the tube gap?
high voltage
What is the typical voltage to drive electrons across the tube gap?
What is the typical range for x ray tube current?
20 - 150 kV
In the context of x rays, what type of ability do kilovolts have?
What is the way in which current always flows?
from negative to positive
Filament current has…
low voltage and high amperage
In x ray production, what controls the amount of electrons that are boiled off?
filament current
What does mA stand for?
What results in a large focal spot with a greater heat capacity?
large filament
What results in a small focal spot with lower heat capacity?
small filament
Which control adjusts the filament current?
mA control
What measures the tube current, and the number of electrons crossing the tube gap during the exposure?
mA measurement
What does kV stand for?
What must be rotating at full speed before kV, making an exposure?
What does λ stand for?
wavelength / lambda
What does ν stand for?
Frequency / nu
What types of x rays are produced when fast moving electrons undergo rapid deceleration?
What does the MAS measure?
No characteristic radiation occurs at KVp’s under ______.
What is located inside the glass envelope and is attached to the anode disk by a molybdenum shaft?
In an x ray tube, what helps to prevent spark over and remove heat from the tube?
insulating oil
What aspect of an x ray do mA and time control?
In a Coolidge tube, a high voltage is applied across the electrodes charging the filament _______ and the target _______.
What is the only part of the cathode or anode assemblies that is located outside the vacuum of the glass envelope?
What is the melting point of tungsten?
3370 degrees C
What is the KVP?
the peak voltage in an AC current
What is Planks constant?
12.4 (h) for KeV
Who is characteristic radiation calculated?
by subtracting the binding energy of the K or L shell electron minus the binding energy of the outer shell (MNOP) electron
What is the binding energy of the K shell for tungsten?
69 KeV
What controls the quality of x rays?
What controls the quantity of x rays?
On an anode, what does the degree of angle influence?
the size of the exposure that can be used for short exposure times without damaging the x ray tube
What measures the tube current and the number of electrons crossing the tube gap during exposure?
mA Measurement
What were the first x ray tubes?
Crookes Tubes
What are the three typical target angles?
10, 12 and 17 degrees
What formula pertains to the density of a radiograph?
What types of x rays are produced when electrons drop from an outer shell to a vacancy in an inner atomic shell?
characteristic x ray
What is the formula for the thermal capacity of an anode in a single-phase operation?
H.U. = kVp x mA x time in s
What is the formula for the thermal capacity of an anode in a 3-phase operation?
H.U. = kVp x mA x time in s x 1.35