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56 Cards in this Set

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what is only pathogen in pneymovirus genus?
RSV - Human Respiratory Synctial Virus
Describe RSV genome compared to Paramyxoviridae
more complex genome
what is the most common cause of LRI among infants
When does RSV infect most people (age?)
infants, during childhood - age 2
How is RSV spread
respiratory aerosols >1 hour and fomites
What are clinical symptoms of RSV
fever, runny nose, cough sometimes wheezing
Is RSV infected kids often hospitalized?
no, low hospitalization. .5-2% (usually kids under 6 months)
How long does it take to recover form RSV
8-15 days
Is RSV a repeated infection?
Yes, throughout life. Usually, URK
Does RSV affect adults and where does it locate (U or LRI)
immunocompromised or elderly. Immunos most severe
Describe RSV treatmet
supportive only
What is tx for severe RSV?
aerolosized Ribavirin
Immunoglobulin with hii titers of neutralizing RSV aby
O2 and mechanical ventilation
vacccine for RSV?
preventionis infection control
RSV-IGIVs or anti-r humanized murine monoclonal aby
Prevention of RSV and Post Exposure prophylaxis?
anti-RSV monoclonal aby
when to use prophylaxis for RSV?
chronic lung ds, preemies, severe ds kids
what is metapheumovirus genus
respiratory of turkeys
Describe Rhinovirus
30 nm icosahedral shaped.
ph labile (unlike enteroviruses)
What family is genus rhinovirus
Picornaviridae (also polio)
Describe Picornaviridae virus
+ ssRNA
cause of half colds
>100 serotypes
no X protection from serotypes
does picorna cause LRI
rarely - elderly, infants, cystic fibrosis, immunos
Where does Rhino replicate
upper respiratory tract and in cell culture under LOW temp and PH
How does Rhino transmit
contact, fomites and respiratory drops
Clinical signs of rhino
12-72 hour incubation (ave 8-16 hrs after viral inoc of nose)
Symptoms complaint 2 hours after viral inoc?
sore throat, nasal discharge, nasal congestion, sneezing, HA, facial and ear P, loss of smell and taste.
Other rhino symptoms
cough(30%) and hoarseness (20%)
are fever and malaise frequent in colds (Rhino)
not usually.
Rhino symptoms
7-11 days
babies may have only nasal discharge
eustachian tubes can cause 2nd bacterial infection
Is rhino more severe in smokers?
Describe main features of Parvoviridae
smallest viruses
ssDNA, genome 4-6Kb, linear
icosahedral, nucleocapsid
mammals, birds and insects
subfamPARVOVIRINAE infect vertebrates
which parvoviruses are pathogenic to humans
G Erythrovirus: B19, named for label on tube from 1st human isolate.
G Bocavirus - human bocavirus
Talk about B19 infection
only infects humans
incub - 4-14 d
infectious up until onset of rash
up to 60% students during school outbreaks
DS associated with parvovirus
~20% asymptomatic
non-specific febrile
Fifth's disease (E infectiosum)
Acute arthritis
Aplastic anemia(BM shuts down)
Comps in preggo
What is Fifth's disease
mild rash of childhood with rash
"SLAPPED CHEEK" look on face
Lacy red on trunk and limbs
may itch
Secondary symptoms of Parvovirus B19 -
1. Immunity following childhood inf
2. rash along w joint pain or swelling
Joint pain in Parvo B19 affects which joints
wrists, hands, knees, is bilateral, resolves in 1-2 weeks ut may last several month
What is a serious disease from Parvo B19
aplastic anemia in persons with chronic hemolytic anemia(sickle cell)
higher risk in immunocompromised
complications in pg
describe problems with Parvo B19 in pregnancy
not problem if woman previously infected and thus immune (~50%)
usually mild even in women not previously infected
Serious complication in ~5%, in first half of pregnancy.
What are the serious complications in preg (in 5%)
severe anemia
hydrops fetalis
Diagnosis and treatment of Fifth's disease
DX - Clinical & ELISA IgM
TMENT - supportive
blood transfusion
immunoglob in immmunosup
Are there birth defects associated with B19
No evidence
What is associated with Togaviridae?
"enveloped (cloak)" virus
one genera is arbo/alpha from before
other genera is Rubivirus
RUBIVIRUS is ass with what ds?
Rubella, meaning reddish, for rash. Only infects humans
talk about Rubella (german measles)
inc - 10-21 days
spread by coughing and sneezing
ild ds in kids/young w fever/rash
birth defects in >20% if acquired during preg.
defects include deafness, cataracts, heart defects, mental retardaton and liver/spleen damage
Whati s clinical symptoms of Rubella
Prodrome of low grade fever/malaise
Rash, conjunctival suffusion, lymphadenopathy, sometimes arthralgia
Describe rash in Rubella
face/neck and spreads to trunk
pinkish macules <3 mm in diameter
sometimes circumoral pallor
What can be bad post-infection (tho rare) complication of rubella
Describe MMR vaccine
live, attenuated combi with measles, mumps and rubella
1971 - 1st licensed
grown in chick embroyos
lifetime immunity (95%)
problems with vaccine for MMR and is it eradicable
interferes with maternal abys
targeting for eradication
Who should get MMR vaccine
children by 1st birthday/2nd dose by kindergarten
Teens - if not vaccinated
Adults born after 1957 unless immune
Travelers - due to inc risk of exposure, if no immunity.
what are complications of MMR vaccine?
few complications. no association with autism
what should be precaution taken with MMR vaccination
pregnancy should be avoid for 3 months following MMR and 1 month following measles vaccine
when was first measles vaccine
1963 vaccine licensed. before that, in US, 3-4 mil cases, 450 deaths/year. Epidemics Q 2-3 years.
How much did measles cases drop after vaccine
When and was uncovered about second dose of measles vaccine
1985-88, saw increased rates in kids with only 1 dose. Second dose btw 5 and 19 years now recommended.
when has US seen epidemics of measles and why
89-90 - cases of unvaccinated kids of hispanic/african american populations
Christian Scientist schools in Mo, IL
Hi school students with only 1 dose or unvaccinated.
Imported cases
What is recommended infection control for Respiratory viruses
Frequent hand washing
avoid sharing cups, etc
excluding kids from school is probalby not aid in decreasing transmission as spread earlier
hospitals need strict attention to contact precautions.