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126 Cards in this Set

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1 Use two different methods to identify the CPU architecture of the system
uname -p
cat /proc/cpuinfo
2 do an MD5 and a sha256 checksum on the hosts file
md5sum /etc/hosts
sha256sum /etc/hosts
3 mount /test.iso to /media
mount -o loop /test.iso /media
4 check the mode that selinux is in
5 look at the status of what is being allowed with iptables
iptables -L
6 go to console 3 using a key combo
7 go to the GUI console using a key combo
8 go to the directory that contains the different shells
/bin/ bash dash tcsh zsh
9 ping yahoo.com and output the good to /good.txt and output the bad to /bad.txt
make sure it doesn't overwrite any previous entries
ping yahoo.com >> /good.txt 2>> /bad.txt
10 change yahoo.com to something that doesn't exist and verify good and bad have
something in them
ping yahojfdfjdkjfldk.com >> /good.txt 2>> /bad.txt
11 display your path
echo $PATH
12 create a directory named /humu and add it to root's path
Now add this to the path for everybody
edit /root/.bash_profile and add :/humu to PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin
edit /etc/profile.d/custom.sh (new file) and add PATH=$PATH:/humu
13 Add a 4 GB disk and scan it in. Create an LV with an encrypted filesystem
and make it prompt for a password
14 Revert to snapshot, then add two disks. Create a LV and mount it, then extend
the LV to the second disk
15 Revert to snapshot then add a disk and create a standard mount disk and
create an encrypted file system on it. Make sure it doesn't prompt for password
then change it to prompt for password
16 Revert to snapshot and add a 2 GB and a 3 GB disk
Use the 2 GB disk to extend the VG and then extend the swap lv by 2 GB
Use the 3 GB disk to create an additional swap file and add it to overall swap
17 Revert to snapshot and do a mkdir /dev/vg_test
Edit fstab and add /dev/vg_test /t ext4 defaults 1 1
reboot and fix it. Once fixed, remove these entries.
18 Display the messages hidden by the splash screen on bootup
dmesg |less
19 Do a directory listing and display the SELinux attributes
ls -Z
20 Create a user from scratch
vipw (Opens /etc/passwd)
passwd newuser
vigr -s
Create users home directory in /home/newuser
chown newuser:newuser /home/newuser
chmod 700 /home/newuser
cp -r /etc/skel/. /home/trigger
21 create a file /home/humu/linkme.txt and add the word crab to it
create a hard link in / to it named tt.txt
create a soft link in root to the same file named test.txt
ln /home/humu/linkme.txt /tt.txt
ln -s /home/humu/linkme.txt /test.txt
22 create the following directory structure in one command:
mkdir -p /test/me/for/multiple/dirs
23 Make stuff go to a hidden trashcan in root when rm is used
edit /root/.bashrc
Change alias rm='rm -I' to alias rm='mv -t /root/.trash'
save file
mkdir /root/.trash
24 Automount humu's home directory on ssc02nas assuming home is in the root of ssc02nas
Edit auto.master:
/home /etc/auto.home

