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196 Cards in this Set

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What is this term?

normal respiratory rate (12-14 breaths/min) at rest.
What is this term?

increased respiratory rate greater than 20 breaths/min.
What is this term?

increased ventilation that meets metabolic needs.
What is this term?

increased ventilation that exceeds metabolic needs.
What is this term?

decreased respiratory rate less than 10 breaths/min.
What is this term?

disorder that involves only slow ventilation
What is this term?

decreased ventilation that is below metabolic needs
- shallow and/or slow breathing
- can have both tachypnea and hypoventilation
What is this term?

labored, difficult breathing
- ex: lung disease
What is this term?

cessation of breathing
- ex: sleep apnea
Thorax is elastic which cause chest to expand and oppose the recoil of lungs. What structure(s) contribute to this elasticity?
Costal cartilages
List the inspiratory muscles under normal breathing.
- diaphram
- external intercostals
List the inspiratory muscles during forced inspiration.
- pectoris minor
- scalenes
List the expiratory muscles during forced expiration.
- internal intercostals
- obliques
- rectus abdominus
How much does diaphram flatten when its contracted?
only 1cm.
Lungs are elastic. The elastins and collagens in the interstitium causes lungs to ___ when expanded.
Why is the pressure in the pleura always negative under normal condition?
due to recoil of the lungs and expansion of the thorax.

allow lungs to remain inflated
Which part of airway is this?

- greatest resistance
- warms and humidifies inhaled air
- filters and protects the respiratory tract from pollutants and pathogens: bronchospasm, mucociliary escalator
conducting zones
- zone 1-17: 1-7 have the greatest resistance
- consist of trachea, bronchi, terminal bronchioles
What are some reactions of the airway(conducting zone) when polluted air is inhaled?
- nose hairs and mucus trap larger particles
- bronchospasm (reflex)
- mucociliary escalator: mucus produced by goblet cells trap fine particles, ciliated cells propel particles trapped in the mucus to pharynx.
How does cold air affect the mucociliary escalator?
cold air paralyzed ciliated cells
How does smoking affect mucociliary escalator?
smoke damages ciliated cells
Which part of the airway is this?

- site of gas exchange
- zone 17-23
respiratory zone
- all zones contain alveoli
- consists of respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, and alveolar sacs.
Which lung volume is this? what is the typical value?

- volume of air inspired or expired during normal, quiet breathing
Vt: tidal volume, 500ml
Which lung volume is this? what is the typical value?

- maximum amount of air that can be inspired at the end of a normal inspiration.
IRV: inspiratory reserve volume
- 3000-3300ml
Which lung volume is this? what is the typical value?

- maximum amount of air that can be exspired at the end of a normal exspiration.
ERV: exspiratory reserve volume
- 1000-1200ml
Which lung volume is this? what is the typical value?

- volume of air remaining in the lungs after a forced expiration.
RV: residual volume
- 1200ml
- can not be measured with a spirometer
Which lung capacity is this? what is the typical value?

- volume of air in the lungs after a maximal inspiration.
TLC = Vt + IRV + ERV + RV
- 5700-6200 ml
Which lung capacity is this? what is the typical value?

- volume of air forcefully expired from lungs after a maximal inspiration.
VC = Vt + IRV + ERV
- 4500-5000ml
Which lung capacity is this? what is the typical value?

- volume of air remaining in the lungs after a normal expiration.
- 2200-2400ml
Which lung capacity is this? what is the typical value?

- volume of air that can be inspired after a normal expiration.
IC = Vt + IRV\
- 3500-3800ml
What are the nornal values for the following?

- FEV1/FVC: 70-80%
- FEV3/FVC: 95%
Explain the slope between FEF25 tro FEF75 in the respiratory flow-volume loop.
Effort independent region
- limiting factor: dynamic compression of the airway, limit the excessary expiratoy muscles.
How to calculate FRC using helium dilution method?
- known C1, V1
- C2 measured after a normal Vt is expired.

