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10 Cards in this Set

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In whom does varicella infection occur?
Predominantly a childhood disease
a. Approx 90% of cases occur in those <10yo
b. Peaks in spring months
What is the incubation period of varicella?
2-3 weeks
When are patients with varicella infectious?
Patient is infectious 1 week before the rash appears
-Infection an addition 4-5 days until vesicles become crusted
Describe the clinical appearance of Varicella
Pruritic rash progresses from macules, to vesicles, to pustules
1. All stages of develop are simultaneously present
2. Lesions are most prominent on the trunk
a. Also involves extremities (including palms and soles), mucous membranes in mouth, conjunctiva
b. Veiscles oare often umbilicated (depressed center) and hemorrhagic
What are the complications associated with Varicella?
1. Association with Reye syndrome
2. Pneumonia, self-limited cerebellitis
3. In adults- hepatitis, pneumonia, encephalitis
-Treated with acyclovir
Describe the treatment for varicella
1. Prevention with immunization
2. Antihistamine; oatmeal bath; calamine lotion
Describe the incidence of Herpes zoster
1. Occurs in 10-20% of people in their lifetime
2. Incidence increases with age
3. Incidence increases in patients with cancer and AIDS
Describe the prodrome of herpes zoster
Radicular pain and itcing before rasho occurs
Describe the eruption in herpes zoster
Eruption characterized by groups of vesicles on an erythmatous base
a. Rash follows sensory dermatomes in the distribution o CN or spinal nerves
b. Like varicella, pustules form that rupture, causing crusting and weeping
Describe the treatment of herpes zoster
1. Prevention with previous immunization for varicella

2. Prevention with zoster vaccine
-Greater than 50% reduction in infection

3. Analgesics commensurate with amount of pain

4. Immunocompromised pateients are often treated with acyclovir, valacyclovir, or famiciclovir
-Best started before rash has erupted