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163 Cards in this Set

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What is the science of the structure of the body and its parts?
What system carries blood to all parts of the body and removes waste products?
What is the name for the state of balance that the body maintains to stay alive?
Name the " breaking Down" phase of metabolism
A substance consisting of atoms with the same chemical properties is a(n):
What cannot be said about an ion?
It is an atom or molecule with no electrical charge
Which of the following is not an electrolyte?
Adamantinum (Am)
In the human cell, the threadlike structures made up of DNA are:
Name the network of tubules in the cytoplasm responsible for packaging and shipping proteins to various areas of the cells
Endoplasmic reticulum
The layer below the skin, composed of connective tissues, blood vessels, glands, muscle tissue, nerve endings, and hair follicles, is the:
Name the glands that produce and secrete a fluid that is approximately 99% water; contains some electrolytes, salts, and urea; and cools the body by removing heat through evaporation
sudoriferous glands
What are the specialized secretory glands located in the external ear canal that secrete earwax?
Ceruminous glands
An individual bone cell is called a
Bone cells that build up or repair bone tissue and store important minerals for future use are called
What is the name for the shaft of a long bone?
Which of the following statements is not true about synovial joints?
They are also called synarthroses
What is the structure that encases and encloses the joint,adds stability to the joint, and restricts movements?
joint capsule
What are the small, fluid-filled sacs that provide a cushion between bones and tendons and/or muscles around a joint?
The long proteins that have globular heads and are responsible for binding with other molecules and pulling the thin myofilaments closer together are called?
Concentric contraction is best described by which of the following statements?
The muscle contracts and shortens.
What is the definition of aponeurosis?
A broad, flat, thin tendon.
The masseter, temporalis, medial perygoid, and lateral pterygoid muscles are the muscles of what functions?
Which of the following muscles is not a lateral flexor of the neck?
Quadratus lumborum
This group of muscles forms the rotator cuff, which provides movement for the shoulder joint as well as a great deal of stability?
Supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, subscapularis
The tiny sacs that contain the neurotransmitters produced by the neuron are called:
synaptic vesicles
What are tiny gaps in the myelin sheath at which the action potential is relayed along the neuron?
Nodes of ranvier
Which of the following is parasympathetic hormone released at the neuromuscular junction to initiate muscle contraction?
which is the colored part of the eye that controls the amount of light that comes into the eye by dilating or constricting the pupil?
the taste buds located on the back of the tongue are sensitive to which to which taste?
which receptor, found in muscles, provides information about the length or change in length of skeletal muscles?
Muscle spindles
what is the the name of the small gland situated beneath the hypothalamus in the brain, also called the master gland?
which hormone stimulates the growth and development of the adrenal cortex?
Adrenocorticotropic hormone
which of the following is a bowtie-shaped gland in the neck just below the larynx?
Thyroid Gland
Name the long gland inferior to the stomach that contains the islets of langerhans, which produce hormones?
Which hormone produced by B cells lowers blood sugar levels by promoting glucose uptake by the cells?
which of the following is an oxygen-carrying molecule made from iron that is found in the erythrocytes?
which of the following is not a process in blood clot formation?
stem cells are differentiated
which of the following is the thick middle layer of the heart, composed of cardiac muscle tissue that contracts regularly?
What duct brings lymph from the upper-left quadrant and lower extremities of the body and drains into the left subclavian vein?
Thoracic duct
Which of the following is not a characteristic of lymph nodes?
they release hormones
where are the pharyngeal tonsils located?
Below the nasopharynx
Name the curved projections along the lateral sides of the nasal cavities that filter out dust particles and warm and humidify the incoming air?
nasal conchae
which of the following is the cartilaginous structure that contains the vocal cords and a small protrusion of cartilage commonly called the adam's apple?
the serous membrane associated with the lungs is the:
pleural membrane
name the internal mucous membrane through which the body absorbs digested substances into the blood.
what is the musclar tube that carries food from the pharynx to the stomach?
which of the following is the lowest portion of the stomach that contains a sphincter of the same name?
Name the inner zonne of the kidney that contains the renal pyramids?
renal medulla
Name the network of capillaries in the kidneys where filtration of the blood takes place
The long tubes that conduct urine from each kidney to the urinary bladder are the:
which of the following is the type of cell division by which the gametes are produced?
What is the name of the inner zone of the kidney that contains the renal pyramids?
