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112 Cards in this Set

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icosahedral, nonenveloped, SS+ nonsegmented RNA that can destroy anterior horn
picornaviridae enterovirus (poliovirus)
RNA virus that replicates in Peyer's patches and tonsils
picornaviridae enterovirus (poliovirus)
How does your body protect you from future polio infections?
infection generates IgG and secretory IgA
Polio vaccine with shorter duration but no risk of reversion to virulence
Salk (killed)
polio vaccine that generates IgA mucosal immunity and can confer group immunity but runs risk of reversion
Sabin (live)
post-paralytic syndrome
picornaviridae enterovirus (poliovirus)
icosahedral, nonenveloped, SS + nonsegmented RNA virus that is acid resistance and replicates in cytoplam
picornaviridae enterovirus (Coxsackieviruses A & B)
hand foot mouth disease
picornaviridae enterovirus (Coxsackieviruses A & B)
picornaviridae enterovirus (Coxsackieviruses A & B)
can cause both myocarditis/pericaditis and aseptic meningitis
picornaviridae enterovirus (Coxsackieviruses A & B)
Most common causes of common cold
rhinovirus, coronavirus, adenovirus, influenza C, coxsakievirus
icosahedral, nonenveloped, nonsegmented SS + RNA that causes acute hepatitis
picornaviridae enterovirus (hepatitis A virus)
What's in the vaccine of picornaviridae enterovirus (hepatitis A virus)?
formalin-inactivated HAV
Which virus can cause hepatitis from contaminated water and shellfish?
picornaviridae enterovirus (hepatitis A virus)
icosahedral, nonenveloped, nonsegmented + SS RNA that has more than 100 serotypes
picornaviridae rhinovirus
MCC common cold
picornaviridae rhinovirus
binds ICAM-1 on upper respiratory tract of epithelial cells and prefers 33 degree replication temperature
picornaviridae rhinovirus
icosahedral, nonenveloped, SS+ nonsegmenter RNA that causes gastroenteritis on cruise ship
Norwalk virus (Caliciviridae)
icosahedral, nonenveloped, SS+ nonsegmented RNA that causes hepatitis in pregnant women
Caliciviridae Calicivirius (Hepatitis E)
icosahedral, nonenveloped, ds segmented RNA that is the most common cause of gastroenteritis in babies
reoviridae rotavirus
"wheel like structure"
reoviridae rotavirus
nonenveloepd virus capable of reassortment
passive immunity by IgA through mom's colostrum
reoviridae rotavirus
icosahedral, nonenveloped, ds segmented RNA from wood tick bite
reoviridae coltivirus (colorado tick virus)
ds segmented RNA virus capable of infecting bone marrow cells
reoviridae coltivirus (colorado tick virus)
fever, myalgia, OCULAR pain, headache
reoviridae coltivirus (colorado tick virus)
icosahedral nucleocapsid, enveloped, SS + nonsegmented RNA that causes encephalitis
togaviridae alphavirus
Name the order of infectiousness of togaviridae alphavirus
Eastern EE > WEE > VEE
Is there a vaccine for togaviridae alphavirus?
yes, formalin inactivated or attenuated virus
icosahedral, enveloped, ss + nonsegmented RNA that causes rash after fever spreading from head to trunk w/postauricular and occipital lymphadenopathy
togaviridae rubivirus (German measles)
if infected congenitally....deafness, PDA, pulmonary artery stenosis, cataracts (white pupils), microcephaly
togaviridae rubivirus (German measles)
What causes the rash of togaviridae rubivirus (German measles)?
antibody-mediated reactions --> maculopapular rash
How can you detect congenital rubella during pregnancy?
virus in amniocentesis
When can you give a pregnany woman MMR?
AFTER the pregnancy
up to how old can a baby pass togaviridae rubivirus (German measles)
2 yo
what is the only live viral vaccine you can give to a HIV patient?
icosahedral, enveloped, SS + nonsegmented RNA passed by Aedes mosquitos
yellow fever virus (Flaviviridae flavivirus)
RNA virus causing hepatitis, jaundice, black vomit (hemorrhagic disease)
yellow fever virus (Flaviviridae flavivirus)
RNA virus causing "break bone fever"
Dengue fever virus (Flaviviridae flavivirus)
How does dengue fever become hemorrhagic?
2nd infection by different serotype --> antibodies against 1st serotype increase --> cross-react to form immune complexes --> type III hypersensitivity reaction
St. louis encephalitis
Flaviviridae flavivirus
Councilman bodies seen
yellow fever virus (Flaviviridae flavivirus)
How can you test for dengue fever?
tourniquet test: increase petechiae after blood pressure cuff inflation
Is the vaccine for yellow fever virus (Flaviviridae flavivirus) live or killed?
icosahedral nucleocapsid, enveloped, SS + nonsegmented RNA causing chronic hepatitis
hepatitis C virus (Flaviviridae)
How many hep C cases become asymptomatic carriers?
Individual undergoes transplant and gets hepatitis. which type?
hepatitis C virus (Flaviviridae)
icosahedral, enveloped, SS + diploid RNA that causes host so be susceptible to opportunistic infections
Retroviridae Lentivirus (HIV)
gag gene codes for
p17 (matrix), p24 (capsid)
pol gene codes for
protease, reverse transcriptase, integrase
env gene of Retroviridae Lentivirus (HIV) code for
gp120 (binds CD4, CXCR4, and CCR5 on T cells and MP), gp41 (mediates viral cell fusin and syncytia formation
primary cells infected by Retroviridae Lentivirus (HIV)
CD 4+ T cells and MP
how does host respond to HIV infection during latency?
