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70 Cards in this Set

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what are fat emobli assoc w/?
long bone fractures, liposuction
presentation of pulmonary embolus
chest pain, tachypnea, dyspnea
what imaging is best for pulmonary embolus
CT angio
Virchows triad
hypercoag, endothelial damage, stasis
Homan's sign
dorsiflexion of foot --> tender calf; sign of DVT
PFTs of obstructive lung disease
FEV1/FVC decreased, increased RV
pathology of obstructive lung diseases
obstruction of airflow resulting in air trapping; aiways close prematurely at high lung volumes
chronic bronchitis patho
hypertrophy of mucous secreting glands in bronchioles
reid index
gland depth / total thickness of bronchiole wall; in COPD > 50%
emphysema patho
destruction of alveolar walls --> enlarged air spaces + decreased recoil; increased compliance
centriacinar emphysema
smoking; upper lobes
panacinar emphysema
antitrypsin deficiency; lower lobes
paraseptal emphysema
bullae; spontaneous pneumothroax
curschmann's spirals
shed epithelium from mucous plugs
bronchiectasis patho
chronic necrotizing infection of bronchi --> permanently ilated airways, purulent sputum, recurrent infections
Kartagener's syndrome
bronchiectasis, situs inversus, infertility
PFTs of restrictive lung disease
decreased lung volumes
sarcoidosis lung findings
bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy, non caseating granuloma
Calplan's syndrome
pneumoconiosis (coal) + RA
coal miner's pneumoconiosis affects what lobes
silicosis patho
macrophages respond to silica + release fibrogenic factors
lung changes in silicosis
eggshell calcification of hilar lymph nodes
what lobes does silicosis affect
what does asbestosis look like microscopicaly
gold brown fusiform rods resembling dumbbells, inside macrophages; prussian blue
lung changes in abestosis
ivory white calcified pleural plaques
asbestosis assoc w/ increased risk of
bronchogenic carcinoma + mesothelioma
asbestosis affects what lobes
what week gestation is surfactant most abundantly made
after 35th week
what does neonatal RDS put the infant at risk for?
persistently low O2 tension --> risk of PDA
risk factors for neonatal RDS
prematurity, maternal diabetes, cesarean delivery
patho of ARDS
diffuse alveolar damage --> capillary leaks protein --> intra-alveolar hyaline membrane
damage of ARDS d/t
neutrophilic substances toxic, activate coag cascade, free radicals
sleep apnea
person stops breathing for at least 10 seconds repeatedly during sleep
tracheal deviation toward side of lesion
bronchial obstruction
tracheal deviation away from side of lesion
tension pneumo
absent breath sounds over affected area
bronchial obstruction
bronchial breath sounds over lesion
tension pneumo
mets TO lung
breast, colon, prostate, bladder
mets FROM lung
brain, bone, liver, adrenals
keratin pearls + intracellular bridging
squamous cell
central location tumors
squamous cell, small cell
peripheral location tumors
adenocarcinoma, large cell
linked to smoking
sqamous cell, small cell
sqamous cell
most common in non smokers + females
ectopic ACTH, ADH
small cell
Lambert Eaton syndrome
small cell
Kulchitksy cells
small cell
clara cells, type 2 pneumocytes
pancoast's tumor
carcinoma @ apex of lung that affects cervical sympathetic plexus --> horner's
which cancer presents like pneumonia
bronchioalveolar adenocarcinoma
which lung cancer has psammoma bodies
lobar pneumonia organisms
pneumococcus, Klebsiella
pneumonia: intra-alveolar exudate --> consolitation
bronchopenumonia organisms
S. aureus, H. flu, Klebsiella, S. pyogenes
pneumonia: patchy distribution
Atypical pneumonia organisms
viruses, mycoplasma, legionella, chlamydia
pneumonia: diffuse patchy inflammation localized to interstitial areas @ alveolar walls
lung abscess common organisms
S. aureus, anaerobes
low protein; d/t CHF, nephrotic syn, hepatic cirrhosis
high protein; cloudy; d/t malignancy, pneumonia, collagen vasc disease
Lymphatic pleural effusion
milky, TGs
what metaplasia in smokers
ciliated columnar --> squamous
most common cause of pneumonia in children > 1yr
most common cause of pneumonia in neonate
grp B strep, E. coli
endogenous flora pneumonia
S. pneumoniae
COPD exacerbation organism
H. flu
pneumonia after bat exposure
pneumonia after visiting S. Carolina, New Mexico, West TX