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40 Cards in this Set

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What is the name of the universal curriculum established in Roman Antiquity?
The progymnasmata
What is the Greek name for the universal curriculum and when was it used?
Eukyklion Paedeia. 200BC to 500 AD
Approximately how many steps were in the progymnasmata and how many steps were done in a year?
14 steps at 2 steps a year
The first step of the progym, started when at around age 7
Fables and allegories
Second step of progym?
Narrative, histories and myths
Third step of Progym, uses pointed examples.
Fourth step of the progym?
Proverbs, Distilled wisdom of the ages. There is always a counter proverb though.
5th step of progym often taught in tandem with 6th step
6th step of progym often taught in tandem with 5th step
7th step of progym
Common place knowledge. Widely accepted topoi
8th step of progym taught with the 9th
Encomium, epedeictic praise
9th step of progym taught with the 8th
Vituperation, attack
10th stage of progym
11th stage of progym
Etho Poeia, Impersonation
12th stage of progym
Ekphrasis also known as description. The referrence of character revealed
13th stage of progym
Thesis, deductive argument. Syllogisms
14th state of progym
Defense and Attack
How long did augustine live
4th century to 428 AD
What is the teliological tradition?
The idea that history has a direction and purpose
When did Boethius live and what did he write?
480-525. The Orgonon a complete translation of Aristotles works and De differentus topicis.
Source of authority
Who are the fathers of rhetoric?
Tisias and Corax 5th century BC
Three branches of rhetoric
Epideictic (performative), Forensic (at court, concerns the past), deliberative (future taxes)
What were the two branches of Greek courts and how were the different?
Ecclesia (general assembly) and the Boule (small group of representatives chosen by neighborhoods)
What's the difference between speaker and audience centered rhetoric?
Speaker centered is what the speaker thinks the audience would like to hear. If you do it right it will work. Audience based is when you argue and base your words on what's on the audiences mind.
What's Plato's analogy concerning rhetoric?
Rhetoric:Cosmetics whereas philosophy:medicine
When does rhetoric take on analytic as well as productive qualities?
4th century bc
When was the Nicene creed?
325 AD
Five stages of classical rhetoric?
Invention, Arrangement, memory, style, delivery
What is the greek and latin name for examples?
Topoi and Locus
A phrase. Also a comma to comma
per cola et commata
What did Cassiodorus write/do and when did he live?
480-575AD. Wrote the Institutiones Divinarum et saecularium litterarum, an encyclopedic reference for classical rhetoric. Also developed the first form of monastery, the Vivarium
What are the seven liberal arts, who were they developed by and when did he live?
Trivium: Rhetoric, Grammar, Logic
Quadrivium: Mathematics, medicine, astrology, architecture. Martianus Capella in De Nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii 410-427
What pope put Augustines principles in to use and when?
Gregory the Great 590-670
Attributes of Blood
Sanguine-air-warm-wet-spring- optimistic
Attributes of yellow bile
Attributes of black bile
Attributes of phlegm
What is praeteritio
Emphasis by exclusion
With the advent of christianity how did the three branches of rhetoric change?
Epideictic -> Homilitic
Forensic -> Biblical Exegesis
Deliberative -> deliberative