C1 x V1 = C2 x (FRC + V1)
Why is helium dilution not good for someone who has emphysema?
It would underestimate FRC since air could not reach damaged lung area.
- artificially elevated C2 results in decreased FRC
Which FRC measurement is more accuate for someone who has emphysema?
body plethysmography
- known P1, V1
- P2 measured after closing mouthpiece
- P1 x V1 = P2 x (V1 - v)

in the alveoli
- P3 before and P4 after closing mouthpiece
- P3 x FRC = P4 x (v + FRC)
How to obtain FRV using body plethysmography?
In the plethysmograph:
- known P1, V1
- P2 measured after closing mouthpiece
- P1 x V1 = P2 x (V1 - v)

In the alveoli
- P3 before and P4 after closing mouthpiece
- P3 x FRC = P4 x (v + FRC)
What is the normal compliance value for the lung?
0.13 L/cmH2O
What is the relationship between compliance and elasticity?
inversely related
- the greater the elasticity, the lower the compliance
- the greater the compliance, the easier it is for a change in pressure to change volume
What is the underlying cause of hysteresis?
gas-liquid interface surface tension
Explain the hysteresis of lung compliance loop.
- upon inspiration: slope is flatter(low comliance) because of surface tension (deflated alveoli more stiff)
- slope gets steeper
- toward the end of inflation, slope flattens due to stiff alveoli (maximally inflated)

- upon expiration: flatter slope
- slope is steeper and fairly uniform during deflation.
Relation between lung recoil and chest expanding force at FRC.
- no movement
Relation between lung recoil and chest expanding force above FRC.
recoil force greater than chest expanding force.
Relation between lung recoil and chest expanding force below FRC.
below FRC (forced expiration)
- recoil force < chest expanding force
What does surfactanct do? which value does it change in the LaPlace Law?
surfactant lower surface tension (T value in LaPlace law)

P = 2T/r
- P: collapsing pressure
- T: tension
- r: alveolar radius
What happens to air flow in alveoli if there is no surfactant?
- high surface tension -> high collapsing pressure -> atelectasis (collapsed alveoli)
- pressure gradient between large and small alveoli: small alveoli collapsing into large alveoli
- air flow to large alveli

P = 2T / r
List some factors that increases airway resistance.
- bronchial constriction: smaller r
- low lung volume: small r
- viscosity of inspired air
T/F: P(pleural) is always lower than P(alveolar) under normal condition.
Even during forced expiration, P(pleural) becomes positive, P(alveolar) is even higher. So alveolar is always kept inflated under normal condition.
Decribe the progression of P(pleural) starting from end of expiration.
- end of expiration: -5 cmH2O
- inspiration: -8 cmH2O
- end of inspiration: -8 cmH2O
- expiration: -5 cmH2O

- forced expiration: +15 cmH2O
Decribe the progression of P(alveolar) starting from end of expiration.
- end of expiration: 0 cmH2O
- inspiration: -1 cmH2O
- end of inspiration: 0 cmH2O
- expiration: +1 cmH2O

- forced expiration: +35 cmH2O
Decribe the progression of P(transpulmonary) starting from end of expiration.
P(alveolar) - P(pleural)
- end of expiration: +5 cmH2O
- inspiration: +7 cmH2O
- end of inspiration: +8 cmH2O
- expiration: +4 cmH2O
Give some causes of pneumothorax.
increased P(pleural) -> collapse alveoli

- spontaneous: lung disease eg emphysema (ruptured bleb on visceral pleura)
- trauma: penetrating (bullet) and nonpenetrating (fractured rib)
Which is more of an emergnecy, simple or tension pneumothorax?
tension pneumothorax
- trapped air in pleura
- push vital organs eg. heart (decreased CO)
What is P(H2O) in the airway?
always 47mmHg in the body unless temperature drastically changes
What is the partial pressure of nitrogen and oxygen in atmonspheric air?
P(nitrogen) = 79%
P(O2) = 21%
What is Henry's law?
dissolved gas = P gas x solubility coeficient
What is dalton's law?
partial pressure of one gas = mole fraction of gas x total gas pressure
What is anatomical dead space?
- conducting zone volume
- average about 150ml
What is alveolar dead space?
- alveoli that do not participate in gas exchange (due to lack of blood supply or damage to alveoli
- normal value is zero for healthy individuals
What is physiological dead space?
- combination of anatomical and alveolar dead space
- should equal to anatomical dead space in healthy individuals
How to estimate dead space Vd?
Vd = Vtx(Pa(CO2) - Pe(CO2))/Pa(CO2)
According to Fick's law:

