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55 Cards in this Set

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Section 504
Prohibits any recipient of federal funds from discriminating against individuals with disabilities. Included in the definition of recipient are all public school districts.
Individualized Education Plan
Least Restrictive Environment
English Language Learner
Free and Appropriate Public Education
Behavior Plan
- If a student is on a Section 504 Plan and their behavior impedes their learning, he/she must have a written Behavior Plan.
- The team should develop, implement and review the plan as needed to address the behaviors of concern.
You are responsible for all of the material, we're just going to help you some
You're only responsible for some of the material in the class
putting all children in similar settings
placing students in ed. settings based on ability or needs
Gardner’s multiple intelligences
- No two people learn exactly the same
- Use a variety of stimuli in presenting a lesson
- Be both a teacher and a learner
1. Linguistic (language)
2. Spatial
3. Logical/Mathmatic
4. Kinesthetic
5. Musical
6. Social (Interpersonal)
7. Self (Intrapersonal)
8. Naturalistic (Nature)
VAK Model
Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic: Most people possess a dominant or preferred learning style, however some people have a mixed and evenly balanced blend of the three styles. A person's learning style is a reflection of their mix of intelligences. It is also a reflection of their brain type and dominance.
Bloom’s taxonomy, how does it guide in making up assessments of learning?
Knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation. Creating assessments that test varying depths of knowledge shows that students not only know the material, but are able to apply it in a useful manner.
Webb’s DOK, how does this relate to CCSS?
Recall and Reproduction; Skills and Concepts; Short-term Strategic Thinking; Extended Thinking.
What does DOK stand for?
Depth of Knowledge
How do Multi-Disciplinary Teams (MDT) work? (be prepared for an essay question)
- Anyone refers student for consideration
- 504 team includes teachers, parents, admins, case manager (counselor, nurse, etc.), someone who knows the student and can interpret data.
- Meets to determine if more info or testing needed
- 2nd meeting to discuss new data, write accommodation plan
- Accommodations must be provided in the least restrictive environment.
- Section 504 Plan is reviewed annually.
What are the legal requirements of special education?
- Failure to comply with Section 504 law can lead to investigation by the OCR and result in monetary damages.
- Teachers and building staff are responsible to implement the Section 504 Plan.
- Issues or concerns about implementation of the plan should be reported to the case manager or building administrator.
How does a student qualify for special education?
- He or she is a qualified disabled person.
- The student is of school age.
A student is disabled under Section 504 if:
- Has a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities
- Has a record of such an impairment
- Is regarded as having such an impairment.
Must affect a major life area and have substantial impact.
- Nature/severity
- How long it has lasted/will last
Summarize education reforms in Texas, Vermont, New Jersey, Kentucky, and Idaho (don’t forget Arizona)
- Texas: cap on local taxes, state support, still wide gaps in test scores, rural & suburban vs. urban conflicts
- Vermont: statewide property tax + “sharing pool” richer districts have fought sending $ to poorer districts
- New Jersey: highly localized (600+dist.), but funding was equalized after bitter fighting & court rulings; still at “war”
- Kentucky: declared “unconstitutional,” became a test laboratory, start from scratch, 3 tier system (foundation, sliding scale, vote to bypass 15% level), systemic approach seems to be working, scores are up
- Idaho: declared unconstitutional 2005, but retained jurisdiction, state distribution formula, limited prop. tax to 3 mils, incr. sales tax in 2006, large differences remain between districts, sweeping reforms in 2011, but budget is cut 10%. The reforms were rejected by voters in 2012.
- AZ very permissive with regards to charter schools
Be able to briefly explain the “Luna Laws”
1. Weaken unions
2. Pay for performance
3. Technology
a “coupon” that allows a parent to enroll his child in an alternative or private school. Often targeted towards disadvantaged groups.
tax credits
a tax credit for money spent sending a child to a non-public school
pay for performance
Evaluation of teachers based on student test performance
magnet school
Magnet schools are public schools that often have a specialized function like science, technology or art.
charter school
Publically funded alternative schools
post-secondary options
The ability to earn college credits whilst still in high school.
open enrollment
Open enrollment refers to educational policies which allow residents of a state to enroll their children in any public school, provided the school has not reached its maximum capacity number for students, regardless of the school district in which a family resides.
Intra vs. inter district choice
Open enrollment can be either intra-district or inter-district. Intra-district choice allows parents to send their children to any school within their designated district. Inter-district school choice allows parents to select public schools outside of their resident district.
Adequate Yearly Progress, or AYP, is a measurement defined by the United States federal No Child Left Behind Act that allows the U.S. Department of Education to determine how every public school and school district in the country is performing academically according to results on standardized tests.
ISAT stands for the Idaho Standards Achievement Tests. The tests are given in grades 3-10. The ISAT consists of three multiple-choice tests in the core subjects of reading, math and language usage.
