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69 Cards in this Set

  • Front
  • Back
Upper airways consists of
- Nasal cavety
- Paranasal sinuses
- Nasopharynx
Paranasal sinus consist of
- Maxillary
- frontal
- sphenoidal
- etmoidal antherior and posterior
Lower airways consists of
- Larynx
- Trachea
- Bronchial tree
- Alveolar tree
Epithelium of the respiratory tract
- Epithelium
- Lamina propria
- Submucousa
- Adventitia
Lamina propria in respiratory tract
- Cartilage
- Smooth muscle
- Elastic fibers
- Collagen fibers
Epithelium of the respiratory tract
Pseudostratified ciliated cells:
- Goblet cells
- Non-ciliated columnar cells with microvilli
- Basal cells (stam cells)
- DNES (neuro)
Stratified squamous non-keratinized
Cartilages of nose
- Septi nasi anth and post (nasal septum)
- Alaris major (2)
- Alares minor (3-4)
- Nasi accessoriae
- Vomeronasalis
AA of nose
Facial -> lat. nasal
Maxillary -> infraorbital
Ophthalmic -> dorsal nasal
VV of nose
Facial vain
Superior opthalmic vain
NN of nose
- Ophthalmic -> Nasacillary -> Ethmoidal anth. -> external nasal
- Ophthalmic -> Nasacillary -> infratrochealis
- Maxillary -> infraorbital
Nasal vestibule:
Bordered by?
- Entry of nose
- Transition area
- Stratified squamous, keratinized (same as skin)
- Limen nasi
Entrance of nose called?
- Apertura piriformis
- Choana
If you remove conchae, witch structures can you see?
- Unicate process
- Ethmoidal bulla
- Agger nasi
Nasal septum are made up from?
- Septal nasal posterior
- Vomer
- Perpendicular plate of etmoidal
- Cutanea
Superior meatus
- Recess sphenioethmoidal
- Post. ethmoidal cells
Middle nasal conchae
- Frontal sinus
- Maxillary sinus
- anth ethmoidal cells
Inferior nasal conchae
(what can we find here and where?)
Antherior part:
Nasolacrimal duct
meatus nasi communis
- Common part without conchae behind septum:
Sphenopalatine foramen
meatus nasopharyngeus
- Common part behind conchae:
Incisive canal
Nasal cavety:
Maxillary-> Spheniopalatine -> Nasal post/lat + septal post.
Opthalmic -> ethmoidal anth/post
Maxillary -> decending palatine -> palatine major -> Branch trough canal incisive
Facial -> labrialis sup.
Nasal cavity:
Conchae Cavernous plexus:
-> pterygopalatine plexus
-> facial
Ethmoidal -> Opthalmic
-> Via emissary vain trough caecum foramen
Nasal cavity:
Sensory smell:
Opthalmic -> Nasocillary -> anth ethmoidal
Maxillary -> infraorbital + nasal post.
Nasal cavity epithelium
Respiratory epithelium:
- pseudostratified ciliated cells
- mucinous gobblet cells
- non-ciliated columnar cells with microvilli (joined by nerve fibres)
- basal cells (for regeneration)
- DNES cells (neuroendocrinne cells)
Olfactory epithelium
Pseudostratified columnar
- No goblet
- without motile cilia
- serous secretion (olfactory glands)
- Supportive
- Basal
- Olfactory (with olfactory nerve in lamina propria)
Paranasal sinuses, from biggest to smallest
Maxillary (15cm^3)
Fronal (8cm^3)
Spehnoidal (6cm^3)
anth. post ethmoidal cells
Paranasal sinuses function
- Air moisturing
- warming and cleaning
- resonance of the voice
Paranasal sinuses AA
- Infraorbitalis
- Alveolaris post/anth/sup (for maxilla)
- Pharyngeal (for sphenoidal)
Auditory tube:
Elevation called?
- Ostium tubae auditivae
- Nasalarynx
- Tonus tubarius
Lymphatic tissue (nasopharyx):
- tonsilla pharyngea
- Sup/post in the cranial part of nasopharynx
Epithelium of nasopharynx?