volume of gas transferred per unit of time is directly proportional to which 3 factors?
- diffusion coefficient
- pressure gradient
- surface area
According to Fick's law:

volume of gas transferred per unit of time is inversely proportional to which factor?
- distance the gas must diffuse
How does emphysema affect the gas transfer according to Fick's law?
decrease gas exchange by decreasing surface area (destruction of alveoli)
How does pulmonary edema affect the gas transfer according to Fick's law?
decrease gas exchange by 1) increasing the distance for gas diffusion, 2) decreasing the diffusion coefficient
What are the partial pressures of O2 and CO2 in the alveoli under normal condition?
P(O2) = 104 mmHg
P(CO2) = 40 mmHg
What are the partial pressures of O2 and CO2 in the conducting zone under normal condition?
P(O2) = 150 mmHg
P(CO2) = 30 mmHg
What are the partial pressures of O2 and CO2 in the arterial end of pulmonary vasculature under normal condition?
P(O2) = 40 mmHg
P(CO2) = 45 mmHg
What are the partial pressures of O2 and CO2 in the venous end of pulmonary vasculature under normal condition?
P(O2) = 104 mmHg
P(CO2) = 45 mmHg
What are the partial pressures of O2 and CO2 in the arterial end of systemic vasculature under normal condition?
P(O2) = 95 mmHg
P(CO2) = 40 mmHg
What are the partial pressures of O2 and CO2 in the venous end of systemic vasculature under normal condition?
P(O2) = 40 mmHg
P(CO2) = 45 mmHg
Why is P(O2) different between alveolar and arterial end of systemic vasculature?
Physiologic shunt
- 2% of cardiac ouput bypass alveoli (bronchial veins drain directly into pulmonary vein, thebesian veins from coronary circulation drain directly inro LA)
How to calculate minute and alveolar ventilation?
minute ventilation: volume of air moved into or out of the lungs per minute.
Ve = Vt x respiratory rate

alveolar rate: amount of air available for gas exchange per minute.
Va = (Vt -Vd) x respiratory rate
Is it better to increase Vt or respiratory rate in order to increase alveolar ventilation?
increase Vt: limits the loss of inspired air to Vd.
All else equal, what happens to Palveolar(CO2) when you increase alveolar ventilation?

Valveolar = KxV(CO2)/Palveolar(CO2)
All else equal, what happens to Valveolar when you increase V(CO2), CO2 production in the tissue?

Valveolar = KxV(CO2)/Palveolar(CO2)
How do you predict P(O2)alveolar based on P(CO2)alveolar?
alveolar gas equation
P(O2) alveolar = P(O2)inspired - P(CO2)alveolar/R
What is the major local factor that regulates pulmonary blood flow?
- blood flow reduces in the area of low P(O2)alveolar: pulmonary vasoconstriction
What effect do the following have on pulmonary flow?

- NO
- Thromboxane A2
- prostacyclin
- NO: pulmonary vasodilation to increase blood flow
- Thromboxane A2: pulmonary vasoconstriction to decrease blood flow
- prostacyclin: pulmonary vasodilation to increase blood flow
What happens to pulmonary blood flow at high altitudes?
lower P(O2)alveolar -> global vasoconstriction of pulmonary arterioles -> increase pulmonary vascular resistance
Average V/Q thorughout the lung is around 0.8. But regional variations exist. What are some regional difference in V/Q ratio?
- V/Q highest in the apex: minimal gravity effect on blood flow -> lowest perfusion rate
What determines blood flow in zone 1?
pressure gradient between P(O2)arterial and P(O2)alveolar: P(O2)arterial only slightly higher than P(O2)alveolar
What determines blood flow in zone ]2?
pressure gradient between P(O2)alveolar and P(O2)arterial.
What determines blood flow in zone 3?
pressure gradient between P(O2)arterial and P(O2)venous.
What V/Q defect is this?

