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110 Cards in this Set

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Dopamine does what to the brain?
activates the cerbral cortex, causes movment, and responsiveness.
What do histamines do to the brain?
Activates the cerebral cortex (anti-histamines like benedryl make you tired)
What does Acetylchoine do to the brain?
activates the cerebral cortex; increased in wake and REM
Parasomnia is
not a primary disorder of sleep but a disorder of arousal and sleep stage transition associated with abnormal movements and behavior that disrupt sleep but not the normal sleep architecture.
Dyssomina is
insomnia, hypersomnia, circadian rhythm disorders.
Brusxism is found

in adolescents. Mainly in delta (N3) sleep.

Bruxism decreases with


Enuresis Nocturna is
Jactatio capitis nocturna is
head banging.
Sleep terrors is an
arousal disorder.
Rem-related parasomnias mainly manifest themselves in
Males. (88% and are usually older than 60)
Jactatio captis nocturna is an example of a
rhythmic movement disorder.
Klein-Leven syndrome is

cycles of hypersomnia 3-4 times per year lasting days to weeks. Pt will sleep 16-18 hours then wake and eat a lot.

Narcoleptic Tetrad
excessive daytime sleepiness, cataplexy, sleep paralysis, and hypnogogic hallucenations.
The degree to which an amplifier will reject a common mode signal is expressed as what?
Common mode rejection ratio
NREM sleep in the infant is known as?
quiet sleep
Infant breathing patter that alternates regular breathing with 5- 10 seconds or more.
Periodic Breathing
An epoch that does not meet the criteria for Active Sleep or Quiet Sleep is called what?
Indeterminate Sleep
Trace Alternant pattern is associated with what stage of sleep in the infant?
Quiet sleep
Prolonged PR interval is
First degree AV block the PR interval is
usually constant.
REM occupies what percentage of sleep in the neonate at term?
Term used for a brief superimposition of EEG alpha activity on sleep activities during a stage of sleep.
Alpha intrusion
A function that expresses the frequency of eye movements per unit time during sleep stage REM
REM Density
A complaint of morning headaches associated with severe sleep apnea is a result of what?
Severe oxygen desaturation and hypercapnia.
What term is linked with patients experiencing evening and nocturnal hallucinations associated with dementia?
Three potential sources of stray electrical current.
Short Circuit, Leakage Current, Ground loop
The number of pen deflections of "waves" recorded within the span of one second.
Signal Frequency
Measurement of frequency, number of cycles per second.
Refers to the response time of the polygraph pens in relation to high and low frequency filter settings during a calibration procedure.
Time constant
Reduction in size or amplitude of a signal.
Undesirable variations in baseline during a recording, usually caused by sweat or movement.
Baseline sway
Voltages originating from living tissues.
Bio-electrical potentials.
Signals obtained by comparing voltages from two exploring electrodes.
Bipolar Derivation
a ground connection shared by more than one instrument or appliance
common ground
any material capable of transmitting an electrical current
flow of electrical force along a conductor
signal obtained from a pair of electrodes
recording of electrical activity generated by the brain
EEG (electroencephalogram)
The time required for a pen to descent to 37% of signal amplitude when a DC calibration signal is applied to an amplifier
fall time constant
an electronic device designed to reduce or eliminate unwanted frequencies from passing through as amplifier
An undesirable electrical pathway between two separate ground connections, resulting in a possible hazard to a patient
Ground loop
Stray current generated by the proximity of electrical power cords to adjoining cables or the polygraph chassis
leaking current
Ratio of output voltage to input voltage, amplifier sensitivity
An instrument used for measuring electrical resistance
Signal obtained by comparing voltages from an exploring electrode to a relatively inactive location
referential derivation
A device used to limit the passage of electrical current
The time required for a pen to reach 63% of signal amplitude when a DC calibration signal if applied to an amplifier
Rise Time Constant
A device containing two dissimilar metals, which generate an electrical signal in response to temperature variations.
A sequence of tests used to verify and document appropriate amplifier and pen responses to various maneuvers performed by the pt prior to a sleep study.
bradycardia is
a resting heart rate of below 60 bpm
tachycardia is
a resting heart rate of above 90 bpm
A short PR interval is
< 0.12s
Second degree heartblock Type I (Wenckebach) has
Increasing PR until nonconducted P wave occurs
Sharp negative waves, usually within the theta frequency range-typically appearing during the latter part of stage 1 sleep.
vertex waves
A sharp negative wave, followed by a slower positive component-seen primarily in stage 2 sleep
Short rhythmic waveform clusters of 12-14 Hz often showing a waxing and waning appearance- a characteristic feature of stage 2 sleep
Sleep spindles
Relatively low amplitude waves, with a notched sawtooth appearance-a common feature of REM sleep.
Sawtooth Waves
REM sleep is classified into what two categories?
Tonic and Phasic
Artifact caused by electrodes which momentarily lift away from the skin.
Electrode Popping
Second Degree AV Block Type 2 (Mobitz) has
Fixed PR intervals plus nonconducted P waves
A transient appearance of alpha activity during sleep.
Alpha Intrusion
A cessation of airflow detected at the nose and mouth occuring for 10 seconds or longer

