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70 Cards in this Set

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Who began France?
Hugh Capet
Head dynasty of France
St. Louis is what Louis?
Louis IX
100 Years War Date
Hugh Capet ruled where?
Ile De France
Defeated John I at Battle of Bovines
Philip II Augustus
Philip II Augustus started what French building?
Louvre & Escorial?
Made judicial reforms in France
St. Louis IX
Babylonian Captivity Date
The Spider
Louis XI
Started Concordat of Bologna w/ who?- France
Francis I w/ Leo X
Concordat of Bologna said what?
Pope can appoint bishops, give money & offices to France which kept France catholic.
Henry IV
Henri le Grand
First of Bourbon Dynasty
Henry IV
Who began France?
Hugh Capet
Edict of Nantes date
Head dynasty of France
St. Louis is what Louis?
Louis IX
100 Years War Date
Hugh Capet ruled where?
Ile De France
Defeated John I at Battle of Bovines
Philip II Augustus
Philip II Augustus started what French building?
Louvre & Escorial?
Made judicial reforms in France
St. Louis IX
Babylonian Captivity Date
The Spider
Louis XI
Started Concordat of Bologna w/ who?- France
Francis I w/ Leo X
Concordat of Bologna said what?
Pope can appoint bishops, give money & offices to France which kept France catholic.
Henry IV
Henri le Grand
First of Bourbon Dynasty
Henry IV
Edict of Nantes date
Named not fit to rule by Cardinal Richelieu
Louis XIII
Built Versailles
Cardinal Jules Mazarin
Ended war of Spanish Succession
Treaty of Utrecht
Got their throat cut at the B. of Agincourt
Henry V
Hero for France
The Maid of orleans
Joan of Arc
Tried as witch
Joan of Arc
John II of Fr. captured in what battle?
Had to do with Battle of Poitiers
Edward Black Prince
who Gets in war w/ who when Aquitaine is obtained in 1337?
Philip VI takes Aquitaine from Edward III of England
End of Capetians
Charles IV dies
Nobility makes comback during reign of who? started Parlement
Louis XV
Spanish ruling family
SPanish inquisition? what is it and led by who?
eliminated heretics. Tomas de Torquemada
Spanish Armada date
Husband of MAry Tudor
Philip II
Started Spanish ARmada and Escorial
Philip II of Spain
Catholic Sovereigns
Ferdinand and Isabella
Fall of Granada Date & What is it?
1492 final conquest between Spain and Catholics in Iberian Peninsula
Columbus Date
Russia ruling family?
Golden Horde "mongol yolk"
ghinggis khan
Ended Mongol domination
Ivan III THe Great
Founder of Russian state
Time of Troubles
Officially adopted title of czar (tsar). wiped out Novgorods
Ivan IV The Terrible
First of Romanov and date of Romanov Dynasty
Michael Romanov 1613
"Window" on Black Sea
Catherine II "the Great"
Great Northern War DAte
"window to Eur." on Baltic Sea
Peter I "the Great"
Ruling Dynasty of Prussia
Enlightened Despot of Prussia
Frederick II "The Great"
War of Austrian Succession Date
Soldier King
Frederick William I
Dynasty of Austria
First of Hapsburg Dynasty
Rudolph I in 13th Century
Thirty Years War Date
Daughter of Charles VI & did pragmatic sanction
Maria Theresa
Enlightened Despot of AUstria
Joseph II
Enlightened Despot of Russia
Catherine II "The Great"