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96 Cards in this Set

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1. Start.
Your attention please. There is one ticket left. I repeat, there is on ticket remaining. It will be distributed on a first come first serve basis. Thank you.
2. That ticket is mine!
No it's not!
3. I was here first!
Liar. I got here first.
4. Go away
5. You're in my way.
I know you are but what am I?
6. I beg your pardon?
Ew! Listen to you talk Mrs.High Society.
7. Great heavens. You're acting like a child!
Same to you. Stuck like glue. You are ugly and smell like p-yew
8. Do your parents know you're out of the house?
Oh, ha, ha. You're so funny I forgot to laugh.
9. Your wittiness astounds me. Would you please get out of my way and allow me to get that ticket that is rightfully mine?
"Rightfully yours?" I don't see your name on any signs around here.
10. You heard the announcement. The first person here gets the ticket.
I was the first person here.
11. My Dear. I'm terribly sorry, but I was the first in line.
No, I was.
12. I was.
No, I was.
13. Intro
Hey, do you remember when we were younger and we would always play games with other kids, wether we knew them or not?
14. Yea, I sure do remembers those times. I sure miss them.
I wish we could still play games.
14. Same. Although now with work, bills, government issues and side events, there is practically no time for games.
I wonder how people would react if a total stranger tried to play a game with them.
16. I don't know. Let's take a look at Mindy and Margaret in...
Rock, Paper, Scissors, Bomb.
17. Look sweetheart. (Takes bill out of purse) here's a fifty dollar bill. How about you go but something really nice with it.
Fifty bucks? Who do you think you are?
18. How about a hundred. (Pulls more money out of purse)
I wouldn't sell out for a thousand.
19. How about two hundred. Someone else will take the ticket if we don't work this out.
Right. So move.
20. My dear, we must compromise-
If you were here first, how come you're trying to bribe me?
21. I'm taking the high road. Two hundred dollars. What do you say?
No deal I was hear on second before you.
(Start looking around)
22. Millisecond? How utterly absurd. Whatever are you doing?
Looking for a surveillance camera.
23. A what?
One of those cameras that records everything. It'll have a tape of both of us coming up and we an replay it. Like when there's a close horse race.
24. How gauche.
Whatever. Anyways, it'll show I was here first, even if by a millisecond. Have you seen a close finish at a horse race?
25. I'm afraid I don't race horses, my dear.
They slow the action down real slow, and the winning horse stretches out his neck-
26. And heaven knows your neck is longer than mine. Haha so I thought perhaps-
Say that again.
27. Perhaps we compromise by-
No the thing about the neck.
28. Oh, that. Forget it.
You said mine was longer than yours.
It's just-
Hey! I know when somebody's making fun of me. I'm not going to just stand here a let you insult me.
Good. So go home.
(Takes out cell)
I'm calling the police.
31. I beg your pardon?
You heard me Cruella. First you cut in line. Then you try to take what's not yours. And now you're verbally assaulting me.
32. Because I said you had a long neck?
You did it again!
Please calm down.
(On cell)
Police? Yes. Homicide division, please.
34. Homicide?
You're a potential threat. I feel like you could pull out a gun out of your purse and try to murder me at any moment.
35. You're insane!
Don't you raise our voice at me!
(Into phone)
Help! Help!
I'm not raising my voice.
You nearly hit me!
Oh, for heavens sake!
(Into phone)
Hello? Hello? Yes, officer. This is an emergency. What? No. There hasn't been a murder yet. It's an attempted murder in progress.
38. This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard!
(Into phone)
Yes, the potential murderer is right here. You want to talk with her?
(Offering phone)
Here. Take it.
I'm not going to-
(Into phone)
She says she's not talking to you.
(To Margaret)
He says he'll have to come down here.
(Into phone)
Right. We're at Broadway and Vine
41. Surely your joking!
(Into phone)
She's threatened me...
42. I never threatened you!
And tried to hit me.
43. I'm about to hit you.
See! She did it again! Can I make a citizens arrest?
44. (Outraged)
Give me that phone!
45. I must put a stop to this nonsense this instant.
(Into phone)
Oh. Now she wants to talk...
46. Give me that phone! Hello, officer look. We're both in line to get tickets and this woman is absolutely crazy! I didn't do anything to her and I never threatened to do anything to her and she's- hello? Hello? Is anybody- you filthy liar..
(Gets ticket and comes back)
I got the ticket didn't I?
47. Give me that ticket this instant.
Possession is nine tenths of the law, and I posses this ticket. Sorry Brunhilde.