- P(O2)alveolar = 0
- P(CO2)alveolar = 0
- P(O2)arterial = P(O2)venous
- P(CO2)arterial = P(CO2)venous
airway obstruction (shunt)
What V/Q defect is this?

- P(O2)alveolar = 150 mmHg
- P(CO2)alveolar = 0
- P(O2)arterial = 0
- P(CO2)arterial = 0
pulmonary embolus (dead space)
- no ventilation (gas exchange)
What V/Q defect is this?

- high pulmonary P(O2)
- low pulmonary P(CO2)
mild asthma / anxiety
- high V/Q
- usually due to slow blood flow -> allow more equalibration time.
What V/Q defect is this?

- low pulmonary P(O2)
- high pulmonary P(CO2)
decreased ventilation: low V/Q
What type of gas exchange is this?

Diffusion continues as long as partial pressure gradient is maintained.
Diffusion-limited gas exchange
- CO: CO grabbed by hemoglobin right away, partial pressure gradient maintained.
- O2 transport during strnous exercise, emphysema, and fibrosis.
Give some examples of diffusion limited gas exchange.
- CO: CO grabbed by hemoglobin right away, partial pressure gradient maintained.
- O2 transport during strenous exercise, emphysema, and fibrosis.
What type of gas exchange is this?

- gas partial pressure gradient is not maintained
- gas transport is increased by increasing blood flow.
perfusion-limited gas exhange
- NO2: no partial pressure gradient
- O2:
How to determine O2 diffusion capacity?
Use CO method

DL(CO) = Volume of CO diffused/P(CO)alveolar

DL(O2) = 1.23 x DL(CO)
What does pulse oximeter measure?
the percent of fully saturated Hb in the blood.
How much O2/min does body normally need?
250ml of O2/min
How to calculate O2 capacity?
1.36mlO2/gramHb x 15gramHb/100ml blood = 20 vol%
How to calculate O2 content?
O2 content = O2 capacity x SaO2
How to calculate O2 extraction?
(O2 content in artery - O2 content in vein) / O2 content in artery
How to calculate O2 delivery?
O2 delivery = O2 content x cardiac output
List the factors that shift the O2 saturation curve to the right.
- high CO2 level
- decreased pH
- increase in temperature
- increase BPG
- hemoglobin S
List the factors that shift theO2 saturation curve to the left.
- low CO2
- high pH
- decreased temperature
- decreased BPG
- hemoglobin F
- methemoglobin
How does increase in temperature affect O2 binding curve?
shift to the right
- increase T -> increase in metabolism -> high O2 demand
Under what conditions will BPG be high in your body?
- anemia
- emphysema
- high altitude

also at the body tissue
shift the O2 binding curve to the right
Effect of HbF on O2 binding curve (2)
- shift to the left
- CO2 out of fetal circulation cause further left shift

* CO2 to maternal circulation would shift maternal O2 binding curve to the right.
What is the effect of BPG on HbF?
not much
How does methemoglobin affect O2 binding curve?
Shift to the left
- Fe3+ that do not bind to O2
- rest Fe2+ hold tighter onto O2

caused by
- nitrates, sulfonamides, arsenic, benzene, defieciency of methemoglobin reductase
What can cause high level of methemoglobin in yout body?
- nitrates
- sulfonamides
- arsenic
- benzene
- defieciency of methemoglobin reductase
What is the effect of CO on O2 binding curve? (2)
- displaces O2 from Hb
- increase affinity of O2 to the rest of Hb -> left shift

* P(O2) stays the same
* pulse O2 is the same
* O2 capacity decreases
Explain the Haldane effect.
In the lungs, as more O2 are bound to Hb, more CO2 will be released from Hb. Only 5% carbaminohemoglobin in the arterial blood in the lungs.
How is CO2 transported in the blood?
- ~10-30% transported as carbaminohemoglobin
- ~70-90% transported as HCO3-.
How is CO2 transported at the body tissues?
- CO2 diffuse into RBC
- CO2+H2O -> HCO3- + H+ (carbonic anhydrase)
- HCO3- diffuse out to plasma in exchange for Cl- into the RBC.
- Cl shift into the RBC
How is CO2 transported at the lungs?
- CO2 diffuse out of RBC to alveoli
- HCO3- diffuse into RBC in exchange for Cl- out into plasma
- Cl shift
What is this disease?

