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11 Cards in this Set

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Dances in first set
Diamond Jubilee
Kendall's Hornpipe
Dances in second set
Rambling Pitchfork
Wherever She Goes
Rambling set
Dances in third set
Backwater Reel
Rosewood JEM
Bauldy Bain's Fiddle
Diamond Jubilee
32 J 4C RSCDS 31
1-4 1C & 4C turn RH 1 1/2
5-8 1C & 4C cast towards the center while 2C and 3C step to the ends; 1W with 4W, 1M with 4M, turn LH and finish facing as for . . .
9-16 Reels of 4 on the sides, 1C and 4C omitting final LS pass to curve R into the center of the set, back-to-back, facing corners in a St. Andrew's cross.
17-24 All set and change places RH, set and change back LH.
25-32 1C and 4C dance RH across while 2C and 3C set and cross RH. All set and cross RH to own sides.
PERFORMANCE NOTE: Dance three times through.
32 S 2C Dunsmuir
1-4 1W & 2M turn BH
5-8 1M & 2W turn BH, finishing facing partner in the center of the set.
9-12 1C & 2C turn BH ½ (1 bar); 1M & 2W lead partner up or down sidelines (1 bar) into 4H round halfway. Finish men facing down NHJ, women facing up NHJ
13-16 Set and link across the set. 1W finish facing down, 2M finish facing up.
17-20 1M and 2M dance back-to-back while 1W and 2M dance CW one place to face their partner on the diagonal and advance towards them as they retire on bars 19-20.
21-24 Diagonal half reel of 4.
25-32 All dance the (diamond) poussette right round, using bar one to move and pivot into place as for bar 2 of a regular poussette.
PERFORMANCE NOTE: Dance twice through with two 2-couple sets arranged as a 4-couple set (i.e. "ends, ends").
Kendall's Hornpipe
8x32 J 2C
1-8 1C and 2C dance rights and lefts.
9-16 1C lead down the middle for 3 bars, UP for 3 bars, cross and cast to 2nd place on opposite sides.
17-24 2C and 1C dance a ladies' chain.
25-32 2C and 1C advance and retire. 1C turn RH 1 1/2 to own sides.
PERFORMANCE NOTE: Dance three times through in a 4-couple set (i.e. "ends, middles, ends").
Rambling Pitchfork
32R 3C
1-8 Mirror reels of 3 on the sides, 1C dancing in and down to begin.
9-16* 1W, followed by 1M, dance a figure of 8 around 2C, dancing down between 2C and behind 2M to begin. Finish in 1st place in the center of the set on partner’s side.
17-24 1C lead down the middle for 3, 1W turn under 1M’s arm on 4, and lead back up.
25-32 PERFORMANCE ENDING: 3-couple poussette
*On the 3rd repetition, 3C dance a figure of 8 around 2C at the same time, 3W leading her partner up between 2C and around behind 2W to begin. 1C & 3C pass RS in the middle of the fig. of 8.
PERFORMANCE NOTE: Dance three times through.
Wherever She Goes
32 J 3C Shackleton
1-4 1C cross RH and cast to 2nd place, 2C stepping up.
5-16 3-couple rights and lefts.
17-24 1C cross RH, cast R, cross RH up and down the set, cast R, and finish back-to-back in the middle of the set, facing out own sides.
25-32 Reversing double triangles: Set as in double triangles (2 bars), set advancing and pivot R to form inverted double triangles (2 bars), set, set moving back to places on the sidelines.
PERFORMANCE NOTE: Dance three times through. 1C step to the bottom on bars 1-2 of the next repetition.
Backwater Reel
32 R 3C Variation of "Blackwater Reel"
1-4 1C, 2C, 3C ½ RH turn and turn over RS to dance out to sidelines (i.e. “half turn and twiddle”).
5-8 1C, 2C, 3C chase CW halfway around the set.
9-12 Top two couples half rights and lefts while bottom couple cross RH and set.
13-16 Bottom two couples half rights and lefts while top couple cross RH and set.
17-24 1C dance RH across, 1W with the top couple (2C), 1M with the bottom couple (3C); 1C pass each other RS and dance LH across with the couple at the opposite end of the set. All three couples end in the middle ready for . . .
29-32 3-couple allemande to finish in the order 3C, 1C, 2C.
PERFORMANCE NOTE: Dance three times through.
Rosewood JEM
32 S 3C Inglis/Gatineau
1-2 2C set advancing to 2nd corners while 1W and 3M set diagonally.
3-8 2C dance a 6-bar diagonal reel of 4 with 2nd corners. 1W and 3M finish facing out. 2C end in original places.
9-14 1W and 3M cast up or down 2 places (2 bars), dance towards each other and pull RS back to end back-to-back, 1W facing down, 3M facing up (2 bars) and dance to out each other’s original places (2 bars), while 1M and 3W dance into towards each other and pull RS back to end back-to-back, 1M facing up, 3W facing down (2 bars), dance out to their right, through partner’s position (2 bars), and cast up or down to finish in each other’s original places (2 bars).
15-16 All set.
17-24 3C and 1C turn BH 3/4 to end in line up & down the set (M facing down), dance half a reel of 4, and turn BH 3/4 to sidelines on partner’s side of set.
24-28 1C and 2C dance half rights and lefts.
29-32 2C and 3C dance half rights and lefts while 1C turn BH twice.
Bauldy Bain's Fiddle
32 R 3C Dickson/Lothian
1-8 1C turn RH, cast 1 place, turn LH 1½ times to 2nd place on partner’s side, facing out.
9-16 1C cast L and dance around the outside of the set to 2nd place on own sides while 2C & 3C dance RH across once round and finish facing out.
17-20 1C turn LH 1½ times to face 1st corner positions while 2C & 3C chase CW to opposite corners.
21-24 1C dance a half diagonal reel of 4 with 1st corners, pass RS to face 2nd corners, dance a half diagonal reel of 4 with 2nd corners, and pass RS to 2nd place.
25-32 All circle 6 hands round and back.
PERFORMANCE NOTE: Dance three times through. 1C step to the bottom on bars 1-2 of the next repetition.