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132 Cards in this Set

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This is a deficiency in the number of erythrocytes, the quantity of hemoglobin, and the volume of hematocrit.
Name the 3 classifications of anemia?
Blood loss
↓ RBC production
↑ destruction of RBCs
A clinical manifestations of anemia is the body's response to tissue _____
anemia is not a specific process, it is a manifestation of a pathological process. T or F
Name some skin changes with anemia
Pallor- due to ↓ blood flow to skin
Jaundice- Due to hemolysis of RBCs and ↑ concentration of bilirubin
Pruritis-↑ serum and skin bile salt concentrations
T or F. Old people have a slight ↓ in hemoglobin
T or F. Anemia may go unrecognized in the older adult because manifestations of anemia may be mistaken with normal aging changes.
Normal life span of an RBC is how many days?
There are 3 alterations of Decrased RBC production, name them.
↓ hemoglobin deficiency
Defective DNA synthesis in RBCs
Diminished availability of RBC precursors
Anemias of decreased hemoglobin synthesis. Name three of them.
Iron-deficiency anemia
Sideroblastic anemia
One of the most common chronic hematologic disorders is which type of anemia?
Iron-deficiency anemia
Name the etiologies ( underlying causes) of iron deficiency anemia?
Poor dietary intake-not enough iron intake
malabsorption-When the bowels are removed, or diseased and the iron can no be absorbed
blood loss- GI bleeds, Menstrual bleeds, Dialysis
S/s of Iron defiency anemia
Palor is the most common finding
glossitis- inflammation and burning of tongue
Treatement of iron deficiency anemia is to
Treat the underlying disease causing the deficiency of iron
teach dietary intake
This anemia is a decreased hemoglobin deficiency, it is an autosomal recessive genetic disorder involving inadequate production of normal hemoglobin. It is due to the absent or reduced globulin protein
This decreased hemoglobin deficiency occurs in people near the Mediterranean sea and equatorial regions of Asia, middle east and Africa
S/S of thalassemia
Pallor, splenomegaly, hepatomegaly
This medication is a chelating agent that binds to iron to reduce the iron overloading that occurs with chronic transfusion therapy.
This hemolgobing deficient anemia acts like iron deficiency anemia, it has a ringed look in the microscopoe.
Sideroblastic anemia
This anemia is when they have the iron but it is not being incorporated the right way. Pts will end up with transfusions with vit B6. This is a hereditary.
Sideroblastic anemia
This anemia is a group of disorders caused by impaired DNA synthesis anc charactgerized by the presence of large RBCs
Megaloblastic anemias
Large RBCs are called
Two common forms of megaloblastic anemia is
Cobalamin defiency
folic acid deficiency
Cobalamin is what vitamin
Folic acid is what vitamin
The protein made by the stomach that is needed to absorb cobalamin
The most common cause of cobalamin deficiency is
pernicious anemia
A disease in which the gastric mucosa is not secreting IF needed to absorb cobalamin
Pernicous anemia
Other cuases of cobalamin deficicency:
Chrohns disease
chronic alcoholism
nutritional defiency
T or F. Cobalamin deficiency anemia can be reversed as long as they get the b12 needed
S/S of cobalamin deficienncy
sore tongue, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, ab pain, weakness, paresthesias of hands and feet, ataxia, confusion
Folic acid deficiency is caued by
poor nutrition of B6
malabsorption syndromes (small bowel problems)
Drugs that impede folic acid
alcohol abuse and anorexia
Good nutrition of B6
leafy green veges, liver, citrus fruits, yeast
We need to draw serum folate levels to determine the deficiency
Treatment of folic acid deficiency is replacement therapy
Diminished availability of RBC precursors
anemias of chronic disease
aplastic anemia
myeloproliferative disease and myelodysplasia
Anemia of chronic diseases are immune driven like chronic inflammatory disease, autoimmune disease, infectious disease, malignant disease
an conditioin that causes increased RBC destruction by by self attacking itself, accompanied by the failure to augment erythropoiesis will contribute to anemia.