- FEV1 reduced
- FEV1/FVC reduced
- increased TLC, FRC, RV
- greatest difficulty getting air out of lungs (barrel chest)
What does the flow-volume loop look like for someone with COPD?
- loop shift to the left
- increased RV, TLC, FRC
- concave shaped expiration curve
List some COPDs.
- emphysema
- chronic bronchitis
Pathogenesis of emphysema.
- loose elastic fiber (proteases, elastase released by neutrophils and macrophages) -> increased compliance
- alveoli loose elastic recoil
- overinflation of alveoli -> larger inefficient alveoli, collapsed alveoli
- impair gas exchange: lower P(O2)arterial, higher P(CO2)arterial
- later stage: damage pulmonary capillary bed -> impairs gas exchange
Which is the most common type of emphysema, centriacinar/centrilobular or panacinar/panlobular?
- mainly affect respiratory bronchioles of acinus
Which part of lung is damaged?

- centriacinar/centrilobular
respiratory bronchioles of acinus
Which part of lung is damaged?

- panacinar/panlobular
entire acinus of lung
Causes of emphysema.
1) smoking
- increases release of proteases by neutrophils and macrophages
- paralyzes mucociliary escalator -> pathogens remain in the lungs -> more neutrophils and macrophages
- centriacinar most common
2) AAT deficiency
- AAT normaly inhibits proteases from breaking down elastic fibers
- panacinar most common
Explain the underlying cause of increased FRC in emphysema.
- decreased elastic fiber -> increased compliance -> less recoil at normal FRC -> lungs need larger volume to balance opposing force of chest wall expansion
Why do persons with emphysema expire through pursed lips?
increased compliance -> Palveolar and airway pressure less positive -> Ptp may become negative in large airways -> airway collapse

purse lips to raise airway pressure, prevents airway collapse.
What is this COPD?

- increased daily mucus production for at least 3 months in 2 or more consecutive years
chronic bronchitis
Pathogenesis of chronic bronchitis.
- hyperplasia and hypertrophy of goblet cells of the submucosa and thickening of mucosa
- airway obstruction, cough and sputum production
- no damage to pulmonary capillary bed (fine perfusion)
- narrowed airway -> hypoventilation of alveoli (hypoxemia, hypercapnia)
Causes of chronic bronchitis.
- release of inflammatory mediators
- paralyzes mucociliary escalator -> excess mucus
What is this disease?

- recurrent episodes of airway obstruction
- completely or partialy reversible with/without treatment
- airway inflammation
- bronchoconstriction
- airway hypersensitiveness
three basic characteristics
- airway inflammation
- bronchoconstriction
- airway hypersensitiveness
What is the acute response of asthma?
- inflammation via mast cells
- edema
- relieved with beta-2 agonist
What is the late phase response of asthma?
- last days to weeks
- more inflammatory mediators
- chronic inflammation leads to airway remodeling
Asthma: mild, moderate, or severe?

- normal FEV1/FVC
- normal - slightly elevated Pa(O2)
- normal - slightly decreased Pa(CO2)
Asthma: mild, moderate, or severe?

- 60-80 FEV1/FVC
- normal - slightly decreased Pa(O2)
- normal - slightly increased Pa(CO2)
Asthma: mild, moderate, or severe?

- FEV1/FVC < 60%
- decreased Pa(O2)
- increased Pa(CO2)
How does asthma cause hypoxemia and respiratory alkalosis?
- low P(CO2) -> left shift of O2 saturation -> less O2 release to tissue -> hypoxemia
- low P(CO2) -> less HCO3- -> alkalosis
Methods used to diagnose asthma.
- spirometry
- inhalation challenge using cholinergic agonist (methacholine)
Rescue drugs for asthma.
- inhaled albuterol (beta2 agonist)
- inhaled Ipatropium (anti-cholinergic): used more in COPD
- short course of corticosteroids
Long term control drugs for asthma.
- inhaled corticosteroids: Budesonide (preferred because of minimal disruption of HPA axis
- anti-inflammatory drugs: inhaled cromolyn, anti-leukotrienes (singulair)
- inhaled long-acting beta2 agonist: salmeterol
What is this disease?

