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45 Cards in this Set

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1. The normal value for static compliance is:
A. 200 ml/cm H20 (0.2 l/cm H2O)
B. 100 ml/cm H2O (0.1 l/cm H2O)
C. 50 ml./cm H2O (0.05 l/cm H2O)
D. 20 ml/cm H20 (0.02 l/cm H20
2. During testing a patient’s lung compliance was found to be 0.2 liters/cm H2O. This finding would be consistent with:
A. A trained athlete
B. A patient with severe emphysema
C. An obese patient
D. A newborn with infant respiratory distress syndrome
3. In pulmonary fibrosis, lung compliance is
A. Low
B. High
C. Normal
4. An adult pair of lung contains approximately how much surface area?
A. 110 m2
B. 70 m2
C. 50 m2
D. 25 m2
5. Which disease condition would be most likely in a patient with a lack of surfactant?
A. Bullous emphysema
B. Increased FRC
C. Bronchospasm
D. Retained secretions
E. Atelectasis
6. Which nerve innervates the diaphragm?
A. Vagus
B. Recurrent laryngeal
C. Phrenic
D. Seventh cervical
E. Tenth intercostals
7. How many pairs of ribs connect directly or indirectly (via cartilage) to the sternum?
A. 3
B. 7
C. 10
D. 12
E. 2
8. What volume of bronchial secretions are produced by the mucus glands every day?
A. 10 ml
B. 50 ml
C. 100 ml
D. 200 ml
E. 1 liter
9. Most of the venous blood returning from the perfusion of this organ contributes to the normal anatomic shunt:
A. Larynx
B. Bronchi
C. Esophagus
D. Mediasinum
10. Where does the phrenic nerve arise?
A. From the vagus nerve
B. From cervical nerves C3, C4 and C5
C. From the recurrent laryngeal nerve
D. From the brainstem (medulla and pons)
E. From the cerebral cortex
11. Total cross sectional area is greatest at the level of the:
A. Trachea
B. Cricoid cartilage
C. Segmental bronchi
D. Terminal bronchioles
E. Respiratory bronchioles
12. The accessory muscles of respiration that attach to the first and second ribs are the:
A. Scalenes
B. Sternocleidomastoids
C. Trapezius
D. Pectoralis major
E. Rectus abdominis
13. Collateral ventilation of alveoli is provided by:
I. Segmental bronchi
II. Horizontal and vertical fissures
III. Pores of Kohn
IV. Canals of Lambert
V. Charcot-Leyden sinuses
A. I, II, V
B. II and IV
C. III and V
D. III and IV
E. I, II, III, IV, V
14. What is the vallecula?
A. The space between the base of the tongue and the epiglottis
B. The opening of the Eustachian tube
C. The opening of the sphenoid sinus
D. The vestibule of the pineal body
E. The area just inside the gates of heaven
15. How many time constants are required to move 99% of a large volume of gas into or out of the lungs?
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
E. Five
The time for one time constant is determined by:
A. Adding airway resistance and lung compliance
B. Subtracting airway resistance from lung compliance
C. dividing lung compliance by airway resistance
D. multiply airway resistance times lung compliance
The time constant will be longest in a patient with:
A. Low compliance and low airway resistance
B. High compliance and high airway resistance
C. Low compliance and high airway resistance
D. High compliance and low airway resistance
The purpose of the bronchi circulation is:
A. To transport blood to the alveoli
B. To oxygenate venous blood
C. To supply blood to nourish the tracheobronchial tree
D. To return venous blood to the right atrium
A. Division between upper lobe and lower lobe
B. Space between lung and chest wall
C. Space between lungs containing heart, esophagus, aorta
D. Division between right upper and middle lobes
E. Entry point for bronchi, pulmonary vessels
helium _____________