autoimmune disease
Example of anemia of chronic disease is renal disease, because why?
Kidneys make the hormone erythropoietin which is responsible for erythropoiesis
This anemia of a erythrocyte precursor is a diease in which the pt. has peripheral blood pancytopenia (decrease of all blood cell types and hypocellular bone marrow)
aplastic anemia
Two causes of aplastic anemia
Aplastic anemias
congenital- caused by chromosomal alterations
aquired aplastic anemia- results from exposure to ionizing radiation, chemical agents, viral or bacterial infections and medications
70% of acquired aplastic anemias are idopathic
This is when the bone marrow doesn't make the required amount of cells.
hypocellular bone marrow
Manifestations of aplastic anemia
dsypnea, fatigue
Neutropenia caused by aplatic anemia means that neutrophils are low, so we are susceptible to
Aplastic anemia causes thrombocytopenia which means we are susceptible to
This disease is characterized by chane in the quantity and quality of bone marrow elements. This shows cytopenia (decreased number of blood cells) in combo with hypercellular bone marrow exhibiting dysplastic changes (production of abnormal cells)
Myeloproliferative disase myelodysplasia
anemia from blood loss is an acute sudden like trauma or blood vessel rupture.
Quick change in volume will lead a person into shock. Should initially replace volume then correct the RBC loss
Chronic gastritis, menstrual flow and hemorrhoids can cause anemia from blood loss. however, the slower chronic loss of blood the person can adapt to the lower hemoglobin levels
Anemia from blood loss the prognosis leads to location and amount of blood loss.
The s/s of anemia from blood losss is ?
pallor, dyspnea, lethargy, BP is low, Tachycardia, bleeding in tissue
The nursing managment of acute and chroni blood loss.
volume exander, O2, iron supplement
This refers to a decrease in leukocytes total WBC count
A decrease in neutrophils
A decrease in granulocytes
Something that originates in the bone marrow
Elements of bone marrow are not formed correctly
Malignant disorder affecting the blood and blood-forming tissues of the bone marrow, lymph system, and spleen.
Malignant condition characterized by proliferation of abnormal giant, multinucleated cells, called Reed-Sternberg cells, which are located in the lymph nodes.
hodgkins disease
a heterogenous group of malignant neoplasm (abnormal growth-tumor) in primarily B or T-cells.
Non-hodgkins disease
a condition where neoplastic plasma cells infiltrate the bone marrow and destroy bone.
multiple myeloma
Leukemia occurs in all age groups. can result from genetics and environmental factors
Leukemia is very specific to which WBC?
Immature cells are know as what?
blast cells
Very large immature lymphocytes are called.
very large bone marrow cell
Classifications of leukemia is based on what?
acute and chronic
This Classification of leukemia is characterized by the clonal prliferation of immature hematopoietic cells. It develops follwoing malignant transformation of a single type of immature hematopoietic cell, following cellular replication of that malignant clone. It is abrupt rapid and survival is thort
This classification of leukemia involves more mature forms of the WBC and the diease is onset and more gradual
as leukemia progresses, fewer normal blood cells are produced. Because the abnormal WBCs accumulate due to they do not go through the normal cell cycle to death. (Apoptosis)
Leukemic cells infiltrate the organs leading to:
bone pain
meningeal irritation
oral lesions
Solid masses resulting from collections of leukemic cells are called
The clinical manifestations of leukemia are varied. essentially the relat to problems caused by bone marrow _____ and the formationn of leukemic ____.
failure, infiltrates
Bone marrow failure results in?
bone marrow overcrowding by abnormal cells and inadequate production of normal marrow elemtns
In leukemia, inadequate marrow elements cause
anemia, thrombocytopenia, ↓ number and fucntions of WBCs
This type of leukemia is the uncontrolled proliferation of myeloblasts. There is hyperplasia of the bone marrow.