- limitation of air getting into lungs
- decreased FEV1
- increased FEV1/FVC
- decreased Pa(O2)
- increased Pa(CO2)
- right shift of flow-volume loop
restrictive pulmonary disease
What are the two causes of restrictive pulmonary disease?
1. parenchymal: damage to bronchioles, alveoli, pulmonary capillaries
2. extraparenchymal: problem with chest wall that restrict expansion of lungs
Pathogenesis of parenchymal cause of restrictive pulmonary disease.
damage to bronchioles, alveoli, pulmonary capillaries
- inflammation -> fibrosis, damaged parenchyma -> thickened alveolar or capillary walls -> impaired diffusion -> decreased Pa(O2) and increased Pa(CO2)
Pathogenesis of extraparenchymal cause of restrictive pulmonary disease.
problem with chest wall that restrict expansion of lungs
- decreased volume of air for gas exchange -> decreases Pa(O2), increases Pa(CO2)
What is this disease?

flow-volume loop
- decreased RV
- decreased TLC, FVC
- no change in slope
restrictive lung disease
What does flow-volume loop look like for restrictive lung disease?
flow-volume loop
- decreased RV
- decreased TLC, FVC
- no change in slope
List some restrictive pulmonary diseases.
- interstitial lung disease
- diseases affecting respiratory muscles
- infant respiratory distress syndrome
- acute respiratory distress syndrome
Which restrictive pulmonary disease is this?

- parechymal scarring and fibrosis
- decrease in compliance (stiff lungs): lower FRC (sollapsing force greater than expansion force)
- hypoxemia and hypercapnea
- O2 becomes diffusion limited gas exchange
interstitial pulmonary disease
- occupational exposure: asbestos, pollutants
- infections: pneumonia, histoplasmosis
- radiation therapy
What are some causes of interstitial pulmonary diseases?
- occupational exposure: asbestos, pollutants
- infections: pneumonia, histoplasmosis
- radiation therapy
Why does O2 exchange become diffusion limited in people with interstitial lung disease?
Fibrosis leads to thicker alveolar wall which makes gas diffusion difficult. Thus O2 which usually equilibrates in the lung capillary no longer happens, there is a need to increase diffusion to get further addition of O2.
Which restrictive pulmonary disease is this?

- extraparenchymal damage
- decreased air flow and ventilation
- hypoxemia and hypercapnea
diseases affecting muscles of respiration
- ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease): degeneration of lower motor neurons
- Guillian Barre: acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy(ascending)
- myasthenia gravis
- muscular dystrophy
What are some causes of diseases affecting muscles of respiration?
- ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease): degeneration of lower motor neurons
- Guillian Barre: acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy(ascending)
- myasthenia gravis
- muscular dystrophy
Pathogenesis of diseases affecting muscles of respiration.
decreased change in lung volume -> decrease pressure gradient -> decreased air flow -> decreased ventilation -> low Pa(O2), high Pa(CO2)

(P=nRT/V, air flow = pressure gradient/R)
What is this restrictive pulmonary disease?

- parenchymal damage
- immature respiratory system fails to produce surfactant
- usually in premature infants born <30 wks gestation
IRDS (infant respiratory distress syndrome)
- no surfactant -> high surface tension -> high collapsing pressure in small alveoli -> atelectasia of smaller alveoli -> pressure gradient from smaller to larger alveoli -> decrease in ventilation
Pathophysiology of IRDS.
- no surfactant -> high surface tension -> high collapsing pressure in small alveoli -> atelectasia of smaller alveoli -> pressure gradient from smaller to larger alveoli -> decrease in ventilation
How to treat IRDS?
- surfactant therapy with artificial and animal derived surfactant.
- child put on continuous positive airway pressure
What is this restrictive pulmonary disease?

