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74 Cards in this Set

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God became human with Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ is God, not something separate
Council of Nicea
Said that God and Jesus Christ were begotten, not made. Creation of Holy Trinity
What are the five pillars of Islam?
No God but God, salat prayers, almsgiving, hajj, fasting during ramadan
What are the four sources used in establishing Muslim law (fiqh)?
Qur'an, Hadith, Ijma, Qiyas
What are the 4 Islamic schools of fiqh?
Shafi'i, Maliki, Hanbali, and Hanafi. First two are 35% each
What is Natural Law?
How human beings experience or understand their created tendency to seek after God. It is how they are taught by God to seek after God.
Ex for why natural law is related to Roman Catholicism's view of homosexual acts?
Passage of Sodom. It is really more about violence against strangers than homosexuality. One thing that proves this is that the man trying to prevent the violence offers the "homosexuals" his two virgin daughters, an offer that obviously would not appeal to them if they were homosexual men. The lesson of this is that it's better to let someone rape your daughter than allow such violence to occur
Sacred texts, revelation "that is heard", reveal dharma
Codified Hindu law, tradition "that is remembered", explains dharma. Example is The Laws of Manu
Each individual is Atman clothed in a human body. Since Atman is inherently divine, every person is inherently divine. Humans not born sinners, just become victims of ignorance. Liberation occurs when individual gains self-knowledge
4 Varnas (life classes)
Brahmin- priests, scholars
Ksatriya- warriors, rulers
Vaishya- Merchants, craftspeople
Shudra- peasants, commoners
4 Ashramas (life stages)
Brahmacarya- 1st stage, pupil (8-12)
Grihastha- 2nd stage, householder (early 20's)
Vanaprastha- 3rd stage, "forest-dweller"
Samnyasi- 4th stage, renouncer
4 life goals (Purusarthas)
Kama- Pleasure
Artha- Wealth (lawful)
Dharma- Duty and appropriate living
Moksha- Liberation, release from rebirth
2 most important Yamas
Ahimsa- Nonviolence
Satya- Truthfulness
3 Hindu Gods
Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva
3 Hindu Goddesses
Saraswati, Lakshmi, and Parvati
7 key concepts of Hinduism
Brahman, Atman, Samsara, Maya, Karma, Dharma, Moksha
Single divinity that is present in everything
Each human being is Atman in human clothing, and since atman is inherently diving, each person is inherently divine.
Wheel of rebirth (reincarnation)
The deception which prevents people from achieving the realization they need to become one with God
Actions or deeds, each action produces an equal effect based on moral worthiness
The law that maintains cosmic balance and order
Release or liberation from rebirth, occurs when someone becomes self-aware. Infinite bliss and union with the divine
Brahman and shiva
The creator and the destroyer
The preserver
4 advocates of just war theory
Augustine of Hippo, Thomas Aquinas, Martin Luther, Reinhold Niebuhr
City of God
Defined by its love of God. Does not exist due to sin. Church is visible presence for justice and love, but NOT city of God
City of Man
Defined by love of self. When we love ourselves in a selfish manner we choose personal desire over faithful love in God. This city doesn't exist by itself due to grace
8 criteria for just war theory
Just cause, just authority, last resort, just intention, probability of success, proportionality of cost, clear announcement, just means
Martin Luther's 2 kingdoms
Kindgom of Christ and Kingdom of the World, says that Christian must strive to live Christianly but can legitimately use coercion, esp through the state, to restrain evil.
Kingdom of Christ
God rules through the gospel= love for brethren
Kingdom of the World
God rules through the law= justification for coercion
When Reinhold Niebuhr speaks of the Impossible Possibility what does he mean?
He means Christian Love, the imp possibility. Because groups and inherently selfish and use coercion to ensure their survival. Justice is an approximation of love
Three principles of jun in bello?
