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21 Cards in this Set

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#1 tx for dysmenorrhea?

Off label use?


- OCP or nuva ring
Someone plays tennis and sudden pelvic pain?
ovarian torsion or rupture of ovarian or fallopian tube cyst (dx w/ pelvic ultrasound)
Acute pelvic pain differential diagnosis (female)?
Differential includes:
1. Ovarian Torsion or rupture of ovarian or fallopian tube cyst (diagnose with pelvic sonogram)
2. Functional ovarian cyst (diagnose with sonogram, looking for hemoperitoneum)
3. Endometritis/PID
4. Ectopic Pregnancy
5. Appendicitis
6. Acute Cystitis
7. Ureteral Stone Formation
Acute pain such as hanging out making a phone call... what might this lead to?
ruptured ovarian cysts- looking for hemoperitoneum (free fluid)
What is chronic pelvic pain defined?
pelvic pain more than 6 months duration that has a significant effect on daily function and quality of life
What is commonly presented as same as acute appendicitis?
Trick to diagnosing severe acute pelvic pain as ectopic pregnancy?
Should show + pregnancy test

If negative pregnancy test it should be ovarian cyst
What is dysmennorhea?

What is thought to be cause?
painful menses accounts for 600 million lost work hrs and 2 billion in lost productivity annually
- thought to be caused by release of prostaglandins in the menstrual fluid
Chronic pelvic pain differential (Gynecologic)?
1. Endometriosis
2. Gynecologic malignancies
3. Pelvic inflammatory disease
4. Pelvic adhesions
5. Adenomyosis- endometrial glands in myometrium
6. Chronic Endometritis
7. Symptomatic pelvic relaxation (prolapse pain)
Runner who had twins and can no longer run long before pressure in vag is too much what type of pain is this?
prolapse pain (symptomatic pelvic relaxation)
D/d of pelvic chronic pain for urologic cause?
1. bladder malignancy
2. interstitial cystitis
3. chronic urinary tract infection
4. urolithiasis
Interstitial cystitis defined?
urine is irritating the bladder all the time ... chronic inflammatory condition of bladder characterized by irritative voiding symptoms of urgency and frequency – suprapubic pain, UTI symptoms with negative urine cultures frequent findings)
- bladder infection feel with negative cultures all the time
Define endometriosis?

What is adenomyosis?
endometrial glands and stroma found outside uterus

- endometrial glands and stroma in uterine musculature
What are the theories behind the causes of endometriosis?
a. Retrograde menstruation (altered humoral and cell mediated immunity)
B. Coelomic metaplasia
C. Vascular/lymphatic spread
D. Direct spread (ex. Endometriosis in a csection scar)
E. Likely a combination with immunologic changes and genetic predisposition
Classic triad of pain of endometriosis?
dysmenorrhea, intermenstrual pain, dyspareunia
What is the therapeutic trial associated with treatment of endometriosis?
Data suggests that GNRHa (Depo-Lupron) likely to improve symptoms. However, follow up surgery may demonstrate
that 20% of these patients may not have had endometriosis
Gold standard to dx endometriosis?
Laparoscopy with excisional biopsy and confirmatory histology (preferred
but not required)
MC spot for endometriosis to be found?
50% ovary but...
- uterine cul-de -sac
• Uterosacral ligaments
• Posterior surfaces of uterus
• Pelvic peritoneum
• Look at bladder, bowel, appendix,ureter
What do you see in laparoscopic findings of endometriosis?
chocolate cysts, powder burns (blue black lesions), red/purple raspberry spot
What is non-surgical treatment for endometriosis?
1. Observation-if desire pregnancy Mild disease.
Surgery vs.. Expectancy NO DIFFERENCE
2. Analgesia- NSAIDs for pain- narcotics only if nothing else works
3. OCPs- (seasonique, lybrel-- continuous pill for 6-12 months) could cause decidual changes in the tissue (suppressive effect)
4.. rogesterone (medroxyprogesterone, megestrol acetate, depo medroxyprogesterone, IUS)
5. Danazol- weak androgen Inhibits gonadotropin release at the hypothalmus- NO FSH/LH surge at midcycle (gives a HYPO-estrogenic effect which prevents endometrial growth)
6. GNRH agonist- causes suppression of gonadotropin secretion and suppression of endometrial implants (lupron "leuprolide acetate") add Norethindrone
Surgical treatment of endometriosis
conservative vs. definitive surgery
conservative- lyse adhesions, remove endometriosis and restore anatomy (w/laproscopy)
Definitive treatment- failed conservative and or past child bearing remove lining and ovaries