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55 Cards in this Set

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What is philosophy (Discipline)
tries to solve (or improve our understanding) of certain intellectual problems that resist an easy solution.
What is philosophy (Activity of)
Radical: questions ALL beliefs
Reflective: open-minded search for the truth.
What is ethics?
the philosophical study of morality
What serves as the data which ethical theories seek to explain?
philosophical theories
Moral skepticism
view that no moral standards are morally justified; no moral standards can be known to be true.
Ethical nihilism
view that there are no correct moral standards; there is no right/wrong.
Moral dogmatism
uncritical, unreflective, unquestioning acceptance of the moral beliefs one has been taught.
Ethical absolutism
view that there are objective facts in ethics.
Divine Command Theory
Act X is right because God commands us to do X.
what makes an action right is that God commands it. (God creates morality)
Infallible Guide Theory
God commands us to do act X because X is right.
God commands an action because it is right. (Morality already in place)

Individual Relativism

Act X is right for person S iff X conforms to the standards of behavior which S accepts.

Normative prescriptive theory that correct moral standards vary from person to person. (Action is right if a person thinks it is right)

Cultural Relativism
factual descriptive theory that maintains different moral standards are accepted by different social groups.
Ethical Relativism
Axt X is right for person S iff X conforms to the standards of behavior generally accepted by the social group to which S belongs.
view that your groups standards are correct and other groups standards are wrong.
actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to promote the reverse of happiness
Hedonistic Utilitarian
Act X is right for person S iff of all the actions available to S, act X maximizes pleasure and minimizes pain for all those affected by the action
Subjectively Right
Act x is right for S iff given everything S has to go on, act X has the greatest expected utility for affected.
Morally right
actions that produce the greatest net pleasure.
Objectively right
Act X is right for person S iff out of all the actions available to S, act X is the action that in fact has the best consequences for all affected.
Good will
a person who does what is right because it is right and for no other reason.
Merely right
an action merely done in accordance with duty.
Morally good
-an action done from duty.
-done intentionally
Categorical Imperative
commands you to do X whether you want to or not.
Hypothetical Imperative
commands you to do something, to get something else, but only if you want the end result.
Universal Law Forumla
Act only on those maxims which you could will to be universal law.
-Making promises you don't intend to keep
-Refusing to help people in dire need.
Respect for Persons Formulation
Always treat persons as ends in themselves and never as means merely.
Perfect duties
once duty is filled responsibility is done.
Imperfect Duties
duty continues
Consequentialism approach to ethics
the right action is the action with the best consequences.
group of statements where conclusion is said to follow from the others, the premise.
Sentance that is either true or false.
Reasons for thinking the conclusion is true.
Statement you are trying to prove
logically impossible for the premises to be true and conclusion to be false.
argument is sound iff it is valid, and it has true premises.

Noncomparitive Injustice

Involves treating an individual in a way no individual deserves to be treated.

Comparitive Injustice

Involves treating an individual unfairly compared to others.

Formal principal of Comparative Justice

Always treat equally those who are equal in the relevant respects.

Principal of Absolute Equality

Because there are no relevant differences between humans, all beings deserve an exactly equal share of economic wealth.

Principal of Need

From each according to his abilities to each according to his needs

Principal of Achievement

Reward people on basis of what they actually produce.

Principal of Effort

Reward people on the basis of how hard they actually try not on what they accomplish

Normative ethics

Seeks to provide a theory of right and wrong

Applied ethics

Critical evaluation of ones own moral judgements.

Conservative defines a right to life as:

X has a right to life. So it would be wrong to kill an innocent X.

Liberal account

X is conscious, has beliefs and desires, self-consciously aware and is rational.

Retributivist Theory of Punishment

Backward looking. Punishment should fit the crime.

Conservative argument against abortion

1. Every human being has a right to life. 2. Fetus is a human. 3. Fetus has a right to life. 4. It is wrong to kill the fetus.

Biological & Moral sense

Bio: x is a human means x is a member of the group homo sapien.

Moral: x is a person with a serious right to life and some persons are not homo sapiens.

Ethical humanism

View that all and only human beings deserve moral consideration.

Humane moralism

All and only sentient beings deserve moral consideration.

Land ethic

Holistic ethic. Eco-holes have intrinsic value, ecosystems have inherent value, individuals have only instrumental value.

Aldo Leopold environmental ethic.

A thing is only right when it tends to promote the beauty, stability, integrity of the biotic community.

Fundamental principle of morality

Albert Schweitzer