horizontal fissure (major fissure)_______________

oblique fissure (major fissure)____________

Pleural cavity________________
external intercostals
A. muscles assist with inspiration
B. muscle is used for expiration
A. muscle assists with inspiration
B. muscle is used for expiration
A. muscle assists with inspiration
B. muscle is used for expiration
A. muscle assists with inspiration
B. muscle is used for expiration
A. muscle assists with inspiration
B. muscle is used for expiration
internal intercostal
A. muscle assists with inspiration
B. muscle is used for expiration
During spontaneous inspiration, alveolar pressure is ________atmospheric pressure
A. Greater than
B. Less than
C. Equal to
Pressure at the airway opening minus alveolar pressure is
A. Transairway pressure
B. Transthoracic pressure
C. Transpulmonary pressure
Alveolar pressure minus intrapleural pressure is
A. Transairway pressure
B. Transthoracic pressure
C. Transpulmonary pressure
Alveolar pressure minus pressure at the body surface is
A. Transairway pressure
B. Transthoracic pressure
C. Transpulmonary pressure
What is the amount of air in the lung called when the airway is open, the chest muscles are completely relaxed, and the inward elastic recoil of the lung is balanced by the outward chest wall expansion?
A. Total lung capacity
B. Tidal volume
C. Functional residual capacity
D. Residual volume
How is intrapleural pressure measured?
A. With a Swan-Ganz catheter
B. With a negative inspiratory force meter
C. With a suction catheter
D. With an esophageal balloon
The subatmospheric pressure in the intra-pleural space is the result of:
I. The chest wall attempting to expand
II. The chest wall attempting to recoil
III. The lung attempting to expand
IV. The lung attempting to recoil
A. 1 only
B. 3 only
C. 4 only
D. 1 and 4
E. 1 and 3
In the upright lung, the alveoli at the apices are__________the alveoli at the bases
A. Large than
B. Smaller than
C. The same size as
In the wall of the airway, the lamina propria lies below the epithelial basement membrane and above the cartilage. Which of the following are found in the lamina?
I. Two sets of smooth muscle fibers
II. Parasympathetic nerves (branches of the vagus nerve)
III. Mucus glands
IV. Small blood vessels
A. I and IV
B. II and III
C. II only
What is the lowest division of the airway where cartilage provides support?
A. The terminal bronchioles
B. The lobar bronchi
C. The mainstem bronchi
D. The subsegmental bronchi
E. The segmental bronchi
Identify the incorrect statement about static lung compliace:
A. The compliance formula is P (mm Hg)/V (mL)
B. Compliance is a measure of how readily the lung accept a volume of air obtained by measuring volume change per unit pressure change
C. Static compliance is a measurement taken when air flow has ceased
D. The compliance formula is volume (liters)/pressure (cm H2O)
When applied to an alveolar-like sphere, La Place’s law is:
A. Raw = pressure decrease in a tube/flow through the tube
B. P = 2 ST/r
C. P = V 8 l n/(3.14)r4
Select the statement which accurately describes Poiseuille’s Law
A. Raw = pressure decrease in a tube/flow through the tube
B. P = 2 ST/r
C. P = V 8 l n/ (3.14)r4
Calculate the airway resistance of the pressure drop down a tube is 10 cm H2O and the flow through the tube is 60 lpm
A. 0.17 cm H2O/liter per sec
B. 10 cm H2O/liter per sec
C. 6 liters per cm H2O
D. 600 liters per psig
What is the normal range of airway resistance?
A. 100 ml/cm H2O
B. 1 liter/cm H2O
C. 20 cm H2o/liter per sec
D. 0.1 cm H2O/liter per sec
E. 1-2 cm H2O/liter per sec
The pulmonary surfactant layer is most concentrated at the beginning of inspiration and most diluted at the beginning of expiration
A. True
B. False
the surface tension in the alveoli is greatest when the lungs are fully inflated
A. True
B. False
alveolar surface tension is least at the beginning of inspiration
A. True
B. False
pulmonary surfactant improves compliance by keeping alveoli open
A. True
B. False
Pulmonary surfactant reduces the work of breathing
A. True
B. False