Edit auto.home
* -fstype=nfs,rw,tcp,etc. ssc02nas:/vol/home/&
25 find all files with host in the name under the /etc directory only
find /etc -name host*
26 update the locate command's database
Background the job so you can get the prompt back
Ctrl-Z bg
27 read the last 5 lines of the security log
now follow the security log
Now have it alert you whenever you have a security event while you are working
Stop the backgrounding
tail -n 5 /var/log/secure
tail -f /var/log/secure
CTRL -z bg
fg ctrl -z
28 List the passwd file in alphabetical order
sort /etc/passwd
29 Count the number of lines, words, and characters in /etc/passwd
wc /etc/passwd
30 find all man pages with nfs in the title
find all man pages with nfs in the description
whatis nfs
apropos nfs
31 use a command that gives you a hyperlinked help file
32 update the man pages with data from newly installed packages
33 List the runlevels that the network service is set to start in
List all adapters, not just active ones
Bring your active adapter down then up
chkconfig --list network
ifconfig -a
ifconfig eth0 down then ifconfig eth0 up
34 Editing network files
Go to where you change your host name
Run command to look at or change your hostname
Add a DNS server
Edit the DNS suffix search order
Networking isn't working
/etc/hosts and /etc/sysconfig/network
/etc/resolv.conf and /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
look at /etc/sysconfig/network
35 Launch the GUI network editor
36 Edit the file that allows you to reference DNS before Hosts file
37 Remove the certmonger service and re-add it
chkconfig --del certmonger
chkconfig --add certmonger
chkconfig --list certmonger
chkconfig certmonger on
service certmonger start
38 Make certmonger only start in RL 3
chkconfig certmonger off
chkconfig --level 3 certmonger on
39 Create a folder /humu Assign it rwxr-xr-x rights using numbers
Add write permissions to everyone using letters
Remove write permissions from owner using letters
chmod 755 /humu
chmod o+w /humu
chmod u-w /humu
40 Set up the passwd command to run as the owner (root) when run for any user
chmod u+s /usr/bin/passwd
41 Set up the ssh-agent (in /usr/bin) to run as the group when executed by users
chmod g+s /usr/bin/ssh-agent
42 Create a folder called /home/fishshared and make is so that the group "fish" has
access rights (and obtains ownership) regardless of who drops files there
mkdir /home/fishshared
create a group called fishgroup with a GID really high
Add your various triggers to the group
chown nobody.fishgroup /home/fishshared
chmod 070 /home/fishshared
----at this point your triggers can add files, but they can't be read by anybody else
chmod 2070 /home/fishshared
chmod 070 /home/fishshared
and chmod g+s /home/fishshared
Now they become the groups' files when writted by a user
Run chmod o-rwx /home/fishshared/* to remove any existing rights
Run chown nobody.fishgroup /home/fishshared/* to fix any old rights
43 Set up the /tmp directory so that when users place files there, they keep ownership
chmod o+t /tmp
44 run an ls -la of / what does the . Mean at the end of rights? What if there was a +?
Means it's under control of selinux
+ would mean ACL applied
45 Using special file attributes, make is so that /humu can only be edited, not deleted
Change the attributes so that you can't even add to humu as well as not delete
change the attributes so that you can backup the folder
Remove these limits
chattr +a /humu
chattr +I /humu
chattr +d /humu
chattr -aid /humu
Use lsattr to list
46 Edit the file that has the default umask
What is the default umask for root?
What is the default umask for users 200 and above?
How do these default umasks work? Map it out.

Finally, run a command to see your umask
File is 666, directory is 777
Default for root is file 644 and directory 755
Default for users is file 664 and directory 775
47 Create a file named turtle.txt in /root/ and give humu full rights to this file only
setfacl -m u:humu:x /root
setfacl -m u:humu:rwx /root/turtle.txt
48 Create a file named fishgroup.txt in /root/ and give the group "fish" full rights
Humu is a member of this group from a previous exercise, so test his access before
and after
setfacl -m g:fish:rwx /root/fishgroup.txt
49 Remove the group "fish"'s rights to /root/fishgroup.txt
setfacl -x g:fish /root/fishgroup.txt
50 Create a directory and file in /root/test/testing/greenbean.txt and give humu rwx
Verify his rights
Remove humu's rights to everything in /root/ and subdirectories
Remove all ACL entries on /root/ (actually setting back to default of ugo only)
Remove all ACL entries on /root/ and all subdirectories
mkdir -p /root/test/testing
getfacl /root/test/testing/greenbean.txt
setfacl -R -x u:humu /root/
setfacl -b /root/
setfacl -R -b /root/
51 Give humu read rights to everything in /var/ and all it's subdirectories
setfacl -R -m u:humu:r /var
52 Give humu r and x rights to /var/games
now give humu write rights using setfacl -m u:humu:w games
What happened?
setfacl -m u:humu:rx games
setfacl -m u:humu:w games
Rights are not additive, the w right overwrote all rights
53 Give humu rights to /var/ of execute and /var/spool of rwx and verify
Add a mask to /var/spool that allows nothing through
Verify humu can't access
Add acl rights for humu but make sure you don't affect the mask
Verify humu can't access and look at the ACL
Add acl rights for humu, but allow it to change the mask
Verify humu has access
setfacl -m u:humu:x /var setfacl -m u:humu:rwx /var/spool
setfacl -m mask:--- /var/spool also chmod o-rx /var/spool

