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33 Cards in this Set

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Define: First Continental Congress
a gathering of colonial leaders who were concerned about the relationship between England and the the colonies in America
Define: Patriots
colonists who chose to fight for independence from Great Britain
Define: Paul Revere
Rode around outside the town of Boston to warn the colonists the British were coming
Define: minutemen
local militia who were ready to fight at a moments notice
Define: Redcoats
nickname given to British soldiers because of the color of their uniform
Define: Continental Army
fighting force that included soldiers from all the colonies and carried out fight against Great Britain
Define: George Washington
Named commander of Continental Army
Explain: Battle of Bunker Hill
Took place in Boston, after 3 charges the British forced the colonists to retreat, colonists prove they could take on the more powerful British army
Who was Robert Newman?
he signaled Paul Revere and Samuel Prescott by holding up lanterns in the steeple of the Old North Church
Explain: Battle of Lexington
British army meets 70 minutemen, "shot heard 'round the world" results in both sides firing
Explain: Battle of Concord
British march to Concord to seize weapons and end up setting town on fire, minutemen attacked and British troops retreat to Boston, suffered many casualties
What did Patrick Henry mean when he said, "...give me liberty or give me death."
He would rather die than live without his liberty or freedom
Define: Common Sense
a pamphlet that argued against British rule over America
Define: Thomas Paine
wrote Common Sense, a 47-page pamphlet
Define: Declaration of Independence
document that formally announced the colonies' break from Great Britain
Define: Thomas Jefferson
main author of the Declaration of Independence
What are the 3 main points in the Declaration of Independence
1. all people have right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness
2. King violated colonists' rights by taxing them without their consent
3. Colonies had the right to break from England
Define: Loyalists
Colonists who chose to side with the British
What groups were excluded in the Declaration of Independence?
Women, African Americans and Native Americans
Define: mercenaries
foreign soldiers who fought for pay, not loyalty
Explain: Battle of Trenton
Washington led surprise attack on the Hessians by crossing the Delaware River on Christmas night.
Explain: Battle of Saratoga
Patriot forces surrounded British army and forced them to surrender, turning point in the Revolutionary War
Define: Marquis de Lafayette
He fought in the Continental Army without pay and donated his own money to help the Continental Army
Define: Baron Freidrich von Steuben
He trained the Continental Army at Valley Forge
Explain: Battle of Yorktown
Washington's army, with the help of French troops surround British army and force them to surrender
How did women contribute to the Revolutionary War?
ran farms and businesses, raised money and made clothes for army, served as messengers, nurses and spies
Why was it hard to keep dedicated soldiers in the Continental Army?
given low pay, harsh working conditions, high chance of death
Why did Europe finally begin to help the Patriots?
the Patriot victory at Saratoga convinced France and Spain that the Americans could win the war
What challenges did Washington's army face at Valley Forge?
harsh winter weather; lack of supplies; adequate shelter, clothing, and food; illness
Define: Treaty of Paris of 1783
peace agreement between England and America that ended the Revolutionary War
Why was war in the south so brutal?
because Patriots and Loyalists were fighting each other in direct combat, British also destroy property of Patriots
What is guerrilla warfare?
swift hit-and-run attacks, surprise attacks
What are 3 key points included in the Treaty of Paris?
it recognized U.S. independence; set U.S. borders; granted Americans right to settle and trade west of 13 colonies