An interrusption of sleep continuity, identified by an abrupt shift in EEG frequency


A cessation of breathing, characterized by an absence of both airflow and respiratory effort.
central apnea
A single page of polysomnogram, typically representing 30 seconds of data.
Rapid deep breathing, resulting in reduced levels of CO2 in the blood.
insufficient breathing volumes, resulting in increased levels of CO2 in the blood.
masseter is the ____ muscle
Abnormally low blood oxygen saturation level.
A cessation of breathing caused by upper airway obstruction.
Obstructive sleep apnea
The progression and distribution of the various sleep stages and their quantitative relationship to each other.
Sleep architecture
A device used to convert non-electrical physiological activity into electrical signals
Lower portion of the temporal bone behind the ear
Maximum amount of air the lungs can contain
total lung capacity

delta >4 Hz
theta 4-7 Hz
alpha 8-13 Hz
beta > 13 Hz
spindels 12-14 Hz

No relationship between the P waves and the QRS complexes. QRS is slower than the P rate.
3rd degree AV Block
Name the 10-20 landmarks
naison, inion, right & left preauricular
An arrangement of electrode derivations is a
Characterize by disorganized atrial activity with out discernable P-waves
atrial fibrillation
Ohm's Law
Voltage (V) is equal to current (I) flowing in the circuit multiplied by resistance (R) in the circuit. V=I(R)
Three grounds found in electronic equipment
Earth ground, chassis ground, common connection ground
Shock that involves large and quite perceptible currents passing from external surface area to another.
3 or more PVC's in a row is
Ventricular Tachycardia
When is an MSLT nap terminated?
15 minutes after the 1st epoch of sleep or 20 mins after lights off if no sleep is recorded.
Suddenly dropped QRS complex without prior PR lengthening
2nd Degree AV Block
What consideration should be given to the choice of electrodes used for recording EEG?
Choose a material that has minimum drift of electrode potential and a very long time constant
Suggested solution to soak contaminated electrodes.
5% Hypochlorite solution (household bleach)
Distinct EEG activity appearing to be composed of one dominant frequency.
EEG activity with a frequency faster than 13 Hz
Beta Activity
Breathing patter characterized by rhythmic waxing and waning of the depth of respiration, with regularly recurring periods of apneas
Cheyne-Stokes Respiration
EKG channel shows regular rhythm rate 60-100 bpm: P waves present and upright before each QRS complex. Time interval is same for all beats.
Normal Sinus Rhythm
EKG channel shows regular rhythm, rate>100 bpm (seldom>150 bpm). P waves present and upright before each QRS complex. Time interval is same for all beats.
Sinus Tachycardia
Normal arterial pCO2 value.
35-45 mmHg
Normal arterial pO2
800-100 mmHg
What does sleep onset occur when scoring an MSLT
The time from lights out to the first epoch scored as sleep.
EKG channel shows regular rhythm, rate<60 bpm; P waves present and upright before each QRS complex. Time interval is same for all beats.
Sinus Bradychardia
Which class of drugs is known to aggravate Periodic Limb Movements of Sleep
Tricyclic Anti-depressants
What is the effect of chronic alcoholism on REM?

Decreases REM and Delta (N3) Sleep

In 1953 Aserinsky and Kleitman associated what with dreaming during sleep.
rapid eye movements
Increased resistance of the upper airways secondary to blockage of one nasal orifice restricts ventilation more severely in REM or NREM?
Paradoxical breathing is noted in neonates or infants?
Periodic breathing in normal infant most commonly occurs in Active or Quiet Sleep
Active Sleep
The ultradian rhythm of alternating sleep cycles has a period of how many minutes during infancy?
30-70 minutes
Define dtabs
delta <4Hz
theta 4-7Hz
alpha 8-13Hz
beta >13Hz
spindles 12-14Hz
A person maximum breathing ability
Vital capacity
Leg muscle used to monitor/record myoclonic movements
anterior tibialis

Ohm's Law

V (voltage) = I (current) X R (Resistance)

What is Rem Behavior Disorder?

lack of normal muscle atonia in REM.

Confusional Arousals usually occur in patients at what age?
Less than 5 years old