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31 Cards in this Set

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The group of organs that work together to take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide make up the

Respiratory System.

The ____ is the main passageway into the respiratory system.


The noes ___, ___, and ____ the air we take in.

Filters, warms, and moistens.

Tiny hairs called ____ line the inside of the nose to filter dust and particles in the air we breathe.


The ___ is the throat.


The pharynx divides into 2 tubes: The ___ is where food and drinks go to the stomach. The ___ is where the vocal chords are located.

Esophagus, Larynx.

The ___ covers the entrance to the larynx so food and drinks do not go into the wind pipe.


The vocal chords are a pair of ___ that stretch across the larynx.

Elastic bands.

Muscles connect to the larynx and control how much the bands are stretched.

(no answer needed)

Air flows ___ the vocal chords and they vibrate, which produces a sound.


The ___ of the sound depends on how stretched the bands are.


The larynx guards the entrance to the ___, or the wind pipe.


The trachea splits into two branches called ___ (Bronchus is singular)


One bronchus connects to each ___.


Each bronchus splits into branches called ___.


Bronchioles split to form small air pouches called ____.


Alveoli are surrounded by small blood vessels, called ___, where blood picks up oxygen and drops off carbon dioxide.


Breathing is ___ and ___-taking in air and letting air out.

Inhaling, exhaling.

Your body getting and using oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide and water is ___.


2 Parts of respiration: ___-taking air in and letting it out. ___-using oxygen to release energy from food.

Breathing, Cellular Respiration.

Air is forced into and out of the lungs, but your lungs do not have ___ of their own.


The ___ is a dome-shaped muscle below the lungs that allows breathing.


When the diaphragm ___, it moves ___. This lowers the pressure in the lungs and air is forced ___ the lungs- you inhale.

contracts, down, into.

___ is just the opposite. Diaphragm relaxes and moves up, so the pressure in the lungs increases and air is forced out.


Muscles are rib muscles. ___ Also help with breathing by contracting and moving the ___ ribs upward and outward to ___ the size of the chest cavity, which ___ the pressure, forcing air into the lungs. (Inhaling).

Rib Muscles, Ribs, Increase, Lowers.

When these muscles ___, the ribs move back down in, ___ the size of the chest cavity, which ___ the pressure in the lungs, and air is forced out. (Exhaling).

relax, decreasing, increases.

Oxygen is taken in to the lungs and reaches the body cells through the ___.


___ reacts with ___ to produce ___ in the mitochondria of our cells.

Oxygen, Glucose, ATP (Energy).

During this process, ___ and ___ are produced. The carbon dioxide travels back to the lungs to be released.

Carbon Dioxide, and Water.

Asthma- ___ narrow making it hard to breathe. Caused by ___ (dust pollen, etc.)

Bronchioles, Irritation.

Emphysema- ___ are damaged. ___ lung capacity. One cause is ___.

Alveoli, Decreased, Smoking.