1. increased Th cell production
2. CTL reponse against infected cells
How does HIV deplete CD4+ T cells?
immune attack on infected cells by CTLs, cell lysis from extensive viral budding, syncytia formation between infected and uninfected cells
what is the clinical threshold for AIDS?
CD4+ < 200 cells
icosahedral, enveloped, SS + diploid RNA associated with T cell lymphomas
Retroviridae HTLV
env gene of Retroviridae HTLV produces
gp46 and gp21
pol gene of Retroviridae HTLV lacks what that HIV creates?
weakness/stiffness in legs due to attack on neural cells from activated CTLs that were activated by this RNA virus
Retroviridae HTLV
how do you differ between HTLV-1 and 2?
What neuro disease is associated with Retroviridae HTLV?
multiple sclerosis
icosahedral, enveloped, SS - circular RNA
no hep B infection means you won't be infected by this virus
hepatitis D
what does hepatitis B give to hep D to make it active?
requires Hepatitis B surface antigen to form infectious particle
the only virus that can cleave and ligate itself?
HDV genome has ribozyme which is an RNA particle that can cleave and ligate itself
helical, enveloped, SS + nonsegmented RNA virus with club-shaped projections on envelope
coronaviridae coronavirus
causes SARS
coronaviridae coronavirus
second most common viral cause of colds
coronaviridae coronavirus
helical, enveloped, SS - segmented RNA that causes encephalitis
Bunyaviridae bunyavirus (California Encephalitis Virus)
high risk of infection in Midwest forests due to mice
Bunyaviridae bunyavirus (California Encephalitis Virus)
helical, enveloped, SS - segmented RNA that causes flu-like symptoms and interstitial pulmonary edema
Bunyaviridae hantavirus
rodent hosts shed virus in feces/urine
Bunyaviridae hantavirus
diagnosed with IgM antibody in serum and PCR from lung bx
Bunyaviridae hantavirus
What are the important proteins of orthomyxoviridae?
neuraminidase (cleaves HA-sialic acid interaction and helps the packaged virus leave infected cell)
hemagglutinase (binds sialic acid)
M protein (involved in assembly)
How many segments of RNA does influenza have?
8 segments
helical, enveloped, SS - segmented virus
orthomyxoviridae influenzavirus
What must be removed from HA to be infective?
What is the most common pathogen associated with secondary pneumonia in influenza?
staph aureus
antigenic shift --> pandemics *assoc with animal reservoirs*
orthomyxoviridae influenzavirus A
antigenic drift --> epidemics
orthomyxoviridae influenzavirus A & B
helical, enveloped, SS - nonsegmented RNA virus that causes croup
paramyxoviridae (Parainfluenza virus)
CXR: steeple sign (subepiglottic swelling)
paramyxoviridae (Parainfluenza virus)
Treatment for paramyxoviridae (Parainfluenza virus)
cool mist and corticosteroids
Which helical, enveloped SS - nonsegment RNA virus does not have HA or NA but has G protein?
paramyxoviridae pneumovirus (RSV)
bronchiolitis & MC viral cause of pneumonia in children
paramyxoviridae pneumovirus (RSV)
What allows RSV to be infectious?
G protein on viral envelope attaches to bronchiolar and alveoli epithelium
What Ig rises in RSV?
what can you see in the respiratory secretion of RSV?
syncytia due to F protein
helical, enveloped, SS - RNA that can cause parotitis, orchitis, and aseptic meningitis
paramyxoviridae rubulavirus
how do you protect against mumps?
live attenuated vaccine
increased amylase
paramyxoviridae rubulavirus
helical, enveloped, SS - nonsegment RNA with rash that goes from head down
paramyxoviridae morbillivirus (Rubeola - measles)
koplick spots
paramyxoviridae morbillivirus (Rubeola - measles)
subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
paramyxoviridae morbillivirus (Rubeola - measles)
cough, coryza and conjunctivitis in 10-14 days
paramyxoviridae morbillivirus (Rubeola - measles)
promotes inflammation around capillaries
paramyxoviridae morbillivirus (Rubeola - measles)
Warthin-Finkeldey cells (giant cells form with inclusion bodies)
paramyxoviridae morbillivirus (Rubeola - measles)
severe case of measles in infants give...
high dose vit A
Which live vaccine can you give an HIV patient?
What causes the rash and Koplick spots of measles?
immune mediated
helical, enveloped, SS - nonsegment RNA that causes negri bodies
Rhabdoviridae lyssavirus (Rabies)
bullet shaped
Rhabdoviridae lyssavirus (Rabies)
dysphagia + encephalitis + photophobia & hydrophobia
Rhabdoviridae lyssavirus (Rabies)
binds to acetylcholine receptors and enters peripheral nerves an travels proximally to CNS
Rhabdoviridae lyssavirus (Rabies)
binds post-synaptic nicotinic receptors
Rhabdoviridae lyssavirus (Rabies)
how do you get passive immunity to Rhabdoviridae lyssavirus (Rabies)?
Human rabies immune globulin
how do you treat rabies infection?
human diploid cell vaccine (live attenuated virus)
assoc with bats and skunks
Rhabdoviridae lyssavirus (Rabies)
cane shaped, enveloped, SS - non segmented RNA virus that has a glycoprotein that is high glycosylated making it hard for host to make antibodies for defense
Filoviridae Filovirus (Ebola virus, Marburg virus)
hemorrhagic fever
Filoviridae Filovirus (Ebola virus, Marburg virus)
marburg from monkey
sand-like ribosomal particles in virion
Arenaviridae arenavirus (Lassa virus)
helical, enveloped, SS - nonsegment RNA that causes hemorrhagic fever due to resevoir in rodent
Arenaviridae arenavirus (Lassa virus)