“Charitable Reform”
- Often led by foundations or corporations (Gates, Walton, Broad, Albertson)
- Key ideas: more choice, more competition, higher standards, greater emphasis on math & science, more technology, and “job skills”
- Critics: quite profitable to those businesses who support them, they often come with “strings.”
- Research is divided; many of these efforts haven’t been as effective as originally thought.
The effects of NCLB and its current status
NCLB supports standards-based education reform based on the premise that setting high standards and establishing measurable goals can improve individual outcomes in education. The Act requires states to develop assessments in basic skills. To receive federal school funding, States must give these assessments to all students at select grade levels. The Act does not assert a national achievement standard. Each individual state develops its own standards. NCLB expanded the federal role in public education through annual testing, annual academic progress, report cards, teacher qualifications, and funding changes.
What are the Common Core State Standards?
The Common Core State Standards Initiative is an education initiative in the United States that details what K-12 students should know in English and math at the end of each grade. It seeks to establish consistent education standards across the states as well as ensure that students graduating from high school are prepared to enter two or four year college programs or enter the workforce.
When are the Common Core State Standards coming?
Fully implemented beginning in 2014-2015
How are the Common Core State Standards different from previous standards?
Fewer multiple choice questions, more open-ended questions, same question in multiple ways to make sure the concept is understood.
Relate the Common Core State Standards to Webb’s DOK
A key aspect of the Core Standards are that they test multiple levels of understanding. Webb's DOK states that just parroting back answers is not enough; students must be able to show Recall and Reproduction; Skills and Concepts; Short-term Strategic Thinking; Extended Thinking.
De facto segregation
(by practice) can be found everywhere
De Jure segregation
(by law) illegal everywhere
2006 school funding actions of Idaho legislature
2006 Extraordinary Session of ID Legislature.
- Capped local expenditure for schools at 3 mils
- Reduced property taxes by $260 million
- Increased sales tax to 6% to pay for the additional mil but only up to $210.
- Created $100 million public school stabilization fund
2005 Idaho school funding Court Ruling
- December 2005 court found the current funding system is not
sufficient to carry out legislatures duty
- Retained jurisdiction
- Has not acted since.
- Our schools have been ruled unconstitutional?!
4 main sources of revenue for Idaho Schools
1. State General Fund (all state taxes)
2. State Endowment Lands
3. Local Property taxes (1 mil = .001 of assessed prop. value ($1 per $1000). Capped at 3 mills (formerly 4). 2/3 majority required for passage of school bonds (50% for override levies).)
4. Federal Sources (Sp. Ed., Title I, Forest funds, Prof. tech., Impact Aid, ARRA)
Also, property tax override levies
How many school districts in Idaho?
115 traditional districts, 160 with charter schools.
Why is there such a big gap between the richest districts in Idaho and the poorest?
Because of the big gap between the income and size of districts in Idaho.
What has happened to funding over the last 4 years? How does Idaho rank nationally?
We're 50th in the nation ahead of Utah because were jerks.
Define The Achievement Gap
Schools with a higher percentages of minority or low income students score lower on standardized tests and nearly every other measure of academic achievement
List at least 8 practices that can help reduce The Achievement Gap.
Parental involvement, community collaboration, dealing with underlying problems (poverty), student attendance, leadership from principles, schools that reflect community and are safe, curriculum, teaching methods for different learning styles, and skilled teachers.
What works and what doesn’t work with regards to the Achievement Gap (be prepared for an essay question)
The NAEP (National Assessment of Educational Progress) gauges performance. Academic and ethnic integration, single sex class (though research is divided), Head Start, Parents as Teachers (vetoed April 2009), Title I (ESEA) provides needed money for extra help and gives more resources under NCLB. Things that don't help as much and are controversial: affirmative action, increased testing, and advocacy groups.
What are Medina’s Brain Rules
Exercise, the brain evolved, every brain is wired differently, people ignore boring things, repeat to remember, remember to repeat, sleep well, stressed brains don't learn the same, stimulate more of the senses at one time, vision trumps all other senses, male and female brains are different, we are POWERFUL explorers.
Discuss public opinion of schools (biggest problem, perception of local vs. national, the status of teachers, opinions about charter schools, evaluation)
People feel the biggest problem schools are dealing with is lack of funding. They typically feel that schools nationally aren't faring well, but that they're local school is good. Most people favor charter schools. Additionally, more people now oppose pay for performance than they did last year.
Office of Civil Rights regulates Section 504.
Major Life Activity
Caring for one’s self, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, or working
Multi-Disciplinary Team
A student may be exited from a Section 504 Plan...
- At any time;
- When the disability no longer exists;
- When data suggest that accommodations are no longer needed.
(The decision is made and documented in a team meeting.)
Manifest Determination
- Needs to be conducted if a student on a Section 504 Plan is to be suspended for 10 or more days.
- Purpose is to determine if the behavior was a result of the disability.
2 Major Special Education laws
- Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504)
- Public Law 94-132 (1975), more commonly known as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
- 504 is broader in scope and is a anti-discrimination law as well, while IDEA deals more specifically with learning issues.