48. You say the most hurtful things. My name isn't Brunhilde. My name is Mrs. Margaret Worthington-Smythe. Mrs. Worthington-Smythe, to you.
You've got to be joking.
49. Now give me that ticket.
50. ( thinking)
Well. All right then. You keep the ticket.
51. And I'll keep the phone it loos like a nice phone
Wait a minute!
52. It looks like a nice phone, too. Expensive. It probably cost more than that horrid outfit you're wearing from.... Where would it be? Wal-Mart perhaps?
You give that back.
53. I suppose I could make a call or two, as long as have it. Perhaps I'll dial Europe.
Give it back. Now! Give it back to me now!
All right. We'll do this fair and square.
54. Very good. I suppose we can-
What do you think, knives?
55. What?
Pistols at twenty paces?
56. Don't be absurd.
True. We don't have guns. How about we fight to the death using whatever weapons we find on the ground?
57. You are a most disturbed individual.
Whatever. I'm not letting you take that phone without a fight.
58. And I'm not letting you take that ticket.
So we've got to fight.
59. How vulgar.
I've got an idea. How about we play Rock Paper Scissors?
60. We hit each other with rocks and scissors?
No. The game we used to play when you were a kid. You know? You had to of been a kid once. You couldn't have been born this way.
61. Whatever do you mean?
Forget it. Rock Paper Scissors. Paper covers rock. Scissors cuts paper. Rock crushes scissors.
62. And this is helpful, how?
We decide who gets the ticket with Rock Paper Scissors an the winner takes the ticket. And I get my phone back. And we call it even.
Three hundred.
What's the matter, afraid of a little competition?
64. Well I...... (Sigh) Very well. How does one play this game?
I don't know how ONE plays it. But this is how we play it. Make a fist. Now, chop with the fist. Like this. Okay. Choose rock paper or scissor on three. Ready? One. Two. Three.
(Choose paper)
65. (Scissors) Oh. I win!
The first one. Best two out of three
66. But you didn't say-
(Snarling) Two out of three!!!
67. All right! That's a great idea! Just don't hurt me.
Your turn to count.
68. Umm...
You know how to count, don't you?
69. Oh, all right. One. Two. Three. (Scissors)
(Rock) Oh! I win! (Slugs Margaret's hand)
70. Ow! And I suppose that was my penalty?
71. But I didn't get to penalize you.
You missed your chance.
72. I don't know I could.
Ignorance is no excuse. Sorry. Okay, just one more time. For the ticket.
73. One more time. Alright.
You count.
74. Yes. Okay. One. Two. Three. (Paper)
(Rock with thumb up)
75. Ah! Paper covers rock! I win!
I'm not a rock. I'm a bomb.
76. I beg your pardon?
A bomb. See? My thumbs the fuse.
77. You can't be a bomb? We're playing Rock Paper Scissors.
It's advanced Rock Paper Scissors. And a bomb blows up the paper.
78. A bomb blows up everything. I can't beat a bomb.
Sure you an. Scissors could cut the fuse. Sorry, ignorance is no excuse-
79. Oh, for goodness sake, this is absurd! You win. You win. Take your stupid ticket. I don't even want it anymore. I hope you're happy.
Wait. Where are you going?
80. I'm going home.
How come?
81. Because I have lost. You have the ticket. I have no reason to stay here any longer.
Oh, yeah. The ticket. I forgot. Here you go.
82. You don't want it?
I don't even know what the ticket is to. I just thought it would be fun to play a game with you.
83. WHAT? This was all a game?
Just think. I bet it's been years since you've played a really good game like that, huh?
84. Years.
What's the ticket to?
85. We don't end our sentences with propositions, darling. We... Oh bother. Forget it. It's a ticket to tonight's opera.
Oh. That sucks. I wouldn't have wanted that anyway.
86. No.
Can I have my phone back?
87. Here. (Hands it over)
Can I have the money you offered too?
88. Whatever for? You didn't-
I might want to go to the opera.
89. Here. Here's a hundred.
You offered two.
90. Here's two. Take three. That's all the cash I have.
Thanks! Oh, by the way. Here's your money.
What is I now?
That was fun, too. Do you know any other games?
92. Great heavens! You're insane!
Oooh, that's a great game! I'll be crazy and I'll pretend I'm chasing you!
93. Please! Leave me alone
Oh yea! That's good!
94. Help! Help!
(Turns back to audience)
Wait! Come back!
Ladies and gentleman. We have found one remaining ticket. I repeat. There is one ticket left and it will be distributed on a first come first serve basis. Thank you.
(Turns back to audience as Different character) wait a minute! I've got to have that ticket!
Do you want to play a game?