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92 Cards in this Set

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Abstract Language
Language describing ideas and qualities rather than observable or specific things, people, or places. The opposite of concrete language.
A narrative, either in verse or prose, in which character, action, and sometimes setting represent abstract concepts apart from the literal meaning of a story. The underlying meaning usually has a moral, social, religious, or political significance, and the characters are often personifications of abstract ideas such as charity, hope, greed, and so on. Examples: Scarlett Letter or Animal Farm.
The repetition of initial identical consonant sounds or any vowel sounds in successive or closely associated syllables.
a brief reference to a person, event, or place, real or fictitious, or to a work of art
a comparison to a directly parallel case; the process of drawing a comparison between two things based on a partial similarity of like features
one of the devices of repletion in which the same expression (word or words) is repeated at the beginning of two or more lines, clauses or sentences
the inversion of the usual, normal, or logical order of the parts of a sentence. It is deliberate rather than accidental and is used to secure rhythm or to gain emphasis. Anything in language capable of assuming a usual order can be inverted. Instead of saying, “I walked home,:; an inversion of this sentence would be, “Home I walked” or “Home walked I.”
A short account of an interesting or humorous incident, intended to illustrate or support some point.
The word to which a pronoun refers (whose place it takes)
Anticipating Audience Response
a rhetorical technique often used to convince an audience by anticipating and stating the arguments that one’s opponent is likely to give and then answering these arguments even before the opponent has had a chance to voice them.
a figure of speech characterized by strongly contrasting words, clauses, sentences, or ideas. Balancing of one term against another for emphasis. True structure demands for the opposition in different parts be manifested through similar grammatical structure
concise statement of a principle given in pointed words. A tersely phrased statement in truth or opinion. Found in fields like law/politics/art
closely linked with tone of piece, can be underlying feeling behind a tone
Call to Action
wiring that urges people to action or promote change
imitation of a person's features or mannerisms exaggerated as to be comical or absurd
a pattern in which the second half of an expression is balanced against the first but with the parts reversed
method of sorting, grouping, collecting and analyzing things by categories based on features shared by all memebers of a class or group
method of breaking down an entire whole into separate parts or sorting a group of items into non-overlapping categories
a timeworn expression that through overuse has lost its power to evoke concrete images
Colloquial Expression
words or phrases characteristic or appropriate to ordinary or familiar conversation rather than formal speech or writing
Compare and Contrast
points out similarities or differences. May use point by point method to interweave points of comparison or contrast between two things or a subject by subject method to discuss similarities and differences
Compound/Complex Sentence
a sentence that contains two or more independent clauses and at least one subordinate clause
an elaborate and surprising figure of speech comparing two very dissimilar things. Usually involves intellectual cleverness and ingenuity
Concrete Language
actual things, instances, or experiences. Opposite of abstract language
method for specifying the basic nature of any phenomenon/idea/thing. Dictionaries place the subject to be defines in the context of the general class to which it belongs and gives distinguishing features that differentiate it from other things in its class
specific, exact meaning of the word as defined
emotional implication that words may carry
the choice of words in a work of literature and an element of style important to the works effectiveness
language used to distort and manipulate rather than to communicate
methods of drawing attention and diverting attention
Either-or reasoning
when the writer reduces an argument or issue to two polar opposites and ignores any alternative
the omission of a word or words necessary for complete construction, but understood in context
Emotional Appeal (Pathos)
when a writer appeals to an audience emotion; exploiting reader's feelings of pity or fear to make a case
Ethical Appeal (Ethos)
most subtle and often most powerful of appeals because it comes from character and reputation, not words. Stems from ability to convince readers that he/she is reliable, intelligent and cares about the issues
the belief in the inherent superiority of one's own group and culture
substitution of an offensive, indirect, or agreeable expression for a word/phrase perceived as socially unacceptable or harsh
writing that seeks to clarify, explain or inform using one or several of the following modes of discourse: process analysis, definition, classification.division, comparison/contrast and cause/effect analysis
Figurative Language
use of words outside their literal or usual meanings. Used to add freshness and suggest associations and comparisons that create effective images: including elements such as hyperbole, irony, metaphor, personification and simile
Freight Train
sentence consisting of three or more very short independent clauses joined by conjunctions
when a writer basis a claim upon isolated examples or asserts that acclaim is certain rather than probable. This happens when a writer asserts that claim applies to all instances instead of some
conscious exaggeration is used without intent of literal persuasion. May be used to heighten effect or produce comic effect
use of language to convey sensory experience, most often through creation of pictoral images though figurative language
expression that means something other than the literal meanings of its individual words.