setfacl -n -m u:humu:rwx /var/spool

setfacl -m u:humu:rwx /var/spool
54 Use ACLs to deny access for humu to his home directory
Why didn't this work?
Use acl's to deny access for humu to /humu which is owned by root and def. ugo rights
How would I deny humu access to all files he is not owner of in /etc and subdirctories?
Poor Humu -:()
setfacl -m u:humu:--- /home/humu
Because humu is the owner and ugo rights gave him access
setfacl -m u:humu:--- /humu
setfacl -R -m u:humu:--- /etc
55 If I were to set acl for humu to a file what would be his access to hard and soft links?
If I copy a file humu has access to to another directory, does he retain acl rights?
no they are set to DEFAULT for the destination
56 Backup the firewall
cp /etc/sysconfig/iptables
57 Find the file that lists all services and their ports
58 Launch the console type firewall configurator and add the ports for VNC
Go to forward and add:
5900 tcp
5900 udp
5901-5905 tcp
59 Look at SELinux's status
Disable SELinux by editing a file
Change the enforcing mode back to on, but permissive using a command
edit /etc/sysconfig/selinux and change enforcing to disabled
/etc/sysconfig/selinux file and change disabled to
permissive and reboot
60 List the SELinux context of /etc/hosts
Set the context of /etc/hosts to the same as /var/log/secure
Now change the SELinux context for /etc/hosts back
Tail the log for SELinux
ls -Z /etc/hosts
chcon -R --reference /var/log/secure /etc/hosts
restorecon /etc/hosts
tail /var/log/audit/audit.log
61 Install the SELinux GUI configurator
rpm -I policycoreuitls
62 Set up the /test.iso to mount to /media automatically
Test this using mount -a and then revert to snapshot
/test.iso /media iso9660 loop,ro,auto 0 0
63 Change the root password to something else and try to recover your password
after rebooting using a command and a file edit
Run vipw -s and remove the entire hash
run passwd -d root
Both will make a blank password
64 Boot into a mode that will not load any init related files and then mount as RW
and edit fstab in RW mode
use init=/bin/sh (this has to be exactly correct)
mount -o remount /
65 Rename grub.conf to grubby.conf and reboot
Find the partition with the /boot directory (2 ways)?

Now read the grub file
Make the system boot and rename grub.conf back
Use command root
find /grub/grubby.conf
cat (hd0,0)/grub/grubby.conf
Manually enter root=, kernel=. And initrd=
66 What are the runlevels?
0 - Halt
1 - Single User
2 Multi User with some network
3 Multi with full network
6 reboot (Don't set this)
67 What if you've edited the iptables file, how do you implement your changes, Issue
the command
service iptables reload
68 get a list of all runlevels of all services
Get a list of runlevels for certmonger
Set up certmonger to run in RL 3 and 5 only

Set up certmonger to run in RL 2,3,5 using a console utility
Which runlevels does this console utility use by default?
chkconfig --list
chkconfig --list certmonger
chkconfig certmonger off
then chkconfig --level 35 certmonger on
ntsysv --level 235
Only the current one if you don't specify --level
69 Change the number of consoles from 6 to 7 and test
Edit /etc/sysconfig/init
Edit /etc/init/start-ttys.cong
Reboot and test ctrl-alt-F7
70 what happens when you chkconfig certmonger on?
In /etc/rc3.d and rc5.d, K01certmonger changes to S99certmonger
71 look at the routing table
netstat -nr
-or- route
72 Delete the default gateway
Add the gateway back in
route del default gw
route add default gw
73 Launch the GUI network configurator
-or- setup
74 Change the default runlevel
Where are all the config files that used to be here?
edit /etc/inittab
75 Make a note of the location of the LV for where root is
Rename grub.conf to grubby.conf
Reboot and get the system booted manually
Find the location of the first drive by running 'root'
kernel=(hd0,0)/[TAB] root=/dev/mapper/vg_new-lv_root
76 Add a 4GB disk and create a VG and LV
Make a ext2 filesystem
Change the filesystem to ext3
Change the filesystem to ext4
tune2fs -j /dev/sdb1
unmount it
tune2f2 -O extents,uninit_bg,dir_index /dev/sdb1
77 Add a 8 GB disk and extend the 4GB VG in 76 to it.
Only extend the LV by 4 GB
Only extend the filesystem by it by 1.99 GB
lvextend -L+3.99G -n /dev/vg_fish/lv_fish
resize2fs /dev/vg_humu/lv_humu 1999M (5900 because you enter the final size here (4.0 +1.9 = 5.9)
78 What are the two fstab numbers at the end of each entry?
The first is the dump value. 0 dumps it, 1 saves to disk upon exit of Linux
The second value is the filesystem check order.
root 1
removable 0
All else 2
79 Add the following entries to fstab:
A NAS share from server nasshare1 on /vol/ingenix to /nas/sftp
An SMB share from //dc1/pub to /share
nasshare1:/vol/ingenix /nas/sftp nfs rw,tcp,rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14,intr,upd 0 0
//server/pub /share cifs rw,username=user,password=pass 0 0
80 now mount that SMB share using a secret passowrd
//server/pub /share cifs rw,credentials=/etc/secret 0 0
make /etc/secret and chmod it to 600
81 Display all the automounter files
Make sure to automounter service is enabled
go to etc and ls auto*
service autofs status
Look at /etc/auto.misc for examples
82 Set up a local repository using FTP
Set one up using HTTP
Install vsftpd (Don't forget to chkconfig and start it)
Install FTP (so you have a client)
Move /disc into /var/ftp/pub/
Edit /etc/yum.repos.d/trigger.repo