Discrimination, proportionality, and responsibility
Discrimination (jus in bello)
No intentional targeting of civilians; distinguishing between combatants and non-combatants
Proportionality (jus in bello)
The means used must be proportional to ends sought (genocide is unjust)
Responsibility (jus in bello)
Each combatant is responsible for his/her actions (No “I was obeying orders”)
Strengths of Christian Pacifism
Takes Jesus’ ethic of non-violence seriously, Clearly differentiates Christian position from all other positions, Provides only possible escape from spiral of violence
Weakenesses of Christian Pacifism
Selective reading of biblical text, Takes legalist & absolutist position, Does not distinguish between personal & social ethics, Does not take sin seriously enough, Seems more concerned with self-justification than with saving the world
Three important representatives of Christian pacifism?
Menno Simons
George Fox
John Yoder
What are some peace-making initiatives that should be pursued whether one is a pacifist or a just war advocate? (G. H. Stassen suggests ten.)
•Take independent initiatives to reduce threat
•Use cooperative conflict resolution
•Acknowledge responsibility for conflict & injustice
•Promote democracy, human rights, & religious liberty
•Foster just & sustainable development
•Work with emerging cooperative forces in international system
•Strengthen U.N. & international organizations
•Reduce offensive weapons and weapons trade
•Encourage grassroots peacemaking groups and voluntary associations
Consensus of islamic Community (ummah)
Deductive analogies that appeal to precedent
In Why the Christian Church is Not Pacifist, why does Niebuhr view some forms of pacifism as heretical?
Because he says tha tthese forms of pacisfism have absorbed the renaissance idea of the goodness of man and rehected the Christian concept of original sin as outdated and pessimistic. Ignores historical realities
According to Faraj’s The Neglected Duty what is the obligation of every Muslim?
The establishment of an Islamic state
How does Faraj’s The Neglected Duty argue the legitimacy of Muslims killing fellow Muslims?
Muslims are subject to a different law than people who were never Muslims. If they defect from Islam or break a lot of rules or something, they must be killed even if they can't fight back, can't have a legal marriage, etc. Whereas people who have never been Muslims can't be killed if they can't fight back
Discuss why Just War theory, as classically formulated, is in crisis and may be irrelevant due to new global developments.
-advancement in technology and ability to commit war
-preemptive war: can act before others know of an attack
-assymetrical: factions that detatch from government or have personal perspectives which motivate them to commit war
Surah 4:34
Men are the protectors and maintainers of women- Islam
Q 3:195
gives men and women equality in the eyes of allah
Removal of the prepuce of the clitoris
Removal of the clitoris
Removal of clitoris and labia minora, closing of vaginal orifice
How are Muslim opponents of FGC fighting against it?
Say it is un-Islamic because there is NO statement in the Qur’an regarding female circumcision.
Say it is a violation of the divine plan for the human body, i.e “changing God’s creation”
What two houses does Islam divide the world into?
House of PEace and house of war
House of Peace
Muslims, those who submit to Allah. Dar Al-Islam
House of War
Dar al-Harb, those who refuse to submit to allah
In comparing the historical development of Christianity and Islam what factors do they have in common in terms of their ultimate validation of the use of force?
When a small and persecuted religion (Christianity in its first three centuries & Islam in Mecca), patience and toleration are commended as moral ideals.
When strong and in power (Post-Constantinian Christianity & Islam in Medina) the use of force is legitimized.
How do they differ in how force is to be used?
In Christianity, force was legitimized for the suppression of heresy but not for the expansion of religion (not until the late 15th C by the Spanish monarchs in the conquest of the New World).
In Islam, force was legitimized for the expansion of religion by its very Prophet, Mohammed.
Lesser Jihad
Struggle of the sword
Greater Jihad
Spiritual struggle against wrong desires
An A+, obv
Problem w/ distinction between greater and lesser Jihad
Hadith that says this is of questionable authenticity
How do Reformist Muslims and Islamist Muslims (Salafists) differ in their conception of “Jihad?”
Reform= Jihad is defensive, spiritual jihad is more important, jihad is obligation of legitimate rulers
Islamist: No "greater" or "lesser", only jihad as a duty, both offensive and defensive, the obligation of every muslim
9. Explain how Reinhold Niebuhr’s Christian Realism was a corrective to the Liberal Christian idea of the 19th & early 20th centuries that self-less love (agape) is realizable by society at large making a utopia of peace achievable in the world.