a variation of the normal word order in a sentence. Inverted order is when the predicate (main verb) comes before the subject
words express a meaning opposite the intended meaning (appearance vs reality)
Dramatic Irony
audience knows somethings a character doesnt
Verbal Irony
writers says one thing but means another
Situation Irony
outcome is significantly different from what was expected or considered appropriate
refers to a specialized language providing a shorthand method of quick communication between people on the same field
placing two ideas side by side or close together. Sometimes the two ideas are completely different
Lending Credence
In arguing his/her point, a writer or speaker should always lend her opponent some credit for the opponent’s ideas. In this way, the writer or speaker persuades his/her audience that he/she is fair and has done the research, thereby strengthening the argument.
a form of understatement in which a thing is affirmed by stating the negative of its opposite.
Logical Fallacies
methods of pseudo-reasoning that may occur accidently or may be intentionally contrived to lend palusibility to an unsound argument
Ad Hominem
attack against the character of the person instead of the issue
Begging the question
the premise of an argument presupposes the truth of its conclusion; in other words, the argument takes for granted what it's supposed to prove.
False Analogy
when two cases are not sufficiently parallel to lead readers to accept a claim of connection between them
the introduction of irrelevant evidence to support a claim
Red Herring
use of irrelevant point to divert attention from real issues
Slippery Slope
a failure to provide evidence showing that one event will lead to a chain of events of a catastrophic nature
Straw Men
an easily refuted objection used to divert attention from the real issue
Logical Reasoning/Appeal (Logos)
the idea tat there are principles governing correct or reliable inferences
Loose Sentence
a sentence grammatically complete at some point before the end: opposite of periodic sentence. Meaning of loose sentence can be easily understood in the very beginning (front loaded)
an implied comparison. Can be simple or extended throughout a whole work
figure of speech characterized by the substitution of a term naming an object closely associated with the word in mind for the word itself. Metonymy is also the rhetorical strategy of describing something indirectly by referring to things around it, such as describing someone's clothing to characterize the individual.
overall atmosphere of a work. May change paragraph to paragraph or page to page
recurrent images, words, objects, phrases or actions that tend to unify the work
the story of events or experiences that tell what happened
use of words that by their sound suggest their meaning
a self contradictory combination of words or smaller verbal units; usually noun-noun, adj-adj, adj-noun, adverb-adverb or adverb-verb
phrase or statement that while seeming contradictory or absurd may actually be well founded or true. Used to attract attention or to secure emphasis
the arrangement of parts of a sentence, sentences, paragraphs and larger units of comparison that one element of equal importance with another is similarly developed and phrased
an exaggerated imitation of a serious work for humorous purpose
Periodic Sentence
sentence that is not grammatically complete before its end. The main clause follows subordinating parts. Makes sense only when the end of the sentence is reached. (end loaded)
a writer often adopts a fictional voice or mast to tell a story. Persona or voice is usually determined by a combination of subject matter and audience
giving human characteristics to non human things
Point of View
the way in which the reader is presented with the materials of a work. The angle or vantage point from which the author presents information
the repetition of conjunctions in close succession for rhetorical effect
Process Analusis
method of clarifying the nature of something by explain how it works in separate, each to understand steps.
a play on words, sometimes on different senses of the same word and sometimes on similar sense or sound of different words
when a writer gathers relevant opposing arguments
reiteration of a word or phrase or rewording the same idea, to secure emphasis
Rhetorical Question
a question asked solely to produce an effect and not to elicit a reply
a technique that ridicules both people and societal institutions, using irony, wit, and exaggeration
a figure of speech involving comparisons using like or as
Simple Sentece
a complete sentence that is neither compound nor complex
the authors characteristic manner of expression. Style includes the types of words used, their placement, and distinctive features of tone, imagery, figurative language, sound and rhythm
a formula for presenting an argument logically. Demonstrates logic of an argument though analysis. In its simplest for, it consist of three divisions: a major premise, a minor premise, and a conclusion.
something concrete such as an object, person, place or event that stands for or represents something abstract
a figure of speech in which a part is used to represent the whole or the whole for a part
how a sentence is constructed, how its contributes to and enhances meaning and effect
the voice the writer has chosen to project to relate to readers. It's produced by the combined effect of word choice, sentence structure and purpose
implied personality the author chooses to adopt