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56 Cards in this Set

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What is a sacrament?

A sacrament is an outward sign of an inward grace ordained by Jesus Christ by which grace is given to the soul.

What are the different types of sacrament?




What happens in the ceremony ofBaptism and why is it important?

The candidate is welcomed into the Church as a member of Gods family

What happens in the ceremony ofConfirmation and why is it important?

The candidate reaffirms his/her commitment as an adult and is given the gifts of the Holy Spirit to help them with their Christian responsibilities.

What happens in the ceremony ofEucharist and why is it important?

The candidate is given the gift of Jesus's body and blood and are enabled to participate fully in the Mass

What happens in the ceremony ofReconciliation and why is it important?

The candidate asks for and receives forgiveness for their sins

What happens in the ceremony ofMarriage and why is it important?

The candidates are joined together as husband and wife and the union is blessed by God

What happens in the ceremony ofHoly Orders and why is it important?

The candidate is consecrated to serve God in a special way as a priest

What happens in the ceremony of Anointing of the Sick and why is it important?

The candidate receives God's blessing when they are sick or dying.

How many sacraments are there in total?


Why are sacraments the best way to get closer to God?

-Sacraments of initiation make us full members in the church, bringing us closer to God

-At Eucharist, we unite with him in a special way

-Confirmation gives us a chance to fully commit to God as an adult

-Holy orders give special responsibilities and opportunities to serve God

-The priest who gives the sacraments are representing Jesus, so bring us closer to God?

Why could sacraments not be the best way to get closer to God?

-Some sacraments are received without full understanding or appreciation

-Prayer can be more effective since in it more individual and personal.

-helping others puts faith into action, and relates to all made in God's image

-Pilgrimage can be more influential as it involves journeying, reflection and focus

What are rites of passage?

ceremonies which indicate that a person is moving into a new stage in life, e.g birth (baptism), maturity (confirmation), marriage and death (funerals)

Why do RCs get baptised?

-Jesus was baptised in the Jordan by John

-The commission of the Disciples "Baptise them in the name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit and teach them to obey everything I have commanded you"

Why is baptism important to RCs?

-Its a sacrament of initiation

-It washes away original sin

-Its a sign of commitment to the faith

-It offers the gift of eternal life

-It marks rejection of sin and a striving to follow Christ's example

-Only the baptised receive other sacraments

What happens in the rite of Infant Baptism?

-Welcomed into Church, a sign of the cross is traced on the infants forehead

-Readings are heard

-The priest rubs oil of catechumens on the baby's chest as an exorcism

-Baptismal promises are made

-The priest pours holy water

-Chhrism oil is put on the infants forehead

-The infant is wrapped in a white garment

-A baptismal candle is held

-Final blessings are said

What is the symbolism in infant baptism?

-Oil of catechumens

-Holy Water

-Chrism Oil

-White garments

-Baptismal Candle

Why does the priest trace the sign of the cross on the infants forehead?

As a sign of belonging to God

What is the oil of catechumens a sign of in infant baptism?

Strength and against evil and temptation

Why are baptismal promises made?

To mark the acceptance of faith in God and the Church and a rejection of all evil.

Why does the Priest pour Holy Water on the infants head?

Water is a symbol of washing away original sin and the begining

What does the priest say as he pours holy water over the infant's head?

"(Name) I baptise you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen"

What is the symbolism of chrism oil being put on the forehead in infant baptism?

It is a sign of being chosen for a special task: to serve God as a member of his family

Why is the baby wrapped in white garments in infant baptism?

As a symbol of purity and innocence.

Why is a baptismal candle held in infant baptism?

To symbolise that Jesus is the light of the world who will guide the infant throughout their whole life. The light is also a symbol of knowldege.

What will happen if an older person is being baptised?

-The person speaks the vows for themselves, but have a sponsor present.

-The anointing with chrism is replaced with the conferring of the Holy Spirit

-Mass follows, and the individual receives Holy Communion for the first time making them full members in the Church

Why should babies be baptised?

-It welcome the child into the faith at an early age, so they can be raised with the spiritual support they may need

-Jesus welcomed little children into the Kingdom

-It is reassuring for parents to think that original sin has been washed away.

Why shouldn't babies be baptised?

