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61 Cards in this Set

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hemorhage that occurs in the first 24 hours PP
early PPH- causes are usually uterine atony, lacerations and hematomas
hemorrhage that occurs after the first 24 hours PP?
late PPH- causes are usually hematomas, subinvolution, and retained placental fragments
blood loss greater than 500 mL in vaginal birth and 1000 mL in c-section
boggy uterus
saturation of peripad in 15 min
bleeding slow and steady OR sudden and massive
blood clots may be present
pale/clammy skin
Uterine Atony- decreased tone of the uterine muscle,is the primary cause of early PPH
what is the medical management for uterine atony?
meds- oxytocin, methergine, hemabate
IV therarpy- reduce the risk of hypovolemia
blood replacement- reduce risk of hemorrhagic shock
surgical interventions- hysterectomy if all else fails
what are the nursing actions that should be implimented if uterine atony is suspected
assess uterine fundus- massage if boggy
assess bladder overdistention- cath if needed
assess lochia- amount, color and clots
review lab test- H&H
notify dr
administer meds- oxy, meth or hemabate
provide support
methylergonovine ( METHERGINE)
indications: PPH due to uterine atony/ subinvolution
action: stimulates contractions
side effects: N/V cramps
route/dose: 200mcg IM/IV
precaution: check blood pressure, dont use in PHI or if HTN is noted (will increase BP)
Carboprost (HEMABATE)
indications: PPH that has not responed to oxy or methergine
action: contracts uterus
side effects: N/V/D and fever
route/dose: 205mcg IM not to exceed 2mg
a firm uterus that is midline with heavier than normal bleeding
bleeding with a steady stream without clots
Lacerations- second most common cause of early PPH. common sites are the cervix, vagina, labia, and perineum
what are some risk factors for lacerations that can lead to PPH?
fetal macrosomia
operative vag delivery (forcepts ect.)
precipitous labor/birth
what are the nursing actions and interventions when PPH is secondary to lacerations?
monitor v/s
monitor blood loss
notify dr
administer pain meds as ordered
prepare women for vag exam
provide support
pain in vag/perineum that cant be controlled with pain meds
when vag exam is done, women will express intense pain in vag area or a heaviness or fullness or rectal pressure
swelling,discoloration, and tenderness in perineum
displaced uterus and uterus atony (when large enough)
Hematomas- occurs when blood collects within the connective tissures or the vagina or perineal areas, related to a vessel that ruptures and continues to bleed (difficult to determine amount of blood so PPH may not be dx until she is in hypovolemic shock)
risk factors for hematomas?
use of foreceps
prolonged 2 stage of labor
what is the medical management of hematomas?
small- monitored
large- surgery, blood is removed (women will experience instant relief)
what is the nursing actions and interventions if a hematoma is suspected?
review chart for risk factors ( labor)
apply ice to perineum for the first 24 hours
assess pain on a pain scale
monitor VS (decrease in BP and elevated pulse)
admister pain meds
review labs- H&H
notify dr if labs are abnormal
the uterus is soft and larger than normal for the days postpartum
lachia returns to rubra and can be heavy
back pain is present
subinvolution of the uterus- uterus doesnt decrease in size and return to the pelvis, usually occurs late in PP period when uterus and lochia had been undergoing normal invoultion
what are the risk factors for subinvolution?
retained placental fragments
what is the medical management of subinvolutions?
depends on type:
methergine PO for fibroids
antibiotics for endometritis
what are the nursing actions for subinvolution?
review chart for risk factors
if risk factors are there monitor pt more frequntley
subinvolution usually happens after discharge so you must teach the patient about s/s and how to assess fundus for involution