Renal medulla
Name the network of capillaries in the kidney where filtration of the blood take place?
the long tubes that conduct urine from each kidney to the urinary bladder are the:
which of the following is the type of cell division by which the gametes are produced?
what is the name of the long, flattened tubule attached to the superior portion of the testis that functions as a holding area where sperm mature?
what is the percentage of semen is actually sperm?
what are the four pockets or chambers in the brain where cerebral spinal fluid is produced?
the craniosacral mechanism was first observed in the early twentieth century by
william sutherland
what kind of lever is the " jaw, back molars and ankle joint on bottom of foot"?
second class lever
what is the term for a sustained contraction of a muscle, also called a muscle spasm?
which of the following is a muscle that works against another muscle or performs the opposite movement?
often an anatomic structure's name:
Is a description of its size or shape, in latin or greek
is the discover's name
which emotion relates to the fire element in traditional chinese medicine?
which season relates to the wood element in traditional chinese medicine?
name the zang orgaan for the earth element?
which of the following is a fu organ?
large intestine
the heart chakra has what color associated with it?
which of the following is the terms used used to described the study of disease?
the ratio of people who are diseased to those who are well is called:
which of the following is considered a raised, reddened bump on the skin?
what is another name for itching?
what is the term for benign fatty tumor?
which is a complete break in a bone with protrusion of the bone from the skin?
compound fracture
what fracture is "twisting fracture" in which fracture line wraps around a bone?
spiral fracture
what is the most common degenerative joint caused by " wear and tear" on the joint?
what is the group of muscle disorders caused by inherited traits in which there is considerable muscle degeneration and weakness?
Muscluar dystrophy
name the progressive disease involving demyelination of the neurons in the central nervous system whose cause is unknown:
Multiple sclerosis
what is the condition that is characterized by hyperglycemia; thickened, coarse skin; and enlargement of the head, jaw,nose,tongue,ears,hands,
feet, and some internal organ
what is the name for the inflammation of the conjuctiva caused by bacterial or viral infection, allergies, or truama
what is a term that means " a condition in which excessive pressure bulds up within the eye"?
what is the term for a decrease in the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood, which is accompanied by dizziness, fatigue,nausea, lightheadedness, and pale coloration of the skin?
which of the following is not a characteristic of infectious mononucleosis?
has no noticable symptoms
which disease, caused by cigerette smoking, destroys and enlarges the alveoli in the lungs, creating labored breathing?
what is the inflammation of the stomach mucosa?
what is the artificial filtering of waste products from the blood
of an individual with renal failure?
what is the name of a benign tumor of the smooth muscle in the uterus that occurs in 20 to 30% percent of women older than age 30?
Uterine fibroid
what is an anxiety disorder that can develop following a terrifying event in which grave physical harm occurred or was threatened?
post traumatic stress disorder
name the group of widely used medications for pain reduction, anti-inflammation, and fever control. ( a common medication in this group is aspirin)
what medication is typically given to prevent clot formation and is used by patients who may be at risk for myocardial infarction or stroke
the treatment of a medical diease and/or mental disorder with drugs is called?
what is the most important tool to help you determin the proper treatment for an individual?
Intake form
Dr. Hans selye, a leading authority on stress, defines stress as?
" the nonspecific response of the body to any demand"
Physical and psychological maturation occurs at the stage called adulthood. which occurs from the ages of:
19 to 60
what on the body is an endangerment area in massage?
inferior to the ear
what is the most important measure in controlling the spread of microorganism?
Hand washing
what is not recommended hygienic procedure for massge therapists?
using colognes and perfumes
when a massage therapist encounters tissue growths inconsistent with normal tissue in a client, he or she should do which of the following?
Avoid the immediate area and refur to a doctor
which of the following is not a characteristic of alzheimer disease?
It is an acute,pathologic disorder that resolves itself within a few years.
what group of pathological conditions characterized by thickening and hardening of the arteries?
what is the inflammation of the bursa that commonly occurs in the shoulder or knee?
What is a new growth or malignant tumor in the epithelial tissue ( squamous or basal cell ) that can metastasize and affect almost any tissue that it reaches through the blood or lymph channels?
name the chronic disorder of carbohydrate metabolism owing to abnormal insulin production, usually charactized by excessive urination
Diabetes mellitus
what is the name for the various inflammatory conditions involving fibrous or muscle tissue and resulting in lack of range of movement, increased sensitivity, and pain?
what are the area in muscle or fascia that typically exhibit referred pain when digital pressure is applied?
trigger points
how can meridian energy flow be accessed?
pulse reading and assessment of the meridian flow at the wrists
what is the correct term for edema (swelling) in the lymph vessels?
what is the normal rate of craniosacral rhythm?
6 to 12 beats/min
what can be palpated as a "knot" and is related to soft tissue or fascia that has become connected, as in scar development?
what can be palpated according to flow, temperature, stagnancy, or intensity?
Energy blockage
the normal pulse rate at rest is:
between 60 and 72 beats/min
which is the constant force that usually works against proper body posture?
A massage therapist places the inflamed part of the client's body above the heart to allow gravity to draw fluid out of the extremity . What is the therapist trying to do?
reduce inflammation
correct posture is best described using which of these reference tools?
Plumb line
what is it called when the client moves a body part without any help from the massage therapists?
active range of motion
Most of the effects of touch therapy on body systems come from which of the following?
The actual mechanical touch of the bodyworker.
what is not a general physiologic effect of massage?
Decreased skin temperature and blood flow
what is not a physiological benefit of massage?
increase fatigue,both physical and emotional
what term describes movement toward the heart, following venous flow?
the time spent during each treatment?
what is not a important rule of thumbto follow when applying each stroke massage?
