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60 Cards in this Set

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Post partum sacral pain

-pain increased w/ long walks, up/down stairs, rising from sit to stand


-manual therapy to SI jt for relief of Sx's

-ther ex to restore normal function

ligamentous laxity during pregnanacy d/t

hormone relaxin

-usually affects SI jt

-continues 3 mos after pregnancy

-leaves pelvic area vulnerable to injury

-SI pain aggravated w/ prolonged WB & stairs

-DO NOT mobilize bc it will stretch already lax jts

Fall on shoulder 3 wks ago


-(-) xrays

-AROM 35 degrees

-abduction with scapular elevation

-PROM almost full w/mild pain & mm guarding at end of range

-reisisted abd weak w/ pain in ant & lateral deltoid

-no atrophy


rotator cuff tear

RC tear would be provoked by

resisted testing bc it's a contractile lesion

-would not be able to raise arm over head bc of lack of force transmission secondary to tear

-fall on shldr could cause tear

supraspinatus tendinitis


-raise arm overhead w/ painful arc of motion at end range

-typically caused by overuse

adhesive capsulitis presentation

-a little more passive range than active bc tight capsule is restricting ROM

axillary nerve palsy caused by


-marked atrophy of deltoid

Test for function of deep cervical flexors

(mm function test that uses cranio cervical flexion test)

-normal findings

-during active chin tuck , the pressure in the stabilizer cuff increases to 22 & pt can hold position for 10 secs

-(30 sec hold is endurance test, not flex test)

-SCM should remain unactive

-C spine should assume a flexed position so it loses its normal lordosis intentionally


low vision

best strategy for ambulation

practice walking in areas of high illumination & low clutter

-DO NOT look down at feet (safety hazard - restricts avoidance strategy of env objects)

-color coded staris with strong colors & well lit can help

unstable angina in preinfarction state


angina of increasing intensity that is unresponsive to nitroglycerin & rest (typically decreases w/ most angina)


are increasing atrial rhythms a sign of angina



-R hemiparesis

-strong dominant hemipelvic synergies

actiivty to break these synergies

bridging with pelvic elevation

-bridging breaks up LE synergies (combines hip ext from ext synergy & knee flex from flex synergy)

stage III pressure ulcer

-open wound with necrosis of subcutaneous tissue down to the fascia

age does what to ulcer outcome

decreased vascular & immune response resulting in impaired healing

-in elderly scarring is less than in younger

-elasticity & eccrine sweating decreased in elderly

Pt recovering from CVA

-spastic hypertonia in involved UE

there should be abnormal resistance to PROM in?

shoulder adductors, forearm pronators, flexors of elbow, wrist & hand (antigravity muscles)


-3 weeks post surgical resection of carcinoma of colon


-pt c/o pain in L shoulder aggrvated by WB when walking

What should PT do?

Notify physician immediately

-risk of metastatic disease is present

L ankle sprain 4 days ago

-4/10 pain

-moderate swelling that's getting worse

Best intervention

cold/intermittent compression with limb elevation

L lateral epicondylitis

-no resolution of Sx's after 2 wks of Tx

-re-examination finds: L biceos reflex 1+

PT shold next complete exam of which area?

mid cervical region

-pt has sx's of possible L C5 nerve root compression

-reflex change suggests nn root irritation or compression

-lateral epicondylitis frequently involves the extensor carpi radialis brevis, innervated by nerves from mid-cervical region

which measure of aerobic activity is a reliable and valid functional capacity measure with reported min detected change scores in pts with HF

6 min walk test

Bruce protocol

Canadian Aerobic Fitness step Test

LE ergometer test

CANNOT report min detectable changes

-have literature to support that they are reliable & valid

R THR 4 mos ago

-shortened stride length on the R

most likely has?

contracted hip flexors

-pts are less active after Sx & spend less time in standing and more time in sitting

-iliopsoas becomes short with increased time in sitting

-limits ability to extend the hip, which shortens stride length on affected side

contracted HS or weak quads cause what during gait

decreased knee ext during stance & unstable knee

weak hip flexors produce what during gait

decreased limb shortening during swing

-typically compensated with circumduction

pt with CP

-difficulty releasing food from hand to mouth

-once food is brought to mouth

what to do?

slowly stroke finger extensors in prox to distal direction

-Contraindicated: stimulation of spastic finger flexors (slow stroke, quick stretch)



mole exam


border irregularities


diameter (>6mm)

not uncommon to have a group of moles, but when they transform what needs to be done?

contact PCP

when lifting an object off the ground the most significant contributing factor for increasing L spine compression forces in addition to weight of load is

distance of the load from the base of the spine

-there are high L spine moments when load is not held close to the body

-height of load from ground can decrease overall work, but not a key factor in reducing lumbar compression forces

Position of glide to move L UE overhead

posterior & inferior translatory glides

-inferior glide improves abduction & flex

-posterior glide improves ER (exception to concave convex rule)

superior GH glides improve


based on the concave-convex rule anterior glides seem best to improve ER, but what direction of glides is best for this


elderly pts with memory impairments typically demonstrate?