teach how to reduced infection (endometritis)
profuse bleeding that occurs suddenly after 1 week PP
subinvolution of uterus
elevated temp
pale skin
retained placental fragments-common cause of LPPH, occurs when small portions of the placent (cotyledons) remain attached to the uterus in 3rd stage of labor, and interferes with involution of the uterus and can lead to endometritis
what are the risk factors that can lead to retained placental fragments?
manual removal of the placental
what is the medical management of retained placental fragments?
IV antibiotic therapy because risk of endometritis
what are the nursing actions taken if retained placental fragments is suspected
review records for risk factors
monitor if there is risk factors
review labs- H&H
teach pt about s/s because usually happens after discharge (temp, bright red blood, uterine tenderness)
prolonged uncontrolled uterine bleeding
bleeding from IV, gums, bladder
shock-pale/clammy, tachy, hypotensive,SOA
dissminated intravascular cogaulation- coagulation pathways are hyperstimulated and you break down clots faster than you make clots, quickly leading to hemorrhage and death
what are the risk factors for DIC?
abruptio placenta
prolonge PPH
what is the medical management of DIC
lab test- fibrogen levels, pt, ptt
iv therapy- fluids
blood replacement
identify primary cause of bleeding
o2 thrapy
transfer to ICU with perinatologis
what are the nursing actions if DIC is suspected?
review for risk factors, if at risk monitor frequently
monitor vs- they will change quickly
iv therapy
blood replacement
o2 therapy
transfer to ICU with perinatologist
pulmonary edma- on xray
cardiac/resp arrest
amniotic fluid embolism- rare but fatal that can occur during pregnancy, labor and PP. the fluid contains fetal cells, lanugo, and vernix, if it enters the maternal circulation will lead to embolism.
what are the risk factors for AFE?
induction of labor- risk 2x greater
maternal age >35
c-section, forceps, vacuum assisted delivery
placental previa
abruptio placenta
fetal intolerance of labor
cervical/uterine lacs
what is the medical management of AFE?
focus on RESP/CARDIAC function
do labs- CBC, platelet count, arterial gases, fibrogen, and PT
type and screen
chest x-ray
blood replacement-
have a heart and lung bypass machine ready
what are the nursing interventions that need to be done if you suspect AFE?
review chart for risk factors
notify dr if suspected
o2 at 8 L
IV access
get labs
administer blood per orders
support the pt
call a code- preform CPR
positive homans sign
tenderness and heat over affected area
leg pain when walking
swelling in leg
thrombosis- a blood clot within the vascular system, at risk during and 6 weeks PP. this is related to normal physiological changes that occur in pregnancy (state of hypercoagulation due to an increase in clotting factors and fibrinogen) usually occurs in the leg (DVT) major concern is that the clot will detach and become an embolism and travel to a vital organ (lungs=PE)
what is the medical management for a suspected thrombosis?
doppler US to confrim
compression socks- reduce venous stasis
coagulation therapy- iv heprin
antibiotic therapy- if related to infection
bed rest with effected area elevated
what is the nursing interventions that you will do if you suspect a thrombosis?
review chart for risk factors- if there is risk factors monitor more frequently
apply compression stockings
assist with ambulation
call dr if you suspect thrombosis
administer meds per order- heprin
elevated temp- 39.5 C or 101 F (w/ or w/o chills)
uterine tenderness
lower abd pain
lochia flow heavy and foul smell
Endometritis- most common PP infection, its an infection of the endometrium that usually starts at the placental site and then spreads to the entire endometrium
what type of infectious organism creates a foul smell lochia?
anaerobic organism- it is a later sign that occurs when the entire endometrium is involved