Movements should always be in a centripetal direction
the techniques you should not use on a client are:
at what point does a client not referral to another health care professional?
when the practitioner feels confident in performing treatment
if a client needs emotional support, what is the best action for the massage therapist to take?
Refer the client to the appropriate psychological professional
the best way to respond to emotions from a client is to?
For clients to gain the greatest benefit from the touch therapy, it is important for them to feel:
the use of water as a medium for charging the body chemically, physiologically, and mechanically is called
which of stages is not among the many benefits of using water in therapy?
Its expensive and its hard to acquire
the normal human body core temperature is :
at what point is water considered cold?
55 to 70 F
the transfer of temperatures through moving liquids or gases is:
Why does moist heat require a lower temperature than dry heat to accomplish the same effect?
Fluids dissipate temperature much more slowly than dry objects
what are the primary therapeutic elements of aromatherapy?
Essential Oils
the use of smells to enhance or affect moods and memories and to alter normal physiology through stimulating olfactory senses is:
what is not an extraction process of essential oils?
Centrifugation: use of spinning to seperate oils
the use of essential oils does not generally fall in which category?
internal Methods: intravenous or intermuscular injections,capsules, caplets, and tablets
which essential oil is primarily used as a digestive aid, an antiseptic, an anti-inflammatory, and to promote circulation?
john upledger, an osteopathic physician, researched and systematized a therapy based on the osteopathic techniques of Drs. Sutherland and DeJarnet. name the therapy?
Craniosacral therapy
what is the name of the of therapy that is derived from early chinese medical practices and recongnizes channels of energy in the body that can be stimulated, sedated, or balanced to achieve desired changes?
what is not considered a general effect of heat application?
Reduce inflammation
In swedish massage, the direction of the strokes is meant to aid the circulatory and lymphatic systems. Name the term that explains it.
what is generally considered the first and the most widely used stroke in massage?
What is not a purpose of effleurage?
Promote therapeutic inflammation
the immediate care given to injured suddenly ill clients until proper medical care can be adminstered is called:
First Aid
Certain procedures are used in situations requiring contact with any body fluid, including blood, urine, sweat, tears, saliva, and semen. These procedures partially consist of proper gloving,masking, and eye protection to guard the caregiver and the client against contractible diseases. what are these procedures called?
Universal precautions
What category of burns in what percentage has an extremely high mortality rate?
Third degree burns on 50% or more of the body surface
the effects of prolonged exposure to abnormally high temperatures are not dramatically accelerated by which of the following ?
Hydration, types of colthing, limiting exposure
Name the muscular pains and spasms caused by salt being lost through sweating and not replaced, which can develop in to mental confusion and convulsion.
Heat cramps
Which essential oils is an anti-inflammatory and a sedative used for insomnia, anxiety, and nausea?
Which of the following essential oils is an antiseptic, antibacterial, and analgesic used for toothaches, muscullar disorders, asthma, nausea, digestive problems, sinusitis, and anxiety?
What is the main focus of sport massage?
to improve the performance of an athlete within specific time frames relative to an event
What type of sport massage is most effective when performed after rehydration and within the first two hours of the event?
Post event massage
Certain technique is based on a "mind-to-muscle" connection in which the practioner " hooks up" on a mental level with the client. the technique involves rocking, bouncing, cradling, shaking, and moving body parts through a natural range of motion. it is a gentle and nurturing approach to repatterning the body's condition through mental awareness and connection using mentastics ( or mental gymnastics). Who is the creator of this technique?
Dr. Milton Trager
Which term does webster's dictionary define as " morals or moral principles; distinction between right and wrong; moral duty or obligations to community"?
What term is defined as the attitudes and beliefs related to one's profession and how they are manifested through image, business practices, and educational accomplishments
Which term relates to how an individual's attitudes are portrayed in that person's attire, business setting, communication, and behaviors according to the perpective of the profession and its clients?
Professional image
In an area that regulates or legislates massage therapy. it is the responsibility and obligation of anyone licensedor certified in that area to adhere to those regulations. It is unprofessional and unlawful to provide services contrary to those laws. this is example of what?
Legal and ethical standards
in massage therapy, what ethical issue is based on the guarantee of a client's right to privacy and safety DURING written , verbal, and physical interaction during the therapy session?
certain limits are established to seperate on person from another. they can be clearly defined ( rigid) or vague ( permeable) and can change according to situation, feelings about the situation, and percieved trust. what is the term that describe these limits ?
what type of medical doctors focuses on the structural aspects of the body with an emphasis on the natural healing medicine?
A business owner is required by the (IRS) to pay income taxes based on estimated income. in what time frame are these income taxes to be paid?
On quartly basis
For protection against potential lawsuites involving malpractice, each professional massage therapist should obtain?
Liability insurance
At the beginning of the massage session, the massage therapist should use a form to obtain the client's personal information and history. the form should include the client's address, phone n umber, medical history, injury history, and current needs and should be referenced before each treatment. the name for this form is:
Client Intake