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17 Cards in this Set

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Indications for Intubation (4)
1. Failure of oxygenation
2. Failure of ventilation
3. Failure to protect airway
4. Anticipated clinical course
Predictors of Difficult Laryngoscopy (LEMON)
1. Look Externally
2. Evaluate the 3-3-2 Rule
3. Mallampati
4. Obstruction/Obesity
5. Neck Mobility
Predictors of Difficult Bag Mask Ventilation (MOANS)
1. Mask Seal/Mallampati
2. Obstruction/Obesity
3. Age
4. No Teeth
5. Stiffness (resistance to ventilation)/Snoring
Predictors of Difficult Extraglottic Device Placement (RODS)
1. Restricted Mouth Opening
2. Obstruction/Obesity
3. Distorted Anatomy
4. Stiffness (resistance to ventilation)
Predictors of Difficult Cricothyrotomy (SMART)
1. Surgery
2. Mass (hematoma/abscess)
3. Access/Anatomy
4. Radiation (other deformity/scarring)
5. Tumor
Confirmation of ETT Placement (7)
1. ETCO2 (6 manual ventilations)
2. Direct Visualization
3. Esophageal Detection Device
4. Chest Auscultation
5. Tube Condensation
6. Bagging Resistance
7. Chest Radiography
Definition of Failed Airway
Can't Intubate & Can't Oxygenate
Definition of RSI (Rapid Sequence Intubation)
Take patient from a state of conscious spontaneous breathing to a state of unconsciousness and complete neuromuscular paralysis and to achieve intubation without interposed assisted ventilation
List Indications and Agents for Pretreatment
1. Reactive Airway Disease - Lidocaine 1.5mg/kg
2. Cardiovascular Disease - Fentanyl 3mcg/kg
3. Increased ICP - Lidocaine 1.5mg/kg + Fentanyl 3mcg/kg

Pretreatment 3 minutes prior to RSI
List the Steps of RSI (7)
1. Preparation
2. Preoxygenation
3. Pretreatment
4. Positioning
5. Paralysis + Induction
6. Placement of tube with Proof
7. Post intubation Management
Contraindications to Succinocholine (8)
1. Malignant Hyperthermia
2. Pseudocholinesterase
3. Burns > 10% BSA
4. Crush Injury
5. Denervation
6. Neuromuscular Disease
7. Intra-abdominal Sepsis
8. Hyperkalemia of other causes
List Types and Doses of NMBAs
1. Succinocholine 1.5mg/kg (Depolarizing)

2. Rocuronium 1mg/kg (Competitive)
List Doses of Induction Agents
1. Etomidate 0.3mg/kg
2. Ketamine 1-2mg/kg (1.5)
3. Propofol 1-2mg/kg (1.5)
4. Midazolam 0.2-0.3 mg/kg
Cormack Lehane Laryngeal View Grade System
Grade 1 - Full view of the vocal cords (entire glottic aperture)
Grade 2 - Aretynoids +/- partial cord view
Grade 3 - Epiglottis only visible
Grade 4 - No structures visible
Causes of Hypotension in the Post-Intubation Period (And Treatment)
1. Pneumothorax (thoracostomy)
2. Decreased Venous Return (Fluid bolus, bronchodilators, decrease resp rate, manual decompression)
3. Induction Agents (Fluid bolus)
4. Cardiogenic
Causes of Poor Saturation in Ventilated Patient (DOPES)
1. Dislodged Tube (check ETCO2)
2. Obstruction (Suction)
3. Pneumothorax (US/CXR, Thoracostomy)
4. Equipment Failure (Disconnect, manual ventilation)
5. Stacked Breaths (Manual decompression)
List Agents and Doses for Post Intubation Analgesia and Sedation
1. Propofol 10-50mcg/kg/min (bolus 25-50mg)
2. Midazolam 1-5mg/hr (0.1 mg/kg/hr)
3. Fentanyl 25-100mcg/hr (0.5-2mcg/kg/hr) (bolus 25-100mcg)
4. Ketamine 0.5-1 mcg/kg/min
5. Morphine 0.05-0.2 mg/kg (1-80mg/hr)