lochia is scant and odorless when a beta-hemolytic (streptococcus) is present
what is the medical management when endometritis is suspected?
CBC- WBC above 20,000
endometrial cultures
blood cultures
UA to rule out UTI
what antibiotic is used when the infection is mild to moderate?
a broad spectrum cephalosporin or PCN

IV antibiotics are given then changed to PO 24 hours after the temp is normal
what is the nursing intervention done when endometritis is suspected?
review chart
obtain and review labs- WBC
encourage fluids- adequate hydration can decrease risk for infection
instruct pt to wipe front to back
change peripads after each void/defication
hand washing
diet high in protien and vit C
administer meds per order
provide support
low grade fever (<38.5 C and 101 F)
burning on urination
suprapubic pain
urgency to void
small freqent voids ( less than 150 ml per void)
Cystitis- infection of the bladder, can be treated but if left untreated the women is at risk for pyelonephritis
what is the medical management for cystitis?
antibiotics- PO (started before culture results are back)
UA, CBC, culture and sensitivity
what are the nursing interventions if cystitis is suspected?
review chart
assist pt to bathroom to void within a few hours after birth
cath if she is unable to void within 12 hours post birth as per orders
remind her to void every 3-4 hours
measure voids for the first 24 hrs, each void should equal 150 ml or more
change peripads
drink a min of 3000 ml/day
encourage foods that have high acidity
obtain labs and report if they are abnormal
teach proper use of meds
teach s/s of cystitis
hard tender palpable mass
redness around the area of the mass
acute pain in breast
temp elevated
purulent drainage
mastitis- inflammation/infection of the breast that is common amoung lactating women, usually occurs in one breast within 2 weeks PP the infection resolves within 24-48 hours after antibiotics are started, abscess can occur if there is a delay in treatment
what are the risk factors for mastitis?
hx of mastitis
cracked or sore nipples
use of antifungal nipple creams- used when the baby has thrush
what is the medical management of a pt with mastitis?
oral antibiotics that are safe to use when lactating.
what are the nursing actions that are to be done with a pt with mastitis
palpate for signs of mastitis
teach correct latching on methods
let nipples air dry after feedings
proper hand washing
use a supportive bra
administer analgesia/antibiotics per orders
teach adequate fluid intake
teach to continue breastfeeding and express milk from the affected breast to promote circulation of milk flow
purulent drainage
low grade fever
increased pain at site
wound infection- can occur at the episitomy site, cesarean site, and laceration site
what are the risk factors for developing a wound infection?
long labor
preexisting infection
immunodeficiency disorders
corticosteroid therapy
poor suturing technique
what is the medical management for a wound infection?
obtain a wound culture

Mild/moderate infection without purulent drainage- PO antibiotics and warm compress to area

infection with purulent drainage- open and drain wound and begin IV antibiotics
what is the nursing interventions that need to be done if there is a wound infection?
review chart
use proper handwashing tech
proper diet
use hot packs for abd wound or sitz bath for perineal wound
obtain labs- wound culture and CBC
administer antibiotics/analgesia per order
teach at discharge s/s
sleep and appetite distrubances
uncontrolled crying
feelings of guilt
postpartum depression- depression that occurs the first 6-12 months PP and is disabling- unable to care for herself or the baby
what are the risk factors for PPD?
hx of depression
anxiety/depression during pregnancy
inadequate support
poor relationship with partner
life and child care stresses
what is the medical management for PPD?
mild/moderate PPD- antidepressant, psychotherapy, cognitive therapy

severe PPD- intense psychiatric care, crisis intervention, meds
what are the nursing actions if PPD is suspected?
review chart for risk factors
monitor mother-child relationship
teach s/s of PPD
provide info on support groups and community resources
provide support
delusion, hallucinations, paranoia
mood swings
extreme agitation
depressed/ elated mood
confused thinking
disorganized behavior
postpartum psychosis- is a varian of bipolar disorder and is serious can occur as soon as the 3rd PP day, require immediate hospitalization
what are the risk factors for PPP?
women with known bipolar disorder
personal/family hx of bipolar disorder
what is the medical and nursing management of PPP?
hospitalization to psych unit
antidepressant/antipsychotic meds
review chart for risk factors
protrusion of uterus into vaginal area
low back pain
sensation of heaviness in vagina/pelvis
difficult/painful intercourse
uterine prolapse-occurs when there is a weakening of the pelvic connective tissue, pubococcygeus muscle and uterine ligaments, allowing the uterus to desend into the vagina
leakage of urine or fecal material from the vagina
foul vaginal odor
irritation of the vaginal mucosa
genital fistula- abnormal connection between the vagina, bladder, rectum and or urethra, the fistula provides a pathway for fecal material or urine to enter the vagina
sense of fullness or pressure in the vag/pelvis
discomfort when straining, coughing, bearing down or lifting
stress incontinence
bladder infection
pain/leakage of urine during sex
Cystocele- bulging of the bladder in the vagina, which occurs when the wall between the vagina and bladder weakens and stretches
sense of fullness in vag/pelvis
low back pain that is relieved when layin down
difficulty in controlling/passing stool
Rectoceles- occurs when the front walll of rectum bulges into the vagina