a. acute meyelogenous leukemia b. Acute lymphocytic leukemia c. chronic myelogenous leukemia
d. chronic lymphocytic leukemia
The leukemia is when the normal hematopoietic cells in the marrow are replaced with leukemic myeloblasts that causes infiltration of organs and tissues causing serios infectoins and abnormal bleeding

a. acute meyelogenous leukemia b. Acute lymphocytic leukemia c. chronic myelogenous leukemia
d. chronic lymphocytic leukemia
This type of leukemia affects 85% of adults.

a. acute meyelogenous leukemia b. Acute lymphocytic leukemia c. chronic myelogenous leukemia
d. chronic lymphocytic leukemia
the signs and symptoms of this leukemia are fatigue and weakness, h/a, mouth sores, anemia, bleeding, fever, infection

a. acute meyelogenous leukemia b. Acute lymphocytic leukemia c. chronic myelogenous leukemia
d. chronic lymphocytic leukemia
This leukemia is most common type in children

a. acute meyelogenous leukemia b. Acute lymphocytic leukemia c. chronic myelogenous leukemia
d. chronic lymphocytic leukemia
This leukemi is when immature lymphoctyes proliferate in the bone marrow

a. acute meyelogenous leukemia b. Acute lymphocytic leukemia c. chronic myelogenous leukemia
d. chronic lymphocytic leukemia
s/s of thhis leukemia appear abruptly with bleeding and fever, or insidious with progressive weakness, bone and/joint pain, and bleeding tendencies
a. acute meyelogenous leukemia b. Acute lymphocytic leukemia c. chronic myelogenous leukemia
d. chronic lymphocytic leukemia
This leukemia is caused by excessive development of mature neoplastic granulocytes in the bone marrow, which then move into the peripheral blood and infiltrate the liver and spleen

a. acute meyelogenous leukemia b. Acute lymphocytic leukemia c. chronic myelogenous leukemia
d. chronic lymphocytic leukemia
this leukemia has no symptoms early in the disease. Featigue weakness, fever, sternal tenderness, weight loss, joint pain, increased sweating

a. acute meyelogenous leukemia b. Acute lymphocytic leukemia c. chronic myelogenous leukemia
d. chronic lymphocytic leukemia
This type of leukemia usually happens b/t the ages of 25 to 60 with the peak at 45

a. acute meyelogenous leukemia b. Acute lymphocytic leukemia c. chronic myelogenous leukemia
d. chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Most common type of leukemia in adults

a. acute meyelogenous leukemia b. Acute lymphocytic leukemia c. chronic myelogenous leukemia
d. chronic lymphocytic leukemia
This leukemia is characterized by the production an accumulation of functionally inactive but long lived, small, mature-appearing lymphocytes

a. acute meyelogenous leukemia b. Acute lymphocytic leukemia c. chronic myelogenous leukemia
d. chronic lymphocytic leukemia
this leukemias s/s are chronic fatigue, anorexia, plsenomegaly, lympadenopathy, hepatomegaly, night sweats

a. acute meyelogenous leukemia b. Acute lymphocytic leukemia c. chronic myelogenous leukemia
d. chronic lymphocytic leukemia
This leukemia has a hairy appearance under the microscopole
hairy cell leukemia
These type of leukemic cells are lymphoid, myeloid or mixed. the prognosis is ppor
This treatment therapy is the attempt to induce or bring about a remission

a. induction
b. consolidation
c. maintenance
This treament therapy of leukemia is to eliminate remaining leukemic cells

a. induction
b. consolidation
c. maintenance
This leukemic therapy is to lower the dose of the induction therapy. to keep the treatment steady.