name=Chucks Super Triggerix Repository

rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release
yum clean all
yum update
chcon the disc folder when this doesn't work
83 List all packages installed
rpm -qa
84 Look at the shadow file and figure out which encryption algorithm is being used
vipw -s and the algorithm starts with $6 which means SHA-512 ($1 would be MD5)
85 Change the password hash used from SHA-512 to MD5
Where can you change all the defaults for logins in a file?
86 Explain the defaults of umask? (Again)
Default access modes for Directories are 777 and files are 666
Default umask for root is 022 = 755 (rwxr-xr-x) Dir and 644 (rw-r--r--) files
Default umask for anybody above 200 is 002 = 775 (rwxrwxr-x) dirs and 664 (rw-rw-r--) for files
87 make it so that root can't log into any console

How would you get in to the system if you locked out root from all consoles?
Edit /etc/securetty and comment out everything, even console
The vc and tty need to both be commented out together for each console
Log into the GUI as it's not affected by this file
Log in as another user and su to root
use single user mode
88 Change the default RL to 3 and reboot
Log in and change to RL 5 from the command line
Edit /etc/inittab
init 5
89 How would you go about controlling user's access from remote with all sorts of options
Make it so that user humu can only access from the local system
First, add "account required pam_access.so" to /etc/pam.d/sshd (Place it above the other "account required" entry)
now, edit /etc/security/access.conf and mess with the options
90 Limit su access to only humu and test it with another user
Create a user named chuck
Edit /etc/pam.d/su and uncomment the noted section
Add humu to the wheel group
91 Log in as Humu and run /sbin/fsck under root without logging out/in
What is the difference betweeen su - root and just su root?
su -c /sbin/fsck
su by itself will not ask for a password unless from a lower user to root
(This is used for just running commands as another user)
su - will ask for password and actually move you into the user's shell
92 Set up a test case for sg to work. It won't because of a bug though
Create a group named fish
Don't add any users to the group
gpasswd fish to set the group password
create a file called crab.txt and give nobody:fish and 070 rights
from humu's account, sg fish -c 'cat crab.txt'
-or- sg fish
93 give the fish group access to shutdown the system, and make humu a member

Explain the layout of the standard sudo entry
visudo and change the last line to %fish ALL=/sbin/shutdown - now
-or- %fish new.example.com=/sbin/shutdown -now
jim (1)ALL= (2)(ALL) (3) ALL
(1) On all systems (including this one)
(2) As all users, you could put in (root,chuck) and he could run as either using sudo -u chuck
(3) commands allowed to run
94 Create a directory for all fish that uses SGID so the files become the groups files no
matter what user drops them there
Test with humu before finalizing the SGID to verify rights are working
mkdir /home/fishshared
create a group called fishgroup with a GID really high
Add your various triggers to the group
chown nobody.fishgroup /home/fishshared
chmod 070 /home/fishshared
----at this point your triggers can add files, but they can't be read by anybody else
chmod 2070 /home/fishshared
chmod 070 /home/fishshared
and chmod g+s /home/fishshared
Now they become the groups' files when writted by a user
Run chmod o-rwx /home/fishshared/* to remove any existing rights
Run chown nobody.fishgroup /home/fishshared/* to fix any old rights
95 Install VNC
yum install: vinagre, tigervnc, tigervnc-server
96 Set up preferences for the Gnome VNC client
97 Set up a user for VNC on port 5903
vncserver :3
98 Create a folder named zip and add crab.txt
Zip and unzip the file only using gzip
Zip and unzip the file only using bzip
tar up the folder and use gzip then extract it using tar
tar up the folder and use bzip then extract it using tar
gzip crab.txt then gzip -d crab[TAB]
bzip2 crab.txt then bzip2 -d crab [TAB]
tar czvf zip.tar.gz /zip then tar-xzvf zip.tar.gz
tar cjvf zip.tar.bz /zip then tar -xjvf zip.tar.bz
99 run a PS command to only show user processes from humu
run a PS command to show running processes from all users
run a PS command to show running processes from all users but with PIDS
ps -u humu
ps -aux
ps -axl
100 Launch Firefox
Look at it's nice level
Change it's nice level from what it is to the highest level