-self-less love is impossible because human beings are inately selfish. Piar used the example of Christ and his crucifiction, even after someone who was so loving and wanted to produce nothing by goodness, he was killed. Therefore, justice if the closest to love.
Three Christian approaches to the issue of war and peace?
•Just War
•Just Peacemaking
Hindu texts that talk about the status of women?
Laws of Manu and the Ramayana
Ideal women is obedient and submissive
always in need of care by a male figure
36. In Why the Christian Church is Not Pacifist, what does Reinhold Niebuhr have to say about the possibilities of eliminating conflict from the world? Elaborate on the reasons for his stance.
Can only occur if there is a separation of love and justice. Perfect love and perfection and nonviolence by people is impossible, so we must have justice basically.
James T. Johnson in The Holy War Idea points out that both the Western and Islamic traditions maintain the immunity of noncombatants. Is this immunity absolute? On what basis is it maintained? How do the traditions differ regarding the harm that may be done to noncombatants?
It is not absolute, it depends on contingent factors. In Western society the noncombatant status is viewed as a right of possession. Noncombatant status is the fundamental state of all persons. In Islamic traditions it is not an absolute. In Islam, when there is war, both sides have the right to harm or kill the enemy. In Western tradition women, children, sick & aged that make no resistance must not be attacked. In Islam if they refuse to convert to Islam than they are rebelling against Allah, and can be attacked.
Sita's Epic, what parts of Ramanyana can be reinterpreted?
There are several aspects in the story of the Ramanyana that can be reinterpreted to foster more equitable treatment of women. The most important element is the ending, in which Sita, the model good wife, refuses to return with her husband after he abandons her in the woods while she is pregnant. Oldenburg points out that this can be reinterpreted as an encouragement for divorce in situations in which the husband has mistreated the wife. This also shows that women do not need to be simply victims of the violence of men, they can also be dignified survivors.
In light of lectures and readings (Gruenbaum’s and Ali’s “’Reduce, but do not destroy’: Female Circumcision in Islamic Sources’” [Ch.6], is it appropriate to call the practice of female circumcision in the Muslim world Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)? Why or why not?
Yes, it’s appropriate to call FGC in the Muslim world FGM. The reason being, it is not sufficient for a religion to shun female circumcision. Religion should be used as a tool for condemning and preventing it’s occurrence. A violent custom who’s aim is to subjugate women and girls.
42. Kecia Ali points out how opponents of female circumcision have to engage in “deceitful manipulation” of the hadith in Abu Duwud and authoritative texts like Reliance of the Traveller to challenge the practice of female genital mutilation. What is the nature of the manipulation and why is it necessary?
They manipulate these texts by minimizing the extent of cutting recommended or required by the Prophet’s words and/or the classical legal tradition. They do this by reinterpreting the meaning of certain Arabic words in their translations (making them more specific in terms of which areas can be cut). By translating it in a different way, they minimize the genital cutting required in the religion.
44. What is the Muslim jurisprudential view of the relationship of sex to marriage and how does this view make homosexual marriage impossible?
Prohibition of Same-Sex marriage fundamentally challenges the premise f marriage as a contract. It is a fundamental challenge to the norms. IT is just not the sex at that differentiates them, but the legal control over the sex act.
How doe sFaraj in neglected duty legitimize the killing of Muslims?
He argues that many of the Muslims of today, in particular the Muslim leaders, carry nothing from Islam but their names. He says that they were raised with imperialism, and are not faithful to their duty as a Muslim. Apostates (Muslim defectors) are subject to a different law than infidels (people who are not and were never Muslims). Apostates must be killed even if they can't fight back, can't have a legal marriage, etc. Whereas infidels be killed if they can't fight back. He says it is the consensus of many Muslim scholars that apostasy from a religion is worse than having always been an infidel, and so apostasy is also worse than rebellion against the rules of a religion which comes from someone who has always been an infidel.