a. induction
b. consolidation
c. maintenance
these are malignant neoplasms originating in the blone marrow and lymphatic structures resulting in the prliferation of lymphocytes.
Name the stages of hodgkins and nonhodgkins
stage 1 on lymph node affected
stage 2- 2 or more lymph nodes affected on teh same side of diagphram
stage 3- involvement of lymh nodes affected on both sides of the diagphram
stage 4- tissue and organ involvement with or without lymph nodes affected
This is a condition in which neoplastic plasma cells infiltrate the bone marrow and destroy bone
multiple myeloma
The cause of mulitple myeloma is unkown. The median age is 60. Normal bone marrow has 5% plasma cells. with mulitple myeloma there are 30-90% in bone marrow
Plasma cells are activated B-cells. In multiple myeloma, the malignant plasma cells infiltrates the bone marrow and produces abnormal and excessive amounts of immunoglobulins and causes bone destruction
A condition caused by the destruction of hemolysis of RBCs at a rate that exceeds production.
Hemolytic anemia
Intrinsic hemolytic anemias are which kind?
sickle cell, G6PD, RBC membrane abnormalities
Extrinsich hemolytic are aqcuired. The RBCs are normal but damage is caused by external factors such as trapping cells within sinuses of hte liver or spleen, antibody mediated destruction, toxins or mechanical injury
This is a group inherited
autosomal recessive disorder characterized by the presence of an abnormal form of hemoglobin in the erythrocyte.
The anormal hemoglobin in SCD is what?
T or F. The typical pt is anemic but asymptomatic except during sickling episodes.
The primary symptom with SCD is
Sickling episodes are most commonly trigered by low o2 tension in the blood. High stress, altitude, dehydration, decreased plasma, can cause sickling of cells
Symptoms of SCD are?
pain and swelling, mallor, fatigue
repeated episodes of sickling there is a gradual involvment of all body systems. Especially spleen lungs kidneys and brain.
Scd is usually fatal by middle age from renal and pulmonary functions.
In SCD, pneumonia is the most common infectoin
Nursing measures are to alleviate symptoms of disease complications. Minimize end target-organ damage. there is no specific treatment for SCD
There is no specific treatment for SCD Pt teaching is to avoid high altitudes, maintain fluid intake, treat infections and pain control
In SCD we give O2 for hypoxia, to control sickling, pain management, acute chest syndrome, antibiotics, o2 therapy, fluid therapy.
sickle cell disease things to do. give folic acid supplements, blood transfusions on crisis,
This is an antisickling agent
Erythropoieten is given to paitents with sickle cell disease if un responsive to hydroxyurea.
This is an autosomal recessive disease that has increased intestinal iron absorption causing liver elargement. Iron in the liver causes the liver to enlarge. Causes cirrhosis of the liver. Can invect the islet cells of the pancreas and become diabetic
The normal iron content in the body is 2-6 grams
Treatment of hemocrhomatosis is to remove the iron
This is known as the kissing disease. You don't want to get hit in the spleen because it may rupture. treatment is prophylactic antibiotics
This is a reduction of platelets below 150k
if platelet counts are below 20k. massive hemorrhaging
This is the most common acquired thrombocytopenia it is a syndrom of abnormal destruction of circulating paltelets.
immune thrombocytopenia purpura
ITP is an anutoimmune disease
This syndrom is when platelets are coated with antibodies. When these platelets reach the spleen the anibody-coated plateelts are recognized as foreing and are destroyed my macrophages.
This is a sex- linked recessive genetic disorder caused by defective or deficiennt coagulation factor 8
Hymophila A
Hemophila b - is known as the Xmas disease the factor deficienncy is
In hemophilia A desmopressin is used.
This is a serious bleeding and thrombotic disorder. It results from abnormally initiated and accelerated clotting. It is characterized by profuse bleeding that results from the depletion of platelets and clotting factors.
Anemias of decreased erythrocyte production:
Decreased hemoglobin synthesis: name 3
Iron deficiency anemia
Sideroblastic anemia
Anemias of Decreased erythrocyte production:
Defective DNA Synthesis:
Cobalamin deficiency
folic acid deficiency
Anemias of Decreased Erythrocyte production:
Decreased number of erythrocyte precursors:
Aplastic anemia
Anemia of myeloproliferative disease/myelodisplasia
Chornic diseases and disorders
Hemolytic anemia or anemias of erythrocyte destruction:
immune hemolytic
Membrane abnromalities
Trauma, antibiotdcs meds, toxins