- diffuse alveolar and capillary damage caused leakiness
- stiff lung (pulmonary edema)
ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome)
Pathophysiology of ARDS.
- diffuse alveolar and capillary damage -> pulmonary edema (leakiness) -> impaired gas diffusion -> decreased ventilation
How to treat ARDS?
Difficult to treat
- give high levels of O2
- but prolonged O2 would also cause ARDS (free oxygen radicals and defective enzymes)
- 50% mortality rate
Diffusion or perfusion limited gas exchange?

- O2 exchange at high altitude
perfusion limited
- although it takes longer for O2 to equilibrate due to decreased pressure gradient across alveoli, it still achieves equilibration at the venous end of the pulmonary capillary.
Diffusion or perfusion limited gas exchange?

- O2 exchange in people with restrictive pulmonary disease.
diffusion limited
Diffusion or perfusion limited gas exchange?

- N2O exchange
perfusion limited
Diffusion or perfusion limited gas exchange?

- CO exchange at high altitude
diffusion limited
What are some adaptations to high altitude/hypoxemia?
- hyperventilation: occurs when Pa(O2) is less than 60mmHg
- polycythemia: kidney release EPO to increase RBC production to increase O2 capacity. But it increases viscosity (increase BP and blood clots)
- increase in BPG: cause right shift of O2 binding curve (good at tissue, not so at lungs)
- pulmonary vasoconstriction: respond to low PA(O2) leads to increased pulmonary vascular resistance. thus cause increased pulmonary pressure to maintain blood flow, but will lead to RVH.
What are some manifestations of altitude sickness?
- acute mountain sickness: occurs at altitude beyond 8000 feet. Headache, fatique, dizziness, nausea, palpitations, insomnia, peripheral edema.
- pulmonary edema: occurs at altitude above 10000 feet. vasoconstriction favors filtration of plasma from blood vessels. Dyspnea, marked fatigue, confusion, potentially fatal.
- cerebral edema: occurs at altitude above 10000 feet. Cerebral vasodilation increases intracranial pressure. Severe headache, loss of coordination, hallucinations, memory loss. Can lead to coma or death.
Do age, gender and physical fitness have influences on whether a person develops acute mountain sickness?
only varies with rapidity of ascend and time spent at a given altitude.
These are symptoms of someone who has been to a high altitude area (above 8000 feet). What is the name of the manifestation?

- headache
- fatigue
- dizziness
- palpitations
- insomnia
- peripheral edema
Acute mountain sickness
- symptoms of hypoxemia and alkalosis
- starts from a few hrs to 24 hrs after arrival to elevated altitude
- should acclimate in 1 to 3 days
These are symptoms of someone who has been to a high altitude area (above 10000 feet). What is the name of the manifestation?

- dyspnea
- marked fatigue
- confusion
HAPE (high altitude pulmonary edema)
- pulmonary vasoconstriction increase pressure -> favors filtration of plasma from blood vessels -> accumulation of fluid in lungs -> poor gas exchange
- symptoms manifest 12-96 hours
- predisposing factors (level of altitude, rapidity of ascend, individual predisposition)
- potentially fatal
These are symptoms of someone who has been to a high altitude area (above 10000 feet). What is the name of the manifestation?

- severe headache
- loss of coordination
- hallucinations
- memory loss
HACE (high altitude cerebral edema)
- manifest within 12-96 hours
- cerebral vasodilation -> increase fluid level -> increase hydrostatic pressure -> favor filtration -> increase fluid in the brain -> increase intracranial pressure
- predisposing factors (level of altitude, rapidity of ascend, individual predisposition)
- can lead to coma and death
How to treat acute mountain sickness (AMS)?
mild case:
- stop ascend and descend
- acetazolamide

