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42 Cards in this Set

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1. Show the following landmarks and give the soft tissues (muscle, tendon, ligaments) attached
Cubital fossa: Humerus, Radius, Ulna, Ulnar- Trochlear joint, Coronoid fossa & coronoid process, Medial epicondyle, Ulnar collateral ligament, Common head of flexors & pronator teres, FDP; FDS; FCU-PL-FCR-PT; Median nerve, Brachial artery,
Brachialis; Biceps tendon; Supinator; Radial nerve, Brachialradialis, Radial-capitulum Joint, Annular ligament & Radial collateral ligament, Lateral epicondyle, Common head of extensors, Supinator, ECRL, ECRB, ED, ECU, Anconeus, FCU, Olecranon
process, Olecranon fossa, Triceps, Cubital tunnel, ulnar nerve & ulnar groove.
Motion palpate long axis compression of the radioulnar-humeral joint
Perform long axis distraction joint play of the radioulnar-humeral joint
perform P-A glide of the ulnar-humeral joint in extension
perform P-A/A-P glide of the radioulnar-humeral joint
perform medial to lateral glide motion palpation of the radioulnar-humeral joint
perform lateral to medial glide motion palpation of the radioulnar-humeral joint
perform A-P/P-A joint play of the radial-ulnar joint in supination
perform A-P/P-A joint play of the radial-ulnar joint in pronation
perform S-I/I-S joint play of the ulna
Biceps Brachii- Several positions
Triceps (and Aconeus)- Several positions
Pronator Teres & Quadratus
Pronator Quadratus
Wrist Flexion
Wrist Extension
perform valgus stress test
Medial collateral lig sprain/ joint irritation, inflammation
Medial collateral lig sprain/ joint irritation, inflammation
perform the dynamic valgus stress test test
perform the varus stress test
Lateral collateral lig sprain/ joint irritation, inflammation
Lateral collateral lig sprain/ joint irritation, inflammation
perform Tinel’s sign/test
Compressive tendinopathy
Compressive tendinopathy
Elbow flexion test
Compressive tendinopathy
Compressive tendinopathy
perform the Mill’s test
Lateral joint system- Supinated & flexed elbow & wrist to a pronated & extended elbow & wrist
Lateral joint system- Supinated & flexed elbow & wrist to a pronated & extended elbow & wrist
Reverse Mill's test
Medial Joint System- Pronated & flexed elbow & wrist to a supinated elbow & extended wrist & elbow
Medial Joint System- Pronated & flexed elbow & wrist to a supinated elbow & extended wrist & elbow
perform the Cozen’s test
Flexor tendinosis
Flexor tendinosis
Reverse Cozen’s test
Extensor tendinosis
Extensor tendinosis
perform Kaplan’s test
Flexor & Extensor tendinosis
Flexor & Extensor tendinosis
perform the finger extension test
Extensor tendinosis
Extensor tendinosis
perform humerocarpal technique (Mobilization)
perform carpal antecubial technique (mobilization)
perform carpal antecubial technique (adjustment)
perform knee antecubital technique
perform shoulder antecubital technique
adjust for a posterior ulna subluxation
adjust for a superior ulna subluxation
perform medial ulna subluxation technique (supported and unsupported)
perform lateral ulna subluxation technique(supported and unsupported)
perform a modified Mill’s adjustment
perform a reverse modified Mill’s adjustment
perform radiocarpal technique in supination/pronation
perform the radio-annulocarpal technique (MOB/ADJ)