- Epithelium of respiratory

(pseudostratified ciliated cells
mucinous gobblet cells
non-ciliated columnar cells with microvilli (joined by nerve fibres)
basal cells (for regeneration)
DNES cells (neuroendocrinne cells))
CC of larynx (7)
- Thyroid
- Cricoid
- Epiglottis (elastic)
- arythenoid
- corniculate
- cuneiform (sesamoid)
- triticeal (sesamoid)
arytenoidea apex (structures going from this area)
Insertion: Oblique arythenoid
arytenoidea vocal process (structures going from this area)?
- Vocal ligament
- Vocalis m.
arytenoidea muscular process (structures going from this area)?
- Crico-arythenoid posterior and lateral (insertion)
- Arythenoid transverse + oblique (partly)
fovea triangularis (arythenoid)
(structures going from this area)?
- on the antherio-medial side
- gland bases
fovea oblonga (arythenoid)
(structures going from this area)?
- on the anterio-posterior side
- thyroarythenoid muscle (insertion)
arytenoidea vocal process (structures going from this area)?
- Vocal ligament
- Vocalis m.
arytenoidea muscular process (structures going from this area)?
- Crico-arythenoid posterior and lateral (insertion)
- Arythenoid transverse + oblique (partly)
fovea triangularis (arythenoid)
(structures going from this area)?
- on the antherio-medial side
- gland bases
fovea oblonga (arythenoid)
(structures going from this area)?
- on the anterio-posterior side
- thyroarythenoid muscle (insertion)
Joints of larynx (2)
- cricoarytenoidea
- cricothyroidea
Ligaments of larynx (10)
- cricoarytenoideum
- ceratocricoideum
- thyrohyoideum lat. + medianum
- cricothyroideum medianum
- cricotracheale
- cricopharyngeum
- thyroepiglotticum
- hyoepiglotticum
- vocale
Bursa of larynx (2)
- infrahyoid
- retrohyoidea
Fatpad of larynx (1)
- Pre-epiglottis
Antherior group of muscles of Larynx
+ N
- Cricothyroid
- N. External branch of sup. laryngeal
Lateral muscle group of larynx + N
- Cricoarythenoid lateral
- Vocalis
- thyroarythenoid
N. recurrent laryngeal
Posterior muscle group of larynx + N
- Arythenoid oblique + transverse
- Cricoarythenoid post
N. recurrent laryngeal
Vocalis function
- Tense vocal cords and form edges of rima glottis
- Regulate vocal folds ability to vibrate
Thyroarytenoid function
- Narrow the inter of the rima glottis by rotating vocal process medialy (inwards)
Crico-arythenoid posterior function
- Open rima glottis by rotating vocal process lateraly (outwards)
- Tilting arythenoid C sidewards
Cricoarythenoid lateral function
- Close intermembranous part of rima glottis by rotating arytenoid C inwards
Cricothyroid function
- Tense vocal cord by tilting cricoid C
Transverse arythenoid function
- Close rima glottis by approximating CC
Oblique arythenoid function
- Narrow intercartilagenous part of rima glottis (tilting arythenoid inwards)
Vocal cord:
Rotation (medial/lateral)
Medial: Cricoarythenoid lateral
Lateral: Cricoarythenoid post.
Vocal cord:
Arythenoid transversus + obliquus
Vocal cord:
Shortening and relaxation
Vocal cord:
Aditus laryngis (laryngeal inlet):
pars aryepiglotica (part of oblique arythenoid)
Aditus laryngis (laryngeal inlet):
thyro-epiglottic (part of thyroarythenoid)
Borders of laryngeal inlet
- epiglottis, anteriorly
- the arytenoid cartilages, the corniculate cartilages, and the interarytenoid fold, posteriorly
the aryepiglottic fold, laterally
Borders of laryngeal vestibule
- vestibular fold
- vestibular ligament
- false ligament
- rima vestibule
carotid external -> thyroidal sup. -> laryngeal sup.
subclavian -> thyroidal inf. -> laryngeal inf.
Lymph drainage
Deep cervical nodes
Oropharynx consists of
- glossoepiglotica fold, medial/lateral
- epiglottic depression
Epiglottis histology:
Laryngeal surface epithelium (caudal part)
stratified squamous non-keratinized
Epiglottis histology:
Lingual surface epithelium (crainal part)
pseudostartified ciliated
Laryngeal (vestibule part)?
infraglottic cavity?
Cornus elasticus
Cartilages, type?
All but epiglottis hyaline
Epiglottis elastic