Change firefoxes nice to the lowest priority

Kill firefox - Check for dependencies first
ps -axl |grep firefox
renice -20 3005
renice -20 3022
renice 19 3005
renice 19 3022
pstree to check it's dependents
ps -axl |grep firefox Find the first PID on the left and kill -9 3022
You could also use top to try to kill it
101 Get a ten minute scheduled report of system activity
Get a detailed report
sar -A
102 Change the amount of time the log files are kept from 7 days to 10
Edit the file that controls what is logged in the logs
Edit the file that handles how the logs are rotated
103 Restrict cron access to only humu (no root or anything)
Restrict cron access to root only
Restrict cron access so everybody except humu can use it
Edit cron.allow and add humu only.
Either edit cron.allow and only have root in there or delete both files
Edit cron.deny and add humu, make sure he isn't in cron.allow
104 Set up a cron job for yourself that exports an ls of / every 2 minutes

What if you wanted it to run every hour from 7-10
Now list your entries
Where would you find a good example of cron commands?
Go to the directory that contains your jobs
crontab -e
*/2 * * * * ls / >> /ls.txt
* 7-10 * * * ls / >> /ls.txt
crontab -l
/var/spool/cron/{users name}
105 set up a one time command to write the date and time to a file at 6:00pm

Now look at your AT jobs
Cancel the job you just created
at 18:00 04/29/12
date >> /date/txt
106 Configure logging for the vsftpd service
also in '/var/log/xferlog
107 Set up LDAP (May need to get an LDAP server)
108 Mess with KVMs
109 Mess with SELinux
110 Secure the GRUB bootloader
1. with a password before editing it
2. With a password before selecting an option
1. Run grub-md5-crypt to create a hash from a password
Add password --md5 DFSDFSDFERWE#$!@ just above the first stanza (before title)

2. Run grub-md5-crypt to create a hash from a password
Add password --md5 DFSDFSDFERWE#$!@ anywhere inside the stanza (after title)
111 Upgrade the Kernel
Use rpm -ivh newkernel or yum install kernel (The key is to use install, NEVER upgrade)
112 Find out which .conf files have changed since the system was installed
rpm -Va
113 Install RPM package zsh-4.3.10-4.1.el6.x86_64.rpm from another system using the RPM command over FTP
rpm -ivh ftp://anonymous:anonymous@
114 edit the file that contains all the RPMs that were installed during system installation
115 Assuming you've installed all the RPM-GPG-KEYs, how would you validate a package?
rpm -k rpmlocation&name
116 When running sudo as humu, what password do you use?
Humu's password
117 Set up a cron job to run at 4:42 am on the third day of each month

Set up another cron job that will run at 4:00am every week
crontab -e
42 4 3 * *
00 4 * * 0 <--- 0 is Sunday
118 Look for and then add the kvm module to the kernel
lsmod | grep kvm
modprobe kvm
119 go to the directories that contain the virtual machine's xml files and the one that contains the disks
/etc/libvirt/qemu/ XML files

/var/lib/libvirt/images/ Disks
120 When using telnet to test ports what do each of these responses mean?

1 no route to host

2 connection refused

3 Connected
1 Firewall is on and is blocking this port

2 Firewall is on, hole is in place, but nothing listening on this port -or- firewall off, nothing on this port

3 Firewall is either off or has a hole and something is actively listening on the port
121 What is a good port scanning tool?
122 What is the ftp program that automatically uses anonymous for logging in?
123 Remount / for ACLs
mount -o remount,acl /
124 Install the SELinux GUI configurator

How do you see the SELinux privileges for the logged in user?
rpm -ivh policycoreutils-gui

id or id-Z
125 What are the three different ways to boot the system by editing the grub.conf during boot?
1 - boots straight into root admin account

single - Everything but read scripts in /etc/rc1.d

init=/bin/sh - Does not load any init stuff and mounts / in ro
126 Change the VNC password
remove /root/.vnc/passwd
run vncserver :3 again