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26 Cards in this Set

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Chicken Pox (Varicella) - Give
Incubation Period -
Infectious Period -
Care of Skin Lesions -
Home Care Instructions
Incubation - 14 to 21 days
Infectious Period - From 1-2 days prior to and anytime up til all pustules scabbed
Care of Skin Lesions & Home Care - Cool Compresses, Calamine Lotion, (not benadryl lotions), Cool baths w/ baking soda, trim fingernails, oral anti-itching meds (benadryl, claritin, zyrtec), antipyretics, drink fluids, avoid hot/spicy/acidic foods if lesions in mouth, stay home until all crusted.
Rubeola (7 Day Measles) - Give Clinical Manifestations
Koplick Spots (small red w/ bluish white center, irregular spots on the buccal mucosal floor)
Visual Disturbances (photophobia, conjunctivitis)
Red Rash (starts face & works downward, itchy, lasts @ 7 days)
Rubella (German Measles/3 day measles) - Give
Mild Symptoms
* slight fever / enlarged cervical lymph nodes
Pink Rash on face/trunk lasts 2-3 days
May complain of joint pain
Complications - Teratogenic in 1st trimester (can cause abortion or birth defects - cardiac, hearing/vision
Scarlet Fever - Give CM
High Fever
Enlarged Tonsils (covered w/ exudates)
Swollen Tongue (starts white, sloughs off, then bright red, like strawberry tongue)
Pin point rash on body
Sloughing of skin on palms/soles
Impetigo - Give
Parent Education
CM - Small Red Macules (typically on face), Honey Colored Crusts on Lesions
Treatment - Remove Crusts & Apply Antibiotic Ointment
Parent ed - Highly contagious, Home from School, Trim Nails, Don't Share Towels or Other Personal Items
Cellulitis - Give
Assessment - Hx of skin disruption, Temperature, Document location/distribution/describe drainage, palpate for lymphadenopathy, Blood Cultures
CM - Erythema, Swelling, Pain, Warmth @ Site
Treatment - Antibiotics (usually broad spectrum), Tylenol for fever, Pain meds, elevate extremity
Pediculosis Capitis (Head Lice) - Give
Nursing Implications
CM - Generalized Itching, lesions from scratching (can become infected), Visual Nits (scalp & behind ears, eyelashes, eyebrows)
Treatment - Permetherin (Nix) Shampoo
Nursing Implications - Remove nits once shampoo put in, Put Vaseline on eyelashes to kill lice, Clean every in very hot water, Treat everyone in the house, Don't share personal items
Scabies - Give CM
Intense Itching
Linear Grayish Brown Burrow Tracks (rash) w/ black dot @ end (mite)
Lesions between fingers, toes & @ bends of body
Tinea Corporis/Capitis (Ringworm) - Give
CM - Circular Scaly Itchy Red Patches
Treatment - Oral/Topical Griseofulvin, Lamisil, (if oral give w/ food or milk), Topical Meds: Lotrimin, Miconazole
What is a contraindication to all vaccines?
A severe anaphylactic reaction to a vaccine or any of the vaccines components OR moderate to severe illness with or without fever
What is a contraindication to the DTP/DTap Vaccine?
Encephalopathy within 7 days of receiving a prior dose
What is a contraindication to the IVP vaccine?
Anaphylactic reaction or reaction to neomycin or streptomycin
What is a contraindication to the MMR or Varicella vaccine?
Anaphylactic reaction to neomycin, gelatin, Currently Pregnant or Immunosuppressed
Plus Reaction to eggs (Specific to MMR)
On what schedule should the DTap Immunization be given?
2 mo., 4 mo., 6 mo.,
15 - 18 mo.,
4-6 yrs
Tdap Booster - 11 to 12 years & repeat
On what schedule should the IVP immunization be given?
2 mo., 4 mo.,
12 - 18 mo.,
4 - 6 yrs
On what schedule should the MMR vaccine be given?
12 - 15 mo.,
4 - 6 yrs.
On what schedule should the Varicella Virus Vaccine be given?
12 - 15 mo.,
4 - 6 yrs.
On what schedule should the Hepatitis B Vaccination be given?
1 - 2 mo.
6 - 18 mo.
On what schedule should the Pneumococcal vaccine (Prevnar) be given?
2 mo., 4 mo., 6 mo.,
12 - 15 mo.
On what schedule should the Haemophilus Influenzae Type B (HIB) Vaccination be given?
2 mo., 4 mo., 6 mo.,
12 - 15 mo.
What are the clinical manifestations of Corrosives (Drain Cleaner) Poisoning?
Edema of lips
Burns of mouth/throat
Violent vomiting
White Swollen Mucous Membranes
What are the 2 topics of Poison Education that can be provided?
1 - Poison Control (Phone #)
2 - Poison Prevention
* Meds locked up safe
* Out of reach
* Cabinets w/ locks
* No longer use syrup of ipecac
What is the general assessment of the poisoning victim?
1 - Assess & Stabilize ABC's
* Airway
* Breathing
* Circulation
2 - Health history & details of toxin, time & nature of ingestion
3 - Physical exam
* Hypo or hypertension
* Hypo or Hyperthermia
* Resp Depression or Hyperventilation
* Miosis (pupillary contraction) or Mydriasis (pupillary dilation)
* Mental status, Skin moisture & color, Bowel sounds
Lab & Diagnostic Testing
* Chem panel
* Urine & Blood Tox Screens
* Drug levels if substance known or suspected
Syrup of Ipecac
Action -
CI -
Action - Induces Vomiting
CI - No longer used b/c could cause prolonged vomiting
Gastric lavage
Clinical Indications -
* Can be initiated 1-2 h after ingestion
* Very helpful if substance is toxic
* CI if Corrosive Ingestion (drain cleaner)
Activated Charcoal
Clinical Indications -
* Odorless fine powder put in patient that absorbs compound
* Can be mixed w/ diet coke
* Can cause aspiration
* CI if Corrosive Ingestion (drain cleaner)