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18 Cards in this Set

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hip joint
articulation between the head of femur and acetabulum
synovial ball and socket joint
horseshoe shaped witeh acetabular notch at inferiority
acetabular labrium
a fibrocartilaginous rim that deepens the acetabulum
-bridges the acetabular notch at the transverse acetabular ligament
hip capsule
encloses the joint and is attached medially to the acetabular labrium.
attached laterally to the intertrochanteric line of the -femur anteriorally and halfway along the posterior aspect of the neck of the femur
-reinforced by the iliofemoral, pubofemoral and ischiofemoral ligaments
iliofemoral ligament
strongest/most imp ligament of hip joint
-shaped by inverted Y
-base is att. to anterioinferior iliac spine above
-two limbs of Y are att. to the upper and lower parts of the intertrochanteric line of the femur
-ligament resists hyperextension and lateral rotation of the hip joint
pubofemoral ligament
triangular shape
-base is att. superiorly to the superior ramus of the pubis
-apex is att below the lower end of the intertrochanteric line
-limits abduction and lateral rotation of the hip
ishiofemoral ligament
spiral in shape
-att. to body of the ischium and laterally to the greater trochanter of the femur
-limits medial rotation of the hip joint
ligament of the head of femur
flat and triangular shape
-att by the apex to the fovea capitis of the femur
-by its base to the transverse acetabular ligament
-by the margins to the acetabular notch
-limits adduction of the hip joint
synovial membrane of hip joint
lines capsule
covers portion of femoral neck that lies within the joint capsule
ensheathes the ligament of the head and the femur and covers the floow of the acetabular fossa
communicates w/ psoas bursa
nerve supply of hip(4)
n to quadratus femoris
hip flexion (4)
iliopsoas - L1, 2
rectus femoris - L3, 4 Femoral n.
sartorius - L 2, 3 Femoral n.
adductor muscles-
AL - L 3, 4 Obturator n
AM - L 3, 4 obturator n
AB - L3,4 obrutator n
hip extension (2)
gluteus maximus - L5, S1,2 - inferior gluteal n.
hamstring -
B(L)- S1 Tibial n
S- L5, S1 Tibial n
S - L5, S1 Tibial n
hip abduction (5)
gluteus medius - S1 - superior gluteal n.
gluteus minimus - superior gluteal n (L5, S1 no major)
sartorius - L2,3 femoral n. no major
tensor fascia lata - L4, 5 superior gluteal n. no major
prirformis - S1, sacral plexus
hip adduction (5)
adductor longus - L3,4 obturator n
adductor brevis - L3, 4 obturator n.
adductor fibers of adductor magnus - L3, 4 obturator n
pectineus - S1, 2 Femoral/obturator n - no major
gracilis - L2, obturator n
hip lateral rotation (6)
piriformis -s1, sacral plexus
obturator internus - s1, sacral plexus
obturator externus - L4, obturator n
superios quadratus femoris - L4, 5 S1, no major sacral plexus
inferior quadratus femoris-L4, 5, S1, no major, sacral plexus
gluteus maximus - L5, S1, 2 inferior gluteal n.
hip medial rotation (3)
anterior fibers of gluteus medius - S1 - superior gluteal n
and gluteus minimus-L5, S1, no major, superior gluteal n.
tensor fascia latae - L4, 5, no major, superior gluteal n.
hip circumduction
combination of all other movements
hip important relations
anteriorly - femoral vessels and nerve
posteriorly - sciatic nerve