moderate case
- immediate descend
- supplement O2
- increased dose of acetazolamide
How to prevent AMS (acute mountain sickness)?
- acetazolamide: increase HCO3- excretion by kidneys, counteract alkalosis. diuretic counteract edema.
How to treat HAPE (high altitude pulmonary edema)?
- supplemental O2
- hyperbaria (Gamow bag)
- immediate descent
- nifedipine: decrease increased pressure of pulmonary vasculature
How to prevent HAPE(high altitude pulmonary edema)?
slow ascend of 1000 feet per day
How to treat HACE (high altitude cerebral edema)?
- supplemental O2
- hyperbaria (Gamow bag)
- immediate descent
- dexamethasone: powerful glucocorticoids to decrease inflammation
How to prevent HACE(high altitude cerebral edema)?
slow ascend of 1000 feet per day
What is the absolute pressure 33 feet under seawater?
2 atm
What is the absolute pressure in a hyperbaric chamber of 100% O2?
2 atm
Benefits of HBO (hyperbaric oxygen) therapy?
- increase O2 concentration in all body tissue
- stimulate angiogenesis to locations with reduced circulation
- stimulate increase in superoxide dismutase
- aid in the treatment of infection by enhancing neutrophil action
Indications for HBO (hyperbaric oxygen) therapy?
- CO poisoning
- cyanide poisoning
- burns
- necrotizing soft tissue infections (eg MRCA)
- chronic wounds
What are some problems with hyperbaria?
- inert gas narcosis
- decompression sickness
- pulmonary overinflation syndrome
Why do deep sea divers use helium instead of nitrogen gas in their gas tank?
Inert gas narcosis
- at high pressure, N2 dissolvable in lipids (membranes of neurons and glia)
- feeling of euphoria
- loss of coordination and possibly coma
What do you get when you ascend rapidly after a dive?
1) decompression sickness (the bends/ gas embolism)
- N2 bubbles out of blood, lodged in small vessels and joints
- activates powerful inflammatory response: platelet aggregation -> thrombus -> stroke, heart attack, pulmonary embolism

2) pulmonary overinflation syndrome
- pressure decrease -> volume increase -> inflate alveoli (P=nRT/V)
How to prevent decompression sickness?
- slow ascend: < 30 feet per min
- don't race the bubbles
How to treat decompression sickness?
- recompression therapy using hyperbaric chamber
- followed by slow depressurization
How to prevent pulmonary overinflation syndrome?
- divers should exhale during ascend
- control ascend rate
How to treat pulmonary overinflation syndrome?
recompression therapy
What happens when people are exposed to PO2 greater than 760mmHg?
- convulsions
- tonic-clonic/ grand mal seizures

- most active during inspiration
- primarily drive the diaphram

- most active during inspiration and expiration
- primarily drive the intercostals
- contains pacemaker neurons (pre-Botzinger complex)
When does cerebrum loose voluntary control of breathing?
CO2 build up causes override of cerebrum
What is the role of hypothalamus on breathing?
emotional aspect
- increase respiratory rate during stress, excitement and pain.
What makes your respiratory rate increase during stress, excitement and pain?
Which breathing control center is this?

- not vital
- regulate duration of inspiration
- cause short, fast, shallow inspiration
pontine respiratory group/pneumotaxic center
Which breathing control center is this?

- not vital
- regulate duration of inspiration
- cause long, slow, deep inspiration
apneustic center (pontine)
Where are the central chemoreceptors located?
medulla and pons
Where are the peripheral chemoreceptors located?
carotid arteries (glomus cells)
Which regulator (center) plays the biggest role in the regulation of breathing?
central chemoreceptor
- monitor levels of CO2/pH of arterial blood
- increased CO2 /decreased pH is the main stimulus of breathing
What is the role of central chemoreceptor on the regulation of breathing?
- monitor levels of CO2/pH of arterial blood
- increased CO2 /decreased pH is the main stimulus of breathing
What is the role of central chemoreceptor on the regulation of breathing?
- regulate levels of O2 in the arterial blood
- O2 stimulates breathing in extreme instances (PaO2 < 60mmHg)
What is Ondine syndrome?
central chemoreceptor not respond to CO2 -> hypoventilate
What is the cause of central apnea?
central chemoreceptor not respond to CO2 -> hypoventilate
Name two diseases that are associated with unresponsive central chemoreceptors.
- Ondine syndrome
- central apnea
Which regulator of breathing send inhibitory impulses to brainstem via vagus nerve when lungs are inflated?
pulmonary stretch receptors -> inflation reflex/Hering-Breuer reflex
How does proprioceptors and exteroreceptors regulate breathing?
stimulate breathing when stimulated (during exercise or pain)

located throughout limbs and body