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41 Cards in this Set

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A group with a common goal that seeks to influence government
interest groups
in what document did Madison say that political factions are inevitable but we need to control their effects
Federalist # 10
He described Americans as having a propensity to join groups
Alexis de Tocqueville
Give two reasons for the growth of interest groups
1. Diffusion of power in the government,
2. diversity of the population, so many different interests.
What effect have Politcal Parties had on the growth of interest groups?
Parties are weak so interest groups fill the void
The goal of this type of interest group is to promote economic interest of its members
The goal of this type of interest group is to convince government to implement policies that are consistent with their philosophies
Give an example of a non- traditional protest interest group.
Give an example of an interest group that has formed in order to promote the public interest
National Association of Governors
What type of interest group tends to have a polarizing affect
single issue
Give 5 tactics of interest groups
1. campaign contributions
2. targeting
3. report cards
4 endorsement of candidates
5. litigation
6. Grass roots mobilization
Which interest group tactic would most likely be used by the NAACP? NOW?, AMA? Sierra Club?
NAACP - Litigation
NOW - Boycott
AMA - Campaign contributions
Sierra Club - grass roots mobilizations
When people join interest groups mainly for material or solidary benefits it is called the ______ problem
Free Rider
If a person joins an interest group to get life insurance they are joining for _______ benefits
If a person joins an interest group to work with other people they are joining for _______ benefits
Give two advantages an interest group with a lot of members has over one with not so many members.
1. can raise more money
2. can deliver more votes to a candidate
Give one advantages a small interest group has over a larger interest group.
1. more members join for purposive benefits so they are active and committed to the goal of the interest group.
When an interest groups is dispersed widely over the U.S. it can have more impact on an issue than a concentrated interest group because of it's _________
spread - Cohesiveness
Give three characteristics of an interest group that demonstrates strong cohessiveness
1. strong leadership
2. a centralized organization
3. lots of money
What is the single most important tactic of interest groups used by lobbyists?
supplying creditable information.
Why are lobbyist often called the 3rd house of Congress?
Because they have so much influence over legislation.
Give 3 functions of lobbyists.
1. help write legislation
2. testify at committee hearings
3. influence the government
List 3 provisions of the 1946 Federal Reglation of Lobbying Act
1.Define lobbyist as one whose principal purpose is to influence legislation
2. Requires registration of lobbyist
3. Publication in the congressional record
List 5 loopholes found in the 1946 Federal Reglation of Lobbying Act
1. Principal purpose is ambiguous
2.Disclosure statements filed but not anlayzed
3. No enforcement mechanism
4.Few bother to check congressional record
5. Omits lobbying of Executive branch
What did Madison mean when he pointed out that the remedy of curing the evils of faction by eliminating their causes is worse than the disease
the potential loss of liberty is worse than the abuses of lobbyist (factions)
Interest groups send signals telling legislators what values are at stake in an issue. This is called a
political cue
an organization of people sharing a common interest or goal that seeks to influence the making of public policy
interest groups
Backing for a public policy that arises or is created in public opinion
grass roots support
Groups that attract members by appealing to their political convictions with coherent sets of principles
Individuals or groups representing other organizations or businesses
public-interest organizations that do research on policy questions and disseminate their findings in books, articles, conferences, opinion editorials essays for newspapers, and maybe even testify before congress. They can be nonpartisan, but most have alignments along the party lines.
Think Tanks
List two reasons unions membership has decline over the last 50 years
1. more service jobs
2. attitudes toward unions have soured
rallying the base/ the public against a bill or issue is called
grass roots lobbying
Madison said that political factions are inevitable but we need to control their effects
Federalist 10
A group set up by and representing a corporation, labor union, or special interest group that raises and spends campaign contributions
These are designed to generate public support or opposition for legislators
Give two effects of the campaign finance reform law of 1973 was
1. it sharply restricted the amount that any interest group could give to a candidate for federal office
2. it made it legal for corporations and unions to form PACs and political contributions
Give 3 arguments in defense of PACs
1. Provide a means of participation for the average person
2. Without PACs only the wealthy could run for political office
3.its a 1st amendment right
4.contributions are non partisan
5.No conclusive evidence that PACs change congressional votes
6.provide political education
7.Diversify funding/ many interest are represented.
Give 3 arguements showing the dangers of PACs
1. does a contribution buy anything
2. PACs have special access that the average person lacks
3. Drives up the cost of campaigns
4. over representation of the wealthy
5.underrepresentation of those whoo lack such representation
6. further incumbency advantage
What organization has shown the most PAC growth since the 1970s
This increases the clout of PACs by gathering together checks form individual contributors or other PACs and passing them on to candidates