-intact immediate recall (can repeat words)

-impaired memory for recent events (who came to see me yesterday)

-long term memory ususally intact

-hallucinations or delusions

Stage I dementia

disease begins with mild memory loss

Stage II dementia

agitation & wandering

Positive L dix hallpike

when head turned to L, the change in position produces the pts symptoms

sharpened Romberg asseses

standing balance with eyes closed & feet in tandem

associative stage of motor learning

errors are decreasing & movements are becoming organized

how to progress pt in gait training when learning is going well, errors are decreasing, & endurance increasing

walk in varying envs

continuous feedback improves what and delays what

improves performance

delays motor learning

what are inappropriate strategies for associative stage of learning

practicing until errors are extinguished

intervening early when errors appear

What devices are not appropriate devices for clearing secretions for a young child

acapella, active cycle of breathing technique, autogenic drainage bc the child is too young and they rely on independent use and ability to monitor secretion clearance to know how long & often to perform the techniques

Stress Incontinence

-loss of control w/ coughing, laughing, & exercising


Kegals several times/day

kegal exercises are

pelvic floor exercises

Cerebral thrombosis

-decreased pain & temp sensation of ipsilateral face





-ipslateral Horners synd.

-contralateral loss of pain & temp sensation

site of thrombosis

post inf cerebral artery

-this pt presents with lateral medullary (Wallenbergs) syndrome

-clearly indicates branstem (CN) involvement

PICA is a branch of

vertebral artery

-involves descending tract & nucleus of CN V, IX, X, cuneate & gracile nuclei of spinothalamic tract

ant & post cerebral artery CVA

-what's involved

cortical involvement

Internal Carotid artery CVA

-what's involved

combines middle cerebral & ant cerebral artery strokes

e-stim for wound with infected & exudate

-best choice of polarity & electrode placement

cathode placed in wound to cover as much Tx area as possible

-negative current repels bacteria & it attracts neutrophils to purge bacteria

e-stim for wound that is clean & uninfected

anode is used to promote healing

-place in wound

how to Tx pts with conversion disorder

initiate functional training consistent with level of injury

-it represents real loss of function for the pt

-Pt should be empathetic, but not act as a counselor

10 wks post CABG

-post op was complicated with atrial fib that has been controlled with meds prescribed by a cardiologist

-during therapy vitals are: HR=90 in atrial fib, BP = 117/74, RR = 14, SpO2 = 99% on room air

should proceed with symptom limited exercise test as planned?

yes, HR is well controlled & cardiologist is aware of the arrythmia

-it is safe to exercise a pt who is in A fib, but it's a concern if their HR >115 bpm (this is the point at which diastolic filling time is decreased, which places a person in A fib at risk of not maintaining thier CO with increased demand)


continuous tremulousness

(occasional is not abnormal)

normal findings in newborn

symmetry in ROM

response decrement to repetitive stimuli

dramatic skin color changes with change of state

standard WC

-sacral sitting

-rounded, kyphotic upper back

cause of posture

excessive leg length from seat to foot plate

-can result in sliding forward in WC to reach foot plate

-this results in post tilt of pelvis and sacral sitting

how to collect sample from wound

-collect exudate in the wound

-has to be collected from wound site with little contamination from adjacent pics

arm exercise compared to leg exercise at a given workload

what cardiac response to expect

higher HR

higher SBP & DBP

-arm ergometry uses smaller mm mass than leg ergometry, with resulting lower maximal oxygen uptake

the most common infection transmitted to health care workers is

hepatitis B

-transmission through exposure to blood, blood products, infected body fluids

ataxia results from lesion where in brain


damage to cerebellum results in

difficulty with movement, postural control, eye movement disorders, muscle tone

-ataxia is a common finding


-area of brain damaged

L cerebral infarct

L sided unlateral neglect ususally d/t

R cerebral injury