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69 Cards in this Set

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canals function in paired sets

right anterior (superior) and left posterior (inferior)

right posterior (inferior) and left anterior (superior)

right horizontal and left horizontal

The VOR is generated in response to __.


the neural integrator

converts neural signals proportional to acceleration into velocity signals used for the VOR

categories of rotational testing

passive rotation (patients entire body is rotated)

active rotation (patient voluntarily moves head)

rotary chair components



head restraint

infrared oculography

optokinetic drum

advantages od performing oculomotor testing in the rotational chair enclosure

  • total darkness eliminated potential for visual fixation
  • full field OPK testing makes suppression more difficult

components of oculomotor testing

spontaneous nystagmus

gaze evoked nystagmus

random saccades

horizontal smooth pursuit

optokinetic testing

What should be performed first for interpretation?

evaluation of gaze and/or spontaneous nystagmus

rotational test paradigms

sinusoidal rotation test (VOR, VVOR, Fixation)

velocity step test

positioning for rotational testing

  • patient is securely in rotational chair
  • head is restrained - ensures that head movement equals chair movement
  • patient wears seatbelt and harness to ensure safety

components of sinusoidal harmonic acceleration test

VOR vs frequency


VOR fixation

What is the most widely used rotational test?

sinusoidal harmonic acceleration

sinusoidal harmonic acceleration

rotation around central axis

in either direction

in a variety of speeds (frequencies)

frequencies tested for SHA

harmonics (multiples of each other)

each frequency is doubled the speed of the previous frequency

clinical measures for SHA




peak angular velocity for SHA

60 degrees per second

SHA note

tasking is very important

make sure patient is alter and responsive throughout testing

SHA example data

SHA example data

VOR gain

amplitude of head movement compared to the amplitude eye movement

abnormalities of VOR gain

abnormal if 2 consecutive frequencies are out of normal range

reduced gain

  • can be found at single multiple frequencies
  • suggestive of dysfunction or decompensation

excessiv e gain

  • rare
  • suggestive of cerebellar lesion
  • may result from head motion while rotating

VOR phase

timing of head movement compared to eye movement

"timing" relation between head motion and vestibular response

what is phase reported in

negative values called "phase leads"

abnormalities of VOR phase

  • specific to vestibular pathology (non-localizing)
  • increased LF phase lead (often peripheral pathology)
  • decreased phase lead is uncertain, possibly central

VOR symmetry responses to

rightward and leftward stimulation

should be around 0

abnormalities of VOR asymmetry

  • most common abnormal finding of SHA testing
  • non-localizing finding: suggests vestibular decompensation
  • correlate with directional preponderance

abnormalities of VOR

  • reduced gain asymmetry: occur often inpatients with acute unilateral vestibular lesions
  • once compensation occurs symmetry and gain will return within normal limits (with in a matter of days)
  • phase may remain abnormal even after compensation occurs

vestibular fixation test

  • patient rotated around central axis while fixating on target
  • target moves at the same speed as the chair
  • rotation is performed at 0.04 and 0.08 Hz at 60 degrees per second

How is VFX measured?

in terms of

  • gain
  • phase
  • symmetry

VFX results summary

VFX interpretation evaluates ENS ability to...

suppress VOR with fixation (like VNG testing)

excessive gain in VFX demonstrates...

failure of fixation suppression suggesting potential for cerebellar dysfunction

visual-vestibular ocular reflex (VVOR) procedure

patient is rotated around central axis with OPK lights stationary at 0.04 and 0.08 Hz at 60 degrees per second

vvor is an interaction between

visual and vestibular mechanisms

What does patient use to track during vvor?

combination of VOR and visual pursuit

what is vvor useful for diagnosing?

peripheral vs central disorders

What is indicated for patients with decreased gain in SHA testing and a normal vvor score?

they are able to compensate for vestibular loss with a voluntary pursuit

what should vvor be if vestibular system is compromised but oculomotor system is normal?

vvor should be normal (nystagmus should be present)

vvor interpretation

normal vvor gain

0.8 - 1.0

What would decreased vvor gain suggest?

maybe a brainstem involvement (in conjunction with normal vor)

What is increased vvor gain suggestive of?

cerebellar involvement

note: patients with cerebellar lesions often exhibit normal VOR and OKN gains

SHA results summary

abnormal sha results summary

step velocity test

impulse rotation sustained in one direction for ~45 seconds - chair is then abruptly stopped

patient rotated around central axis in clockwise and counterclockwise directions at 100 degrees per second

what does step velocity test measure?


time constant

step velocity test...should there be nystagmus?

yes, produced by acceleration

what component of nystagmus is recorded for step velocity test?

slow component

What will happen after a period of sustained rotation with step velocity test?

intensity of nystagmus will reduce

time constant

the time needed for the nystagmus to decreased to 30% of its maximum SPV

what anatomical things are examined during step velocity test?

the response of the horizontal canal and the velocity storage mechanism

what is the velocity storage mechanism?

a continuation of the neural response after the vestibular labyrinth stops responding

nystagmus during step velocity test

decreases more after the period of the time constant

stops completely before the end of the 4 sec rotation

cupula time constant in humans

4 - 7 seconds

what does the preservation of nystagmus occur for?

central velocity storage

abnormal for time constant

peak SPV of 60 degrees/second isles than 10 seconds

abnormalities of VOR time constant

unilateral weakness

bilateral weakness

unilateral weakness

reduced gain and time constants for rotations ipsilateral to pathology

bilateral weakness

reduced gain and time constants in both clockwise and counterclockwise directions

velocity step test

advantages of rotational testing

  • precise physiologic stimulus
  • accurate assessment of gain of vestibular system
  • assesses compensation for vestibular pathologies
  • rarely causes discomfort to patient

disadvantages of rotational testing

  • increased time to complete entire vestibular and balance test battery
  • poor ability to produce localized findings

adaptions for rotational tests for children

  • child can sit on adult lap
  • pediatric sized goggles used
  • shorter testing period
  • modified chair

advanced rotational tests

autorotation test (VAT or VORTEQ)

head-shake test

active rotational test procedure

  • patient is fit with appropriate hardware
  • asked to rotate head back and forth horizontally or vertically
  • head rotation is in response to a computer generated tone that increases in frequency during a 15-18 second period
  • at least three trials should be performed to increase accuracy and eliminate artifact

advantages of rotary chair testing for active rotational test

  • equipment is less expensive
  • more natural stimulus frequency
  • vertical testing is practical

frequency for active rotation test

0.5 to 8 hz

measures for active rotation test




potential problems for active rotational testing

influence of the cervico-ocular reflex

slippage of the sensory band and electrode movement in vigorous head shake