-Babies cant make a personal decision to accept the faith

-They dont understand the promises being made on their behalf

-Jesus was baptised as an adult

-Babies can't carry out Christian duties

What is believers' baptism?

Some groups see baptism is the outward sign of an inner conversion that has only taken place after a personal encounter with Jesus and the result of prayer and reflection. Only those who are old enough to understand the commitment being made should receive baptism.

What are the general stages that occur in believers' baptism?

-The minister gives a sersmon on the importance and role of baptism

-Candidates are called forward

-Candidates are ask if they have repented their sins

-Candidates may read a short piece of scripture and give a testimony

-The minister and candidate step into the baptistery

-The candidate leaves the pool, having risen to new life though Jesus

What is the caandidates testimony about in believers baptism?

How they came to believe in god

What happens in the baptistery during believers' baptism?

The minister will say "(Name) because you have repented of your sins and have requested baptism, I now baotise you in the name of... Amen." The candidate is then fully immersed in the water.

Why are candidates fully immersed in the baptistery during believer's baptism?

As a symbol of death to an old way of life.

What happened at Pentecost?

Th Holy Spirit came down onto the disciples in the form of tongues of fire and they were filled with the Holy Spirit which allowed them to speak in other languages so they could go and spread the word

Why is confirmation so important to RCs?

-Its a sacrament of initiation so they are fuller members of the Church

-Its an opportunity to take on repsonsibilties of being an adult christian

-Baptismal promises are renewed

-It renews your relationship with God

What do preparation classes for confirmation do?

They help candidates to understand the commitment they are going to make, which explains the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and how to live as an active Christian

What does the Bishop wear at a confirmation? Why?

Red garments to symbolise flames at pentecost

What are the rites of Confirmation?

-Candidates are presneted to the Bishop who adresses them in a sermon

-Candidates renew baptismal vows

-Candidates kneel while the Bishop stretches his hands over their head

-Candidates individually approach the Bishop with their candidate, he puts his hand on their head and makes the sign of the cross with chrism oil

-The candidate and Bishop share a sign of peace

-Mass continues with Bidding prayers and Eucharistic Prayers

'Candidates kneel while the Bishop stretches his hands over their head' - what is this also known as?

The Laying of the hands

Why do candidates renew their baptismal promises in confirmation?

To show that they accept their Christian responsibilities for themselves.

What is the symbolism of The laying on of hands in confirmation?

It is an ancient sign of calling down the power of the Holy Spirit upon the candidates

What is said in confirmation?

"(Confirmation Name) Be sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit." -Bishop. The candidate accepts the Gift of the Holy Spirit with the word "Amen"

Why does the candidate chose a new name in confirmation?

to mark a new phase in their spiritual life

Why do the candidate and Bishop share a sign of peace in confirmation?

To show they are united in fellowship with Christ

What are the order of sacraments in the Orthodox Church?

A baby is anointed with chrism and receives Holy Communion at the same time.

What are the order of sacraments in the Anglican and Methodist Church?

Holy Communion is received only after confirmation has been recieved

What are the gifts of the Holy Spirit?

Wisdom, Understanding, Right Judgement, Courage, Knowledge, Reverence Wonder & Awe.

What does wisdom do?

It gives you the ability to see the underlying truths in a sitaution and see what certain sitautions might lead to.

What does Understanding do?

It gives you the aility to be able to share in someone else's situation and appreciate why your situation is as it is

What does Right Judgement do?

It gives you the ability to make a good decision about a particular situation.

What does Courage do?

It gives you the bravery to stand up for what is right and persevering in a difficult situation

What does Knowledge do?

It gives you the ability to be awarre of facts and how they relate to each other.

What does Reverence do?

It gives you the ability to show respect for God and the sanctity of life. Its shown by living a Holy Life.

What does Wonder and Awe do?

It gives you the ability tohold God in the correct esteem and value his greatness

Why is it more important to live like a follower of Jesus than go through a cermony of commitment

-Jesus called people to follow him before doing anything else

-If you aren't commited, why bother going though an empty ritual

-Actions speak louder than words; Commitment is shown through attendance and involvement

Why is it more important to go through a ceremony of commitment than to live like a follower of Jesus?

-Public Declarations are important so everyone is aware of your commitmet to God

-Preparation offers time for reflection

-Certain sacraments can strengthen commmitment