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64 Cards in this Set

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A person who weather asserts that he or she does not know whether there is a God or not


Gabriel announced to the Virgin Mary that she would be the mother of Jesus Christ


A person who denies the existence of God


The dogmatic teachings of the Catholic Church that when the earthly life of Mary was completed she was taken body and soul into the presence of God and Mary was granted this grace the church says because she was the sinless mother of God


Beatitude mean "supreme happiness "the eight beatitudes Preached by Jesus in the sermon on the mount respond to our natural desire for happiness


Any thought word or act that express hatred or contempt for God ,Christ ,the church , Saints or holy things.It is a grave sin contrary to the second commandment

Apocryphal gospels

A group of writings about life and teachings of Jesus that you do not leave church criteria for inclusion in the New Testament canon. The apocryphal means hidden. Most Apocryphal writings date from the second through the fourth centuries many years after the Apostolic era


A western Semitic language commonly spoken in Palestine, Syria, and Mesopotamia from the third century before Christ until AD 650. Aramaic was later place by Arabic

Canon of the Bible

The official list of inspired books in the Bible Catholics list 46 Old Testament books and 27 New Testament books in their Canon


A spiritual gifts given by God to individuals to help build and strengthen the church


The Greek term for" Messiah" it mean the "anointed one"


The Greek term for" Messiah" it mean the "anointed one"


A solemn agreement or contract of love between God and his people


A statement of belief; sometimes a collection of creedal statements


The good news is the story of the coming of the Savior Jesus Christ and the inauguration god's kingdom


God's gift of friendship and life been able to share his life and love


And obstinate the denial after baptism to believe a truth that must be believed with divine and Catholic faith, or in obstinate doubt about such truth

Immaculate conception

The dogmatic teaching of Catholic church that Mary was the conceived in the womb of her mother without the stain of original sin that all the other human beings inherit.This teaching declared as infallible teaching by Pope Pius IX in 1854


The teaching that God became flesh through birth of Jesus Christ, the son of God and the child of the Virgin Mary


The word means "YHWH is salvation "or "savior"


The public worship and communal worship of the church


Hey New Testament title given to do either that meant " God" in Greek, the word was translated as Kurios and in Hebrew Adonai


The official teaching authority of the church comprised of Pope and bishops who are successors of Christ and his apostles


A Greek word that means. "witness "referring to those who are put to death because of their religious believes


The quality of being worth of the steam and respect


A form of prayer where the mind and imagination focus on Christ or some truth of divine revelation with the purpose of applying the lessons we learn to our live


A Greek word for "repentance " or trying to away from send with the intention living a life of virtue and holiness


A Deed or an event that cannot be explained by ordinary human intervention or known as natural forces


From the Greek word monos("one") and Theos ("God");The Believe in one, all-powerful God.

Christianity, Judaism, and Islam or three great blank religions


A truth about God and his plan that will always be beyond human understanding.


The birth of Jesus Christ, the son of God and of the Virgin Mary


A attribute of God that he is everywhere, unlimited ,all and all-powerful.

Original sin

The following state of human nature into which all generations of people are born. Christ Jesus came to save us from original sin


Another name for the Holy Spirit advocate, defender, or controller


A follower of Jesus. The word comes from Latin word that means "learner"

Divine providence

The sovereignty of God over events in the lives of individuals and throughout history

Divine revelation

The gift of God self-revelation by which he makes known the mystery of his divine plan


The central truth of revelation that Catholics obligated to believe


The birth of Jesus Christ, the son of God and of the Virgin Mary


One of the theoretical virtues .Faith Is an acknowledgement of an allegiance of God

Free will

The captivity choose among alternative. Free Will is "the power,rooted in reason and will. . . To perform deliberate actions on one's responsibility

Fruits of the Holy Spirit

Spiritual perfection that result from the Holy Spirit living in us. The church list them as charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control and Chastity

Paschal mystery

The redemptive , Passion, death, resurrection, and glory is ascension of Jesus Christ through through Jesus not only liberated us from sin but also gave us new life through his resurrection


The belief, in observation to Christ doctrine that there are many gods.


A title given to Jesus which means "one who couldn't text or see from present or future danger"a messiah


A offense against God do the violation of truth, reason,and conscience. It is a deliberate thought,word,, Deed or omission against the eternal law of God

Son of Man

A title used to refer to himself. It emphasizes both Jesus' is humanity and divinity. It origins are in Daniel 7:13:"I saw. . . One like the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven"

Synoptic Gospels

The Gospel of Matthew, Mark, and Luke that I have so much content in common that they are often studied side-by-side the word synoptic comes from the Greek word for "to see together"


The setting of the existing for the attributes of God they were taken from the Greek words theos ("God") and logos ("word")


The tire body of the Jewish literature, teaching, and law .


The teaching that God, by nature, is beyond this world and beyond this comprehension of human beings.


The glorious transformation of Jesus that manifested his divine identity for Peter, James, and John on the high mountain, probably Mount Tabor . The event, reported in all three synoptic Gospel, also involved the presence of both Moses and Elijah.


Moral excellence and righteousness a inclination in habitable Providence for the good

Works of mercy

Charitable actions that remind us how to come to the aid of a neighbor and his or her bodily and spiritual necessities

Charitable actions that remind us how to come to the aid of a neighbor and his or her bodily and spiritual necessities


The conversation with God listing of one mind and heart to God or requesting good things from him joining one's thoughts and love to God in adoration and blessing, petition, intercession, Thanksgiving, and praise


A name for God that God himself revealed to Moses and the chosen people on Mount Sinai. The word means "I am who I am "and led to Israel for understanding that God is the one living,and true God


The title given to Jesus. A prophet is the one who predicts the future what is also known as a representative and spokesman for God. Jesus acted as a prophet in both ways but chiefly as God's representative because he was God himself


A highly respected teaching of Jewish law or theology


A set of beliefs, values, and practices that binds believers in a relationship with God and with other believers.


The rising of Jesus from the dead on the third day after his death on the cross. Jesus was able to conquer death because he is God

Sacred scripture

The inspired word of God the written record of God's revelation

Sacred tradition

The living translation of the Catholic faith through the teaching, life, and worship of the church


A"Holy one"of God who lives in union with God through the grace of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit and whom God rewards with eternal life in heaven

Salvation history

The account of God's saving activity and intervention on behalf of humanity